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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[t1] The respondent's gender
[t2] The respondent's age
[t4] Which of the following best describes your municipality/neighbourhood?
[t5] The respondent's mother tongue
[t5_2] The respondent's mother tongue: Other, which? (open-ended)
[t6] Membership of religious community
[t7_1] Who belong to the household you live in? I live alone
[t7_2] Who belong to the household you live in? I live in a shared apartment / with a roommate
[t7_3] Who belong to the household you live in? Mother
[t7_4] Who belong to the household you live in? Other female guardian
[t7_5] Who belong to the household you live in? Father
[t7_6] Who belong to the household you live in? Other male guardian
[t7_7] Who belong to the household you live in? Brothers, step-brothers/half-brothers
[t7_8] Who belong to the household you live in? Sisters, step-sisters/half-sisters
[t7_9] Who belong to the household you live in? Spouse or cohabiting partner or registered partner
[t7_10] Who belong to the household you live in? Own or spouse's/partner's children
[t7_11] Who belong to the household you live in? Someone else, who?
[t7_11_2] Who belong to the household you live in? Someone else, who? (open-ended)
[t7b_1] Ages of brothers/step-brothers/half-brothers living in the household: 1st brother (years)
[t7b_2] Ages of brothers/step-brothers/half-brothers living in the household: 2nd brother (years)
[t7b_3] Ages of brothers/step-brothers/half-brothers living in the household: 3rd brother (years)
[t7b_4] Ages of brothers/step-brothers/half-brothers living in the household: 4th brother (years)
[t7b_5] Ages of brothers/step-brothers/half-brothers living in the household: 5th brother (years)
[t7b_6] Ages of brothers/step-brothers/half-brothers living in the household: 6th brother (years)
[t7c_1] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 1st sister (years)
[t7c_2] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 2nd sister (years)
[t7c_3] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 3rd sister (years)
[t7c_4] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 4th sister (years)
[t7c_5] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 5th sister (years)
[t7c_6] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 6th sister (years)
[t7c_7] Ages of sisters/step-sisters/half-sisters living in the household: 7th sister (years)
[t7d_1] Ages of own or spouse's/partner's children: 1st child (years)
[t7d_2] Ages of own or spouse's/partner's children: 2nd child (years)
[t7d_3] Ages of own or spouse's/partner's children: 3rd child (years)
[t7d_4] Ages of own or spouse's/partner's children: 4th child (years)
[t7d_5] Ages of own or spouse's/partner's children: 5th child (years)
[t7d_6] Ages of own or spouse's/partner's children: 6th child (years)
[t8] What is your mother's education level?
[t9] What is your father's education level?
[t10] Is your household... (assessment of the household wealth)
[t11] Are you currently studying?
[t12] (IF CURRENTLY STUDYING) Do you study...
[t13a] (IF T12=1,2) What was the average grade of your previous school report?
[t13b] (IF T12><1,2) What was the average grade of your lower secondary school-leaving certificate?
[t14_1] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Matriculation examination (i.e. general upper secondary education)
[t14_2] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Vocational qualification (i.e. upper secondary vocational education)
[t14_3] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Polytechnic/university of applied sciences degree
[t14_4] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: University degree
[t14_5] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: None of the above
[t14_6] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: No answer
[t15] Are you currently doing any paid work?
[t16] What is your current main economic activity and occupational status?
[t16_7_2] What is your current main economic activity and occupational status: Other, which? (open-ended)
[t17] (IF UNEMPLOYED) How long have you now been consistently unemployed or laid-off? Estimate the time in months
[t18a] What country were you born in?
[t18a_2] What country were you born in? Other, which? (open-ended)
[t18b] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) What year did you move to Finland?
[t18c] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) Are you a citizen of Finland?
[t18d] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) What country was your mother born in?
[t18d_2] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) What country was your mother born in? Other, which? (open-ended)
[t18e] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) What country was your father born in?
[t18e_2] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) What country was your father born in? Other, which? (open-ended)
[t19_1] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: Finnish?
[t19_2] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A resident of your current town?
[t19_3] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: European?
[t19_4] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A citizen of the world?
[t19_5] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: Multicultural?
