FSD2653 Finnish National Election Study 2011

Valitse muuttuja


(IF VOTED FOR TRUE FINNS) Which of the mentioned or other factors was your main reason to vote for a candidate of the True Finns? (Classified)


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Change, protest, regime change, opportunity to influence 1 51
Immigration policy, curbing immigration 2 26
Portugal bailout, opposing financ. support to EU countries 3 9
Growth of social inequality, poverty, for the poor 4 6
Timo Soini, party leader 5 10
Trustworthy, honest, listens, lost confidenc in former party 6 6
Gen. issues and objectives of the party, shared views 7 6
Trad. values, maintaining values, patriotism, conservatism 8 8
Generally a good party, shows competence 9 2
Understandable message, outspokenness, clarity 10 5
Familiar/particular/good candidate 11 15
General EU policy, opposing the power of the EU 12 10
Unemployment and youth unemployment policies 13 4
Campaign funding scandal, wrongdoings 14 1
Acts for ordinary people, for the working class 15 1
Something else: persuasion, candidate selector, fashion 16 10
Can't say 19 14
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 184
maksimi 19
minimi 1
keskiarvo 6.55
keskihajonta 5.880

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