FSD3287 Social Distinctions in Modern Russia 2006

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] Aineistonumero (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_vr] Aineistoversio (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_id] Havaintotunnus (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[q1_1] Please, recall your childhood, the period of your life when you under 16. Who in that period played the role of a breadwinner in your family, who brought to the family the biggest part of its income?

[q1_2] Please, recall your childhood, the period of your life when you under 16. Who in that period played the role of a breadwinner in your family, who brought to the family the biggest part of its income?

[q2] Choose the first of these people. Let it be someone who brought the bigger part of income into your family. Who was that?

[q3] What was this person's occupation most of his or her working time?

[q4] What was his or her occupation's branch of economy?

[q5] And now choose the second person that you listed.

[q6] What was this person's occupation most of his or her working time?

[q7] What was his or her occupation's branch of economy?

[q8] Please recall the time when you 25. What was your occupation then?

[q9] What was his or her occupation's branch of economy?

[q11] Are you employed at present?

[q12] Why are you not employed now?

[q13] What is your main occupation at present?

[q14] What is your branch of economy?

[q16] What is you way of employment? Do you work in an organization or are you self-employed?

[q17] How did you get this job?

[q18] What is you employment status?

[q19] Is it the same workplace as five years ago?

[q20] What was your main occupation five years ago?

[q22_1] How have the following attributes of you workplace changed for the last five years? Possibility to use one's skills, knowledge

[q22_2] How have the following attributes of you workplace changed for the last five years? Wages level

[q22_3] How have the following attributes of you workplace changed for the last five years? Relations between managers and rank-and-file workers

[q22_4] How have the following attributes of you workplace changed for the last five years? Social benefits

[q22_5] How have the following attributes of you workplace changed for the last five years? Chances to be promoted

[q22_6] How have the following attributes of you workplace changed for the last five years? Technical provisions of work

[q23] How many hours a week do you regularly work on your main job?

[q24_1] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Type writer, calculator

[q24_2] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Stationary telephone

[q24_3] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? LAN workstation/Computer work station

[q24_4] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Computer/Personal computer

[q24_5] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Mainframe computer

[q24_6] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? A programmed lather

[q24_7] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Programmed work control equipment/Production control electronic equipment

[q24_8] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Other programmed equipment

[q24_9] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Ordinary lathe without programming

[q24_10] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Heavy construction equipment: a crane, a bulldozer etc.

[q24_11] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Chemical equipment

[q24_12] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Simple handitools/Simple manual instruments: screwdriver, hammer, shovel

[q24_13] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Transportation, for instance truck

[q24_14] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Agricultural equipment, for instance a harvester, a tractor

[q24_16] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Internet access equipment

[q24_17] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? A mobile phone

[q24_18] Which of the following equipment do you use on your job? Other

[q25] Now a few words about the organizations where you are currently working. What kind of organization is it?

[q26] How many people does it employ including those who work all of its affiliations?

[q27] Today some look for a second job in addition to the first one? Do you have a second job?

[q28] Does you job allow you to independently decide what to do and how, implement your idea?

[q29] To what extent can you determine the nature of the product or a service that you produce?

[q30] To what extent can you determine the pace and time of your work?

[q31] While doing your job, do you often get physically tired?

[q32] On your job how often do you get mentally tired?

[q33_1] Who mainly takes the following decisions at your workplace? When to come to work

[q33_2] Who mainly takes the following decisions at your workplace? When to leave work

[q33_3] Who mainly takes the following decisions at your workplace? When to take a one day paid leave

[q33_4] Who mainly takes the following decisions at your workplace? Which tasks to fulfill

[q33_5] Who mainly takes the following decisions at your workplace? When to slow the pace of work

[q33_6] Who mainly takes the following decisions at your workplace? When to take summer leave

[q34] To which of the following categories do you belong?

[q35] How many employees report to you directly?

[q36] Imagine a managerial ladder of six rungs? The highest rung is occupied by director of the enterprise; the lowest is occupied by an ordinary worker?

[q37] Is it part of your main job responsibilities to allocate work tasks to other people?

