FSD2943 Child Victim Survey 2013

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[vasalku] Began responding

[vasloppu] Finished responding

[vaskesto] Time spent responding (minutes)

[q1] Are you a boy or a girl?

[q2] How old are you?

[q3_1] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Father

[q3_2] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Mother

[q3_3] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Stepfather

[q3_4] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Stepmother

[q3_5] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Mother's male partner

[q3_6] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Father's female partner

[q3_7] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Sisters

[q3_7b] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Number of sisters (categorised open-ended)

[q3_8] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Brothers

[q3_8b] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Number of brothers (categorised open-ended)

[q3_9] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Stepsisters/half-sisters

[q3_9b] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Number of stepsisters/half-sisters (categorised open-ended)

[q3_10] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Stepbrothers/half-brothers

[q3_10b] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Number of stepbrothers/half-brothers (categorised open-ended)

[q3_11] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Someone else

[q3_11b] Which of the following persons live with you in your home: Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q4] Do you live or have you at some point lived in a foster family or a residential institution for children?

[q5] Which one do you currently live in, a foster family or a residential institution for children?

[q6] How long have you lived in a foster family or residential institution for children?

[q7] Nowadays some children also have a second home if, for example, their parents have separated/divorced. Do you have a second home where you live some of the time?

[q8_1] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Father

[q8_2] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Mother

[q8_3] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Stepfather

[q8_4] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Stepmother

[q8_5] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Mother's male partner

[q8_6] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Father's female partner

[q8_7] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Sisters

[q8_7b] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Number of sisters (categorised open-ended)

[q8_8] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Brothers

[q8_8b] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Number of brothers (categorised open-ended)

[q8_9] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Stepsisters/half-sisters

[q8_9b] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Number of stepsisters/half-sisters (categorised open-ended)

[q8_10] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Stepbrothers/half-brothers

[q8_10b] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Number of stepbrothers/half-brothers (categorised open-ended)

[q8_11] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Someone else

[q8_11b] Which of the following persons live with you in this second home: Someone else, who?

[q9] How old is your father?

[q10] What is your father's occupation? (open-ended)

[q11] Does your father work at the moment?

[q12] Why doesn't your father work at the moment?

[q12_2] Why doesn't your father work at the moment? Other situation, which? (open-ended)

[q13] How old is your mother?

[q14] What is your mother's occupation? (open-ended)

[q15] Does your mother work at the moment?

[q16] Why doesn't your mother work at the moment?

[q16_2] Why doesn't your mother work at the moment? Other situation, which? (open-ended)

[q17] Were you born in Finland?

[q18] What country were you born in?

[q19] How old were you when you came to Finland? (open-ended)

[q20] What country was your mother born in?

[q21] Select the country in which your mother was born

[q22] What country was your father born in?

[q23] Select the country in which your father was born

[q24] What was the reason your parents came to Finland?

[q24_2] What was the reason your parents came to Finland? Other reason, which? (open-ended)

[q25] What language do you normally speak at home?

[q26_1] Which of the following qualifications does your father have: Primary or lower secondary education

[q26_2] Which of the following qualifications does your father have: Vocational education

[q26_3] Which of the following qualifications does your father have: Upper secondary education (general)

[q26_4] Which of the following qualifications does your father have: University or other higher education degree

[q26_5] Which of the following qualifications does your father have: Don't know

[q27_1] Which of the following qualifications does your mother have: Primary or lower secondary education

[q27_2] Which of the following qualifications does your mother have: Vocational education

[q27_3] Which of the following qualifications does your mother have: Upper secondary education (general)

[q27_4] Which of the following qualifications does your mother have: University or other higher education degree

[q27_5] Which of the following qualifications does your mother have: Don't know

[q28] What do you think about your family's financial circumstances?

[q29] Do you currently have at least one close friend with whom you can talk confidentially about almost everything in your life?

[q30] Can you talk to your parents about what happens in your life?

[q31] Are matters related to sexuality discussed openly in your family?

[q32_1] If you had problems, concerns or worries, could you consider talking about them to the following authorities: Teacher

[q32_2] If you had problems, concerns or worries, could you consider talking about them to the following authorities: School social worker

[q32_3] If you had problems, concerns or worries, could you consider talking about them to the following authorities: School psychologist

[q32_4] If you had problems, concerns or worries, could you consider talking about them to the following authorities: Social worker

[q32_5] If you had problems, concerns or worries, could you consider talking about them to the following authorities: Youth worker

[q32_6] If you had problems, concerns or worries, could you consider talking about them to the following authorities: Police officer

[q33_1] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: Adults discussed the disagreements with me

[q33_2] When you lived in a foster family / institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: Adults were angry, but didn't talk about the problem

[q33_3] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: You were criticised

[q33_4] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: You were yelled at, but no one hit/slapped you

[q33_5] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: You were threatened with violence

[q33_6] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: You were pushed/shaken

[q33_7] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: Your hair was pulled

[q33_8] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: You were hit/slapped

[q33_9] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: You were inflicted other kind of violence

[q33_10] When you lived in a foster family / residential institution, did you experience any of the following when you had disagreements with your foster parents / employees in the institution: We didn't have disagreements

[q34] Have you told someone about this?

[q34_2] Have you told someone about this? Yes, to whom? (open-ended)

[q35] How often do you eat with one or both of your parents (or those adults who you live with) in the evening?

[q36] Who do you spend most of your leisure time with?

[q37] How often do you spend time with classmates or other friends outside school hours?

[q38] Are the friends you spend most time with...

[q39] How often in your leisure time do spend time in public spaces, such as the street, market, café, railway station or another public place?

[q40_1] At what hours do you spend time in these public spaces: Before 6 p.m.

[q40_2] At what hours do you spend time in these public spaces: Between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

[q40_3] At what hours do you spend time in these public spaces: Between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.

[q40_4] At what hours do you spend time in these public spaces: Between 10 p.m. and midnight

[q40_5] At what hours do you spend time in these public spaces: After midnight

[q41] Do your parents (or the adults who you live with) usually know who you go out with or spend your leisure time with?

[q42] Do you smoke cigarettes?

