FSD2924 Well-Being of LGBTIQ Youth 2013

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[vastaika] Date and time of responding

[q1] Year of birth

[q2] Type of municipality of residence

[q3] Major region (NUTS2)

[q4_1] Who do you live with: My guardian(s)

[q4_2] Who do you live with: Guardians live in separate addresses, I live with both

[q4_3] Who do you live with: Guardian's spouse/partner who is not my parent

[q4_4] Who do you live with: Other relatives

[q4_5] Who do you live with: Sibling(s) or step-sibling(s)

[q4_6] Who do you live with: I live in a dormitory

[q4_7] Who do you live with: I live in a children's home

[q4_8] Who do you live with: I share a flat with others

[q4_9] Who do you live with: I live alone

[q4_10] Who do you live with: My spouse/partner

[q4_11] Who do you live with: Own or spouse's child

[q4_12] Who do you live with: I am homeless

[q4_13] Who do you live with: Other

[q4_13a] Who do you live with: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q5_1] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Mother

[q5_2] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Other mother

[q5_3] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Father

[q5_4] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Other father

[q5_5] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Stepmother

[q5_6] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Stepfather

[q5_7] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Some other important adult (e.g. guardian's spouse, relative)

[q5_8] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Sister(s), biological

[q5_9] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Brother(s), biological

[q5_10] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Stepsister(s)

[q5_11] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Stepbrother(s)

[q5_12] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Steady partner

[q5_13] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Own spouse(s)

[q5_14] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Own or spouse's children

[q5_15] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Other

[q5_15a] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q5_16] Who belong to your family (also important family members who do not live with you): Other siblings

[q6] Are you a school pupil or a student?

[q7] Which type of education are you currently pursuing?

[q7a] Which type of education are you currently pursuing? Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q8] What is the highest level of education you have attained?

[q8a] What is the highest level of education you have attained? Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q9] Have you ever dropped out of an educational programme?

[q9a] Have you ever dropped out of an educational programme? Please specify (open-ended)

[q10] What is your current economic activity and occupational status?

[q10a] What is your current economic activity and occupational status? Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q11] (IF UNEMPLOYED OR LAID-OFF) How long have you now been consistently unemployed or laid-off? Estimate the time in months.

[q12] What is your first language?

[q13] Do you belong to an ethnic minority in Finland (e.g. nationality, culture, skin colour)?

[q14_1] What is the highest level of education your parents have attained: Parent 1

[q14_2] What is the highest level of education your parents have attained: Parent 2

[q14_3] What is the highest level of education your parents have attained: Parent 3

[q14_4] What is the highest level of education your parents have attained: Parent 4

[q15] Which of the following best corresponds to your perception of the social class your parents belong to?

[q16] Do you belong to a religious community?

[q17] Do you belong to a religious community? Which?

[q18] What is your monthly income before taxes? Include any allowance, study grants and other social security benefits as well as salary and scholarships.

[q19_1] Do you identify as: A woman/girl

[q19_2] Do you identify as: A man/boy

[q19_3] Do you identify as: Other

[q19_3a] Do you identify as: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q20_1] How do you experience your gender expression: Masculine

[q20_2] How do you experience your gender expression: Feminine

[q20_3] How do you experience your gender expression: Androgynous

[q21_1] How do you think others experience your gender expression: Masculine

[q21_2] How do you think others experience your gender expression: Feminine

[q21_3] How do you think others experience your gender expression: Androgynous

[q22] What is the sex assigned to you at birth?

[q23_1] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: None

[q23_2] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

[q23_3] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (PAIS)

[q23_4] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS)

[q23_5] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis

[q23_6] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Complete or Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis

[q23_7] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Turner syndrome

[q23_8] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Klinefelter syndrome

[q23_9] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Other

[q23_9a] Have you been diagnosed with any of the following conditions known as forms of intersex: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q24] Are you trans?

[q25_1] Which of the following best describe you currently: Trans, transgender, third gender

[q25_2] Which of the following best describe you currently: Agender, genderless

[q25_3] Which of the following best describe you currently: Transsexual, trans woman, trans man

[q25_4] Which of the following best describe you currently: Male/female with trans background

[q25_5] Which of the following best describe you currently: Transvestite

[q25_6] Which of the following best describe you currently: Queer, gender bender

[q25_7] Which of the following best describe you currently: Unsure how I wish to define myself

[q25_8] Which of the following best describe you currently: None of these alternatives describe me

[q25_9] Which of the following best describe you currently: Other

[q25_9a] Which of the following best describe you currently: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q26_1] How do you perceive your gender: Intersex

[q26_2] How do you perceive your gender: Intersex female

[q26_3] How do you perceive your gender: Intersex male

[q26_4] How do you perceive your gender: Female

[q26_5] How do you perceive your gender: Male

[q26_6] How do you perceive your gender: Trans

[q26_7] How do you perceive your gender: Queer, third gender

[q26_8] How do you perceive your gender: Other

[q26_8a] How do you perceive your gender: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q27] How old were you when you were diagnosed with an intersex condition?

[q28] Has your intersexuality been kept secret from you?

[q29] As a child or teen, have medical operations been performed on you relating to sex?

[q29_2a] As a child or teen, have medical operations been performed on you relating to sex? Yes, please specify (open-ended)

[q29_3a] As a child or teen, have medical operations been performed on you relating to sex? Can't say (open-ended)

[q30] How old were you when you were told about being intersex?

[q31_1] Who told you about it: Parent

[q31_2] Who told you about it: Other guardian

[q31_3] Who told you about it: Other family member

[q31_4] Who told you about it: Physician

[q31_5] Who told you about it: Other health care professional

[q31_6] Who told you about it: Someone else

[q31_6a] Who told you about it: Someone else, please specify (open-ended)

[q32_1] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Family (parents, siblings)

[q32_2] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Steady partner(s)

[q32_3] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Own children

[q32_4] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Relatives

[q32_5] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Close friends

[q32_6] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Teachers, school staff

[q32_7] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Classmates

[q32_8] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Work colleagues

[q32_9] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Hobbies

[q32_10] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q32_11] Who are you open to about being intersex and who do you hide it from: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q33_1] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Family (parents, siblings)

[q33_2] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Steady partner(s)

[q33_3] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Own children

[q33_4] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Relatives

[q33_5] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Close friends

[q33_6] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Teachers, school staff

[q33_7] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Classmates

[q33_8] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Work colleagues

[q33_9] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Hobbies

[q33_10] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q33_11] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being intersex: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q34_1] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: I have not told anyone about being intersex

[q34_2] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Information

[q34_3] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a person I knew and trusted

[q34_4] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a professional

[q34_5] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with peers

[q34_6] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: That a person close to me would discuss it with me

[q34_7] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Help and support in telling other people

[q34_8] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Mental support

[q34_9] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from family

[q34_10] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from partner

[q34_11] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: I did not feel like I needed anything special

[q34_12] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Other

[q34_12a] When you told people about being intersex for the first times, what were you looking for: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q35_1] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Friends

