FSD3093 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 2016

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[q1a_1] No party promotes issues that are important to me

[q1a_2] Finland has gone too far into globalisation; from now on we should return our focus to national economy and politics

[q1a_3] Finland's ageing and diminishing population means that Finland needs to make immigration easier

[q1a_4] Climate change is the biggest environmental threat of our time. In order to prevent it, every country must take immediate and effective measures

[q1a_5] I feel more and more European, in addition to being Finnish

[q1a_6] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living in order to reduce unemployment

[q1a_7] If the Finns had more a positive attitude to entrepreneurship, it would benefit the whole society

[q1a_8] Dealing with the euro crisis is important, but doing so must not lead to a decrease in Finland's national decision-making power

[q1a_9] Ultimately, immigrants are of great benefit to Finland because they bring new labour and enterprise into our country

[q1a_10] Companies have the responsibility to retain their employees also in difficult times

[q1a_11] In order to manage in the future, Finland needs a clear long-term policy which has a wide public support from different social groups

[q1a_12] Finland has become a country where it is nearly impossible to carry out even the most essential reforms

[q1a_13] Economic growth is the only way to continuous well-being

[q1a_14] Finland should remain outside NATO, even if Sweden joined it

[q1a_15] In Finland, the interests of employees and employers are largely convergent

[q1a_16] Finnish foreign policy has been managed well during the term of the present government

[q1a_17] Finland has to take quick measures to reduce its rapidly growing national debt, whatever cuts in benefits and welfare it may require

[q1a_18] The EU member states should be able to influence the policy of the European Central Bank

[q1a_19] Parties have drifted further and further away from the problems of ordinary people

[q1a_20] If a workplace faces a threat of closure and both parties so desire, the employees and the employer should have the right to agree on a wage level below the level set out in the collective agreement

[q1b_1] Income disparity between different population groups has grown too large in our country

[q1b_2] A more complete liberalisation of global trade would benefit both the developing and rich countries

[q1b_3] Finland has no real military threats

[q1b_4] People used to be happier than they are nowadays

[q1b_5] The actions and policies of the United States in international politics are legitimate and deserve the support of Finns

[q1b_6] As an Islamic country, Turkey is not suited to become a member of the EU, which is based on Christian values

[q1b_7] The countries targeted by terrorism can mostly blame their own injudicious, careless politics

[q1b_8] Finland needs strong leaders who can restore order, discipline and respect for proper values

[q1b_9] Interest groups have too much influence on Finland's political decision making

[q1b_10] Increasing immigration to Finland brings us useful international influences

[q1b_11] Even considerable financial difficulties at the workplace are not a sufficient reason for an employee to have to agree to a wage level below the one set out in the collective agreement

[q1b_12] Finland has been able to influence decision-making in the EU

[q1b_13] If Finland cannot introduce more rapid reforms, we will be facing a socio-economic crisis in a few years

[q1b_14] It is fair that top professionals are significantly better paid than others, even if it increases income inequality

[q1b_15] Even though comprehensive social security and public services are costly, Finnish welfare state is always good value for money

[q1b_16] Finland and the EU as a whole should tighten their immigration policy

[q1b_17] If employees could influence and take more part in corporate decision-making, it would benefit the whole society

[q1b_18] Instead of constantly raising taxes, the efficiency of the public sector should be improved

[q1b_19] Being an entrepreneur in Finland entails so high payments and risks that 'only a madman' would want to become an entrepreneur in favour of a steady paid job

[q1c_1] In five years, many things will be better in Finland than they are now

[q1c_2] Welfare benefits are viewed as acquired rights and are used as a matter of course even by those who have no real need of them

[q1c_3] Ukraine would be a suitable EU member state in the future

[q1c_4] Unless the organisation and activities of the trade union movement are rebuilt on a totally new basis, it will not be able to promote the interests of its members in the future

[q1c_5] The refugee crisis in Europe has shown that we must have the possibility to restrict free movement between European countries

[q1c_6] Employment and welfare in Finland are crucially dependent on the competitiveness of our export industry

[q1c_7] Refugees arriving in Finland should not be offered work as long as there is unemployment here

[q1c_8] Recent events in the Middle East (e.g. ISIS) have increased the threat of terrorism in Finland as well

[q1c_9] Even though Russia has its own problems, Finns have no reason to take a negative attitude to this big neighbour

[q1c_10] I am interested in politics and follow it actively

[q1c_11] International terrorism poses no threat to Finland if we do not get involved in the conflicts of the world