[q42_2] Do you smoke cigarettes: I smoke daily, roughly (number) cigarettes a day (categorised open-ended)

[q43] Have you ever consumed alcohol, for example half a bottle of beer, a glass of wine or a glass of spirits?

[q44] On average, how often have you had alcohol in the past 12 months?

[q45] Have you ever tried drugs (e.g. hashish or ecstasy)?

[q46_1] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Hashish

[q46_2] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Heroin

[q46_3] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Marijuana

[q46_4] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Speed/amp/amphetamine

[q46_5] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Ecstasy

[q46_6] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Cocaine

[q46_7] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: LSD

[q46_8] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Butane

[q46_9] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: GHB/GBL

[q46_10] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Something else

[q46_10_2] Have you tried or used the following substances in the past 12 months: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q46_1b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Hashish

[q46_2b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Heroin

[q46_3b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Marijuana

[q46_4b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Speed/amp/amphetamine

[q46_5b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Ecstasy

[q46_6b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Cocaine

[q46_7b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: LSD

[q46_8b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Butane

[q46_9b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: GHB/GBL

[q46_10b] How many times have you used the following substances in the past 12 months: Something else

[q47] Have you ever used sedatives or painkillers to become intoxicated?

[q48] Is alcohol used in your family?

[q49] On average, how often is alcohol used in you family?

[q50] How often in the past 12 months have you seen your parents visibly drunk?

[q51_1] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Visual impairment

[q51_2] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Hearing impairment

[q51_3] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Physical disability

[q51_4] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Wheelchair use

[q51_5] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Respiratory disease, such as asthma

[q51_6] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Disease of internal organ

[q51_7] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Learning and/or memory disorder

[q51_8] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

[q51_9] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Mental health problem

[q51_10] Do you have any of the following disabilities, illnesses or special needs: Other disability or long-term illness

[q52] What do you feel your health is like in general?

[q53] (GIRLS) Have you had your first period?

[q53_2] (GIRLS) Have you had your first period: Yes, at what age did you have your first period? (open-ended)

[q54] (BOYS) Have you had you first ejaculation?

[q54_2] (BOYS) Have you had your first ejaculation: Yes, at what age did you have your first ejaculation? (open-ended)

[q55_1] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings

[q55_2] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am restless, I cannot stay still for long

[q55_3] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness

[q55_4] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I gladly share my things with others (food, games, pens etc.)

[q55_5] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I may get very angry and often lose my temper

[q55_6] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am usually on my own. I generally play alone or keep to myself

[q55_7] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I usually do as I am told

[q55_8] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I worry a lot

[q55_9] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill

[q55_10] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am constantly fidgeting or squirming

[q55_11] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I have one good friend or more

[q55_12] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want

[q55_13] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful

[q55_14] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: My friends/schoolmates generally like me

[q55_15] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am easily distracted. I find it difficult to concentrate

[q55_16] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence

[q55_17] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am kind to smaller/younger children

[q55_18] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I am often accused of lying or cheating

[q55_19] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: Other children or young people constantly pick on me or bully me

[q55_20] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I often volunteer to help others (parents, teachers, other children)

[q55_21] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I think before I do things

[q55_22] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere

[q55_23] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I get on better with adults than with people my own age

[q55_24] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I have many fears, I am easily scared

[q55_25] If you think about the past 6 months, how do the following apply to you: I finish the work I'm doing. I am very persistent/patient

[q56_1] How well do the following apply to your experiences relating to your appearance: I often hear that I am beautiful or handsome

[q56_2] How well do the following apply to your experiences relating to your appearance: I receive admiring looks on the street, in the shop, and at school, for example.

[q56_3] How well do the following apply to your experiences relating to your appearance: I feel like many people would want to date me

[q56_4] How well do the following apply to your experiences relating to your appearance: My appearance causes envy among my friends

[q57] Do you participate in any organised and supervised activities?

[q58] In what kind of organised activity do you participate? (categorised open-ended)

[q58_2] In what kind of organised activity do you participate: Other hobby/activity, which? (open-ended)

[q59_1] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Mocked you or called you names

[q59_2] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Sworn or yelled at you angrily

[q59_3] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Threatened you with violence

[q59_4] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Threatened you otherwise, for example with expulsion from the group or team

[q59_5] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Offered you alcohol, cigarettes or drugs

[q59_6] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Grabbed you or pushed you violently

[q59_7] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Hit you

[q59_8] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Told sex jokes or stories

[q59_9] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Touched you sexually

[q59_10] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Kissed or tried to kiss you

[q59_11] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Suggested intercourse or oral sex to you

[q59_12] Thinking about the activity/hobby mentioned above, has the instructor or coach done any of the following to you: Forced you into intercourse or oral sex

[q60] Has anyone used force to steal something from you in the past 12 months?

[q61] How many times did this happen to you in the past year? (categorised)

[q62] Has anyone used force to steal something from you before this?

[q63] Robbery - What was taken from you the last time force was used? (open-ended)

[q64_1] Robbery - What kind of force was used: You were threatened with violence

[q64_2] Robbery - What kind of force was used: You were pushed, shaken, or slapped

[q64_3] Robbery - What kind of force was used: You were kicked, hit with a fist or with an object

[q64_4] Robbery - What kind of force was used: You were thrown against furniture or walls, or you were thrown down the stairs

[q64_5] Robbery - What kind of force was used: You were choked or assaulted with a knife or gun

[q64_6] Robbery - What kind of force was used: Something else

[q64_6b] Robbery - What kind of force was used: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q65] Robbery - Were you hurt, were you physically injured?

[q66_1] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Small bruise, scrape or cut

[q66_2] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Large bruise, major cut, or black eye

[q66_3] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Sprain, broken bone, or broken teeth

[q66_4] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Internal injury

[q66_5] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Knocked out or hit unconscious

[q66_6] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Other

[q66_6b] Robbery - What kind of injury was it: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q67] Robbery - Did you go to the hospital or visit a doctor to have your injuries checked?

[q68] Robbery - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q69] Robbery - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q69_2] Robbery - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q70] Robbery - What was the perpetrator's gender?

[q71] Robbery - How old was the perpetrator?

