FSD3305 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Autumn 2018

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[q1a_1] Comprehensive social security schemes and the extensive safety net of the welfare state make people lazy and unenterprising

[q1a_2] Welfare benefits are viewed as acquired rights and are used as a matter of course even by those who have no real need for them

[q1a_3] Even though good social security and public services are costly, Finnish welfare state is always good value for money

[q1a_4] People residing in Finland should in all circumstances have the right to basic subsistence guaranteed by society

[q1a_5] Public welfare services and benefits should be targeted mainly at those most in need and the worst-off

[q1a_6] I am interested in politics and follow it actively

[q1a_7] No party promotes issues that are important to me

[q1a_8] Political parties are drifting further and further away from the problems of ordinary citizens

[q1a_9] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence

[q1a_10] Finland needs strong leaders who can restore order, discipline and respect for proper values

[q1a_11] Morality in Finnish political life is unnecessarily criticised since most of our politicians are honest and conscientious people

[q1a_12] The elite in our society only promote their own interests and do not care about the circumstances of ordinary Finns

[q1a_13] Interest groups have too much influence on Finland's political decision-making

[q1a_14] The Finnish media has too strong an influence on public opinion

[q1a_15] Nowadays, decision-makers get more information about public opinion through civic organizations than through political parties

[q1a_16] It has become increasingly usual in politics to oversimplify and misrepresent issues and to downright lie about them

[q1a_17] Increasing immigration to Finland brings us useful international influences

[q1a_18] Finns should effectively protect their unique culture from the ever-increasing internationalisation

[q1a_19] The wariness Finnish people show towards foreigners is wise guardedness, not ignorance or racism

[q1a_20] Finland's ageing and diminishing population means that Finland needs to make immigration easier

[q1b_1] Labour shortage in certain specialty fields in Finland should be eased with foreign labour

[q1b_2] Finland's increasing labour shortage can only be solved with the help of foreign labour

[q1b_3] The fact that competent and qualified Finns emigrate is a bigger problem than immigration to Finland

[q1b_4] If more foreigners worked in Finland, our country would benefit from the useful international influences they bring

[q1b_5] Even though Finland has to carry some of the responsibility for helping refugees escaping war and persecution, the current level of immigration is too high

[q1b_6] Finland and the EU as a whole should tighten their immigration policy

[q1b_7] The requirement of the so-called 'labour availability consideration' before employers are allowed to hire foreign employees should be abolished

[q1b_8] Asylum seekers and employment-based immigration are two completely different issues that should be kept carefully separate

[q1b_9] The debate on immigration in Finland is not outspoken enough nor frank about the problems caused by immigration

[q1b_10] Xenophobia and racist discussion have become commonplace in Finland

[q1b_11] Finland should join NATO

[q1b_12] I would support Finland's membership in NATO if the Government and the President were in favour of it

[q1b_13] Finland should remain outside NATO, even if Sweden joined it

[q1b_14] Finnish decision-makers focus too much on international issues, forgetting domestic problems

[q1b_15] In foreign policy, environmental questions have already become even more important than security policy

[q1b_16] Finland should not participate in international debates which could jeopardise our good relationship with Russia

[q1b_17] Even though Russia has its own problems, Finns have no reason to take a negative attitude to this big neighbour

[q1b_18] The actions and policies of the United States in international politics are legitimate and deserve the support of Finns

[q1b_19] Despite its problems, the USA is an essential defender of Western values in the world and an important ally to Finland

[q1b_20] Finland has gone too far into globalisation; from now on we should return our focus to national economy and politics

[q1b_21] In the current situation, there is a risk that Finland turns inwards and is left out of international development

[q1b_22] In Finland, we need to accept that a person's salary may be so small that they need additional social security benefits to achieve decent livelihood

[q1b_23] All Finns have the responsibility to work for the common good

[q1b_24] To fund the welfare state, all people residing in Finland have the responsibility to work and pay taxes

[q2_1] Which is closer to your views on social security: Eligibility for social security benefits must always have a clear reason / Social security of e.g. 500 - 600 euros could be paid to everyone without any special reason

[q2_2] Which is closer to your views on social security: Healthy people of working age should do something in return for benefits / Society should not demand anything in return for benefits from healthy people of working age

[q2_3] Which is closer to your views on social security: Social security should be improved by combining different types of benefits into one benefit / Each type of benefit has its own specific purpose and benefits should not be combined

[q2_4] Which is closer to your views on social security: Social security should be personal, i.e. determined by the individual's situation / Incomes of other household members should be taken into account when determining the level of benefits

[q2_5] Which is closer to your views on social security: We can't spend more money on social security in the future because of public economy constraints / Level of social security needs to be improved even if it meant cuts or tax increases

[q2_6] Which is closer to your views on social security: The point is to provide financial assistance, not guide or instruct adults / Focus should be moved by adding guidance alongside financial assistance?

[q3_1] How well do the following describe your personal views: Finland's immigration policy is too strict and unwelcoming

[q3_2] How well do the following describe your personal views: Foreigners deprive Finns of many jobs

[q3_3] How well do the following describe your personal views: Foreigners are a source of enrichment to Finland's culture and spiritual climate

[q3_4] How well do the following describe your personal views: Of those seeking asylum, only few are in real and pressing need of it

[q3_5] How well do the following describe your personal views: Immigrants benefit our economy

[q3_6] How well do the following describe your personal views: Finland's working life needs more and more immigrants

[q3_7] How well do the following describe your personal views: Immigrants receive better social benefits than Finns

[q3_8] How well do the following describe your personal views: Immigrants do not have enough respect for Finnish habits and life style

[q3_9] How well do the following describe your personal views: As the number of foreigners increases, crime and unrest will increase also