[q35_2] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Partner

[q35_3] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Parents

[q35_4] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Siblings

[q35_5] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Relatives

[q35_6] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Children

[q35_7] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Support received at workplace

[q35_8] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Peer support online

[q35_9] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Peer support in a group or association

[q35_10] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Peer support by friend

[q35_11] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Professional help

[q35_12] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Expressing oneself

[q35_13] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Honesty toward oneself

[q35_14] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Life in the desired gender role

[q35_15] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Having others see me in the gender role that I want

[q35_16] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Subsiding gender dysphoria

[q35_17] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Support received in hobbies

[q35_18] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Support received from religious community

[q35_19] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Fantasies, imaginary world

[q35_20] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Changes in own sexual orientation

[q35_21] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Changes brought on by hormonal therapy

[q35_22] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Other treatments

[q35_23] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Other

[q35_23a] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that being intersex is hard to accept: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q36_1] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your current situation with regard to your gender

[q36_2] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Support you have received in your family

[q36_3] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Support you have received from other people in your life

[q36_4] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Medical services you have received relating to intersexuality

[q37] If you are a transvestite man or boy, how often do you feel the need to dress in women's clothes? If you are a transvestite woman or girl, how often do you feel the need to dress in men's clothes?

[q38] How do you express your femininity (if you are male) or your masculinity (if you are female) at work or school?

[q39] Does the need to cross-dress increase after stressful situations?

[q40] How old were you when you first broke norms related to dressing and dressed in clothes that you were not expected to wear (e.g. wearing girls' clothes as a boy)?

[q41] How old were you when you expressed to someone or discussed for the first time that you may be or are a transvestite?

[q42_1] Who did you discuss it with: Parent

[q42_2] Who did you discuss it with: Other guardian

[q42_3] Who did you discuss it with: Other family member

[q42_4] Who did you discuss it with: Friend

[q42_5] Who did you discuss it with: Person met online

[q42_6] Who did you discuss it with: (Mental) health care professional

[q42_7] Who did you discuss it with: Peer support network

[q42_8] Who did you discuss it with: Other

[q42_8a] Who did you discuss it with: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q43_1] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Family (parents, siblings)

[q43_2] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Steady partner(s)

[q43_3] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Own children

[q43_4] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Relatives

[q43_5] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Friends not belonging to the trans community

[q43_6] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Friends belonging to the trans community

[q43_7] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Teachers, school staff

[q43_8] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Classmates

[q43_9] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Work colleagues

[q43_10] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Hobbies

[q43_11] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q43_12] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q43_13] Who are you open to about your transvestism and who do you hide it from: Municipality of residence

[q44_1] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Family (parents, siblings)

[q44_2] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Steady partner(s)

[q44_3] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Own children

[q44_4] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Relatives

[q44_5] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Friends, trans or transvestite

[q44_6] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Friends, others

[q44_7] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Teachers, school staff

[q44_8] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Classmates

[q44_9] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Work colleagues

[q44_10] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Hobbies

[q44_11] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q44_12] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you wanting to cross-dress: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q45_1] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: I have not told anyone about being transvestite

[q45_2] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Information

[q45_3] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a person I knew and trusted

[q45_4] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a professional

[q45_5] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with peers

[q45_6] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: That a person close to me would discuss it with me

[q45_7] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Help and support in telling other people

[q45_8] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Mental support

[q45_9] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from family

[q45_10] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from partner

[q45_11] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: I did not feel like I needed anything special

[q45_12] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Other

[q45_12a] When you told people about your transvestism for the first times, what were you looking for: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q46_1] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Friends

[q46_2] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Partner

[q46_3] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Parents

[q46_4] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Siblings

[q46_5] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Relatives

[q46_6] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Children

[q46_7] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Support received at workplace

[q46_8] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Peer support online

[q46_9] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Peer support in group or association

[q46_10] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Peer support by friend

[q46_11] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Professional help

[q46_12] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Expressing oneself

[q46_13] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Honesty toward oneself

[q46_14] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Life in the desired gender role

[q46_15] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Having others see me in the gender role that I want

[q46_16] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Subsiding gender dysphoria

[q46_17] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Support received in hobbies

[q46_18] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Support received from religious community

[q46_19] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Fantasies, imaginary world

[q46_20] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Changes in own sexual orientation

[q46_21] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Other

[q46_21a] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your need to cross-dress is hard to accept: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q47_1] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your current situation in expressing other gender roles

[q47_2] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Support you have received in your family

[q47_3] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Support you have received from other people in your life

[q48] Have you ever done or considered doing something to reassign your sex? (e.g. changes to clothing, name or body, hormonal therapy)

[q49] How old were you when you first noticed that your own experience of your gender contradicted the expectations in your environment?

[q50] How old were you when you expressed to someone or discussed for the first times that your own experience of your gender contradicted the expectations in your environment?

[q51_1] Who did you discuss it with: Parent

[q51_2] Who did you discuss it with: Other guardian

[q51_3] Who did you discuss it with: Other family member

[q51_4] Who did you discuss it with: Friend

[q51_5] Who did you discuss it with: Someone else

[q51_5a] Who did you discuss it with: Someone else, please specify (open-ended)

[q52] How old were you when you thought for the first times that 'trans' or some other similar term could describe your experience of your gender?

[q53_1] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Family (parents, siblings)

[q53_2] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Steady partner(s)

[q53_3] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Own children

[q53_4] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Relatives

[q53_5] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Friends not belonging to the trans community

[q53_6] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Friends belonging to the trans community

[q53_7] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Teachers, school staff

[q53_8] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Classmates

[q53_9] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Friends from university / university of applied sciences

[q53_10] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Work colleagues

[q53_11] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Hobbies

[q53_12] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q53_13] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Acquaintances I've met online

[q53_14] Who are you open to about being trans (either currently or in the past) and who do you hide it from: Residential area / Municipality of residence

[q54_1_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have no experience of this service

[q54_1_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have always been open about it

[q54_1_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have left it unannounced

[q54_1_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have kept it a secret

[q54_1_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_2_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have no experience of this service

[q54_2_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have always been open about it

[q54_2_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have left it unannounced

[q54_2_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have kept it a secret

[q54_2_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_3_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have no experience of this service

[q54_3_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have always been open about it

[q54_3_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have left it unannounced

[q54_3_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have kept it a secret

[q54_3_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_4_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have no experience of this service

[q54_4_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have always been open about it

[q54_4_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have left it unannounced

[q54_4_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have kept it a secret

[q54_4_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_5_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have no experience of this service

[q54_5_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have always been open about it

[q54_5_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have left it unannounced

[q54_5_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have kept it a secret

[q54_5_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_6_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have no experience of this service

[q54_6_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have always been open about it

[q54_6_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have left it unannounced

[q54_6_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have kept it a secret

[q54_6_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_7_1] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have no experience of this service

[q54_7_2] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have always been open about it

[q54_7_3] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have left it unannounced

[q54_7_4] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have kept it a secret