[q72] Robbery - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q72_2] Robbery - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, what? (open-ended)

[q73] Robbery - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q74] Robbery - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q75] Robbery - Where did the robbery take place?

[q75_2] Robbery - Where did the robbery take place? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q76] Has anyone stolen something from you without using force in the past 12 months?

[q77] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q78] Has anyone stolen something from you without using force before this?

[q79] Theft - What was taken from you? (open-ended)

[q80] Theft - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q81] Theft - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q81_2] Theft - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q82] Theft - What was the perpetrator's gender?

[q83] Theft - How old was the perpetrator?

[q84] Theft - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q84_2] Theft - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q85] Theft - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q86] Theft - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q87] Theft - Where did the theft take place?

[q87_2] Theft - Where did the theft take place? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q88] Has anyone broken or ruined any of your things on purpose in the past 12 months?

[q89] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q90] Has anyone broken or ruined any of your things on purpose before this?

[q91] Property damage - What was broken or ruined? (open-ended)

[q92] Property damage - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q93] Property damage - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q93_2] Property damage - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q94] Property damage - What was the perpetrator's gender?

[q95] Property damage - How old was the perpetrator?

[q96] Property damage - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q96_2] Property damage - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q97] Property damage - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q98] Property damage - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q99] Property damage - Where did breaking/ruining take place?

[q99_2] Property damage - Where did breaking/ruining take place? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q100] Has anyone hit you or attacked you in the past 12 months? Here you can also mention offenses that occurred during the violent robberies you possibly described above.

[q101] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q102] Has anyone hit you or attacked you before this?

[q103_1] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: You were threatened with violence

[q103_2] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: You were pushed, shaken, or slapped

[q103_3] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: You were kicked, hit with a fist or with an object

[q103_4] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: You were thrown against furniture or walls, or you were thrown down the stairs

[q103_5] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: You were choked or assaulted with a knife or gun

[q103_6] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: Something else

[q103_6b] Battery/assault - What kind of violence was used: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q104] Battery/assault - Were you hurt, were you physically injured?

[q105_1] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Small bruise, scrape, or cut

[q105_2] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Large bruise, major cut, or black eye

[q105_3] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Sprain, broken bone, or broken teeth

[q105_4] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Internal injury

[q105_5] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Knocked out or hit unconscious

[q105_6] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Other

[q105_6b] Battery/assault - What kind of injury was it: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q106] Battery/assault - Did you go to the hospital or visit a doctor to have your injuries checked?

[q107] Battery/assault - Did the perpetrator use a weapon (e.g. a stick, stone, knife)?

[q107_2] Battery/assault - Did the perpetrator use a weapon (e.g. a stick, stone, knife)? Yes, what? (open-ended)

[q108] Battery/assault - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q109] Battery/assault - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q109_2] Battery/assault - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q110] Battery/assault - What was the perpetrator's gender?

[q111] Battery/assault - How old was the perpetrator?

[q112] Battery/assault - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q112_2] Battery/assault - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q113] Battery/assault - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q114] Battery/assault - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q115] Battery/assault - Where were you hit or attacked?

[q115_2] Battery/assault - Where were you hit or attacked? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q116] Battery/assault - Were you called names when you were hit or assaulted?

[q116_2] Battery/assault - Were you called names when you were hit or assaulted? Yes, based on something else, what? (open-ended)

[q117] In the past 12 months, has someone intended or started to attack you, but for some reason, it didn't happen? For example, someone helped you or you got away.

[q118] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q119] Has someone intended or started to to attack you before this?

[q120] Intent to attack - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q121] Intent to attack - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q121_2] Intent to attack - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q122] Intent to attack - What was the perpetrator's gender?

[q123] Intent to attack - How old was the perpetrator?

[q124] Intent to attack - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q124_2] Intent to attack - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q125] Intent to attack - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q126] Intent to attack - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q127] Intent to attack - Where did the intent to attack take place?

[q127_2] Intent to attack - Where did the intent to attack take place? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q128] Intent to attack - Did the perpetrator call you names when he/she intended/started to attack you?

[q128_2] Intent to attack - Did the perpetrator call you names when he/she intended/started to attack you? Yes, based on something else, what? (open-ended)

[q129] In addition to incidents you have possibly mentioned above, has anyone only threatened to hit you or attack you in the past 12 months?

[q130] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q131] Has anyone only threatened you with violence before this?

[q132] Threat of violence - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q133] Threat of violence - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q133_2] Threat of violence - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q134] Threat of violence - What was the perpetrator's gender?

[q135] Threat of violence - How old was the perpetrator?

[q136] Threat of violence - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q136_2] Threat of violence - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q137] Threat of violence - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q138] Threat of violence - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q139] Threat of violence - Where were you threatened?

[q139_2] Threat of violence - Where were you threatened? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q140] Threat of violence - Did the perpetrator call you names when he/she threatened you?

[q140_2] Threat of violence - Did the perpetrator call you names when he/she threatened you? Yes, based on something else, what? (open-ended)

[q141] Has your sister, brother or a peer hit you or assaulted you in the past 12 months?

[q142] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q143] Has your sister, brother or a peer hit you or assaulted you before this?

[q144_1] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: You were threatened with violence

[q144_2] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: You were pushed, shaken, or slapped

[q144_3] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: You were kicked, hit with a fist or with an object

[q144_4] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: You were thrown against furniture or walls, or you were thrown down the stairs

[q144_5] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: You were choked or assaulted with a knife or gun

[q144_6] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: Something else

[q144_6b] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of violence was used: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q145] Peer/sibling violence - Did the perpetrator use a weapon (e.g. a stick, stone, knife)?

[q145_2] Peer/sibling violence - Did the perpetrator use a weapon (e.g. a stick, stone, knife)? Yes, what? (open-ended)

[q146] Peer/sibling violence - Were you hurt, were you physically injured?

[q147_1] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Small bruise, scrape, or cut

[q147_2] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Large bruise, major cut, or black eye

[q147_3] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Sprain, broken bone, or broken teeth

[q147_4] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Internal injury

[q147_5] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Knocked out or hit unconscious

[q147_6] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Other

[q147_6b] Peer/sibling violence - What kind of injury was it: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q148] Peer/sibling violence - Did you go to the hospital or visit a doctor to have your injuries checked?

