FSD2653 Finnish National Election Study 2011

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[a2] Interviewer id

[a3] Interviewer gender

[a4_1] Date of the interview: month

[a4_2] Date of the interview: day

[a6] Interview language

[k1] How interested are you in politics?

[k2_1] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Television debates and party leader interviews

[k2_2] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Television news and current affairs programmes

[k2_3] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Television entertainment programmes featuring politicians

[k2_4] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Radio programmes

[k2_5] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Newspaper articles

[k2_6] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Television advertisements

[k2_7] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Newspaper advertisements

[k2_8] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Web news covering elections e.g. newspaper websites

[k2_9] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Websites of the candidates and political parties

[k2_10] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Online diaries and blogs

[k2_11] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Candidate selectors on the Internet

[k2_12] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Social media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter

[k2_13] How much attention did you pay to media coverage of the parliamentary elections: Web videos of the candidates or political parties, e.g. YouTube

[k3] How often do you use the Internet?

[k4] Generally, that is, not only during elections, how often do you discuss politics and other social issues with other people?

[k5] How stable is your political party identification?

[k6] Which of the following groups would you say you belong to?

[k7] Which social class would you say you belong to?

[k8] How many different political parties have you voted for in parliamentary elections so far?

[k9_1] It is people's own business whether they want to use their right to vote or not

[k9_2] Democracy may have its problems but it is better than any other form of government

[k9_3] Important national issues should more often be decided in a referendum

[k9_4] I prefer to discuss politics and social issues with people who agree with my opinions

[k9_5] To support representative democracy, public debates on policy issues should be organised for ordinary people

[k9_6] I myself would like to attend public debates organised for ordinary people

[k9_7] I avoid people whose values, attitudes or opinions differ from my own

[k9_8] It is important to me that my candidate has a real chance of getting elected to the parliament

[k9_9] I think voting is a civic duty

[k9_10] In my opinion, the current Finnish electoral system works and there is no need to change it

[k9_11] If a voter so wished, he/she should be able to vote in parliamentary elections merely for a party without having to choose a candidate

[k10_1] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Write a letter to the editor

[k10_2] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Contact political decision-makers on an issue

[k10_3] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Sign a petition

[k10_4] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Involve myself in the activities of a political party

[k10_5] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Involve myself in the activities of some other voluntary/civic organisation

[k10_6] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Try to enhance environmental protection through my consumer choices

[k10_7] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Try to influence political or social issues through my consumer choices

[k10_8] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Join a consumer boycott

[k10_9] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Participate in peaceful demonstrations

[k10_10] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Demonstrate civil disobedience by participating in illegal, non-violent activities

[k10_11] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Participate in the kind of demonstrations that have previously involved violence

[k10_12] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Use violence to reach political goals

[k11] Are you a member of any political party?

[k12] During the last election campaign, were you contacted by a candidate or anyone from a party to persuade you to vote for them?

[k13] Have you ever participated in the work of the support group of a candidate in parliamentary elections?

[k14_1] In your opinion, whom should an elected member of parliament primarily represent? 1st most important

[k14_2] In your opinion, whom should an elected member of parliament primarily represent? 2nd most important

[k14_3] In your opinion, whom should an elected member of parliament primarily represent? 3rd most important

[k14_4] In your opinion, whom should an elected member of parliament primarily represent? 4th most important

[k14_5] In your opinion, whom should an elected member of parliament primarily represent? 5th most important

[k15_1] Voting is the only way in which ordinary people can have a say about how things are run

[k15_2] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with the problems of ordinary people

[k15_3] Politicians are not interested in the opinions of ordinary people

[k15_4] I have no say in what the government and parliament decide

[k15_5] Through political parties, citizens' opinions will be taken into consideration in decision-making

[k15_6] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions

[k15_7] Sometimes politics seems so complicated that I can't really understand what is going on

[k15_8] By voting people can have a say in how things are run

[k15_9] It doesn't really matter which parties form the government, policy decisions will be the same

[k15_10] Parties should announce clearly during the election campaign which parties they are willing to form a coalition government with

[q1a] What has been the most important issue to you personally in this election? (Open-ended)

[q1al] What has been the most important issue to you personally in this election? (Classified)

[q1b] What has been the second most important issue to you personally in this election? (Open-ended)

[q1bl] What has been the second most important issue to you personally in this election? (Classified)

[q2a] What do you think is the most important political problem facing Finland today? (Open-ended)

[q2al] What do you think is the most important political problem facing Finland today? (Classified)

[q2b] What do you think is the second most important political problem facing Finland today? (Open-ended)

[q2bl] What do you think is the second most important political problem facing Finland today? (Classified)

[q3a] Thinking of the most important political problem facing Finland, which political party do you think is best in dealing with it?