[q54_7_5] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have refrained from using this service

[q54_7a] Have you left your gender identity or gender expression undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service, please specify (open-ended)

[q55_1] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Family (parents, siblings)

[q55_2] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Steady partner(s)

[q55_3] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Own children

[q55_4] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Relatives

[q55_5] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Friends, trans

[q55_6] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Friends, others

[q55_7] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Teachers, school staff

[q55_8] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Classmates

[q55_9] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Friends from university / university of applied sciences

[q55_10] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Work colleagues

[q55_11] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Hobbies

[q55_12] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q55_13] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q55_14] What sort of an attitude do the following people have concerning you being trans: Residential area, municipality of residence

[q56_1] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: I have not told anyone about being trans

[q56_2] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Information

[q56_3] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a person I knew and trusted

[q56_4] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a professional

[q56_5] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with peers

[q56_6] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: That a person close to me would discuss it with me

[q56_7] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Help and support in telling other people

[q56_8] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Mental support

[q56_9] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from family

[q56_10] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from partner

[q56_11] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: I did not feel like I needed anything special

[q56_12] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Other

[q56_12a] When you were considering coming out as trans, what were you looking for: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q57_1] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My parents disowning me if I reveal my gender identity

[q57_2] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My parents asking me to move out of their home if I reveal my gender identity

[q57_3] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My religious community pressuring me if I am open about my gender identity

[q57_4] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My religious community pressuring my parents if I am open about my gender identity

[q57_5] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at school if I am open about my gender identity

[q57_6] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at the workplace if I am open about my gender identity

[q57_7] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group in my sports team if I am open about my gender identity

[q57_8] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at a hobby if I am open about my gender identity

[q57_9] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Honour-based violence by my family or community due to my gender identity

[q58_1] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Field of study

[q58_1a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Field of study (open-ended)

[q58_2] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Career choice

[q58_2a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Career choice (open-ended)

[q58_3] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Performing military service

[q58_3a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Performing military service (open-ended)

[q58_4] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Obtaining an education

[q58_4a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Obtaining an education (open-ended)

[q58_5] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Dropping out of education

[q58_5a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Dropping out of education (open-ended)

[q58_6] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Moving away from home

[q58_6a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Moving away from home (open-ended)

[q58_7] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Relationships in childhood home

[q58_7a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Relationships in childhood home (open-ended)

[q58_8] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Romantic partners

[q58_8a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Romantic partners (open-ended)

[q58_9] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Relationships at school

[q58_9a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Relationships at school (open-ended)

[q58_10] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Relationships at the workplace

[q58_10a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Relationships at the workplace (open-ended)

[q58_11] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships: Leisure time choices

[q58_11a] Have attitudes concerning gender variance influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Leisure time choices (open-ended)

[q59_1] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Studying in another town

[q59_2] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Moving due to relationship

[q59_3] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Negative attitudes in own municipality

[q59_4] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Positive attitudes in new municipality

[q59_5] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Moving due to work

[q59_6] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Wish to experience new things

[q59_7] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Other reason

[q59_7a] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your gender expression or gender identity? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Other reason, please specify (open-ended)

[q60_1] Which of the following alternatives describes your situation about sex reassignment: I live according to my experienced gender (I have done all realignments I want)

[q60_2] Which of the following alternatives describes your situation about sex reassignment: I still plan on realigning features of my body to correspond with my self-image

[q60_3] Which of the following alternatives describes your situation about sex reassignment: I am in the process of realigning my body and/or sex

[q60_4] Which of the following alternatives describes your situation about sex reassignment: Can't say

[q60_5] Which of the following alternatives describes your situation about sex reassignment: Not applicable

[q61_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Changing my name

[q61_2_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Clothing: Have done

[q61_2_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Clothing: Plan/wish to do

[q61_3_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Using a binder (binding breasts): Have done

[q61_3_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Using a binder (binding breasts): Plan/wish to do

[q61_4_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Using a bra: Have done

[q61_4_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Using a bra: Plan/wish to do

[q61_5] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Using silicone prostheses

[q61_6_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Hair/hairdo: Have done

[q61_6_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Hair/hairdo: Plan/wish to do

[q61_7_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Permanent hair removal: Have done

[q61_7_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Permanent hair removal: Plan/wish to do

[q61_8] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Legal gender

[q61_9_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Hormonal therapy: Have done

[q61_9_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Hormonal therapy: Plan/wish to do

[q61_10] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Breast implants

[q61_11] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Breast removal surgery

[q61_12] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Uterus removal surgery

[q61_13] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Testicle removal surgery

[q61_14] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Genital reassignment

[q61_15] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Facial surgery

[q61_16] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Vocal cord surgery

[q61_17] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Tracheal shave (Adam's apple reduction)

[q61_18] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Take hormones that postpone puberty so that I can decide later

[q61_19_1] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Other: Have done

[q61_19_2] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Other: Plan/wish to do

[q61_19a] Which realignments have you done or wish to do? Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q62_1] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Friends

[q62_2] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Partner

[q62_3] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Parents

[q62_4] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Siblings

[q62_5] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Relatives

[q62_6] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Children

[q62_7] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Support received at workplace

[q62_8] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Peer support online

[q62_9] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Peer support in a group or association

[q62_10] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Peer support by friend

[q62_11] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Professional help

[q62_12] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Expressing oneself

[q62_13] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Honesty toward oneself

[q62_14] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Life in the desired gender role

[q62_15] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Having others see me in the gender role that I want

[q62_16] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Subsiding gender dysphoria

[q62_17] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Support received in hobbies

[q62_18] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Support received from religious community

[q62_19] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Fantasies, imaginary world

[q62_20] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Changes in own sexual orientation

[q62_21] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Changes brought on by hormonal therapy

[q62_22] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other treatments

[q62_23] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other 1

[q62_23a] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other 1, please specify (open-ended)

[q62_24] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other 2

[q62_24a] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other 2, please specify (open-ended)

[q62_25] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other 3

[q62_25a] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt that your gender identity is hard to accept: Other 3, please specify (open-ended)

[q63_1] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your current situation with regard to your transition

[q63_2] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your current possibilities to express your gender

[q63_3] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: The treatments and therapy received during your transition

[q63_4] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: The support received concerning your trans experience

[q64_1] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Lesbian

[q64_2] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Gay

[q64_3] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Bi

[q64_4] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: I belong to a sexual minority

[q64_5] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Heterosexual

[q64_6] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Questioning

[q64_7] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Asexual

[q64_8] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Pan

[q64_9] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Queer

[q64_10] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Uncertain

[q64_11] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: I do not want to define

[q64_12] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Other

[q64_12a] Do you feel that one or more of the following describe your sexual orientation: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q65_1] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Lesbian

[q65_2] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Gay

[q65_3] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Bi

[q65_4] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: I belong to a sexual minority

[q65_5] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Heterosexual

[q65_6] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Questioning

[q65_7] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Asexual

[q65_8] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Pan

[q65_9] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Queer

[q65_10] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Uncertain

[q65_11] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: I do not want to define

[q65_12] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Other

[q65_12a] How do you define your sexual orientation when you talk about it with others: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q66_1] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I become infatuated with women/girls

[q66_2] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I become infatuated with men/boys

[q66_3] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I become infatuated with queer / trans / third-gender people

[q66_4] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I am interested in a relationship with a woman/girl

[q66_5] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I am interested in a relationship with a man/boy

[q66_6] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I am interested in a relationship with a queer / trans / third-gender person

[q66_7] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I am erotically interested in women/girls

[q66_8] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I am erotically interested in men/boys

[q66_9] Estimate your current romantic interest (infatuation, relationship) and erotic interest toward each of the following: I am erotically interested in queer / trans / third-gender people

[q67_1] Has your erotic interest toward the following changed during your life: Women

[q67_2] Has your erotic interest toward the following changed during your life: Men

[q67_3] Has your erotic interest toward the following changed during your life: Queer / trans / third-gender people

[q68] How old were you when you first noticed an interest toward people of the same gender?