[q38_1] Which of the following tasks are part of your main job obligations? Determining work tasks for other people

[q38_2] Which of the following tasks are part of your main job obligations? Choice of materials or tools for other people

[q38_3] Which of the following tasks are part of your main job obligations? Determining pace of work for other people

[q38_4] Which of the following tasks are part of your main job obligations? Determining worktime duration

[q38_5] Which of the following tasks are part of your main job obligations? Determining volume of work for others

[q39_1] Can you influence the following decisions taken at your workplace? Salary increase or job promotion

[q39_2] Can you influence the following decisions taken at your workplace? Blocking salary increase or job promotion

[q39_3] Can you influence the following decisions taken at your workplace? Dismissal of other employees

[q39_4] Can you influence the following decisions taken at your workplace? Reprimanding other employees

[q39_5] Can you influence the following decisions taken at your workplace? Other kind of punishment or bonuses

[q40_1] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Hiring employees

[q40_2] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Dismissal of employees

[q40_3] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Determining work tasks

[q40_4] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Choice of material for work

[q40_5] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Determining the workload

[q40_6] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Distribution of enterprise budget

[q40_7] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Determining salaries

[q40_8] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Imposing sanctions

[q40_9] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Purchase of equipment

[q40_10] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Change of assortment of goods or services produced by your enterprise

[q40_11] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Decision to get a loan

[q40_12] To what extent do participate in deciding the following matters related to other employees of your department or enterprise? Choice of partners

[q41] Have you been unemployed in the past 12 months?

[q42] Have you been dismissed from a job in the last 12 months?

[q43] Have you been forced to work part time with a reduction of salary in the last 12 months?

[q44_1] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? I got a compensation or financial assistance from employer

[q44_2] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Took up petty trade

[q44_3] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Got assistance from the state or local authorities

[q44_4] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Did occasional jobs

[q44_5] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Made some goods for sale

[q44_6] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Lived off my savings

[q44_7] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Got material assistance from my friends or relatives

[q44_8] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Lived off my land plot

[q44_9] How did you manage to survive in these difficult circumstances? Other

[q45] Are you a member of a trade union now?

[q46] What is your family status?

[q47] Do you have children?

[q48] How many children do you have?

[q49] How many members of your family lives under the same roof with you?

[q50] What is the occupation of your spouse?

[q52] In what sector of economy does your spouse work?

[q53] Does your spouse hold a managerial position?

[q54_1] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to a concert

[q54_2] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to a theater

[q54_3] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to libraries

[q54_4] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to cafe, bar, pub

[q54_5] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Drinking alcohol at home

[q54_6] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to the cinema

[q54_7] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Visiting restaurants

[q54_8] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Taking up sports, training

[q55_1] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Main job salary

[q55_2] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Second job salary

[q55_3] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Relatives' assistance

[q55_4] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Small scale trade

[q55_5] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Pensions, other social subsidy

[q55_6] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Letting an apartment or a summer cottage

[q55_7] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Interest accumulated by a bank account

[q55_8] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Savings

[q55_9] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Philanthropy

[q55_10] How important for your family are the following sources of income, means of subsistence? Other

[q56] What is your aggregate monthly income including income from all sources? (rubles)

[q57] What is your family's aggregate monthly income from all sources? (rubles)

[q58] Have you experienced any wage arrears on your main job in this year?

[q59] What is the maximum duration of a wage arrear? (months)

[q60_1] What kind of state benefits or allowances do you get? Unemployment benefits

[q60_2] What kind of state benefits or allowances do you get? Children support subsidy

[q60_3] What kind of state benefits or allowances do you get? Communal payment rebate

[q60_4] What kind of state benefits or allowances do you get? Allowance for the handicapped

[q60_5] What kind of state benefits or allowances do you get? Other

[q61_1] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Privileges in getting a new home, an apartment

[q61_2] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Kindergarten

[q61_3] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Privileged access to rest homes or sanatoria

[q61_4] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Lunch at a special price

[q61_5] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Issue of work clothes

[q61_6] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Coverage of travel to workplace and back

[q61_7] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Privileged access to food products

[q61_8] Which of the following social benefits did you get at your workplace ten years ago? Privileged access to consumer goods

[q62_1] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileges in getting a new home, an apartment

[q62_2] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Kindergarten

[q62_3] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged access to rest homes or sanatoria

[q62_4] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Lunch at a special price

[q62_5] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Issue of work clothes

[q62_6] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Coverage of travel to workplace and back

[q62_7] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged access to food products

[q62_8] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged access to consumer goods

[q63] I shall read the characteristics of several groups. Tell me to which of them you belong.

[q64] How did you well-being change since the year 2000?

[q65_1] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Purchase of medical services, drugs

[q65_2] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Food

[q65_3] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Hobbies

[q65_4] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Travel

[q65_5] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Big buys such as real estate or a car

[q65_6] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Small buys such as clothes

[q65_7] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Children's education

[q65_8] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Communal payments

[q65_9] How did you family's following expenses change in 2006? Tax payment

[q66] What are your expectations? How would your well-being change in 2007?

[q67] What are home conditions at the place where you are living permanently?

