FSD3047 Trauma Symptoms and Psychosocial Support after Accidents 2014 - 2015
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Trauma Symptoms and Psychosocial Support after Accidents 2014 - 2015
Pysyvät tunnisteet
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Kvantitatiivinen aineisto
- Turja, Tuuli (University of Tampere)
Sisällön kuvaus
The survey studied trauma symptoms and psychosocial support received after accidents in Finland. Main themes pertained to the accident situation, injuries suffered, treatment and support received, and persisting trauma symptoms. The Impact of Event Scale -Revised (IES-R) was used to score post-traumatic stress disorder.
The initial questions investigated severe pain experienced by the respondent due to a traffic accident or other accident, hospital care received, the respondent's age at the time of the trauma, and how many of individuals involved had needed hospital care. Further questions charted how much pain, helplessness, fear or shame the respondents had experienced at the time of the accident, whether they had feared losing their mobility or other functionality, how many times they had re-experienced the same pain, the extent to which their life had been threatened, and the extent to which medication or other treatment had removed the pain.
The IES-R was used to present questions on the occurrence of intrusive thoughts about the accident, avoidance of stimuli associated with it, feelings of watchfulness and anger, physical symptoms caused by reminders of the accident, and signs of heightened irritability, sleep disorders, emotional numbing or lack of concentration.
Psychosocial support received was studied with questions relating to discussions with others, peer support, crisis support or therapy received, sufficiency of information from medical staff, and psychological support from people close to the respondent. The respondents were also asked whether they felt that only individuals with same experiences can understand their pain and how easy it was for them to talk about the issue to people close to them. Frequency of meeting friends, relatives or colleagues outside office hours was investigated.
Background variables included the respondent's gender, age, economic activity, household composition and general happiness.
accidents; injuries; medical care; pain; pain control; post-traumatic stress disorder; social support; symptoms
- Social sciences (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Medical and health sciences (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Wounds and injuries (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
- Signs and symptoms; pathological conditions (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
Individual datasetsJakelija
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
- Turja, Tuuli (University of Tampere)
Ajallinen kattavuus
2014 – 2015
Aineistonkeruun ajankohta
2014-11-28 – 2015-01-14
Individuals who had experienced post-traumatic physical pain at the time period stretching from one month to five years prior to the survey
Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus
Non-probability: Availability
An invitation to participate in the study was published in nine hand-picked online discussion forums which were related to sports and exercise activities (e.g. jogging, cycling, football), farm machinery and traffic. The invitation contained a link to the online questionnaire and was published for a month on each forum. The forums included were Pakkotoisto, Fillarifoorumi, Juoksufoorumi, Naisfutis, Masinistit, Marttailunurkka, Niskavamma.com and Moottoripyörä.org as well as five forums of Suomi24and two forums of Iltalehti.
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Keruuväline tai –ohje
Structured questionnaire
Datatiedostojen kieli
Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.
Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: suomi.
Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.
Datan versio
Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa
The original data contained 417 cases which were formed when people had opened the link to the survey. However, most individuals who had opened the link did not respond to the survey. The data archive removed the non responding cases and thus the archived dataset contains 182 cases.
There are no weight variables in the data.
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Turja, Tuuli (University of Tampere): Trauma Symptoms and Psychosocial Support after Accidents 2014 - 2015 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2015-10-29). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3047
Julkaisusta tiedottaminen
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Käytön ja kuvailun oheismateriaalit
Turja, Tuuli (2015). Arkipäiväisten tapaturmien jälkeinen traumaoireilu ja psykososiaalisen tuen tarve. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiaalipsykologian pro gradu -tutkielma.
Julkaisut aineistosta
Turja, Tuuli (2015). Arkipäiväisten tapaturmien jälkeinen traumaoireilu ja psykososiaalisen tuen tarve. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiaalipsykologian pro gradu -tutkielma.
Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa
Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.