[q69_1] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Family (parents, siblings)

[q69_2] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Steady partner(s)

[q69_3] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Own children

[q69_4] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Relatives

[q69_5] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Friends not belonging to a sexual minority

[q69_6] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Friends belonging to a sexual minority

[q69_7] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Teachers, school staff

[q69_8] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Classmates

[q69_9] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Friends from university / university of applied sciences

[q69_10] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Work colleagues

[q69_11] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Hobbies

[q69_12] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q69_13] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q69_14] Who are you open to about your sexual orientation and who do you hide it from: Residential area / municipality of residence

[q70_1] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Mother

[q70_2] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Father

[q70_3] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Other parent

[q70_4] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Siblings

[q70_5] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Steady partner(s)

[q70_6] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Own children

[q70_7] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Relatives

[q70_8] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Friends not belonging to a sexual minority

[q70_9] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Friends belonging to a sexual minority

[q70_10] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Teachers, school staff

[q70_11] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Classmates

[q70_12] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Friends from university / university of applied sciences

[q70_13] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Work colleagues

[q70_14] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Hobbies

[q70_15] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Community, e.g. neighbourhood, religious community

[q70_16] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Acquaintances/friends I've met online

[q70_17] What sort of an attitude do the following people currently have concerning your sexual orientation: Residential area / municipality of residence

[q71_1] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My parents disowning me if I reveal my sexual orientation

[q71_2] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My parents asking me to move out of their home if I reveal my sexual orientation

[q71_3] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My religious community pressuring me if I am open about my sexual orientation

[q71_4] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: My religious community pressuring my parents if I am open about my sexual orientation

[q71_5] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at school if I am open about my sexual orientation

[q71_6] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at the workplace if I am open about my sexual orientation

[q71_7] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at my sports team if I am open about my sexual orientation

[q71_8] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Being left outside of the group at a hobby if I am open about my sexual orientation

[q71_9] Have you at some point been afraid of the following: Honour-based violence by my family or community due to my sexual orientation

[q72_1_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have no experience of this service

[q72_1_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have always been open about it

[q72_1_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have left it unannounced

[q72_1_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have kept it a secret

[q72_1_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? School nurse / student health service: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_2_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have no experience of this service

[q72_2_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have always been open about it

[q72_2_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have left it unannounced

[q72_2_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have kept it a secret

[q72_2_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Health care services: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_3_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have no experience of this service

[q72_3_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have always been open about it

[q72_3_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have left it unannounced

[q72_3_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have kept it a secret

[q72_3_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Social welfare services: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_4_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have no experience of this service

[q72_4_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have always been open about it

[q72_4_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have left it unannounced

[q72_4_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have kept it a secret

[q72_4_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? The police: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_5_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have no experience of this service

[q72_5_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have always been open about it

[q72_5_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have left it unannounced

[q72_5_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have kept it a secret

[q72_5_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Military service: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_6_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have no experience of this service

[q72_6_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have always been open about it

[q72_6_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have left it unannounced

[q72_6_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have kept it a secret

[q72_6_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Teacher: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_7_1] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have no experience of this service

[q72_7_2] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have always been open about it

[q72_7_3] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have left it unannounced

[q72_7_4] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have kept it a secret

[q72_7_5] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service: I have refrained from using this service

[q72_7a] Have you left your sexual orientation undisclosed or kept it a secret in fear of inappropriate treatment from the following? Other service, please specify (open-ended)

[q73_1] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Field of study

[q73_1a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Field of study (open-ended)

[q73_2] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Career choice

[q73_2a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Career choice (open-ended)

[q73_3] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Performing military service

[q73_3a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Performing military service (open-ended)

[q73_4] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Obtaining an education

[q73_4a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Obtaining an education (open-ended)

[q73_5] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Dropping out of education

[q73_5a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Dropping out of education (open-ended)

[q73_6] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Moving away from home

[q73_6a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Moving away from home (open-ended)

[q73_7] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Relationships in childhood home

[q73_7a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Relationships in childhood home (open-ended)

[q73_8] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Romantic relationships

[q73_8a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Romantic relationships (open-ended)

[q73_9] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Relationships at school

[q73_9a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Relationships at school (open-ended)

[q73_10] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Relationships at the workplace

[q73_10a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Relationships at the workplace (open-ended)

[q73_11] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships: Leisure time choices

[q73_11a] Have attitudes concerning sexual orientation influenced your life choices or social relationships? If you want to, you can explain your responses: Leisure time choices (open-ended)

[q74_1] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Studying in another town

[q74_2] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Moving due to relationship

[q74_3] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Negative attitudes in own municipality

[q74_4] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Positive attitudes in new municipality

[q74_5] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Moving due to work

[q74_6] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Wish to experience new things

[q74_7] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Other reason

[q74_7a] Have you moved or considered moving away from your municipality of residence due to attitudes toward your sexual orientation? Which reasons did/do you have for moving: Other reason, please specify (open-ended)

[q75_1] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Friends

[q75_2] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Partner

[q75_3] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Parents

[q75_4] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Siblings

[q75_5] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Relatives

[q75_6] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Children

[q75_7] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Support received at workplace

[q75_8] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Peer support online

[q75_9] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Peer support in a group or association

[q75_10] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Peer support by friend

[q75_11] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Professional help

[q75_12] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Expressing oneself

[q75_13] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Honesty toward oneself

[q75_14] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Support received at hobbies

[q75_15] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Support received from religious community

[q75_16] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Fantasies, imaginary world

[q75_17] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Other

[q75_17a] Which of the following have supported you if you have felt your sexual orientation hard to accept: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q76_1] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: I have not thought about it

[q76_2] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: I do not feel that the question concerns me

[q76_3] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Information

[q76_4] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a person I knew and trusted

[q76_5] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with a professional

[q76_6] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: A chance to talk about it with peers

[q76_7] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: That a person close to me would discuss it with me

[q76_8] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Help and support in telling other people

[q76_9] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Mental support

[q76_10] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from family

[q76_11] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Support and acceptance from partner