[t19_6] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) To what extent do you feel yourself to be: An immigrant?
[t19_7] (IF NOT BORN IN FINLAND) To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A foreigner?
[t20_1] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Ethnic background
[t20_2] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Ideological conviction or opinion
[t20_3] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Religious or non-religious conviction
[t20_4] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Sexual orientation
[t20_5] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Gender identity
[t20_6] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Disability or chronic disease
[t20_7] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Appearance
[t20_8] Do you feel you belong to a minority based on the following: Something else
[k1_1] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That two people of the same sex cannot marry
[k1_2] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That conscription is limited to the male population
[k1_3] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That the well-to-do live longer than the poor
[k1_4] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That a person does not receive service at a restaurant because of her/his ethnic background
[k1_5] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That recruitment requires full command of the Finnish language, even when this is not necessary for performing the work
[k1_6] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That ethnic origin prevents an applicant from getting a job, even when (s)he is otherwise qualified
[k1_7] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That a person belonging to a sexual minority is called names
[k1_8] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That a person using a wheelchair cannot access a library or a shop because of stairs
[k1_9] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That youth unemployment is higher than that of other age groups
[k1_10] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That the unemployment rate of immigrants is higher than that of other people
[k1_11] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That religion is a compulsory school subject for the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
[k1_12] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: That there is religious content in school events
[k1_13] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: None of the above
[k1_14] Which of the following do you view as discrimination: Can't say
[k2_1] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: At school
[k2_2] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: In the working life
[k2_3] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: At own or someone else's home
[k2_4] (IF UNDER 25) Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: At youth services
[k2_5] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: In sports clubs
[k2_6] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: In a situation related to other hobbies
[k2_7] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: In cafés or bars
[k2_8] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: At hangout spots frequented by young people (malls etc.)
[k2_9] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: On the street
[k2_10] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: On the Internet
[k2_11] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: On TV or the radio or in newspapers/magazines
[k2_12] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: At social and health services
[k2_13] (IF OVER 18 AND MALE) Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: In the army
[k2_14] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: When looking for an apartment or other housing
[k2_15] Have you witnessed discrimination against young people in the following places or situations in the past 12 months: By the authorities (e.g. the Social Insurance Institution, the police)
[k3_1] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Belittling or underrating
[k3_2] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Shunning, being left outside the group
[k3_3] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Mockery and name-calling
[k3_4] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Physical violence
[k3_5] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Threats of physical violence
[k3_6] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Discrimination in the provision of services or work, in getting positions of trust etc.
[k3_7] How often have you witnessed the following forms of youth discrimination: Inaccessibility of facilities or services (e.g. lack of ramps or elevators, inaccessible websites)
[k4] Have you ever felt you were discriminated against?
[k5_1] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Age
[k5_2] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Appearance
[k5_3] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Style (clothing)
[k5_4] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Skin colour
[k5_5] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Ethnic background
[k5_6] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Religion or conviction
[k5_7] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Political views
[k5_8] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Sex/gender
[k5_9] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Not conforming to gendered expectations
[k5_10] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Gender identity or gender expression
[k5_11] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Sexual orientation
[k5_12] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Language skills
[k5_13] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: The way you speak or your accent
[k5_14] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Health status
[k5_15] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Poverty
[k5_16] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Affluence
[k5_17] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Disability
[k5_18] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Being unfashionable
[k5_19] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Something else, what?
[k5_20] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Can't say
[k5_19_2] (IF K4=1,2) Have you been discriminated against based on the following: Something else, what? (open-ended)
[k6_1] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? At school
[k6_2] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? In the working life
[k6_3] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? At own or someone else's home
[k6_4] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? At youth services
[k6_5] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? In sports clubs
[k6_6] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? In a situation related to other hobbies
[k6_7] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? In cafés and bars
[k6_8] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? At hangout spots frequented by young people (malls etc.)
[k6_9] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? On the street
[k6_10] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? On the Internet
[k6_11] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? On TV or the radio or in newspapers/magazines
[k6_12] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? At social and health services
[k6_13] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? In the army
[k6_14] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? When looking for an apartment or other housing
[k6_15] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? By the authorities (e.g. the Social Insurance Institution, the police)
[k6_16] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? None of the above
[k6_17] (IF K4=1,2) In which situations have you experienced discrimination? Can't say
[k7] (IF K4=1,2) When were you discriminated against?