[q68_1] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Central heating

[q68_2] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Gas in the kitchen

[q68_3] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Gas heating for water

[q68_4] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Electricity

[q68_5] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Cold water running

[q68_6] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Hot water running

[q68_7] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Stationary telephone

[q68_8] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Elevator

[q68_9] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Individual gas heating

[q68_10] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Garbage removal conduct

[q68_11] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Sewage

[q68_12] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Cable TV

[q68_13] Which of the following conveniences does you home have? Internet

[q69_1] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_2] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_3] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_4] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_5] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_6] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_7] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_8] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_9] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_10] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_11] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_12] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_13] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_14] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_15] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q69_16] Which of the things listed below does your family have?

[q70_1] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_2] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_3] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_4] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_5] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_6] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_7] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_8] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_9] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_10] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_11] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_12] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q70_13] Which of the listed things did you buy in the last five years?

[q71_1] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_2] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_3] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_4] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_5] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_6] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_7] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_8] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q71_9] What newspapers did you read last week?

[q72] Was there such time when you regularly red daily newspapers?

[q73_1] Why these days you practically do not read newspapers? Choose no more than three answers.

[q73_2] Why these days you practically do not read newspapers? Choose no more than three answers.

[q73_3] Why these days you practically do not read newspapers? Choose no more than three answers.

[q74_1] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_2] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_3] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_4] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_5] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_6] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_7] What magazines did you read last month?

[q74_8] What magazines did you read last month?

[q75_1] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_2] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_3] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_4] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_5] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_6] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_7] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_8] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_9] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_10] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_11] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_12] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_13] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q76_1] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_2] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_3] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_4] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_5] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_6] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_7] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q77_1] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Political life in Russia

[q77_2] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Russian economy

[q77_3] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Mood in society

[q77_4] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Events in the Caucases

[q77_5] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Political life in your region

[q77_6] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? State of regional economy

[q77_7] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Work done by regional administration

[q77_8] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Work done by city or village administration

[q77_9] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Events in the world

[q77_10] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Sports, outcome of competitions

[q77_11] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Cultural events

[q77_12] From what of the listed sources do you get the following information? Information on goods on sale in shops

[q78_1] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Criticism of the President of Russia

[q78_2] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Material against some ethnic group, race

[q78_3] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Material glorifying communism

[q78_4] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Negative information, "dark part of reality"

[q78_5] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Information on sexual minorities, homosexuals

[q78_6] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Materials on sects, non-traditional religions

[q78_7] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Depiction of violent scenes

[q78_8] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Undisguised erotic, naked bodies

[q78_9] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Propaganda of religion

[q78_10] In your opinion which of the following information in the media should be banned, which should be released with limitations and which should allowed free circulation? Commercials

[q79_1] What kind of information is the Russian media short of?

[q79_2] What kind of information is the Russian media short of?

[q79_3] What kind of information is the Russian media short of?

[q80_1] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Signed a petition or an address

[q80_2] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Participation in congresses or conferences of public organizations

[q80_3] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Took part in strikes

[q80_4] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Participated in demonstrations or marches of protest

[q80_5] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Took part in rallies

[q80_6] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Wrote a letter to a newspaper

[q80_7] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Took part in an electoral campaign in the team of a candidate

[q80_8] Which of the following events did you take part in 2005-2006? Voted in local elections

[q81] Are you a member of a party or a social movement?

[q82_1] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q82_2] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q82_3] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q83_1] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Charity

[q83_2] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Religious

[q83_3] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Cultural, artist, organizations and groups

[q83_4] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Trade Unions

[q83_5] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Political parties

[q83_6] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Organizations in protection of minorities

[q83_7] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Ecological

[q83_8] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Youth organizations (clubs)

[q83_9] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Women's organizations (clubs)

[q83_10] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Sport clubs, associations

[q83_11] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Consumer organizations

[q83_12] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Formal or informal councils of residents or yard councils

[q83_13] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Hobby clubs (fishing, hunting)

[q83_14] In which of the following organizations you participate, or only formally belong without participation, or do not belong at all? Other clubs or organizations

[q84_1] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Council of the Federation

[q84_2] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? State Duma

[q84_3] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? President of Russia

[q84_4] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Government of Russia

[q84_5] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Regional administration

[q84_6] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Municipal, village administration

[q84_7] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Russian orthodox church

[q84_8] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Army

[q84_9] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Courts

[q84_10] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Police

[q84_11] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Trade unions

[q84_12] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Television

[q84_13] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Newspapers

[q84_14] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Banks

[q84_15] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Entrepreneurs

[q85] How often you think that people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, and how often they try to be fair?

[q86] Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?

[q87] Do you approve of the current economic policy pursued by the government and President of Russia?

[q88] Do you approve of the current social policies pursued by the government and President of Russia?

[q89] Do you approve of the external policy pursued by the government and President of Russia?

[q90] Are you a believer?

[q91] To which confession do you belong?