[q1c_12] The wariness Finnish people show towards foreigners is wise guardedness, not ignorance or racism

[q1c_13] We should all be willing to compromise our own interests to secure Finland's international competitiveness

[q1c_14] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence

[q1c_15] Even though contrary opinions are sometimes expressed, the trade union movement continues to be a responsible and progressive force that initiates social reforms

[q1c_16] In the current situation, there is a risk that Finland turns inwards and is left out of international development

[q1c_17] Citizens and consumers benefit from free competition in the markets, because competition improves efficiency and reduces prices

[q1c_18] The right to strike is a fundamental right which must not be limited in any circumstances

[q1d_1] The fruitless labour market negotiations last autumn (the so-called social contract) show that the so-called centralised labour market model, which is based on employer and trade union federations, no longer works

[q1d_2] It should be possible to forbid strikes that greatly inconvenience outsiders

[q1d_3] Finland should join NATO

[q1d_4] In order to be able to prevent terrorist attacks, Finnish public authorities should quickly be granted much more powers to monitor, for instance, telecommunication activity

[q1d_5] The debate on immigration in Finland is not outspoken enough nor frank about the problems caused by immigration

[q1d_6] I'm lucky and privileged to be a Finn

[q1d_7] The crisis in Ukraine and Russia's increased military operations have made my attitude towards Finland's potential NATO membership more positive than before

[q1d_8] Compensations paid for illegal strikes should be increased significantly so that they would correspond to the financial losses caused by the strike

[q1d_9] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces

[q1d_10] Reducing unemployment requires fundamental structural changes in Finnish working life and conflicts with trade unions

[q1d_11] Finns should effectively protect their unique culture from the ever-increasing internationalisation

[q1d_12] Finland should look out for its own national interests in the EU much more attentively

[q1d_13] The social security of refugees who have been granted a residence permit should not be lowered because they have the same worth as other people living in Finland

[q1d_14] Returning to the Finnish mark as a result of the euro crisis would be unfortunate for ordinary consumers and people with debts

[q1d_15] Swedes were wise to vote 'no' to the Euro and EMU

[q1d_16] As an EU member, Finland cannot have an immigration policy (more restrictive or more liberal) that differs considerably from the policies of other member states

[q1d_17] Nowadays, the Finnish trade union movement more often slows down social development instead of promoting it

[q1d_18] I wouldn't support Finland's NATO membership even if the government favoured it

[q2_1] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Politicians - Citizens

[q2_2] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Employers - employees

[q2_3] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: The employed - The unemployed

[q2_4] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Industry/enterprises - Environmental protection

[q2_5] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Growing city areas - Remote areas

[q2_6] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Rich people - Poor people

[q2_7] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Post-war generations - Younger generations

[q2_8] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Socialists - Conservatives/bourgeoisie (the left - the right)

[q2_9] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Men - Women

[q2_10] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: The young - The old

[q2_11] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Retired people - Working people

[q2_12] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: The well-educated - The poorly-educated

[q2_13] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: Native Finns - Immigrants

[q2_14] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: EU supporters - EU critics

[q2_15] How strong would you say the following conflicts/oppositions are in Finland at present: National culture - International culture

[q3] How happy do you feel your life is these days?

[q4_1] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Wage increases

[q4_2] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Length of the working day

[q4_3] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Length of holidays

[q4_4] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Overtime compensation

[q4_5] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Wage decreases in exceptional circumstances

[q4_6] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Working time arrangements (flexible working time etc.)

[q4_7] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Incentives (bonuses)

[q4_8] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Severance pay and change security for dismissed employees

[q4_9] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Amount of holiday bonus

[q4_10] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon: Length of employee probationary period

[q5_1] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Employees have too few opportunities to influence matters at the workplace

[q5_2] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Centralised labour agreements do not fit today's economy where the circumstances of employment sectors vary a lot

[q5_3] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Employers only want to cut labour costs to get more for themselves

[q5_4] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Cost of labour has increased too much in Finland

[q5_5] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Terms of employment are not flexible and do not allow reacting to varying/fluctuating economic situations

[q5_6] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Incompetent management and leadership in Finland

[q5_7] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Negotiating and agreeing upon terms of employment is too contentious

[q5_8] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: The 'industrial peace system' does not work at all, there are too many strikes affecting the reliability of Finland negatively

[q5_9] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Too many things are agreed upon in a centralised manner at the national level and there is no room for local bargaining