[q3b] Thinking of the second most important political problem facing Finland, which political party do you think is best in dealing with it?

[q4] Some people say that it doesn't make any difference who is in power. Others say that it makes a big difference who is in power. How much difference would you say it makes?

[q5] Some people say that no matter who people vote for, it will not make any difference to what happens. Others say that who people vote for can make a big difference to what happens. What would you say?

[q6] Thinking about the general performance of the Government, first under Matti Vanhanen and then under Mari Kiviniemi, how good or bad a job has it done over the past four years?

[q7] Would you say that any of the parties in Finland represent your views reasonably well?

(IF YES) [q7a] Which party represents your views best?

[q8] Regardless of how you feel about the parties, would you say any of the individual party leaders represent your views reasonably well?

(IF YES) [q8a] Which party leader represents your views best?

[q9a] Opinion on political parties. Rate the following parties on a scale from 0 (strongly dislike) to 10 (strongly like). Say if you haven't heard of the party or feel you do not know enough about it: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[q9b] Opinion on political parties: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[q9c] Opinion on political parties: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[q9d] Opinion on political parties: Left Alliance (VAS)

[q9e] Opinion on political parties: Green League (VIHR)

[q9f] Opinion on political parties: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[q9g] Opinion on political parties: Christian Democrats (KD)

[q9h] Opinion on political parties: True Finns (PS)

[q10a] Opinion on party leaders. Rate the following leaders on a scale from 0 (strongly dislike) to 10 (strongly like). Say if you haven't heard of the leader or feel you do not know enough about him/her: Mari Kiviniemi (KESK)

[q10b] Opinion on party leaders: Jyrki Katainen (KOK)

[q10c] Opinion on party leaders: Jutta Urpilainen (SDP)

[q10d] Opinion on party leaders: Paavo Arhinmäki (VAS)

[q10e] Opinion on party leaders: Anni Sinnemäki (VIHR)

[q10f] Opinion on party leaders: Stefan Wallin (RKP)

[q10g] Opinion on party leaders: Päivi Räsänen (KD)

[q10h] Opinion on party leaders: Timo Soini (PS)

[q11a] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place the Centre Party of Finland (KESK) on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?

[q11b] Using the same scale, where would you place: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[q11c] Using the same scale, where would you place: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[q11d] Using the same scale, where would you place: Left Alliance (VAS)

[q11e] Using the same scale, where would you place: Green League (VIHR)

[q11f] Using the same scale, where would you place: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[q11g] Using the same scale, where would you place: Christian Democrats (KD)

[q11h] Using the same scale, where would you place: True Finns (PS)

[q12a] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place party leader Mari Kiviniemi (KESK)

[q12b] Using the same scale, where would you place party leader Jyrki Katainen (KOK)

[q12c] Using the same scale, where would you place party leader Jutta Urpilainen (SDP)

[q12d] Using the same scale, where would you place party leader Timo Soini (PS)

[q13] Where would you place yourself on this left-right scale?

[q17] During the election campaign, would you say that there were differences between parties?

[q18] How closely did you follow the election campaigning?

[q19] How satisfied are you with the way democracy works in Finland?

[q20] Do you think of yourself as close to any particular party?

[q20a] Do you feel yourself a little closer to one of the political parties than the others?

[q20b] (IF q20 OR q20a = YES) Which party do you feel closest to?

[q20c] (IF MENTIONED A PARTY) Do you feel very close to this party, somewhat close, or not very close?

[q21] Nowadays many people do not vote in elections for some reason or other. Did you vote or not in these parliamentary elections? If you did vote, did you vote in advance or on the election day?