[q92_1] In your view who should run the following services. Taking care of children

[q92_2] In your view who should run the following services. Taking care of the elderly

[q92_3] In your view who should run the following services. Communal services

[q92_4] In your view who should run the following services. Leisure institutions

[q92_5] In your view who should run the following services. Medical care

[q93_1] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Rich parents

[q93_2] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Relatives in managerial positions

[q93_3] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Good education

[q93_4] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Useful connections

[q93_5] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Hard work

[q93_6] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Persistence in achieving one's goals

[q93_7] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Ability to take risks

[q93_8] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Ambition, ability to set lofty goals

[q93_9] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Gift of intellect

[q93_10] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Living in a capital

[q93_11] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Connections abroad

[q93_12] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Charm, communicative skills

[q93_13] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Correct political views

[q93_14] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Right ethnic backround

[q93_15] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Honesty

[q93_16] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Law abidance

[q93_17] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Independence

[q93_18] You tell me how important were they for successful advancement in society eight years ago in 1998. Luck

[q94_1] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Rich parents

[q94_2] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Relatives in managerial positions

[q94_3] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Good education

[q94_4] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Useful connections

[q94_5] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Hard work

[q94_6] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Persistence in achieving one's goals

[q94_7] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Ability to take risks

[q94_8] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Ambition, ability to set lofty goals

[q94_9] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Gift of intellect

[q94_10] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Living in a capital

[q94_11] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Connections abroad

[q94_12] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Charm, communicative skills

[q94_13] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Correct political views

[q94_14] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Right ethnic backround

[q94_15] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Honesty

[q94_16] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Law abidance

[q94_17] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Independence

[q94_18] Evaluate how important are these qualities for advancement in contemporary Russian society. Luck

[q95_1] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To follow laws

[q95_2] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To respect political system

[q95_3] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To have citizenship

[q95_4] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To vote on elections

[q95_5] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To participate in public or political organizations, movements

[q95_6] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To know the state official language

[q95_7] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To be born in this country

[q95_8] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To live in this country most of one's life

[q95_9] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To belong to one of the traditional confessions

[q95_10] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To belong to titular ethnic group or one of indigenous ethnicities

[q95_11] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To feel proud of people

[q95_12] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To feel responsible for country

[q95_13] In your opinion, to what extent any of the circumstances given below allow a person to be counted as a good citizen? To help fellow-citizens

[q96_1] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as citizen of Russia

[q96_2] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as citizen of other country

[q96_3] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as citizen of USSR, Soviet man

[q96_4] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as resident of my village, town

[q96_5] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as resident of my region, republic

[q96_6] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as representative of my own ethinicity

[q96_7] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as a person with no ethnicity

[q96_8] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as citizen of Europe

[q96_9] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I feel myself as citizen of the world

[q97] To which ethnicity do you refer yourself?

[q98_1] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. It is important for me that I am (respondent's ethnicity)

[q98_2] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I am proud that I (respondent's ethnicity)

[q98_3] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. There are no better people in the world than the people of my ethnicity

[q98_4] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. The more influence people of my ethnicity have on people of other ethnicities the better it is for these ethnicities

[q98_5] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. It is important for people of my ethnicity to be first in the world

[q98_6] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. It is important for me that people of my ethnicity consider me as one of them

[q98_7] Please, to indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of following statements. I am proud that people of my ethnicity consider me as one of them

[q99] What year were you born in?

[q100] How long have you been living here in this town, village?

[q101_1] Of what languages do you have a command? English language

[q101_1_1] Degree of English language command

[q101_1_2] Degree of English language command

[q101_1_3] Degree of English language command

[q101_2] Of what languages do you have a command? German language

[q101_2_1] Degree of German language command

[q101_2_2] Degree of German language command

[q101_2_3] Degree of German language command

[q101_3] Of what languages do you have a command? Russian language

[q101_3_1] Degree of Russian language command

[q101_3_2] Degree of Russian language command

[q101_3_3] Degree of Russian language command

[q101_4] Of what languages do you have a command? Ukrainian language

[q101_4_1] Degree of Ukrainian language command

[q101_4_2] Degree of Ukrainian language command

[q101_4_3] Degree of Ukrainian language command

[q101_5] Of what languages do you have a command? French language

[q101_5_1] Degree of French language command

[q101_5_2] Degree of French language command

[q101_5_3] Degree of French language command

[q101_6] Of what languages do you have a command? Tatar language

[q101_6_1] Degree of Tatar language command

[q101_6_2] Degree of Tatar language command

[q101_6_3] Degree of Tatar language command

[q102] What is your educational level?

[q103] Respondent's sex

[q104] Type of settlement where interview was held

[bv1] Age

[bv1_1] Age (classified)

[bv2] Settlement

[bv3] Wright Class Typology

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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