[q5_10] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: The level of various social security benefits is so high that taking a job is not always financially rewarding

[q5_11] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Trade unions are not capable of giving up any 'acquired rights'

[q5_12] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: There is less trust between the negotiating parties and the culture of negotiating is weaker in Finland than in the competing countries

[q5_13] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Skilled and talented employees don't have sufficient economic incentives to seek work corresponding to their abilities and skills

[q5_14] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Even the small key groups can prevent reforms/changes

[q5_15] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Globalisation has reduced the interest of enterprises to make fair agreements in Finland

[q5_16] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Finns can't or won't move to another town/municipality for work

[q5_17] To what extent do you think the following issues related to job markets hinder the improvement of the economy: Due to the rigid job market, there is little interest in investing in Finnish companies and Finland

[q6_1] Have you ever been abroad?

[q6_2] Have you been to more than three different countries?

[q6_3] Are you personally acquainted with any foreigner who lives in Finland?

[q6_4] Do you have friends, acquaintances or relatives abroad?

[q6_5] Have you worked or studied abroad?

[q6_6] Do you know any other languages besides Finnish and/or Swedish?

[q6_7] Do you follow foreign media?

[q6_8] Do you speak any other foreign languages besides (possibly) English?

[q6_9] In the future, would you like to live, study, or work abroad for a longer period of time?

[q7_1] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: The EU dissolves

[q7_2] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: The EU gives up the euro and national currencies are reintroduced

[q7_3] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: All EU member states start using the euro

[q7_4] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: Finland leaves the euro

[q7_5] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: The EU develops into a federation

[q7_6] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: Finland leaves the EU

[q7_7] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: The weakest of the eurozone countries leave the monetary union

[q7_8] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: European integration is halted and the EU becomes a looser union of states than it is today

[q7_9] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: The strongest of the eurozone countries leave the monetary union

[q8_1] In your opinion, how should the following things be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Strengthening the roles of the UN and other organisations

[q8_2] In your opinion, how should the following things be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Action against terrorism

[q8_3] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Relations with Russia

[q8_4] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Relations with the USA

[q8_5] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Cooperation with the Baltic States

[q8_6] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Cooperation with the Nordic countries

[q8_7] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Obtaining firm security guarantees

[q8_8] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Cherishing military non-alignment

[q8_9] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Promotion of NATO membership

[q8_10] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Nordic defence cooperation

[q8_11] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Promotion of free world trade

[q8_12] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Promotion of fair globalisation

[q8_13] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Increase in development cooperation funds

[q8_14] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Securing Finland's national benefits

[q8_15] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Defending human rights all over the world

[q8_16] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Mediating international crises

[q8_17] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Participation in military crisis management

[q8_18] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Traditional peacekeeping and civilian crisis management

[q8_19] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Tackling climate change

[q8_20] In your opinion, how should the following things be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Management of migration flows and immigration

[q8_21] In your opinion, how should the following issues be emphasised in Finnish foreign policy: Solving environmental problems in the Baltic Sea

[q9a] At the moment, how interested are you in / how actively do you follow issues relating to Finland's EU membership?

[q9b] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership at present?

[q9c] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?

[q9d] Do you think that the euro and the EMU membership are an advantage or disadvantage to Finland in the current economic situation?

[q9e] Has your attitude towards the EU become more favourable or critical in recent years?

[q9f] How do you see Finland's stance on supporting euro countries that are in financial difficulties?

[q9g] If the referendum on Finland's EU membership was held now, would you be in favour of the membership or against it?

[q10_1] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Social media

[q10_2] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: New political parties and movements

[q10_3] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Citizen activism

[q10_4] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Internet forums

[q10_5] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Populism

[q10_6] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Volunteer activities

[q10_7] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Citizens' initiatives

[q10_8] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Activities in the neighbourhood or village of residence

[q10_9] How have the following things affected your civic engagement: Charity, donating

[t1] What is your basic education?

[t2] What is your vocational education?

[t3] The occupational group you feel you mainly belong to at the moment?

[t4] Your current or most recent industry of employment?

[t5] If parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?

[t6] Are you a member of a federation of trade unions/professional organisations?

[t6a] Which federation of trade unions/professional organisations are you a member of?

[t7] Which social class would you say you belong to?

[bv1] The respondent's gender

[bv2] The respondent's year of birth

[bv3] Region of residence (NUTS3)

[bv4] Number of inhabitants in the municipality of residence

[paino] Weight variable

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