[q76_12] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: I did not feel like I needed anything special

[q76_13] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Other

[q76_13a] When you were considering coming out with regard to your sexual orientation, what were you looking for: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q77_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I am proud of being gay/lesbian/bi

[q77_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I would not want to change my sexual orientation

[q77_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I wish I was straight

[q77_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I feel like a part of the gay/lesbian/bi community

[q77_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I cannot decide how to define my sexual orientation

[q77_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? My own sexual orientation has been a happy thing for me

[q77_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I consider carefully to whom I reveal my same-sex relationships

[q77_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? Admitting being gay/lesbian/bi to myself has been a difficult process

[q77_9] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I think a lot about how other people see me due to my sexual orientation

[q77_10] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? I feel that people belonging to a sexual minority are somehow better than straight people

[q77_11] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your sexual orientation? Belonging to a sexual minority is an important part of my life

[q78_1] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Mother(s) or female guardian

[q78_2] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Father(s) or male guardian

[q78_3] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Siblings

[q78_4] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Grandparents

[q78_5] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Other relatives

[q78_6] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Own children

[q78_7] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Other close adult

[q78_8] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Best friend

[q78_9] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Other friends

[q78_10] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Support person

[q78_11] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Partner/spouse

[q78_12] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Someone else

[q78_12a] How do you perceive your personal relationship with the following people: Someone else, please specify (open-ended)

[q79_1] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Psychologist

[q79_2] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Psychotherapist

[q79_3] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Teacher

[q79_4] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Youth worker

[q79_5] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: School nurse or school social worker

[q79_6] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Helpline employee

[q79_7] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Friend

[q79_8] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Parents

[q79_9] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Some other close adult

[q79_10] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Siblings

[q79_11] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Person I've met online

[q79_12] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Friend from a hobby

[q79_13] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse/partner

[q79_14] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: No one

[q79_15] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Someone else

[q79_15a] With whom have you discussed difficult issues: Someone else, please specify (open-ended)

[q80] How large a share of your friends belong to a sexual or gender minority?

[q81] How long has your longest relationship with one person been?

[q82] Are you currently in a steady relationship with one or more people?

[q83] What is the gender of your partner(s)?

[q84a] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Close relationships (open-ended)

[q84b] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Experiences relating to school or studying (open-ended)

[q84c] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Worklife experiences (open-ended)

[q84d] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Experiences of social welfare and health care services (open-ended)

[q84e] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Activities of Seta or other LGBT communities (open-ended)

[q84f] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Hobbies and youth activities (open-ended)

[q84g] If you want to, you can share experiences related to well-being concerning sexual identity, expression or orientation in different types of environments: Performing military service (open-ended)

[q85_1] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your state of health

[q85_2] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your financial situation

[q85_3] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your employment situation

[q85_4] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your housing situation

[q85_5] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your studying situation

[q85_6] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: The number of friends that you have

[q85_7] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Quality of your friendships

[q85_8] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your family relations (parents, siblings)

[q85_9] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Relationship with your own children

[q85_10] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following: Your romantic relationship(s)

[q86_1] Do you suffer from a permanent injury, long-term illness or diagnosed reduced physical capacity: No

[q86_2] Do you suffer from a permanent injury, long-term illness or diagnosed reduced physical capacity: Long-term illness

[q86_3] Do you suffer from a permanent injury, long-term illness or diagnosed reduced physical capacity: Permanent injury

[q87] If you want to, you can describe your injury, disability or illness and how it may have affected your well-being (open-ended)

[q88_1] How healthy would you consider the following aspects of your life: Eating habits

[q88_2] How healthy would you consider the following aspects of your life: Sporting habits

[q88_3] How healthy would you consider the following aspects of your life: Alcohol and substance use

[q88_4] How healthy would you consider the following aspects of your life: Using tobacco products

[q88_5] How healthy would you consider the following aspects of your life: Sleep (quality, amount, rhythm etc.)

[q89_1] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Stress

[q89_2] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Excessive alcohol use

[q89_3] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Smoking

[q89_4] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Narcotic use

[q89_5] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Weight

[q89_6] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Eating issues

[q89_7] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Violence you have experienced

[q89_8] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Feeling miserable, mental health

[q89_9] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Family (parents and siblings) issues

[q89_10] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Feelings of loneliness

[q89_11] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Friendships

[q89_12] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Romantic relationships

[q89_13] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Sexual health (problems, loss of libido etc.)

[q89_14] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: HIV and sexually transmitted diseases

[q89_15] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Use of anabolic steroids

[q89_16] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Use of hormones (not prescribed by a physician)

[q89_17] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Sex addiction

[q89_18] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Internet addiction

[q89_19] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Other health-related concerns

[q89_19a] How often have the following worried you about your personal life in the past four weeks: Other health-related concerns, please specify (open-ended)

[q90_1] Are your possible concerns in the previous question wholly or partially related to your sexual identity, expression or orientation: Sexual orientation

[q90_1a] Are your possible concerns in the previous question wholly or partially related to your sexual identity, expression or orientation: Sexual orientation, which concerns? (Open-ended)

[q90_2] Are your possible concerns in the previous question wholly or partially related to your sexual identity, expression or orientation: Gender identity or expression

[q90_2a] Are your possible concerns in the previous question wholly or partially related to your sexual identity, expression or orientation: Gender identity or expression, which concerns? (Open-ended)

[q91_1] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Alcohol and substance use

[q91_2] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Smoking

[q91_3] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Weight, eating issues

[q91_4] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Violence

[q91_5] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Depression, mental health

[q91_6] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Family issues

[q91_7] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Friendships or romantic relationships

[q91_8] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Sexual health

[q91_9] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Issues related to sexual orientation

[q91_10] If you have needed help with the following things concerning you, how well have you received it from school staff or (mental) health professionals: Issues related to gender expression or identity

[q92] What do you think of your weight? Do you think you are...

[q93_1] How tall are you and how much do you weigh (e.g. 180 cm and 80 kg)? Height

[q93_2] How tall are you and how much do you weigh (e.g. 180 cm and 80 kg)? Weight

[q94_1] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Face

[q94_2] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Breasts

[q94_3] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Stomach

[q94_4] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Buttocks

[q94_5] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Thighs

[q94_6] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Legs

[q94_7] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Feet

[q94_8] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Hands

[q94_9] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Arms

[q94_10] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your body and parts of your body: Genitals

[q95] Do you feel that you have some issues (small or big) related to eating?

[q96_1] Answer the following questions concerning eating: Do you try to vomit because you feel uncomfortably full?

[q96_2] Answer the following questions concerning eating: Are you concerned about not being able to control the amount of food you eat?

[q96_3] Answer the following questions concerning eating: Have you recently lost more than six kilograms in a period of three months?

[q96_4] Answer the following questions concerning eating: Do you believe that you are fat even though others claim that you are thin?

[q96_5] Answer the following questions concerning eating: Do you think that food controls your life?