[q149] Peer/sibling violence - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q150] Peer/sibling violence - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q150_2] Peer/sibling violence - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q151] Peer/sibling violence - Was the perpetrator a girl or a boy?

[q152] Peer/sibling violence - How old was the perpetrator?

[q153] Peer/sibling violence - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q153_2] Peer/sibling violence - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q154] Peer/sibling violence - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q155] Peer/sibling violence - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q156] Peer/sibling violence - Where were you hit or attacked by your sister, brother or a peer?

[q156_2] Peer/sibling violence - Where were you hit or attacked by your sister, brother or a peer? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q157] Peer/sibling violence - Were you called names when you were hit or assaulted?

[q157_2] Peer/sibling violence - Were you called names when you were hit or assaulted? Yes, based on something else, what? (open-ended)

[q158] In addition to the incidents mentioned above, has your sibling or a peer picked on you in the past 12 months by chasing you or grabbing you or by making you do something you didn't want to do?

[q159] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q160] Has your sibling or a peer picked on you by chasing you or grabbing you or by making you do something you didn't want to do before this?

[q161] Peer/sibling bullying - Were you threatened with violence when you were hit or attacked?

[q162] Peer/sibling bullying - Did the perpetrator use a weapon (e.g. a stick, stone, knife)?

[q162_2] Peer/sibling bullying - Did the perpetrator use a weapon (e.g. a stick, stone, knife)? Yes, what? (open-ended)

[q163] Peer/sibling bullying - Were you hurt, were you physically injured?

[q164_1] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Small bruise, scrape, or cut

[q164_2] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Large bruise, major cut, or black eye

[q164_3] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Sprain, broken bone, or broken teeth

[q164_4] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Internal injury

[q164_5] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Knocked out or hit unconscious

[q164_6] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Other

[q164_6b] Peer/sibling bullying - What kind of injury was it: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q165] Peer/sibling bullying - Did you go to the hospital or a doctor's office to have your injuries checked?

[q166] Peer/sibling bullying - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q167] Peer/sibling bullying - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q167_2] Peer/sibling bullying - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q168] Peer/sibling bullying - Was the perpetrator a girl or a boy?

[q169] Peer/sibling bullying - How old was the perpetrator?

[q170] Peer/sibling bullying - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q170_2] Peer/sibling bullying - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q171] Peer/sibling bullying - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q172] Peer/sibling bullying - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q173] Peer/sibling bullying - Where did the bullying take place?

[q173_2] Peer/sibling bullying - Where did the bullying take place? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q174] Peer/sibling bullying - Were you called names when you were bullied?

[q174_2] Peer/sibling bullying - Were you called names when you were bullied? Yes, based on something else, what? (open-ended)

[q175] In addition to the bullying mentioned above, in the past 12 months, has your sister, brother, or a peer called you names, said mean things to you, or said that they didn't want you around, which scared you or made you feel really bad?

[q176] How many times did this happen to you in the past 12 months? (categorised)

[q177] Before this incident, has your sister, brother, or a peer called you names, said mean things to you, or said that they didn't want you around, which scared you or made you feel really bad?

[q178] Mocking by siblings/peers: Were you threatened with violence when you were mocked?

[q179] Mocking by siblings/peers - How many people did this to you? (categorised)

[q180] Mocking by siblings/peers - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator?

[q180_2] Mocking by siblings/peers - If there was only one perpetrator, who was he/she? If there were two or more perpetrators, who was the main perpetrator? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q181] Mocking by siblings/peers - Was the perpetrator a girl or a boy?

[q182] Mocking by siblings/peers - How old was the perpetrator?

[q183] Mocking by siblings/peers - What was the perpetrator's national origin?

[q183_2] Mocking by siblings/peers - What was the perpetrator's national origin? The perpetrator's national origin was something else, which? (open-ended)

[q184] Mocking by siblings/peers - Was the perpetrator under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q185] Mocking by siblings/peers - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances?

[q186] Mocking by siblings/peers - Where did the mocking take place?

[q186_2] Mocking by siblings/peers - Where did the mocking take place? Some other place, which? (open-ended)

[q187] Mocking by siblings/peers - Were you called names when you were mocked?

[q187_2] Mocking by siblings/peers - Were you called names when you were mocked? Yes, based on something else, what? (open-ended)

[q188_1] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Mother

[q188_2] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Father

[q188_3] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Sister or brother

[q188_4] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Friend

[q188_5] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Teacher

[q188_6] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Police officer

[q188_7] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: School nurse

[q188_8] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: School social worker

[q188_9] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Social worker

[q188_10] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: I haven't told anyone

[q188_11] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Someone else

[q188_11b] Have you told someone about the most serious incident in the past 12 months: Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q189] Why have you not told anyone?

[q189_2] Why have you not told anyone? Other reason, what? (open-ended)

[q190_1] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Discussed with the parties involved

[q190_2] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Consoled and supported me

[q190_3] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Didn't believe me or glossed over the matter

[q190_4] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Became angry with me

[q190_5] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Advised me not to tell anyone about it

[q190_6] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Encouraged me to seek help from the authorities

[q190_7] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a child welfare notification

[q190_8] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a crime report

[q190_9] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Did something else

[q190_9b] When you told about the incident, how did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Did something else, what? (open-ended)

[q191_1] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been called names

[q191_2] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been mocked or disparaged

[q191_3] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been threatened with violence

[q191_4] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been pushed or shaken violently

[q191_5] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: Her hair has been pulled

[q191_6] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been slapped

[q191_7] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been hit with a fist

[q191_8] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been hit with an object

[q191_9] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been beaten up

[q191_10] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been attacked with a knife

[q191_11] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been threatened with a gun

[q191_12] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother in your home in the past 12 months: She has been a victim of some other violent act

[q191_1b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been called names

[q191_2b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been mocked or disparaged

[q191_3b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been threatened with violence

[q191_4b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been pushed or shaken violently

[q191_5b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: Her hair has been pulled

[q191_6b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been slapped

[q191_7b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been hit with a fist

[q191_8b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been hit with an object

[q191_9b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been beaten up

[q191_10b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been attacked with a knife

[q191_11b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been threatened with a gun

[q191_12b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your mother: She has been a victim of some other violent act

[q192_1] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Father

[q192_2] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Stepfather

[q192_3] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Brother

[q192_4] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Stepbrother

[q192_5] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Sister

[q192_6] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Stepsister

[q192_7] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: I myself

[q192_8] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Another relative

[q192_8b] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Another relative, who? (no names) (open-ended)

[q192_9] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Another person

[q192_9b] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your mother: Another person, who? (no names) (open-ended)

[q193] If this happened more than once, how old were you when one of the aforementioned incidents happened for the first time (open-ended)

[q194] Has your mother been hurt or sustained visible injuries as a result of violence at home, without the need to see a doctor?

