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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
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[q1a_1] Even though good social security and public services are costly, Finnish welfare state is always good value for money
[q1a_2] Economic growth is the only way to ensure continuous well-being of citizens
[q1a_3] Finland has to take quick measures to reduce its rapidly growing national debt, whatever cuts in benefits and welfare it may require
[q1a_4] Income disparity between different population groups has grown too large in our country
[q1a_5] Climate change is the biggest environmental threat of our time. In order to prevent it, every country must take immediate and effective measures
[q1a_6] What is essential in public services is their availability to all citizens, not who provides them
[q1a_7] It is fair that top professionals are significantly better paid than others, even if it increases income disparity
[q1a_8] Increasing immigration to Finland brings us useful international influences
[q1a_9] By aiming at continuous economic growth, mankind will slowly destroy the environment and eventually itself
[q1a_10] Personally, I would be glad to pay more taxes than I do at the moment
[q1a_11] High income tax reduces my willingness to work
[q1a_12] Even if taxation in Finland were to increase somewhat from its current level, it would not cause significant harm to the economy and investments
[q1a_13] I am interested in politics and follow it actively
[q1a_14] Nowadays, Finnish industry and businesses act responsibly in environmental matters
[q1a_15] Instead of raising taxes, the efficiency of the public sector should be improved
[q1a_16] Finland should give up the practice of selecting the chairman of the political party that got the most votes in parliamentary elections as prime minister
[q1a_17] EU membership obliges Finns to comply with many norms and regulations which we neither want nor need
[q1a_18] The wariness Finnish people show towards foreigners is wise guardedness, not ignorance or racism
[q1b_1] Finland's ageing and diminishing population means that Finland needs to make immigration easier
[q1b_2] Similar to other Nordic countries, a minority government that has predetermined support from political parties outside the government should be formed in Finland if necessary
[q1b_3] Even though Finland has to carry some of the responsibility for helping refugees escaping war and persecution, the current level of immigration is too high
[q1b_4] The state of the climate and oceans depends on other countries, Finland and the Finns cannot do much for them
[q1b_5] It doesn't make a difference which parties form the government after the next parliamentary elections, the present policy is not going to change
[q1b_6] The debate on immigration in Finland is not outspoken enough nor frank about the problems caused by immigration
[q1b_7] EU membership is more advantageous than disadvantageous for Finland
[q1b_8] Xenophobia and racist discussion have become commonplace in Finland
[q1b_9] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living to reduce pollution and environmental problems
[q1b_10] There is so much equivocal and uncertain information going around on climate change and ways to tackle it that it is difficult to know what impact one's own actions have
[q1b_11] Policy-makers should take action to slow down climate change, the responsibility cannot be left to individual citizens
[q1b_12] Finland should leave the EU altogether
[q1b_13] If taxes were lowered, I would be willing to give up some of the services I receive from the state and municipalities
[q1b_14] All EU countries should be obliged to help member states that face difficulties because of large amounts of asylum applicants
[q1b_15] I would be willing to take action for the good of the environment if I were sure that other citizens were doing so too
[q1b_16] The best way to increase Finland's electric power production is to construct new nuclear power plants
[q1c_1] Although the EU has its problems, it is nevertheless the only power that can lead and control the development of Europe
[q1c_2] Increasingly, I feel European, in addition to being Finnish
[q1c_3] Finland has been able to influence decision-making in the EU
[q1c_4] Finland should look out for its own national interests in the EU much more attentively
[q1c_5] Within the EU, there is a continuous shift in the balance of power towards the large member states
[q1c_6] The increase in populism and criticism towards the EU in the internal politics of member states is largely a result of the EU's excessive influence on the living conditions in these states
[q1c_7] The EU is unjustifiably used as a scapegoat for changes in economy and society that are in reality caused by, for example, economic globalisation and increased migration
[q1c_8] The EU membership fees are far too high compared to the benefits gained by the membership
[q1c_9] The EU thinks solely about the interests of commerce and industry and forgets the interests of ordinary citizens
[q1c_10] A common, strong EU foreign policy would also benefit Finland
[q1c_11] EU regulations are much better than their reputation and are criticised unnecessarily
[q1c_12] The EU should have a common defence
[q1c_13] Taxation should be uniform (similar) in EU member states
[q1c_14] The European Parliament is a key political decision-making body which also influences our living conditions to a large extent
[q1c_15] The European Parliament is nowadays a mere debating club which has no real influence on the EU decision making
[q1c_16] I have absolutely no idea what Finnish members of European Parliament have been doing or what they are going to do
[q2_1] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Improving employment/reducing unemployment
[q2_2] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Preventing the growth of national debt
[q2_3] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Lowering taxes
[q2_4] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Reducing poverty and social exclusion
[q2_5] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Improving the level of social security benefits
[q2_6] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Promoting Finland's NATO membership
[q2_7] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Improving health care, ensuring access to treatment
[q2_8] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Increasing freedom of choice in health care
