FSD3330 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Winter 2019

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EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Winter 2019



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Kvantitatiivinen aineisto


  • Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA)

Sisällön kuvaus

The survey charted the values and attitudes of Finnish people. The main themes of the Winter 2019 survey included parliamentary elections and government formation, changes in tax policy, environmental actions and the distribution of power in decision-making between nation states and the European Union.

First, the respondents were presented with attitudinal statements concerning a variety of social topics, such as welfare, government debt, income disparities, climate change, immigration, taxation and the EU.

The respondents' opinions on the new government formed after the parliamentary elections of 2019 were examined. Questions charted what the new government should focus on (e.g. improving employment, lowering taxation, increasing funding for education, stricter environment policy, cutting public expenditure) and what the respondents' views were on the composition of the new government (which political parties should or should not be included in the new government and which political party the prime minister should belong to). Opinions on tax policy were examined with questions concerning whether different taxes should be increased or decreased. Regarding climate change, the respondents were asked what actions, such as giving up meat, dairy or flying and decreasing energy consumption, they thought they could adopt in their lives to slow down climate change.

Next, the respondents were asked about the distribution of power between nation states and the EU regarding various different aspects, such as environment policy, taxation of companies, education policy, health care, defence policy and international trade. In addition, the potential future developments of the EU that the respondents hoped to see happen in the following 10 years were surveyed (e.g. Brexit happening, Finland quitting the euro or other countries in addition to Great Britain leaving the EU). Opinions were also charted on Finland's EU membership and the currency change to euro.

Finally, questions were presented on whether the EMU membership and the Euro were advantageous or disadvantageous to Finland in the economic situation at the time of the survey. The respondents were also asked whether they would have voted for or against Finland's EU membership if a referendum had been held at the time of responding, and if they had voted in the 1994 referendum, whether they had voted for or against joining the EU.

Background variables included gender, age group, size of municipality of residence, region of residence (NUTS3), basic education, professional or vocational education, occupational status, type of employer, contractual (employment) relationship, industry of employment, political party preference, trade union confederation, perceived socioeconomic class and household income.


European Union; European integration; climate change; decision making; environment; parliamentary elections; political parties; taxation



EVA Surveys on Finnish Values and Attitudes


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.


  • Taloustutkimus

Ajallinen kattavuus


Aineistonkeruun ajankohta

2019-01-31 – 2019-02-06








Persons aged 18-70 residing in Finland (poislukien the Åland Islands)

Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section


Probability: Multistage

Respondents of the survey were randomly drawn from among the internet panel of Taloustutkimus to form a sample representative of the Finnish population aged 18-70 (excluding the Åland Islands) with respect to age, gender, province of residence, education, and occupation/occupational status.

The internet panel of Taloustutkimus, randomly drawn from Finland's population register, consists of individuals aged 15-79 who have entered their demographic and sociographic information when registering to the panel and have given their consent to Taloustutkimus to invite them to participate in various surveys. Responding to any survey is voluntary and participants can leave the panel any time they want.


Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)

Keruuväline tai –ohje

Structured questionnaire



Datatiedostojen kieli

Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.

Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: englanti ja suomi.

Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.

Havaintojen ja muuttujien lukumäärä

189 muuttujaa ja 2059 havaintoa.

Datan versio


Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa

During the archiving process, open-ended responses to the comment field at the end of the questionnaire were removed from the data.


The data contain a weight variable (paino) which weights the data to be representative of the Finnish population aged 18-70 in terms of age, gender, area of residence, education, occupation/occupational status, industry of employment, and political party preference (which party R would vote for in parliamentary elections).


The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.


Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA): EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Winter 2019 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2020-04-23). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3330

Julkaisusta tiedottaminen

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Julkaisut aineistosta Tooltip

Haavisto, Ilkka (2019). Vapaus, vakaus ja vauraus. Mitä EU-jäsenyys merkitsee nykysuomalaisille? [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Analyysi 75. https://www.eva.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/eva_analyysi_no_75.pdf [viitattu 4.12.2019].

Haavisto, Ilkka (2019). Euro on supersuosittu [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Artikkeli https://www.eva.fi/blog/2019/07/23/euro-on-supersuosittu/ [viitattu 4.12.2019].

Metelinen, Sami (2019). Elämänmuutoksen empijät. Suomalainen on valmis ilmastotoimiin, kunhan naapurikin on [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Analyysi 73. https://www.eva.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/eva_analyysi_no_73-5.pdf [viitattu 4.12.2019].

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Haavisto, Ilkka (2019). Suomalaisten EU-myönteisyys huipussaan [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Artikkeli. https://www.eva.fi/blog/2019/05/09/suomalaisten-eu-myonteisyys-huipussaan/ [viitattu 4.12.2019].

Metelinen, Sami (2019). Sittenkin blokkivaalit. Suomalaisten hallitustoiveet jakaantuvat kahtia [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Analyysi 69. https://www.eva.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/eva_analyysi_no_69.pdf [viitattu 4.12.2019].

Alpimaa, Markku (2020) Talouspoliittiset asennemuutokset Suomessa vuosina 1984-2020 EVA:n arvo- ja asennetutkimusten valossa. Turku: Turun yliopisto. Sosiologian pro gradu -tutkielma. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe20201223102803

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Kujanpää, Emmiliina (2024). Suomalaiset haluavat hyvinvointivaltion, mutta kustannukset voisi mieluusti maksaa joku muu [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Artikkeli 24.8.2024. https://www.eva.fi/blog/2024/08/24/suomalaiset-haluavat-hyvinvointivaltion-mutta-kustannukset-voisi-mieluusti-maksaa-joku-muu/ [viitattu 30.8.2024].

Haavisto, Ilkka (2024). Virkistyvät eurovaalit. Suomalaiset suuntaavat vaaliuurnille aiempaa runsaslukuisemmin [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Analyysi 135. https://www.eva.fi/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/eva-analyysi-no-135.pdf [viitattu 30.8.2024].

Metelinen, Sami (2024). Suomalaiset tyytyväisiä euroon - poliitikot halutaan pitää loitolla rahapolitiikasta [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Artikkeli 4.6.2024. https://www.eva.fi/blog/2024/06/04/suomalaiset-tyytyvaisia-euroon-poliitikot-halutaan-pitaa-loitolla-rahapolitiikasta/ [viitattu 3.9.2024].

Kujanpää, Emmiliina (2024). Suomalaiset eivät lämpene veronkiristyksille, mutta pakkoraossa valitsevat mieluummin kulutusverot kuin palkkaverot [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta. EVA Artikkeli 16.4.2024. https://www.eva.fi/blog/2024/04/16/suomalaiset-eivat-lampene-veronkiristyksille-mutta-pakkoraossa-valitsevat-mieluummin-kulutusverot-kuin-palkkaverot/ [viitattu 3.9.2024].

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