[q195] Has your mother been hurt as a result of violence at home so that she needed to see a doctor?

[q196_1] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been called names

[q196_2] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been mocked or disparaged

[q196_3] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been threatened with violence

[q196_4] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been pushed or shaken violently

[q196_5] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: His hair has been pulled

[q196_6] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been slapped

[q196_7] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been hit with a fist

[q196_8] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been hit with an object

[q196_9] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been beaten up

[q196_10] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been attacked with a knife

[q196_11] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been threatened with a gun

[q196_12] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father in your home in the past 12 months: He has been a victim of some other violent act

[q196_1b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been called names

[q196_2b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been mocked or disparaged

[q196_3b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been threatened with violence

[q196_4b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been pushed or shaken violently

[q196_5b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: His hair has been pulled

[q196_6b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been slapped

[q196_7b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been hit with a fist

[q196_8b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been hit with an object

[q196_9b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been beaten up

[q196_10b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been attacked with a knife

[q196_11b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been threatened with a gun

[q196_12b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your father: He has been a victim of some other violent act

[q197_1] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Mother

[q197_2] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Stepmother

[q197_3] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Brother

[q197_4] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Stepbrother

[q197_5] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Sister

[q197_6] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Stepsister

[q197_7] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: I myself

[q197_8] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Another relative

[q197_8b] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Another relative, who? (no names) (open-ended)

[q197_9] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Another person

[q197_9b] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your father: Another person, who? (no names) (open-ended)

[q198] If this happened more than once, how old were you when one of the aforementioned incidents happened for the first time (open-ended)

[q199] Has your father been hurt or sustained visible injuries as a result of violence at home, without the need to see a doctor?

[q200] Has your father been hurt as a result of violence at home so that he needed to see a doctor?

[q201_1] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been called names

[q201_2] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been mocked or disparaged

[q201_3] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been threatened with violence

[q201_4] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been pushed or shaken violently

[q201_5] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: Her/his hair has been pulled

[q201_6] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been slapped

[q201_7] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been hit with a fist

[q201_8] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been hit with an object

[q201_9] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been beaten up

[q201_10] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been attacked with a knife

[q201_11] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been threatened with a gun

[q201_12] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother in your home in the past 12 months: She/he has been a victim of some other violent act

[q201_1b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been called names

[q201_2b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been mocked or disparaged

[q201_3b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been threatened with violence

[q201_4b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been pushed or shaken violently

[q201_5b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: Her/his hair has been pulled

[q201_6b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been slapped

[q201_7b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been hit with a fist

[q201_8b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been hit with an object

[q201_9b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been beaten up

[q201_10b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been attacked with a knife

[q201_11b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been threatened with a gun

[q201_12b] How many times in the past 12 months have you seen or heard any of the following happening to your sister/brother: She/he has been a victim of some other violent act

[q202_1] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Father

[q202_2] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Stepfather

[q202_3] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Mother

[q202_4] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Stepmother

[q202_5] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Brother

[q202_6] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Stepbrother

[q202_7] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Sister

[q202_8] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Stepsister

[q202_9] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: I myself

[q202_10] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Another relative

[q202_10b] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Another relative, who? (no names) (open-ended)

[q202_11] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Another person

[q202_11b] Who was the person who did the things mentioned above to your sister/brother: Another person, who? (no names) (open-ended)

[q203] If this happened more than once, how old were you when one of the aforementioned incidents happened for the first time (open-ended)

[q204] Has your sister/brother been hurt or sustained visible injuries as a result of violence at home, without the need to see a doctor?

[q205] Has your sister/brother been hurt as a result of violence at home so that she/he needed to see a doctor?

[q206_1a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been called names: Mother

[q206_1b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been called names: Father

[q206_1c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been called names: Sister/brother

[q206_2a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been mocked or disparaged: Mother

[q206_2b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been mocked or disparaged: Father

[q206_2c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been mocked or disparaged: Sister/brother

[q206_3a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been threatened with violence: Mother

[q206_3b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been threatened with violence: Father

[q206_3c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been threatened with violence: Sister/brother

[q206_4a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been pushed or shaken violently: Mother

[q206_4b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been pushed or shaken violently: Father

[q206_4c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been pushed or shaken violently: Sister/brother

[q206_5a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Hair has been pulled: Mother

[q206_5b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Hair has been pulled: Father

[q206_5c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Hair has been pulled: Sister/brother

[q206_6a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been slapped: Mother

[q206_6b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been slapped: Father

[q206_6c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been slapped: Sister/brother

[q206_7a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been hit with a fist: Mother

[q206_7b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been hit with a fist: Father

[q206_7c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been hit with a fist: Sister/brother

[q206_8a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been hit with an object: Mother

[q206_8b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been hit with an object: Father

[q206_8c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been hit with an object: Sister/brother

[q206_9a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been beaten up: Mother

[q206_9b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been beaten up: Father

[q206_9c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been beaten up: Sister/brother

[q206_10a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been attacked with a knife: Mother

[q206_10b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been attacked with a knife: Father

[q206_10c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been attacked with a knife: Sister/brother

[q206_11a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been threatened with a gun: Mother

[q206_11b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been threatened with a gun: Father

[q206_11c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been threatened with a gun: Sister/brother

[q206_12a] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been a victim of some other violent act: Mother

[q206_12b] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been a victim of some other violent act: Father

[q206_12c] Have you seen or heard any of the following happening to any of your family members in public in the past 12 months: Has been a victim of some other violent act: Sister/brother

[q207_1a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Sulk or refuse to talk about the matter?