[q2_9] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Increasing the funding of education
[q2_10] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Stricter environmental laws
[q2_11] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Increasing labour market flexibility
[q2_12] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Reducing the problems of growth centres
[q2_13] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Reducing the problems of rural and remote areas
[q2_14] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Preventing crime
[q2_15] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Promoting immigration
[q2_16] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Promoting economic competition
[q2_17] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: EU issues, taking a more active role in developing the Union
[q2_18] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Foreign relations, being active in foreign policy issues
[q2_19] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Development cooperation, helping developing countries
[q2_20] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Advancing economic growth
[q2_21] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Cutting public spending/restricting its growth
[q2_22] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Increasing work-related immigration
[q2_23] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Tackling climate change
[q2_24] Which issues do you think the future government should emphasise in its actions: Increasing the funding for research and innovation activities
[q3_1] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Earned income (wages and pensions) taxes should be...
[q3_2] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Corporate income taxes should be...
[q3_3] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Capital income (investment income) taxes should be...
[q3_4] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Inheritance and gift taxes should be...
[q3_5] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Immovable property (real estate) taxes should be...
[q3_6] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Energy taxes and excise duties on fuels should be...
[q3_7] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Excise duties on alcoholic beverages should be...
[q3_8] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Consumption taxes (value-added tax, VAT) should be...
[q3_9] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? VAT on food should be...
[q3_10] Would you want to change Finland's present taxation system? Total tax rate, that is, collected total tax revenues, should be...
[q4a] Discussion on government composition after the forthcoming parliamentary elections is intensifying. In your opinion, which party should the next prime minister represent?
[q4a_avo] Discussion on government composition after the forthcoming parliamentary elections is intensifying. In your opinion, which party should the next prime minister represent? Other, please specify (open-ended)
[q4b_1] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Centre Party of Finland (KESK)
[q4b_2] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) National Coalition Party (KOK)
[q4b_3] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)
[q4b_4] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Finns Party (PS)
[q4b_5] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Green League (VIHR)
[q4b_6] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Left Alliance (VAS)
[q4b_7] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)
[q4b_8] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Christian Democrats (KD)
[q4b_9] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Blue Reform (SIN)
[q4b_10] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Can't say
[q4b_11] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Other, please specify
[q4b_avo] In your opinion, which other parties should be included in the government? (choose at least two parties) Other, please specify (open-ended)
[q4c_1] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Centre Party of Finland (KESK)
[q4c_2] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) National Coalition Party (KOK)
[q4c_3] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)
[q4c_4] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Finns Party (PS)
[q4c_5] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Green League (VIHR)
[q4c_6] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Left Alliance (VAS)
[q4c_7] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)
[q4c_8] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Christian Democrats (KD)
[q4c_9] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Blue Reform (SIN)
[q4c_10] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Can't say
[q4c_11] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) There are no such parties
[q4c_12] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Other, please specify
[q4c_avo] And, in your opinion, are there parties that should be left outside the government in all cases? (name all such parties) Other, please specify (open-ended)
[q5_1] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Giving up eating meat
[q5_2] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Giving up driving a private car
[q5_3] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Using only renewable energy in your household
[q5_4] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Giving up air travel
[q5_5] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Cutting in half the consumption of personal commodities (e.g. clothes)
[q5_6] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Giving up using a petrol or diesel car
[q5_7] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Offsetting your flight carbon emissions fully through additional fees/payments
[q5_8] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Decreasing energy consumption in your household (e.g. lowering room temperature)
[q5_9] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Giving up using dairy products
[q5_10] Considering your current situation in life, how possible would it be for you to adopt the following actions for the good of the environment? Funding for increasing carbon sinks (e.g. by supporting afforestation projects)
[q6a] At the moment, how interested are you in / how actively do you follow issues relating to Finland's EU membership?