[q97_1] How often do you do any of the following? Binge eating

[q97_2] How often do you do any of the following? Binge eating and vomiting

[q97_3] How often do you do any of the following? Finding it difficult to eat because I'm concerned I will gain weight

[q97_4] How often do you do any of the following? Avoiding food

[q97_5] How often do you do any of the following? Trying to lose weight

[q98] If you had to choose one aspect of your life that you are concerned or troubled by, what would it be? You can explain in as much detail as you want (open-ended)

[q99_1] I feel that I have value as a person, at least as much as everyone else

[q99_2] I believe that I have many good qualities

[q99_3] All in all I have to confess that I have failed in many things

[q99_4] I can do things just as well as other people

[q99_5] I do not have much to be proud of

[q99_6] I have a positive image of myself

[q99_7] Overall, I am satisfied with myself

[q99_8] I wish I could respect myself more

[q99_9] Of course I feel useless at times

[q99_10] Every once in a while I think that there is nothing good about me

[q100_1] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have felt hopeful about the future

[q100_2] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have felt useful

[q100_3] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have felt relaxed

[q100_4] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have dealt with issues well

[q100_5] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have been thinking clearly

[q100_6] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have felt closeness toward other people

[q100_7] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have been able to make my own decisions about things

[q100_8] Below are statements about feelings and thoughts. Choose the alternative that best corresponds to your experience in the past two weeks: I have felt happy

[q101_1] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Lack of interest toward things

[q101_2] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Inner anxiety and timidity

[q101_3] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Feelings of loneliness

[q101_4] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Feelings of tension and irritability

[q101_5] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Feeling low-spirited

[q101_6] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Sudden feeling of dread without reason

[q101_7] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Feelings of worthlessness

[q101_8] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Surprising feelings of dread or panic

[q101_9] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Feelings about the hopelessness of future

[q101_10] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Feeling so jittery that you could not sit still

[q101_11] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Thoughts about ending your life

[q101_12] How much did these problems trouble you in the past 7 days including today: Fearfulness

[q102_1] Do you currently have or have you previously had thoughts or attempts of hurting yourself or committing suicide: I have thought about hurting myself

[q102_2] Do you currently have or have you previously had thoughts or attempts of hurting yourself or committing suicide: I have hurt myself

[q102_3] Do you currently have or have you previously had thoughts or attempts of hurting yourself or committing suicide: I have thought about suicide

[q102_4] Do you currently have or have you previously had thoughts or attempts of hurting yourself or committing suicide: I have attempted suicide

[q103] Did hurting yourself have something to do with feelings related to your sexual orientation, physical features of your body, your gender identity or gender expression?

[q104_1] Estimate the amount of experience with sex that you have had in your life on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 = no experience at all and 5 = a lot of experience: With women/girls

[q104_2] Estimate the amount of sexual experience that you have had in your life on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 = no experience at all and 5 = a lot of experience: With men/boys

[q104_3] Estimate the amount of sexual experience that you have had in your life on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 = no experience at all and 5 = a lot of experience: With queer / trans / third-gender people

[q105_1] How old were you when you first: had sex with a female person

[q105_2] How old were you when you first: had sex with a male person

[q105_3] How old were you when you first: had sex with a third-gender person

[q105_4] How old were you when you first: had a steady female partner

[q105_5] How old were you when you first: had a steady male partner

[q105_6] How old were you when you first: had a steady third-gender partner

[q106_1] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have found it hard to receive information about safe sex

[q106_2] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have felt that I could not negotiate on safe sex

[q106_3] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have had sex that may have included the possibility of contracting HIV

[q106_4] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have consented to sex when I actually did not want to

[q106_5] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have consented to sex that turned out to be something I did not want

[q106_6] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have felt that I have too many sexual partners

[q106_7] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have felt that I have too few sexual partners

[q106_8] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have exchanged sex for money, items or services

[q106_9] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have offered someone money or items in exchange for sex

[q106_10] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have been so drunk that I have not been able to stop someone from having sex with me

[q106_11] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have gotten drunk in order to have the courage to have sex

[q106_12] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have been drugged

[q106_13] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have been offered money for sex / sexual favours

[q106_14] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have been afraid of sexual violence

[q106_15] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have been afraid of revealing my sexual orientation

[q106_16] Are you familiar with the following experiences: I have been afraid of revealing my trans background

[q107] How many sexual partners have you had during your life?

[q108_1] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Chlamydia

[q108_2] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Hepatitis

[q108_3] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Herpes

[q108_4] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Condyloma

[q108_5] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Syphilis

[q108_6] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Luetic disease (syphilis)

[q108_7] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Gonorrhoea

[q108_8] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: HIV

[q108_9] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: Don't know

[q108_10] Have you had any of the following sexually transmitted diseases during your life: None of the above

[q109_1] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: A person at least 5 years older than me tried to get me to go on a date with him/her when I was under 15 years old

[q109_2] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: Someone has suggested that I send pictures of myself naked or half-naked

[q109_3] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: Someone has suggested that I use a webcam and undress in front of it

[q109_4] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: Someone has tried to offer you money or items in exchange for sex (on the Internet or seeing a person you have originally met online)

[q109_5] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: I have seen a person in real life whom I originally met online, and this meeting led to being offered money in exchange for sex

[q109_6] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: It has turned out that a person I met on the Internet has lied about his/her identity

[q109_7] Have any of the following happened to you on the Internet: Someone has bullied me or spread false information about me

[q110_1] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Preferential treatment due to sexual orientation

[q110_2] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Discriminatory treatment due to sexual orientation

[q110_3] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Negative atmosphere (e.g. words, gestures, facial expressions) toward someone's sexual orientation

[q110_4] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Bullying related to a person's sexual orientation

[q110_5] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Preferential treatment due to gender expression

[q110_6] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Discriminatory treatment due to gender expression

[q110_7] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Negative atmosphere (e.g. words, gestures, facial expressions) toward someone's gender identity/expression

[q110_8] How usual do you find preferential treatment and how do you see the general atmosphere toward sexual and gender minorities: Bullying related to a person's gender identity and/or expression

[q111_1] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Parents

[q111_2] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Siblings

[q111_3] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Other relatives

[q111_4] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Partner(s)

[q111_5] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Nursery school teachers

[q111_6] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Teachers

[q111_7] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Friends

[q111_8] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Classmates

[q111_9] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: School nurse

[q111_10] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Doctor

[q111_11] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Coach/instructor at a hobby

[q111_12] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Work colleagues

[q111_13] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Employer

[q111_14] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Psychologist/therapist

[q111_15] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Religious community

[q111_16] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Someone else

[q111_16a] Have the following instructed or pressured you to behave according to traditional gender expectations: Someone else, please specify (open-ended)

[q112_1] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In public places during the day

[q112_2] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In public places in the evenings and during night time

[q112_3] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In public transport

[q112_4] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In events organised for gender/sexual minorities

[q112_5] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In bars/nightclubs for gender/sexual minorities

[q112_6] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In bars/nightclubs in general

[q112_7] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: On Internet sites where you use your real name

[q112_8] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: On Internet sites where you are anonymous

[q112_9] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: Meeting new people

[q112_10] How safe do you feel? Estimate your feeling of safety on a scale from one to five: In spaces separated by gender (bathrooms, locker rooms etc.)