[q207_2a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Mock you, call you names, swear or otherwise hurt you emotionally but did not physically hurt you?

[q207_3a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Throw, hit or kick an object (e.g. slammed doors)?

[q207_4a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Threaten you with violence?

[q207_5a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Push, shove or shake you violently?

[q207_6a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Pull your hair?

[q207_7a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Slap you?

[q207_8a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Hit you with a fist?

[q207_9a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Hit you with an object?

[q207_10a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Kick you?

[q207_11a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Spank you?

[q207_12a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Beat you up?

[q207_13a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Threaten you with a knife or gun?

[q207_14a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Use a knife or gun?

[q207_15a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Do some other violent act?

[q207_1b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Sulk or refuse to talk about the matter?

[q207_2b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Mock you, call you names, swear or otherwise hurt you emotionally but did not physically hurt you?

[q207_3b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Throw, hit or kick an object (e.g. slammed doors)?

[q207_4b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Threaten you with violence?

[q207_5b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Push, shove or shake you violently?

[q207_6b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Pull your hair?

[q207_7b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Slap you?

[q207_8b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Hit you with a fist?

[q207_9b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Hit you with an object?

[q207_10b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Kick you?

[q207_11b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Spank you?

[q207_12b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Beat you up?

[q207_13b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Threaten you with a knife or gun?

[q207_14b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Use a knife or gun?

[q207_15b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your mother, did she: Do some other violent act?

[q207_1c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Sulk or refuse to talk about the matter?

[q207_2c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Mock you, call you names, swear or otherwise hurt you emotionally but did not physically hurt you?

[q207_3c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Throw, hit or kick an object (e.g. slammed doors)?

[q207_4c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Threaten you with violence?

[q207_5c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Push, shove or shake you violently?

[q207_6c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Pull your hair?

[q207_7c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Slap you?

[q207_8c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Hit you with a fist?

[q207_9c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Hit you with an object?

[q207_10c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Kick you?

[q207_11c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Spank you?

[q207_12c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Beat you up?

[q207_13c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Threaten you with a knife or gun?

[q207_14c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Use a knife or gun?

[q207_15c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your mother: Do some other violent act?

[q208_1a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Sulk or refuse to talk about the matter?

[q208_2a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Mock you, call you names, swear or otherwise hurt you emotionally but did not physically hurt you?

[q208_3a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Throw, hit or kick an object (e.g. slammed doors)?

[q208_4a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Threaten you with violence?

[q208_5a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Push, shove or shake you violently?

[q208_6a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Pull your hair?

[q208_7a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Slap you?

[q208_8a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Hit you with a fist?

[q208_9a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Hit you with an object?

[q208_10a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Kick you?

[q208_11a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Spank you?

[q208_12a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Beat you up?

[q208_13a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Threaten you with a knife or gun?

[q208_14a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Use a knife or gun?

[q208_15a] [Before R was 11/14 years old] When you had rows with your father, did he: Do some other violent act?

[q208_1b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Sulk or refuse to talk about the matter?

[q208_2b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Mock you, call you names, swear or otherwise hurt you emotionally but did not physically hurt you?

[q208_3b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Throw, hit or kick an object (e.g. slammed doors)?

[q208_4b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Threaten you with violence?

[q208_5b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Push, shove or shake you violently?

[q208_6b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Pull your hair?

[q208_7b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Slap you?

[q208_8b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Hit you with a fist?

[q208_9b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Hit you with an object?

[q208_10b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Kick you?

[q208_11b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Spank you?

[q208_12b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Beat you up?

[q208_13b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Threaten you with a knife or gun?

[q208_14b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Use a knife or gun?

[q208_15b] [In the past 12 months] When you had rows with your father, did he: Do some other violent act?

[q208_1c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Sulk or refuse to talk about the matter?

[q208_2c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Mock you, call you names, swear or otherwise hurt you emotionally but did not physically hurt you?

[q208_3c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Throw, hit or kick an object (e.g. slammed doors)?

[q208_4c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Threaten you with violence?

[q208_5c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Push, shove or shake you violently?

[q208_6c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Pull your hair?

[q208_7c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Slap you?

[q208_8c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Hit you with a fist?

[q208_9c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Hit you with an object?

[q208_10c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Kick you?

[q208_11c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Spank you?

[q208_12c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Beat you up?

[q208_13c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Threaten you with a knife or gun?

[q208_14c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Use a knife or gun?

[q208_15c] If yes, how many times in the past 12 months did your father: Do some other violent act?

[q209] Have you any experiences of sexual advances from or sexual activity with adults or persons at least 5 years older than you?

[q210_1] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: Request or suggestion to do something sexual

[q210_2] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: Fondling

[q210_3] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: The person showed his/her genitals

[q210_4] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: You showed your genitals

[q210_5] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: The person touched your genitals (through clothes)

[q210_6] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: You touched the person's genitals (through clothes)

[q210_7] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: The person touched your bare genitals

[q210_8] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: You touched the person's bare genitals

[q210_9] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: Imitation of intercourse without penetration

[q210_10] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - What happened: Intercourse/copulation

[q211_1] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How old were you and how old was the other person during the incident(s)? Own age (years)

[q211_2] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How old were you and how old was the other person during the incident(s)? Other person's age (years)

[q212] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Was the other person male or female?

[q213] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - If the incident(s) led to intercourse, how old were you when intercourse first occurred? (Categorised value indicates age)

[q214] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Approximately how many times did sexual advances or activity occur with this person?

[q215] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Is the situation still ongoing?

[q216] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Who was the other person?

[q217] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Who initiated the sexual activity?

[q218] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Did the other person coerce, threaten or blackmail you to get you involved?

[q219] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Did the other person use violence to get you involved?

[q220] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Did the other person bribe you to get you involved?

[q221] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Was the other person under the influence of alcohol when it happened?

[q222] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Were you under the influence of alcohol when it happened?