[q21a_1] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (1st mention)

[q21a_2] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (2nd mention)

[q21a_3] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (3rd mention)

[q21a_4] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (4th mention)

[q21a_5] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (5th mention)

[q21a_6] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (6th mention)

[q21a_7] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (7th mention)

[q21a_8] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (8th mention)

[q21a_9] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (9th mention)

[q21a_10] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (10th mention)

[q21a_11] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (11th mention)

[q21a_12] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (12th mention)

[q21a_13] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (13th mention)

[q21a_14] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (14th mention)

[q21a_15] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (15th mention)

[q21a_16] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (16th mention)

[q21a_17] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you had voted, the candidate of which party would you have voted for? (17th mention)

[q21c] (IF VOTED) The candidate of which party (or political group) did you vote for in these parliamentary elections?

[q22a] Did you consider voting for a candidate of any other party or group?

[q22b_1] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (1st mention)

[q22b_2] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (2nd mention)

[q22b_3] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (3rd mention)

[q22b_4] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (4th mention)

[q22b_5] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (5th mention)

[q22b_6] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (6th mention)

[q22b_7] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (7th mention)

[q22b_8] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (8th mention)

[q22b_9] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (9th mention)

[q22b_10] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (10th mention)

[q22b_11] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (11th mention)

[q22b_12] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (12th mention)

[q22b_13] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (13th mention)

[q22b_14] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (14th mention)

[q22b_15] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (15th mention)

[q22b_16] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (16th mention)

[q22b_17] (IF q22a = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (17th mention)

[q22c] And were there any parties (or groups) that you would never vote for?

[q22d_1] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (1st mention)

[q22d_2] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (2nd mention)

[q22d_3] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (3rd mention)

[q22d_4] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (4th mention)

[q22d_5] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (5th mention)

[q22d_6] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (6th mention)

[q22d_7] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (7th mention)

[q22d_8] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (8th mention)

[q22d_9] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (9th mention)

[q22d_10] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (10th mention)

[q22d_11] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (11th mention)

[q22d_12] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (12th mention)

[q22d_13] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (13th mention)

[q22d_14] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (14th mention)

[q22d_15] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (15th mention)

[q22d_16] (IF q22c = YES) Which party/parties or group(s) (16th mention)

[q23] Did you vote four years ago, in the 2007 parliamentary elections?

[q23b] (IF q23 = YES) The candidate of which political party or group did you vote for?

[q24a] Who of the following was the Finnish Foreign Minister in 2010?

[q24b] Which of the following parties has the fourth largest number of seats in the newly elected Parliament?

[q24c] Who is eligible to vote in Finnish parliamentary elections?

[q24d] What do you think is meant by a parliamentary system of government?

[q24e] What percentage of people living in Finland are foreign nationals?

[q24f] Which of the following is the largest group of foreign nationals residing in Finland?

[q24g] What is the European Union (EU) treaty that came into force at the end of the year 2009 called?

[k16_1] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Difficult to find a suitable party

[k16_2] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Difficult to find a suitable candidate

[k16_3] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Job or travel prevented me from voting

[k16_4] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Could not vote because of illness or advanced age

[k16_5] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Didn't remember to vote

[k16_6] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Simply couldn't be bothered to vote

[k16_7] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: I do not profit in any way from voting

[k16_8] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: I think one vote makes no difference to the outcome of an election

[k16_9] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: I distrust politicians and politics in general

[k16_10] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: As a protest against politics and politicians

[k16_11] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: I'm not interested in politics and don't care whether I vote or not

[k16_12] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Reasons for not voting in these elections: Campaign funding scandal of the parliamentary elections in 2007

[k17] (IF DID NOT VOTE) How self-evident was it to you that you were not going to vote?

[k18] (IF VOTED) For your voting choice, which was the more important, the party or the candidate?

[k19_1] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Performance of the party's representatives in election programmes on television

[k19_2] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Party looks after the interests of the occupational group I belong to

[k19_3] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Good party leader

[k19_4] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Values of the party

[k19_5] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Party has good policy on many current issues

[k19_6] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Party has competent people to conduct policies

[k19_7] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Performance of the party during the past parliamentary term

[k19_8] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Party's successful election campaign

[k19_9] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: In my opinion, the leader of this party is the best candidate to become prime minister

[k19_10] (IF VOTED) To what exent did the following influence your choice of party in these elections: Desire to influence which parties will be in the coalition government

[k20_1] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Campaign funding scandal during the past electoral term

[k20_2] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a cand. of the True Finns: Election poll success of the True Finns and confidence that candidates of the party would win seats in Parliament