[k8a_1] (IF K4=1,2) What do you think of the following statements: The discrimination I have experienced has been continuous
[k8a_2] (IF K4=1,2) What do you think of the following statements: The discrimination I have experienced has had negative effects on my life
[k8a_3] (IF K4=1,2) What do you think of the following statements: The discrimination I have experienced has had positive effects on my life (such as positive fighting spirit)
[k8a_4] (IF K4=1,2) What do you think of the following statements: I have told someone about the discrimination
[k8a_5] (IF K4=1,2) What do you think of the following statements: I have received help for the discrimination
[k8a_6] (IF K4=1,2) What do you think of the following statements: Resolving the discrimination case led to broader action, such as changes in practices or instructions
[k8b_1] What do you think of the following statements: I have avoided going to a place/location/facility because of the fear/threat of discrimination
[k8b_2] What do you think of the following statements: I would be aware of my rights if I became a victim of discrimination
[k8b_3] What do you think of the following statements: I know who I could turn to if I experienced or witnessed discrimination
[k8b_4] What do you think of the following statements: If you were discriminated against in, say, a restaurant or a bank, you would complain about it
[k8b_5] What do you think of the following statements: It is important that people intervene when they witness discrimination
[k8b_6] What do you think of the following statements: There is help available for victims of discrimination
[k8b_7] What do you think of the following statements: Current measures are effective in preventing discrimination
[k8b_8] What do you think of the following statements: Affirmative/positive action is a good way of combating discrimination based on, for example, gender or ethnic background
[k8b_9] What do you think of the following statements: Quotas, such as those based on gender, are a good way of combating discrimination
[k8b_10] What do you think of the following statements: Finns are tolerant towards human diversity and people's differences
[k8b_11] What do you think of the following statements: The pressure to conform is too high in Finland
[k8b_12] What do you think of the following statements: I have the same rights as everyone else
[k8b_13] What do you think of the following statements: I'm free to be who I am
[k8b_14] What do you think of the following statements: I receive help from my family, friends, relatives, neighbours or other people close to me if I need it
[k9] Have you intervened when you have witnessed discrimination?
[k10] Have you been involved in discriminating against others?
[k12_1] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Low education level
[k12_2] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of work
[k12_3] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of friends
[k12_4] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Ending up in bad company
[k12_5] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of faith in the future
[k12_6] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Unhealthy habits
[k12_7] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of hobbies
[k12_8] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Laziness and indifference
[k12_9] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of income
[k12_10] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Unequal starting points
[k12_11] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Biological or genetic differences in talent
[k12_12] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Injustice of society
[k12_13] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Own willingness and desire
[k12_14] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Discrimination
[k12_15] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of skills in information and communication technology
[k12_16] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Mental health problems
[k12_17] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Finland's difficult financial situation
[k12_18] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Long distance to services and leisure time facilities
[k12_19] To what extent is the social exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of public transport in the place of residence
[k13_1] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Studies
[k13_2] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Getting a job
[k13_3] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Safety and well-being of your family members
[k13_4] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Couple relationship/dating
[k13_5] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own income
[k13_6] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Insecurity of your neighbourhood
[k13_7] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Physical violence against you
[k13_8] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Emotional abuse against you
[k13_9] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Sexual violence against you
[k13_10] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own loneliness
[k13_11] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own exclusion
[k13_12] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own health
[k14_1] How do you view the following things: Your own future
[k14_2] How do you view the following things: The future of Finland as a place to live
[k14_3] How do you view the following things: The future of the world in general
[k15] Please use this scale where 1 means 'none at all' and 10 means 'a great deal' to indicate how much freedom of choice and control you feel you have over the way your life turns out
[k16] How often do you meet your friends?
[k17] How often do you speak on the phone with your friends?
[k18] How often do you contact your friends over the Internet?
[k19] How many close friends do you have?