[q223] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Which of the following best describes your feelings when it happened?

[q224] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Did you see the situation as sexual abuse?

[q225] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - If the incidents you described are over, which of the following would you say best describes your experience of the incident now?

[q226_1] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Mother

[q226_2] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Father

[q226_3] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Sister or brother

[q226_4] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Friend

[q226_5] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Teacher

[q226_6] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Police

[q226_7] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: School nurse

[q226_8] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: School social worker

[q226_9] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Social worker

[q226_10] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: I haven't told anyone

[q226_11] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Someone else

[q226_11b] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Have you told someone about this sexual activity: Someone else, who (open-ended)

[q227] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Why haven't you told anyone?

[q227_2] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Why haven't you told anyone? Other reason, what? (open-ended)

[q228_1] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Discussed with the parties involved

[q228_2] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Consoled and supported me

[q228_3] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Did not believe me or underrated the matter

[q228_4] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Was angry with me

[q228_5] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Advised me not to talk about it to anyone

[q228_6] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Encouraged me to seek help from authorities

[q228_7] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a child welfare notification

[q228_8] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a criminal complaint

[q228_9] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Something else

[q228_9b] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q229] Sexual advances or activity with a person at least 5 years older - Has an adult ever suspected that you have been sexually abused, even though nothing of the kind did actually happen?

[q230] Sexual experiences with a peer - How old were you when you first kissed someone your age on the mouth?

[q231] Sexual experiences with a peer - Some kisses are desired and some are not. Which of the following best describes your experience of your first kiss?

[q232] Sexual experiences with a peer - Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

[q233] Sexual experiences with a peer - Have you had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before?

[q234] Sexual experiences with a peer - Have the persons you have dated been...

[q235] Sexual experiences with a peer - Have you ever had sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

[q236] Sexual experiences with a peer - Have you ever experienced sexual things that did not involve actual physical touch with someone your age?

[q237] Sexual experiences with a peer - How many times have you experienced this?

[q238] Sexual experiences with a peer - With how many people have you had experiences like this?

[q239] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - How old were you when this happened for the first time?

[q240] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - How old was the other person when this happened for the first time?

[q241] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Was the other person a boy/man or a girl/woman?

[q242] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Who was the other person?

[q242_2] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Who was the other person? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q243] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Where did this happen?

[q243_2] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Where did this happen? Somewhere else, where? (open-ended)

[q244] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Did the other person coerce, threaten or blackmail you to get you involved?

[q245_1] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she lied to or tricked me

[q245_2] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she abused his/her position?

[q245_3] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she talked me round to it

[q245_4] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she threatened to leave me

[q245_5] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she seized me

[q245_6] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she hit or hurt me

[q245_7] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she gave me alcohol or drugs

[q245_8] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: Something else

[q245_8b] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: Something else, what (open-ended)

[q246] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Did the other person bribe you to get you involved (e.g. by giving you money or clothes)?

[q247] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances when it happened?

[q248] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - Was the other person under the influence of alcohol or other substances when it happened?

[q249] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - How did you perceive the incident at the time it happened?

[q250] Sexual experience not involving actual physical touch (1st time) - How do you perceive the incident now?

[q251] Sexual touching with a peer - Have you ever experienced sexual touching with someone your age?

[q252] Sexual touching with a peer - How many times have you experienced this?

[q253] Sexual touching with a peer - With how many people have you had experiences like this?

[q254] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - How old were you when this happened for the first time?

[q255] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - How old was the other person when this happened for the first time?

[q256] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Was the other person a boy/man or a girl/woman?

[q257] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Who was the other person?

[q257_2] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Who was the other person? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q258] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Where did this happen?

[q258_2] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Where did this happen? Somewhere else, where? (open-ended)

[q259] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Did the other person coerce, threaten or blackmail you to get you involved?

[q260_1] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she lied to or tricked me

[q260_2] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she abused his/her position

[q260_3] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she talked me round to it

[q260_4] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she threatened to leave me

[q260_5] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she seized me

[q260_6] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she hit or hurt me

[q260_7] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she gave me alcohol or drugs

[q260_8] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: Something else

[q260_8b] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q261] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Did the other person bribe you to get you involved (e.g. by giving you money or clothes)?

[q262] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances when it happened?

[q263] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - Was the other person under the influence of alcohol or other substances when it happened?

[q264] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - How did you perceive the incident at the time it happened?

[q265] Sexual touching with a peer (1st time) - How do you perceive the incident now?

[q266] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer - Have you ever had, or have any people of your age attempted to have intercourse or anal or oral sex with you?

[q267] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer - How many times have you experienced this?

[q268] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer - With how many people have you had experiences like this?

[q269] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - How old were you when this happened for the first time?

[q270] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - How old was the other person when this happened for the first time?

[q271] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Was the other person a boy/man or a girl/woman?

[q272] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Who was the other person?

[q272_2] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Who was the other person? Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q273] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Where did this happen?

[q273_2] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Where did this happen? Somewhere else, where? (open-ended)

[q274] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Did the other person coerce, threaten or blackmail you to get you involved?

[q275_1] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she lied to or tricked me

[q275_2] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she abused his/her position?

[q275_3] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she talked me round to it

[q275_4] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she threatened to leave me

[q275_5] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she seized me

[q275_6] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she hit or hurt me

[q275_7] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: He/she gave me alcohol or drugs

[q275_8] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: Something else

[q275_8b] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - What ways of coercing, pressuring or persuading you did the person employ: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q276] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Did the other person bribe you to get you involved (e.g. by giving you money or clothes)?

[q277] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Were you under the influence of alcohol or other substances when it happened?

[q278] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - Was the other person under the influence of alcohol or other substances when it happened?

[q279] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - How did you perceive the incident at the time it happened?

[q280] Sexual activity, intercourse with a peer (1st time) - How do you perceive the incident now?

[q281] Was any of the sexual experiences with a peer mentioned above unwanted by you?

[q282_1] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Mother

[q282_2] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Father

[q282_3] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Sister or brother

[q282_4] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Friend

[q282_5] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Teacher

[q282_6] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Police

[q282_7] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: School nurse

[q282_8] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: School social worker

[q282_9] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Social worker

[q282_10] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: I haven't told anyone

[q282_11] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Someone else

[q282_11b] Have you told someone about the unwanted sexual activity with a peer: Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q283] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - Why haven't you told anyone?