[k20_3] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Qualities of party leader Timo Soini

[k20_4] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Qualities of the candidate I voted for

[k20_5] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Desire to make a protest vote in these parliamentary elections

[k20_6] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Distrust of the political party you previously voted for

[k20_7] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Distrust of the candidate you previously voted for

[k20_8] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Desire to stir the stagnant party system

[k20_9] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Desire to tighten the Finnish immigration system and immigrant benefits

[k20_10] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Desire to decrease Finland's commitment to the European Union and its membership obligations

[k20_11] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Opposing mandatory teaching of Swedish in Finnish schools

[k20_12] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Desire to reinforce traditional values in the Finnish society

[k20_13] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) To what extent did the following affect your decision to vote for a candidate of the True Finns: Promoting other political objectives of the True Finns

[k20b] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) Which of the mentioned or other factors was your main reason to vote for a candidate of the True Finns? (Open-ended)

[k20bl] (IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) Which of the mentioned or other factors was your main reason to vote for a candidate of the True Finns? (Classified)

[k21_1] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's age

[k21_2] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's gender

[k21_3] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's education

[k21_4] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's place of residence

[k21_5] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's prior experience in politics

[k21_6] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's reliability

[k21_7] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's ability to manage things

[k21_8] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's appearance and style

[k21_9] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate is a well-known public figure

[k21_10] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on different issues

[k21_11] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's party affiliation

[k21_12] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's election campaign and election advertising

[k21_13] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate had good chance of winning a seat to Parliament

[k21_14] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Openness/transparency of the candidate's campaign funding

[k21_15] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on immigration policy

[k21_16] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's answers in candidate selectors on the Internet

[k21_17] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Internet presence of the candidate or his/her political party

[k22] (IF VOTED) If your candidate had been running for any of the other parties, would you still have voted for him/her?

[k23] (IF VOTED) Did you vote for a candidate who is of the same gender as you?

[k24] (IF VOTED) What was the age of the candidate you voted for?

[k25] (IF VOTED) Did you vote for the same candidate in the previous parliamentary elections in 2007?

[k26] (IF VOTED) In what way was the candidate you voted for known to you?

[k27] (IF VOTED) When did you decide on the party you voted for?

[k28] (IF VOTED) When did you decide on the candidate you voted for?

[k29a] How should a member of parliament vote in parliament: If the voters in his/her constituency have one opinion and his/her party takes a different position?

[k29b] How should a member of parliament vote in parliament: If his/her own opinion on an issue does not correspond with the opinion of the voters in his/her constituency?

[k29c] How should a member of parliament vote in parliament: If his/her own opinion on an issue does not correspond with his/her party's position?

[k30_1] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: The President

[k30_2] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Political parties

[k30_3] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Parliament

[k30_4] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: The Government

[k30_5] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Politicians

[k30_6] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: European Union

[k30_7] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Judicial system

[k30_8] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Public officials

[k30_9] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland

[k30_10] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: The police

[k30_11] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = don't trust at all, 10 = completely trust), to what extent do you trust/mistrust: Trade unions and professional associations

[k31] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = can't be too careful, 10 = most people can be trusted), can people be trusted or is it so that you can never be too careful about them?

[d1] Respondent's year of birth

[d2] Responsent's gender

[d3_1] Respondent's basic education

[d3_2] Respondent's vocational education

[d4] Respondent's marital status

[d5_1] Does the respondent belong to any trade union or professional association and if yes, how actively does R participate in its activities?

[d5_2] Which of the following central organisations does the respondent's trade union or professional association belong to?

[d5_2a] What other central organisation does the respondent's trade union or professional association belong to? (Open-ended)

[d5_3] How many other than work- or profession-related associations does the respondent currently belong to? (Paying member)

[d5_3a] How many other than work or profession related associations does the respondent currently belong to? (Paying member) Altogether about...

[t1a] How much time do you usually spend watching television on ordinary weekdays? (Mon-Fri excluding holidays, active tv watching)

[t1b] (IF WATCHES TV) How much time do you usually spend watching television news or politics-related and current affairs programmes on ordinary weekdays? (Administration, social and public policy or related people)

[d10] Respondent's employment status

[d11] Respondent's profession (Open-ended)

[d11l] Respondent's profession (Classified)

[d12] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[d13] Type of employer

[d20] Total annual gross income of the respondent's household (including social benefits)

[d21_1] Total number of persons in the household

[d21_2] Number of people aged over 18 in the household

[d22_1] Number of children aged 7-17 in the household

[d22_2] Number of children aged six or under in the household

[d24] Would you describe yourself as ...