[q113_1] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Name calling, ridiculing, taunting

[q113_2] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Ignoring or leaving out of the group

[q113_3] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Hitting, kicking or shoving

[q113_4] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Someone spreading false information to others with the purpose of offending you

[q113_5] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Someone stealing your money or things or breaking them

[q113_6] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Someone threatening you and forcing you to do things unwillingly

[q113_7] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Harassment through telephone or the Internet; messages, calls, pictures

[q113_8] How often have you experienced the following in the past year: Something else

[q114_1] Have any of the experiences mentioned in the previous question been related to you sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression: No

[q114_2] Have any of the experiences mentioned in the previous question been related to you sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression: Yes, sexual orientation

[q114_3] Have any of the experiences mentioned in the previous question been related to you sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression: Yes, gender identity and/or gender expression

[q114_4] Have any of the experiences mentioned in the previous question been related to you sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression: Yes, sexual orientation and gender identity and/or expression

[q115] Have you ever during your life experienced inappropriate treatment, harassment or threatening?

[q116_1] What type of inappropriate treatment or harassment: Sexual verbal harassment (insinuating, calling names etc.)

[q116_2] What type of inappropriate treatment or harassment: Sexual physical harassment (pinching, slapping etc.)

[q116_3] What type of inappropriate treatment or harassment: Verbal abuse (e.g. belittling accomplishments, calling inappropriate names)

[q116_4] What type of inappropriate treatment or harassment: Other harassment or inappropriate treatment

[q116_4a] What type of inappropriate treatment or harassment: Other harassment or inappropriate treatment, please specify (open-ended)

[q117_1] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Home

[q117_2] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Family

[q117_3] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: School

[q117_4] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Work

[q117_5] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Youth centres

[q117_6] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Hobbies

[q117_7] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Sports clubs

[q117_8] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Public cafés and bars

[q117_9] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Environments frequented by youth (e.g. shopping centres)

[q117_10] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Internet

[q117_11] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Buses and trains

[q117_12] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Streets

[q117_13] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Somewhere else

[q117_13a] Where have you experienced inappropriate treatment, bullying or discrimination: Somewhere else, please specify (open-ended)

[q118_1] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I skipped school

[q118_2] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I skipped physical education class

[q118_3] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I did not attend sports activities

[q118_4] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I did not attend hobbies

[q118_5] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I did not attend parish activities

[q118_6] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I did not go to work

[q118_7] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I did not go home

[q118_8] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I skipped other activities

[q118_8a] Have you ever done any of the following because you have at some point been treated negatively due to you sexual orientation or gender identity/expression: I skipped other activities, please specify (open-ended)

[q119_1_1] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and received support: Family member

[q119_1_2] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and received support: Friend

[q119_1_3] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and received support: Teacher

[q119_1_4] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and received support: Instructor/coach

[q119_1_5] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and received support: Superior

[q119_1_6] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and received support: Police officer

[q119_2_1] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and it did not help: Family member

[q119_2_2] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and it did not help: Friend

[q119_2_3] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and it did not help: Teacher

[q119_2_4] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and it did not help: Instructor/coach

[q119_2_5] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and it did not help: Superior

[q119_2_6] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and it did not help: Police officer

[q119_3_1] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and I was told that I am to blame: Family member

[q119_3_2] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and I was told that I am to blame: Friend

[q119_3_3] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and I was told that I am to blame: Teacher

[q119_3_4] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and I was told that I am to blame: Instructor

[q119_3_5] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and I was told that I am to blame: Superior

[q119_3_6] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and I was told that I am to blame: Police officer

[q119_4_1] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and the issue was attended to: Family member

[q119_4_2] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and the issue was attended to: Friend

[q119_4_3] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and the issue was attended to: Teacher

[q119_4_4] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and the issue was attended to: Instructor/coach

[q119_4_5] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and the issue was attended to: Superior

[q119_4_6] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I discussed it and the issue was attended to: Police officer

[q119_5_1] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because that would require coming out: Family member

[q119_5_2] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because that would require coming out: Friend

[q119_5_3] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because that would require coming out: Teacher

[q119_5_4] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because that would require coming out: Instructor

[q119_5_5] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because that would require coming out: Superior

[q119_5_6] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because that would require coming out: Police officer

[q119_6_1] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because I did not think it would amount to anything: Family member

[q119_6_2] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because I did not think it would amount to anything: Friend

[q119_6_3] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because I did not think it would amount to anything: Teacher

[q119_6_4] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because I did not think it would amount to anything: Instructor

[q119_6_5] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because I did not think it would amount to anything: Superior

[q119_6_6] If you have experienced inappropriate treatment due to your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, have you received help? I have not discussed it because I did not think it would amount to anything: Police officer

[q120] Have you ever experienced physical violence?

[q121_1_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Under 16

[q121_1_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: 16 - 25

[q121_1_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Over 25

[q121_2_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Under 16

[q121_2_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: 16 - 25

[q121_2_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Over 25

[q121_3_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Under 16

[q121_3_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: 16 -25

[q121_3_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Over 25

[q121_4_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: Under 16

[q121_4_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: 16 - 25

[q121_4_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: Over 25

[q121_5_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Under 16

[q121_5_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: 16 - 25

[q121_5_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Over 25

[q121_6_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Under 16

[q121_6_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: 16 - 25

[q121_6_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Over 25

[q121_7_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Under 16

[q121_7_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: 16 - 25

[q121_7_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Over 25

[q121_8_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: Under 16

[q121_8_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: 16 - 25

[q121_8_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: Over 25

[q121_9_1] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: Under 16

[q121_9_2] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: 16 - 25

[q121_9_3] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: Over 25

[q121_101] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: Under 16

[q121_102] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: 16 - 25

[q121_103] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: Over 25

[q121_111] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: Under 16

[q121_112] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: 16 - 25

[q121_113] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: Over 25

[q121_121] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Under 16

[q121_122] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: 16 - 25

[q121_123] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Over 25

[q121_12a] If you have experienced physical violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else, please specify (open-ended)

[q122] Did any of the violent situations asked about in the previous question have something to do with your gender expression or sexual orientation?

[q123] If you want to, you can tell in more detail about the violence you have experienced, how you have coped, and if it had any consequences (e.g. if you reported the crime to the police) (open-ended)

[q124] Have you ever experienced emotional abuse?