[q283_2] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - Why haven't you told anyone? Other reason, what? (open-ended)

[q284_1] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Discussed with the parties involved

[q284_2] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Consoled and supported me

[q284_3] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Did not believe me or underrated the matter

[q284_4] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Was angry with me

[q284_5] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Advised me not to talk about it to anyone

[q284_6] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Encouraged me to seek help from authorities

[q284_7] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a child welfare notification

[q284_8] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a criminal complaint

[q284_9] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Something else

[q284_9b] Unwanted sexual activity with a peer - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q285_1] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has bullied you or called you names by text messages

[q285_2] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has sent you threatening messages by phone

[q285_3] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has sent you sexually harassing messages by phone

[q285_4] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has spread rumours or written bad things about you on the Internet

[q285_5] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has pretended to be you on the Internet by using a fake profile

[q285_6] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has put a photo of your naked body on the Internet against your will

[q285_7] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has put a hurtful photo of you on the Internet against your will

[q285_8] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Someone has put web camera feed or other video of you on the Internet against your will

[q285_1b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has bullied you or called you names by text messages

[q285_2b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has sent you threatening messages by phone

[q285_3b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has sent you sexually harassing messages by phone

[q285_4b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has spread rumours or written bad things about you on the Internet

[q285_5b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has pretended to be you on the Internet by using a fake profile

[q285_6b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has put a photo of your naked body on the Internet against your will

[q285_7b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has put a hurtful photo of you on the Internet against your will

[q285_8b] How many times in the past 12 months: Someone has put web camera feed or other video of you on the Internet against your will

[q286_1] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Has an unknown person behaved rudely towards you or used obscene language when you have talked to him/her on the Internet?

[q286_2] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Has an unknown person asked you to send sexy photos or videos of yourself to him/her on the Internet?

[q286_3] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Has an unknown person sent you photos of him/herself naked or performed naked on web camera for you?

[q286_4] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Has an unknown person sexually propositioned you on the Internet?

[q286_5] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Has an unknown person sexually propositioned you on the Internet and offered you money or gifts for it?

[q286_6] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Have you given your email address to someone you originally met online?

[q286_7] Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months: Have you given your phone number to someone you originally met online?

[q286_1b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Has an unknown person behaved rudely towards you or used obscene language when you have talked to him/her on the Internet?

[q286_2b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Has an unknown person asked you to send sexy photos or videos of yourself to him/her on the Internet?

[q286_3b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Has an unknown person sent you photos of him/herself naked or performed naked on web camera for you?

[q286_4b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Has an unknown person sexually propositioned you on the Internet?

[q286_5b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Has an unknown person sexually propositioned you on the Internet and offered you money or gifts for it?

[q286_6b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Have you given your email address to someone you originally met online?

[q286_7b] If you have experienced this in the past 12 months, how many times: Have you given your phone number to someone you originally met online?

[q287_1] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Mother

[q287_2] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Father

[q287_3] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Sister

[q287_4] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Friend

[q287_5] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Teacher

[q287_6] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: The police

[q287_7] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: School nurse

[q287_8] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: School social worker

[q287_9] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Social worker

[q287_10] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Haven't told anyone

[q287_11] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Someone else

[q287_11b] Have you told someone about the bullying or harassment occurring on the Internet or by phone: Someone else, who? (open-ended)

[q288] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - Why haven't you told anyone?

[q288_2] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - Why haven't you told anyone? Other reason, what? (open-ended)

[q289_1] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Discussed with the parties involved

[q289_2] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Consoled and supported me

[q289_3] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Did not believe me or underrated the matter

[q289_4] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Was angry with me

[q289_5] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Advised me not to talk about it to anyone

[q289_6] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Encouraged me to seek help from authorities

[q289_7] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a child welfare notification

[q289_8] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Filed a criminal complaint

[q289_9] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Something else

[q289_9b] Harassment on the Internet or by phone - How did the person(s) you told react or what did they do: Something else, what? (open-ended)

[q290] Have you met someone you originally encountered online outside the Internet?

[q290_2] Have you met someone you originally encountered online outside the Internet? Yes, how many times? (open-ended)

[q291_1] Have you experienced any of the following: Has someone you originally encountered online persuaded you into having sex with him/her against your will, when you met outside the Internet?

[q291_2] Have you experienced any of the following: Has someone you originally encountered online forced you to have sex with him/her, when you met outside the Internet?

[q291_3] Have you experienced any of the following: Has someone you originally encountered online given you money or gifts in exchange for sex?

[q291_1b] How many times have you experienced any of the following: Has someone you originally encountered online persuaded you into having sex with him/her against your will, when you met outside the Internet?

[q291_2b] How many times have you experienced any of the following: Has someone you originally encountered online forced you to have sex with him/her, when you met outside the Internet?

[q291_3b] How many times have you experienced any of the following: Has someone you originally encountered online given you money or gifts in exchange for sex?

[q292] Meeting an Internet acquaintance outside the Internet - How did you originally encounter the person who did abovementioned things to you?

[q292_2] Meeting an Internet acquaintance outside the Internet - How did you originally encounter the person who did abovementioned things to you? Other, how? (open-ended)

[q293] Meeting an Internet acquaintance outside the Internet - Who was the person who did abovementioned things to you?

[q294] Meeting an Internet acquaintance outside the Internet - Think about the first time this happened. How old were you then? (years)

[q295] Meeting an Internet acquaintance outside the Internet - Was any of the abovementioned things photographed or recorded on video?

[q296] Meeting an Internet acquaintance outside the Internet - Do you know whether the photos or videos have been published online or sent to other people some other way (e.g. by email or phone)?

[q297] Was it difficult for you to answer the questions?

[q298] How did it feel to answer the questions? (open-ended)

[bv1] Language

[bv2] Grade the respondent is attending at school

[vanlaani] Province of residence (old classification)

[tilkun] Type of municipality

[paino_ot] Sample weight

[paino_an] Analysis weight

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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