[d25] Do you belong to any church or religious community?

[d25a] What other church or religious community? (Open-ended)

[d26_1] Respondent's mother tongue

[d26_1a] Respondent's mother tongue: Other, what? (Open-ended)

[d26_2] What language(s) do you use at home?

[t2] Do you consider yourself a member of an ethnic minority in Finland? (a group defined for example by racial ancestry that you identify with or belong to)

[d30] Type of neighbourhood where R lives

[d30b] Did you live in your present constituency at the time of the 2007 parliamentary elections?

[d31] Respondent's constituency

[laani] Province of residence

[d32] Have you been unemployed in the past 12 months?

[d32a] For how many months altogether have you been unemployed in the past 12 months?

[d33a] Housing tenure

[kk_kieli] Language used in the face-to-face interview

[rekry] Respondent's willingness to complete the self-administered questionnaire

[p1_1] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections (please answer even if you did not vote): Tax policy

[p1_2] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Employment policy

[p1_3] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Income disparity

[p1_4] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Environmental issues

[p1_5] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Entrepreneurial and business activities

[p1_6] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Economy and competitiveness of Finland

[p1_7] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Care for the elderly

[p1_8] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Issues connected to children and families with children

[p1_9] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Social and welfare policy

[p1_10] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Health policy

[p1_11] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Fight against crime and possibility to live in safety

[p1_12] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Immigration policy

[p1_13] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Language policy

[p1_14] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Energy policy

[p1_15] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Nuclear power

[p1_16] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Education policy

[p1_17] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Housing policy

[p1_18] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Youth issues

[p1_19] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Foreign policy and security policy

[p1_20] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: EU policy

[p1_21] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Regional policy

[p1_22] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Circumstances of sexual minorities

[p1_23] How important were the following issues for your party choice in the elections: Traditional values and morals

[p2_1] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = very bad, 10 = very good, 5 = neither good nor bad), how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Increasing entrepreneurship and market economy

[p2_2] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Diminishing income disparities

[p2_3] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Christian values having a greater role

[p2_4] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: More law and order

[p2_5] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: More eco-friendly Finland, even if it meant low economic growth or no growth at all

[p2_6] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Better equality between men and women

[p2_7] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Traditional Finnish values being cherished

[p2_8] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: The status of families is reinforced

[p2_9] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: People stay in the work force longer

[p2_10] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: The status of sexual minorities is reinforced

[p2_11] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Lower taxation level

[p2_12] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Having two strong national languages, Finnish and Swedish

[p2_13] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: More internationally-oriented, less emphasis on boundaries between countries and peoples

[p2_14] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Smaller differences in regional development

[p2_15] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: A larger public sector

[p2_16] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Increased immigration

[p2_17] On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the following propositions about what Finland should focus on: Multicultural Finland where foreigners with different religions and lifestyles are tolerated

[p3_1] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = worst, 10 = best), how would you rate the following approaches to political desicion-making: Regular investigation of public opinion

[p3_2] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = worst, 10 = best), how would you rate the following approaches to political desicion-making: Letting experts of different fields make the decisions

[p3_3] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = worst, 10 = best), how would you rate the following approaches to political desicion-making: Promoting citizen participation in and discussion on important political decisions

[p3_4] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = worst, 10 = best), how would you rate the following approaches to political desicion-making: Letting elected politicians make the decisions

[p4a] On a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 = should be strongly decreased, 10 = should be strongly increased), what do you think about increasing or decreasing work-related immigration, that is, migration to Finland for work?