[k20_1] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who belong to a different ethnic group than you
[k20_2] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who have a different religion or conviction from you
[k20_3] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who are lesbian, gay or bi
[k20_4] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who are trans people
[k20_5] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who are of different age from you
[k20_6] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who belong to a different social class than you
[k20_7] Do you have friends, family members, fellow students or workers, teammates or other people close to you... Who have a disability or illness
[k21] Among young people, good friends often meet each other many times a week so that they practically form close-knit groups, gangs etc. Do you belong to such a group?
[k22] Do you feel part of a youth style or subculture (e.g. goth, hip hop, punk, heavy metal, skater etc.)?
[k23] Do you think most people would try to take advantage of you if they had the chance or do you think they would try to be fair?
[k24_1] How much do you trust the following groups: People who belong to a different ethnic group than you
[k24_2] How much do you trust the following groups: People who have a different religion or conviction from you
[k24_3] How much do you trust the following groups: People who are of different gender from you
[k24_4] How much do you trust the following groups: People who belong to a different social class than you
[k24_5] How much do you trust the following groups: People who have a disability or illness
[k24_6] How much do you trust the following groups: People who are lesbian, gay, or bi
[k24_7] How much do you trust the following groups: Transgender people
[k24_8] How much do you trust the following groups: People who are young (under 30 years old)
[k24_9] How much do you trust the following groups: People who are old (over 55 years old)
[k25_1] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It would be beneficial if more foreigners came to Finland
[k25_2] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: There are immigrants participating in hobbies or voluntary organisations I'm involved in
[k25_3] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I have friends with immigrant background
[k25_4] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I cannot imagine having an immigrant as my spouse/partner
[k25_5] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Racism among young people is a serious problem that is not addressed sufficiently
[k25_6] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is important to me that my friends were born in Finland
[k25_7] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Finland should accept more refugees than it does at present
[k25_8] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Finland has a responsibility to help people who flee from war or human suffering
[k26_1] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: If I become unemployed, I will still be able to manage financially
[k26_2] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: As far as the financial aspect is concerned, it is possible for anyone to raise a child alone
[k26_3] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: If I fall ill, I will have access to medical care and will generally be able to manage financially
[k26_4] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: If I were unemployed for a long time, the Finnish society would allow me to educate myself further or in another field
[k26_5] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: Student income is reasonably well secured in Finland
[k26_6] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: Social security is so good that it encourages people to be idle and live on benefits
[k26_7] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: There should be no attempts to maintain the welfare state in its current form because doing so is economically unsustainable
[k26_8] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: The level of welfare services should be maintained even if it means tax increases
[k26_9] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: Social assistance passivises young people
[k26_10] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: I have heard about the social guarantee for young people
[k26_11] How well do the following statements correspond to your perceptions: The social guarantee has improved the situation of young people
[k27] Are you going to vote in the European Parliament Elections this spring?
[k28] Do you participate in the activities of an organisation or a movement that seeks to influence society?
[k29_1] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: political left - political right
[k29_2] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: patriotic - not patriotic
[k29_3] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: religious - non-religious
[k29_4] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: green - not green
[k29_5] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: liberal values - conservative values
[k30] Compared to other people of your age, would you say your health is...
[k31_1] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Neck and shoulder pain
[k31_2] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Lower back pain
[k31_3] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Stomach aches
[k31_4] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Nervousness or tension
[k31_5] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Irritability or fits of anger
[k31_6] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Difficulty falling asleep or waking up during the night
[k31_7] In the past six months, have you had the following symptoms and how often? Fatigue or weakness
[k32] How satisfied are you with your current financial situation on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k33] How satisfied are you with your leisure time on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k34] How satisfied are you with your personal relationships on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k35] How satisfied are you with your health on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k36] How satisfied are you with your physical fitness on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k37] How satisfied are you with your appearance on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k38] Currently, how satisfied are you with your life overall on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)
[k39] Have you heard about the 'No Hate Speech' movement in Finland, whose logo is a heart with the text 'Don't Hate'?
[bv1] Mother tongue
[bv2] Household size
[bv3] Number of people under 18 in the household
[bv4] Number of rooms in the apartment/house
[bv5] Floor area of the apartment/house
[bv6] Major region
[bv7] Statistical grouping of municipalities 2014