FSD3266 Identity Horizons of Finnish Higher Education Students 2015

Valitse muuttuja


What is the highest level of education you have already attained?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Does not apply to me 1 0
Can't say 2 7
Less than primary and lower secondary education 3 0
Partly completed primary and lower secondary education 4 0
Primary and lower secondary education 5 1
Partly completed general upper secondary education 6 2
General upper secondary education/matriculation examination 7 336
Partly completed vocational upper secondary education 8 6
Vocational upper secondary education certificate 9 59
Partly completed polytechnic/university of applied sciences education 10 116
Polytechnic/university of applied sciences education 11 46
Partly completed university education 12 85
Lower academic degree (Bachelor's degree) 13 65
Higher polytechnic/university of applied sciences degree or higher academic degree (Master's degree) 14 5
Licentiate degree 15 1
Doctorate 16 0
Some other education or degree 17 1
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 730
maksimi 17
minimi 2
keskiarvo 9.03
keskihajonta 2.359

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