[q125_1_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Under 16

[q125_1_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: 16 - 25

[q125_1_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Over 25

[q125_2_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Under 16

[q125_2_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: 16 - 25

[q125_2_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Over 25

[q125_3_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Under 16

[q125_3_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: 16 - 25

[q125_3_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Over 25

[q125_4_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: Under 16

[q125_4_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: 16 - 25

[q125_4_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: Over 25

[q125_5_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Under 16

[q125_5_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: 16 - 25

[q125_5_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Over 25

[q125_6_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Under 16

[q125_6_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: 16 - 25

[q125_6_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Over 25

[q125_7_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Under 16

[q125_7_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: 16 - 25

[q125_7_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Over 25

[q125_8_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: Under 16

[q125_8_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: 16 - 25

[q125_8_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: Over 25

[q125_9_1] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: Under 16

[q125_9_2] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: 16 - 25

[q125_9_3] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: Over 25

[q125_101] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: Under 16

[q125_102] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: 16 - 25

[q125_103] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: Over 25

[q125_111] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: Under 16

[q125_112] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: 16 - 25

[q125_113] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: Over 25

[q125_121] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Under 16

[q125_122] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: 16 - 25

[q125_123] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Over 25

[q125_12a] If you have experienced emotional abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else, please specify (open-ended)

[q126] Did any of the situations of abuse asked about in the previous question have something to do with your gender expression or sexual orientation?

[q127] If you want to, you can tell in more detail about the abuse you have experienced, how you have coped, and if it had any consequences (e.g. if you reported the crime to the police) (open-ended)

[q128] Have you ever experienced sexual violence?

[q129_1_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Under 16

[q129_1_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: 16 - 25

[q129_1_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Over 25

[q129_2_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Under 16

[q129_2_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: 16 - 25

[q129_2_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Over 25

[q129_3_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Under 16

[q129_3_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: 16 - 25

[q129_3_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Over 25

[q129_4_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: Under 16

[q129_4_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: 16 - 25

[q129_4_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the way to/from school: Over 25

[q129_5_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Under 16

[q129_5_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: 16 - 25

[q129_5_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Over 25

[q129_6_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Under 16

[q129_6_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: 16 - 25

[q129_6_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Over 25

[q129_7_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Under 16

[q129_7_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: 16 - 25

[q129_7_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Over 25

[q129_8_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: Under 16

[q129_8_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: 16 - 25

[q129_8_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town during the day: Over 25

[q129_9_1] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: Under 16

[q129_9_2] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: 16 - 25

[q129_9_3] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? On the town in the evening / during night time: Over 25

[q129_101] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: Under 16

[q129_102] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: 16 - 25

[q129_103] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? In public situations: Over 25

[q129_111] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: Under 16

[q129_112] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: 16 - 25

[q129_113] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? At a bar/nightclub: Over 25

[q129_121] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Under 16

[q129_122] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: 16 - 25

[q129_123] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Over 25

[q129_12a] If you have experienced sexual violence, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else, please specify (open-ended)

[q130] Did any of the situations of abuse asked about in the previous question have something to do with your gender expression or sexual orientation?

[q131_1] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: I knew the perpetrator(s)

[q131_2] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: I did not know the perpetrator(s)

[q131_3] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: The perpetrator was a family member

[q131_4] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: The perpetrator was male

[q131_5] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: The perpetrator was female

[q131_6] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: I do not know the gender of the perpetrator

[q131_7] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: There were multiple perpetrators

[q131_8] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: The perpetrator or perpetrators were roughly of the same age as I

[q131_9] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: The perpetrator or perpetrators were at least five years older than me

[q131_10] Which of the following describe the situation of sexual violence: The perpetrator or perpetrators were younger than me

[q132] If you want to, you can tell in more detail about the violence you have experienced, how you have coped, and if it had any consequences (e.g. if you reported the crime to the police) (open-ended)

[q133] Have you ever experienced religious abuse (emotional abuse with a religious dimension)?

[q134_1_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Under 16

[q134_1_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: 16 - 25

[q134_1_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In my family: Over 25

[q134_2_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Under 16

[q134_2_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: 16 - 25

[q134_2_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? By partner: Over 25

[q134_3_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Under 16

[q134_3_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: 16 - 25

[q134_3_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At school: Over 25

[q134_4_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Under 16

[q134_4_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: 16 - 25

[q134_4_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? At a hobby: Over 25

[q134_5_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Under 16

[q134_5_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: 16 - 25

[q134_5_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a sports group/club: Over 25

[q134_6_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Under 16

[q134_6_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: 16 - 25

[q134_6_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? In a religious community: Over 25

[q134_7_1] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Under 16

[q134_7_2] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: 16 - 25

[q134_7_3] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else: Over 25

[q134_7a] If you have experienced religious abuse, where did it happen and how old were you? Somewhere else, please specify (open-ended)

[q135] Did any of the situations of abuse asked about in the previous question have something to do with your gender expression or sexual orientation?

[q136] If you want to, you can tell in more detail about the abuse you have experienced, how you have coped, and if it had any consequences (e.g. if you reported the crime to the police) (open-ended)

[q137_1] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Spend time with friends

[q137_2] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Spend time with family

[q137_3] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Spend time on the Internet

[q137_4] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Activities of a religious community

[q137_5] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Activities of a sports club

[q137_6] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Clubs organised by school or educational institution

[q137_7] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Activities of Seta (LGBT rights association in Finland) or other similar association or group

[q137_8] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Activities organised by youth workers in your municipality

[q137_9] How often do you do or participate in any of the following: Activities organised by some other actor

[q138_1] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: School

[q138_2] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: Sports club

[q138_3] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: Religious community

[q138_4] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: Leisure time association

[q138_5] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: LGBT rights association

[q138_6] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: Activities organised by youth workers in my municipality

[q138_7] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: Other

[q138_7a] In your opinion, what sort of an attitude do people generally have toward sexual minorities and gender minorities at activities hosted by different organisations: Other, please specify

[q139_1] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: The language I speak

[q139_2] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My religion

[q139_3] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My accent

[q139_4] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My sexual orientation

[q139_5] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My speech impediment

[q139_6] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My gender identity

[q139_7] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My gender expression

[q139_8] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My disability

[q139_9] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My illness

[q139_10] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: My appearance

[q139_11] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: Other

[q139_11a] Do you feel that any of the following affect how people perceive you in your everyday life, making interaction more challenging: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q140_1] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Student welfare services

[q140_2] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Health care services

[q140_3] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Social welfare services

[q140_4] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Youth work

[q140_5] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Early childhood education

[q140_6] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Teaching

[q140_7] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: The police

[q140_8] How would you evaluate the following services in terms of their ability to encounter people belonging to sexual minorities or gender minorities with regard to these issues: Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)

[q141_1] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will be as open as I want about my sexual orientation

[q141_2] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will live content with my gender

[q141_3] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will obtain an education

[q141_4] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will find a pleasant job

[q141_5] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will find a person to love

[q141_6] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will find satisfying relationships

[q141_7] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will live in marriage or a registered partnership

[q141_8] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will raise children

[q141_9] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will be happy

[q141_10] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will influence society, for instance, through civic organisations or politics

[q141_11] How likely do you consider the following in your life? I will feel part of the local community

[q142] If you want to, you can give feedback on the questionnaire

[lomake] Language of the questionnaire

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.