[p4b_1] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)

[p4b_2] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: National Coalition Party (KOK)

[p4b_3] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP)

[p4b_4] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: Left Alliance (VAS)

[p4b_5] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: Green League (VIHR)

[p4b_6] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)

[p4b_7] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: Christian Democrats (KD)

[p4b_8] Using the same scale, what kind of policy do you think Finnish political parties would adopt on work-related immigration: True Finns (PS)

[p5_1] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Family members, parents or relatives

[p5_2] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Work colleagues or fellow students

[p5_3] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Other friends and acquaintances

[p5_4] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Newspapers

[p5_5] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Television

[p5_6] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Radio

[p5_7] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Internet

[p5_8] How much important information did you get for your voting choice from: Mobile media

[p6_1] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following on the Internet: Sign a petition

[p6_2] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following on the Internet: Contact political decision-makers

[p6_3] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following on the Internet: Participate in discussions, e.g. commenting news media pages or political blogs

[p6_4] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following on the Internet: Donate money to a political party or candidate

[p6_5] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following on the Internet: Send and receive election-related emails or messages between family and friends

[p6_6] Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following on the Internet: Write about elections in your own blog

[p7_1] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Visited social media websites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)?

[p7_2] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Maintained your profile on a social networking page?

[p7_3] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Read blogs?

[p7_4] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Commented a blog/blogs?

[p7_5] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Written your own blog?

[p7_6] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Watched videos or listened to music made by others?

[p7_7] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Uploaded or published photos, videos, music, stories, articles etc. made by yourself?

[p7_8] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Written or edited articles e.g. on Wikipedia?

[p7_9] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Tagged websites, photos etc.?

[p7_10] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Read web forum discussions?

[p7_11] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Participated in web forum discussions?

[p7_12] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Started web forum discussions?

[p7_13] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Followed a campaign or an activity group?

[p7_14] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Participated in a campaign or an activity group?

[p7_15] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Started a campaign or an activity group?

[p7_16] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Spread information about different kinds of events in the web communities you belong to?

[p7_17] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Subscribed to RSS feeds?

[p7_18] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Listened to podcasts?

[p7_19] During the past month, which of the following have you done on the Internet and social media: Produced podcasts?

[p8] If it were possible to have a say through the Internet on issues that Parliament is handling that week, would you have a say?

[p9_1] Usually in an election I vote for a candidate of my own gender

[p9_2] It was important to me that my own gender would be well represented among decision-makers

[p9_3] It was important to me that the candidate could promote interests important for my gender

[p9_4] Men are better decision-makers than women

[p9_5] Women as decision-makers are better informed than men are on issues important to ordinary people

[p10] (IF VOTED) How easy or difficult was it for you to choose the party whose candidate you voted for?

[p11] (IF VOTED) How easy or difficult was it for you to find a suitable candidate?

[p12_1] In your opinion, is a male or a female MP better able to work on the following issues: Security policy?

[p12_2] In your opinion, is a male or a female MP better able to work on the following issues: Economic policy?

[p12_3] In your opinion, is a male or a female MP better able to work on the following issues: Social policy?

[p12_4] In your opinion, is a male or a female MP better able to work on the following issues: Immigration policy?

[p12_5] In your opinion, is a male or a female MP better able to work on the following issues: Equality policy?

[p13_1] Members of parliament would help our country more if they stopped talking and concentrated on solving real problems

[p13_2] What making compromises in politics really means is selling one's principles

[p13_3] Things would be better in Finland if successful corporate managers made the decisions

[p13_4] Things would be better in Finland if independent experts made the decisions instead of politicians and citizens

[p13_5] The Finnish government would function better if it were managed like an enterprise

[p13_6] Political parties ought be banned in politics

[p13_7] There ought to be an upper limit to political campaign expenditure

[p13_8] Direct contacts between interest groups and members of parliament ought to be banned

[p13_9] What Finland needs are strong leaders who can restore law and order

[p13_10] It is important that members of parliament thoroughly discuss and debate issues before decision-making

[p13_11] Refugees and immigrants should be entitled to the same social security benefits as the Finns even when they do not have Finnish citizenship

[p13_12] Immigration poses a serious threat to Finland's unique national culture

[p13_13] The problem with democracy is that most people do not really know what is best for them

[p13_14] Most people have enough sense to tell whether the government is doing a good job

[p14_1] All in all, EU membership has been a good thing for Finland

[p14_2] Finland should reinforce Nordic co-operation

[p14_3] Finland should leave the EU

[p14_4] Finland should be actively involved in developing defence co-operation in the EU

[p14_5] Finland's participation in international crisis management operations is a good thing

[p14_6] Finland should join NATO

[p15] Which is more important in a democratic society: letting the majority decide or protecting the needs and rights of minorities?

