FSD2687 Substance Abuse Treatment: Clients of Outpatient Clinics 2008

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Substance Abuse Treatment: Clients of Outpatient Clinics 2008

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  • Saarnio, Pekka (University of Tampere. Department of Social Policy and Social Work)

Other Identification/Acknowledgements

  • Knuuttila, Vesa


The survey studied Finnish people with substance abuse problems, their treatment and rehabilitation process, and the success of treatment. The participants were clients of outpatient clinics who were asked to fill in questionnaires at different stages of the rehabilitation process.

At the beginning of the the treatment, themes pertained to the respondents' background, use of substances and perceptions on treatment. Questions covered their recent substance use and frequency, longest period of sobriety, contacts with other substance abusers, experiences of sexual abuse, attitude towards the principles and activities of AA/NA groups, and religiosity. Treatment history and views on the beginning treatment were charted with questions focusing on whether the respondents had been a client of that particular clinic before, whether they had sought treatment voluntarily, what their goals regarding treatment were, which gender they wished their therapist to be, the importance of medication during treatment, belief in the success of treatment and whether recovery happens as a result of the therapist's or the respondents' own actions.

After six months of treatment, the respondents were again asked about their substance use and frequency, periods of sobriety and contacts with other substance abusers. Questions were also asked about their attendance in AA/NA group activities and other treatment, and their satisfaction with the help and support received from the therapist.

The data further include responses to AASE questionnaire (The Alcohol Addiction Self-Efficacy Scale) that measures a person's ability to abstain from substance abuse. The respondents' impressions on their negative emotions as well as their readiness to change were investigated with STAXI (State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory) and URICA (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment) questionnaires.

The variables W1T-W3A include responses of both the clients and their therapists to the question about how well they have been able to cooperate. These responses were collected at the end of the first and third therapy sessions. Additionally, the data include a variable that the therapist recorded (KDI-variable) which provides information on whether the treatment period was finished as planned.

A separate survey was conducted for the therapists of the respondents in this study (see FSD2688 and FSD2689).


addiction; alcoholism; drug abuse; illegal drugs; rehabilitation; social problems

Topic Classification


Substance Abuse Treatment


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Data Collector

  • Saarnio, Pekka (University of Tampere. Department of Social Policy and Social Work)
  • Knuuttila, Vesa

Time Period Covered


Collection Dates

2008-01-01 – 2008-12-31



Geographical Coverage


Analysis/Observation Unit Type



Clients of outpatient clinics in Western and Southern Finland who had started their treatment between 1 January and 30 June 2008

Time Method


Sampling Procedure

Non-probability: Purposive

The survey was conducted in seven outpatient clinics in Western and Southern Finland. The clinics were chosen on the basis of geography and population. All the willing clients of the clinics, who had sought treatment between January and July in 2008, were given a chance to participate in the survey. Data were collected in the first treatment session as well as later on during the treatment.

Collection Mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Data File Language

Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.

The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: Finnish.

FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.

Data Version


Related Datasets

FSD2688 Substance Abuse Treatment: Therapists of Outpatient Clinics 2008

FSD2689 Substance Abuse Treatment: Outpatient Clinic Therapist Responses to Frame Stories 2008


There are no weight variables in the data.

Citation Requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical Citation

Saarnio, Pekka (University of Tampere): Substance Abuse Treatment: Clients of Outpatient Clinics 2008 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2012-01-05). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2687

Deposit Requirement

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Related Publications Tooltip

Knuuttila, V. & Kuusisto, K. & Saarnio, P. & Nummi, T. (2012). Effect of early working alliance on retention in outpatient substance abuse treatment. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. Volume 25, 2012. Issue 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2012.707116

Kuusisto, Katja & Knuuttila, Vesa & Saarnio, Pekka (2011) Clients' Self-efficacy and Outcome Expectations: Impact on Retention and Effectiveness in Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment 10(4), 157-168.

Kuusisto, K. Artkoski, T. & Saarnio, P. (2011) Päihdehoidon naistyöntekijä ja asiakkaan sukupuoli. Naistutkimus 24 (1), 30-42.

Artkoski, Tytti & Saarnio, Pekka (2011) Therapist effects in substance abuse treatment: a naturalistic study. Journal of Substance Use, 2011; Early Online: 1-12.

Knuuttila, V., Kuusisto, K., Saarnio, P. and Nummi, T. (2012), Early working alliance in outpatient substance abuse treatment: Predicting substance use frequency and client satisfaction. Clinical Psychologist, 16: 123-135. doi:10.1111/j.1742-9552.2012.00049.x

Knuuttila, V., Kuusisto, K., Saarnio, P. and Nummi, T. (2012). Effect of early working alliance on retention in outpatient substance abuse treatment. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. Volume 25, 2012. Issue 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2012.707116

Knuuttila, Vesa & Kuusisto, Katja & Saarnio, Pekka. (2011). Client characteristics and therapist style: A combined analysis of impact on retention and effectiveness in outpatient substance abuse treatment. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 28. DOI: 10.2478/v10199-011-0028-x

Kuusisto, K., Knuuttila, V., & Saarnio, P. (2011). Pre-Treatment Expectations in Clients: Impact on Retention and Effectiveness in Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 39(3), 257-271. doi:10.1017/S1352465810000846

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Kuusisto, Katja & Artkoski, Tytti (2013) The female therapist and the client's gender. Clinical Nursing Studies 1(3), 32-56. https://doi.org/10.5430/cns.v1n3p39

Saarnio, Pekka, Kuusisto, Katja & Artkoski, Tytti (2015) Päihdeasiakkaan profiili: kuvaileva tutkimus avopäihdehoidon asiakkaista. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti 52(3), 237-242.

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