[q3_10] How well do the following describe your personal views: Finnish attitudes toward foreigners are racist to a great extent

[q3_11] How well do the following describe your personal views: On the whole foreigners are decent and sympathetic people

[q3_12] How well do the following describe your personal views: Immigrants only want to benefit from our social security and standard of living

[q3_13] How well do the following describe your personal views: Finland must accept foreigners if only to fulfil its international obligations

[q3_14] How well do the following describe your personal views: People from different ethnic groups can never adjust themselves to Finnish circumstances

[q3_15] How well do the following describe your personal views: Marriages with foreigners will improve Finns' genetic heritage

[q3_16] How well do the following describe your personal views: Immigration rules should be more strict than they are now

[q3_17] How well do the following describe your personal views: Closing the borders would put Finland's reputation as a civilized state to shame

[q3_18] How well do the following describe your personal views: Foreigners have a lot to give to our country

[q4_1] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? In general, politicians understand and respect the life style of people like me

[q4_2] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? The media gives an appropriate and truthful image of the occupation/field in which I work

[q4_3] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? Decision-makers are interested in what I think and they listen to me

[q4_4] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? I feel that other people respect me

[q4_5] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? The media gives an appropriate and truthful image of people in a similar life situation as me

[q4_6] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? In my opinion, I get good value for the taxes I pay

[q4_7] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? The issues currently debated in politics are important to me

[q4_8] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? Authorities take me seriously and treat me fairly

[q4_9] How do you personally perceive your current position in Finnish society? I feel equal to others

[q5_1] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Parliament?

[q5_2] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Church?

[q5_3] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Judicial system?

[q5_4] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Trade unions?

[q5_5] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Employers' organisations/associations?

[q5_6] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Political parties?

[q5_7] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: (Current) Government?

[q5_8] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: (Current) President of the Republic?

[q5_9] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Government officials?

[q5_10] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: European Union, EU?

[q5_11] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Environmental organisations?

[q5_12] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Voluntary and civic organisations in general?

[q5_13] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Police?

[q5_14] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Defence Forces?

[q5_15] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Large, publicly traded corporations?

[q5_16] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Small businesses, entrepreneurs, own-account workers?

[q5_17] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Finnish educational system?

[q5_18] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Social security system?

[q5_19] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Market economy system?

[q5_20] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Banks, banking system?

[q5_21] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Social media services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)?

[q5_22] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)?

[q5_23] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Wikipedia?

[q5_24] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Helsingin Sanomat?

[q5_25] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Google?

[q5_26] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: MTV3?

[q5_27] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: The largest daily newspaper in your region?

[q5_28] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors: Finnish media in general?

[q6_1] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Finland's position among European countries

[q6_2] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Market economy and its development

[q6_3] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Performance of democracy, citizens' possibilities to influence decision-making

[q6_4] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Working conditions, work climate

[q6_5] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: National security, external threats

[q6_6] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Personal safety, prevalence of crime and violence

[q6_7] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Disparity in income and welfare between social groups

[q6_8] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: State of the environment and nature

[q6_9] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Material welfare, standard of living

[q6_10] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Mental well-being, happiness

[q6_11] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Public morals in general

[q6_12] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Performance of the judicial system

[q6_13] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Position of businesses, preconditions for operating a business

[q6_14] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Quality and practices of the media / mass communication

[q6_15] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Level and sufficiency of social security benefits

[q6_16] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Educational system, quality and development of education

[q6_17] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Technological development and its impact on society

[q6_18] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Status of national culture

[q6_19] How do you think that Finnish society has changed in the past 10 years: Finnish self-esteem

[q7_1] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Armed attack against Finland

[q7_2] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Hybrid threats, destabilising Finnish society in different ways

[q7_3] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Terrorist attack in Finland

[q7_4] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: A new global financial crisis

[q7_5] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Gang violence, riots, vandalism

[q7_6] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Foreign electoral intervention

[q7_7] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Global warming

[q7_8] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Being a victim of data theft

[q7_9] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Violence by political extremist groups

[q7_10] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Pandemics and contagious diseases

[q7_11] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Uncontrolled influx of migrants to Europe

[q7_12] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Becoming a victim of violence

[q7_13] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Breaking into home or robbery of property

[q7_14] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Cyber attacks against Finland, disrupting information networks

[q7_15] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Losing job or livelyhood

[q8_1] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: Finnish foreign policy as a whole

[q8_2] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: President Sauli Niinistö

[q8_3] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: Prime Minister Juha Sipilä

[q8_4] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini

[q8_5] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: Minister of Defence Jussi Niinistö

[q8_6] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: PM Sipilä's Government as a whole

[q8_7] How would you grade the following actors in terms of managing foreign policy: Officials of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

[q9a] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership nowadays?

[q9b] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?

[q9c] Do you think that the euro and the EMU membership are an advantage or disadvantage to Finland in the current economic situation?

[q9d] If a referendum on Finland's EU membership was held now, would you be in favour of the membership or against it?

[t1] Respondent's gender

[t2] Respondent's age group

[t3] Population in respondent's municipality of residence

[t4] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)

[t5] Type of respondent's employer (current or latest)

[t6] Respondent's working hours

[t7] Respondent's job contract type

[t8] Respondent's basic education

[t9] Respondent's vocational/professional education

[t10] Respondent's economic activity and occupational group

[t11] Respondent's current or latest industry of employment

[t12] Are you a member of a federation of trade unions?

[t12b] Which federation of trade unions/professional organisations are you a member of?

[t13] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the candidate of which political party would you vote for?

[t14] Which social class would you say you belong to?

[bv1] Respondent's year of birth (from panel demographic information)

[bv2] Total gross annual income of respondent's household (from panel demographic information)

[paino] Weighting coefficient

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