[p16] A thinks people should have more freedom of choice between privately and publicly provided services, or between different public service providers. B thinks there is already enough choice. Do you agree more with A or B?

[p17] A thinks Finnish social reforms have gone too far, and people should be able to manage more often without social security benefits. B thinks that social reforms should be kept at least at present level. Do you agree more with A or B?

[p18_1] How do you think the following are now, compared to the past two years: Finnish economy

[p18_2] How do you think the following are now, compared to the past two years: Your personal or family's financial situation

[p18_3] How do you think the following are now, compared to the past two years: Employment situation in Finland

[p18_4] How do you think the following are now, compared to the past two years: Your personal or family's employment situation

[p19_1] How do you expect the following to be two years from now, compared to the present situation: Finnish economy

[p19_2] How do you expect the following to be two years from now, compared to the present situation: Your personal or family's financial situation

[p19_3] How do you expect the following to be two years from now, compared to the present situation: Employment situation in Finland

[p19_4] How do you expect the following to be two years from now, compared to the present situation: Your personal or family's employment situation

[p20] On the whole, how satisfied or unsatisfied are you with your personal financial situation?

[p21] On the whole, how satisfied or unsatisfied are you with your life?

[p22_1] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts (you can also connect them with both concepts or neither): Bourgeoisie?

[p22_2] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Strong public sector?

[p22_3] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Working class?

[p22_4] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Conservatism?

[p22_5] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Narrowing income disparities?

[p22_6] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Progress and social reform?

[p22_7] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Strong role of the government in economic policy?

[p22_8] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Eco-friendliness?

[p22_9] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Being pro-immigration?

[p22_10] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Support for entrepreneurship?

[p22_11] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Being pro-globalisation?

[p22_12] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Which of the following would you connect with one of these concepts: Traditional values?

[p23a] People have different views on political decision-making. What are your own views? In politics it is important to...

[p23b] People have different views on political decision-making. What are your own views? Political decisions should be made by...

[p23c] People have different views on political decision-making. What are your own views? Political decisions should be made by...

[p24_1] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Parliament

[p24_2] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: The Government

[p24_3] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: The President

[p24_4] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Municipal decision-makers

[p24_5] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland

[p24_6] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: The media

[p24_7] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Voluntary/civic organizations

[p24_8] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Banks

[p24_9] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: The police

[p24_10] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Political parties

[p24_11] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Finnish defence forces

[p24_12] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Businesses

[p24_13] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Employer organizations

[p24_14] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Trade unions and professional associations

[p24_15] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Public officials

[p24_16] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: European Union

[p24_17] How much influence do you think the following actors have on the development of the Finnish society at present: Universities and research institutes

[p25] To what extent did you follow the campaign funding debate of the past few years?

[p26] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of politicians? My views of politicians became...

[p27_1] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the Centre Party of Finland (KESK) became...

[p27_2] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the National Coalition Party (KOK) became...

[p27_3] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP) became...

[p27_4] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the Left Alliance (VAS) became...

[p27_5] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the Green League (VIHR) became...

[p27_6] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP) became...

[p27_7] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the Christian Democrats (KD) became...

[p27_8] Before the election, how did the campaign funding scandal affect your views of the following parties? My views of the True Finns (PS) became...

[p28] Would you be willing to (confidetially) tell who you voted for in the parliamentary elections for the statistical analysis of the data?

[p30] (IF VOTED AND WILLING TO TELL) Did you consider any other candidates?

[p31_1] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Extroverted, enthusiastic

[p31_2] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Critical, quarrelsome

[p31_3] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Dependable, self-disciplined

[p31_4] How would you describe yourself as a person, taking into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Anxious, easily upset

[p31_5] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Open to new experiences, complex

[p31_6] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Reserved, quiet

[p31_7] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Sympathetic, warm

[p31_8] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Disorganized, careless

[p31_9] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Calm, emotionally stable

[p31_10] How well do the following personality traits apply to you? Please take into account both traits mentioned. I see myself as: Conventional, uncreative

[pv_kieli] Language of the self-administered questionnaire

[kk_pv] Respondents who participated both in the face-to-face interview and in completing the self-administered questionnaire

[painopu] Weight variable (political party)

[weights] Updated weight variable, main questionnaire

[pvweight] Updated weight variable, self-administered questionnaire

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.