[q6b] And how well informed do you feel about such issues?
[q7_1] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Foreign policy
[q7_2] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Climate policy
[q7_3] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Corporate income taxation
[q7_4] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Agricultural policy
[q7_5] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Asylum policy
[q7_6] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Education policy
[q7_7] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Monetary policy (e.g. interest rate)
[q7_8] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Health care
[q7_9] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Environmental protection
[q7_10] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Citizens' income taxation
[q7_11] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Defence policy
[q7_12] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Work-related immigration from outside the EU
[q7_13] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Social policy
[q7_14] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Regulating the use of natural resources (e.g. forests, ore reserves)
[q7_15] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Consumption taxation (e.g. value-added tax)
[q7_16] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Regulating banks and the financial market
[q7_17] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Regulating the labour market
[q7_18] In your opinion, should decisions regarding the following issues be made nationally in the member states or in different EU institutions and bodies? Trade policy (e.g. trade with countries outside the EU)
[q8_1] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? Britain reverses its decision to leave the EU (Brexit)
[q8_2] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? Dissolution of the EU
[q8_3] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? The EU gives up the euro and national currencies are reintroduced
[q8_4] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? Finland gives up the euro
[q8_5] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? More countries decide to leave the EU following Britain's example
[q8_6] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? EU becomes a federation
[q8_7] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? Finland leaves the EU
[q8_8] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years? European integration slows down, and the EU becomes a looser union of sovereign nations
[q9_1] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Safety and stability provided by membership in a larger community
[q9_2] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Significant decrease in national sovereignty
[q9_3] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Free mobility and the possibility to travel freely in Europe
[q9_4] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Uncontrollable immigration and losing control at our national borders
[q9_5] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Certainty that Finland belongs to the so-called Western countries
[q9_6] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Job and income insecurity caused by increased economic competition
[q9_7] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? The European single market and its economic benefits
[q9_8] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Supporting citizens of other EU countries with our tax revenue (so-called income redistribution union)
[q9_9] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Increased freedom to live, study and work in other European countries
[q9_10] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? The loss of Finland's neutrality and a greater danger of being pulled into international conflicts
[q9_11] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Stability brought on by common currency (euro)
[q9_12] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Foisting a contrived 'European commonality' on us
[q9_13] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Self-esteem through the European identity
[q9_14] EU membership has changed Finland in many ways. What does the EU mean to you personally at present? Disadvantageous mixing of nations and cultures
[q10a] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership nowadays?
[q10b] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?
[q10c] Do you think that the euro and the EMU membership are an advantage or disadvantage to Finland in the current economic situation?
[q10d] If a referendum on Finland's EU membership was held now, would you be in favour of the membership or against it?
[q10e] And how did you vote in the 1994 referendum on Finland's EU membership: Were you in favour of the membership or against it?
[t1] Respondent's gender
[t2] Respondent's age group
[t3] Population in respondent's municipality of residence
[t4] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)
[t5] Type of employer (current or latest)
[t6] Respondent's working hours (if you are currently not in employment, respond according to your latest employment contract)
[t7] Respondent's work contract (if you are currently not in employment, respond according to your latest employment contract)
[t8] Respondent's basic education
[t9] Respodent's vocational/professional education
[t10] Respondent's occupational group
[t11] Respondent's current or latest industry of employment
[t12] Are you a member of a federation of trade unions/professional organisations?
[t12b] Which federation of trade unions/professional organisations are you a member of?
[t13] If parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?
[t14] Which social class would you say you belong to?
[bv1] Respondent's year of birth (from panel demographic information)
[bv2] Total gross annual income of respondent's household (from panel demographic information)
[paino] Weight variable