FSD3388 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Autumn 2019

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1a_1] All Finnish state-owned enterprises should gradually be privatised

[q1a_2] State-owned companies must bear greater social responsibility than private companies

[q1a_3] The state and municipalities are not good owners for companies, because politicians meddle too much in company affairs

[q1a_4] State-owned entreprises are national property that should not be sold without very careful consideration

[q1a_5] The number and role of state-owned enterprises should be increased, because they provide counterbalance to capitalism

[q1a_6] Work is the most important part of a person's life

[q1a_7] Being unemployed is not such a bad thing if one can have a guaranteed basic income

[q1a_8] Nowadays, people work so hard and under such pressure in Finnish workplaces that many will burn out early

[q1a_9] I'm satisfied with my job and my current employer

[q1a_10] Finland should join NATO

[q1a_11] I would be willing to accept a lower wage if working hours were shortened and I had more leisure time

[q1a_12] Being successful at work is to a large extent dependent on people themselves and their attitudes

[q1a_13] I am so attached to my own region of residence that I would not move anywhere else even to get a job

[q1a_14] It is likely that I will have to learn a new trade in the near future

[q1a_15] My field of employment and occupation are so important to me that I would rather be unemployed than get a job in another field

[q1a_16] Replacing human work with machines and automation will cause permanent mass unemployment

[q1a_17] Unemployed persons should be able to turn down a job offer that doesn't correspond to their vocational skills without losing their benefits

[q1a_18] It is right that unemployed persons need to be active in finding employment or their unemployment benefits will be decreased

[q1b_1] If employees could influence and take more part in corporate decision-making, it would benefit the whole society

[q1b_2] In Finland, the interests of employees and employers are largely convergent

[q1b_3] Even though contrary opinions are sometimes expressed, the trade union movement continues to be a responsible and progressive force that initiates social reforms

[q1b_4] Nowadays, the Finnish trade union movement more often slows down social development instead of promoting it

[q1b_5] The right to strike is a fundamental right which must not be limited in any circumstances

[q1b_6] It should be possible to forbid strikes that greatly inconvenience outsiders

[q1b_7] Political strikes should be forbidden, because they concern matters that the employer cannot influence

[q1b_8] The generally binding collective agreement system is harmful to non-organised businesses and employees, because they are not able to influence the contents of the agreement

[q1b_9] Generally binding collective agreements are important in preventing the infringement of wages and other terms of employment

[q1b_10] Citizens and consumers benefit from free competition in the market, because competition improves efficiency and decreases prices

[q1b_11] Finland's high price level is primarily due to the non-functioning of free competition in our country

[q1b_12] If a workplace faces a threat of closure and both parties so desire, the employees and the employer should have the right to agree on a wage level below the level set out in the collective agreement

[q1b_13] It is not wrong if some people try to make as much money as possible by honest means

[q1b_14] Rich people are admired far too much

[q1b_15] Millionaires have earned their wealth by creating something valuable, such as new technology or products and services that improve quality of life, for others

[q1b_16] Everyone benefits from a few getting rich, because they invest their money in new businesses that create jobs and new technology

[q1b_17] No one should be allowed to get too rich in Finland, because the rich have too much political power and threaten democracy

[q1b_18] Millionaires are a threat to democracy

[q1c_1] It is morally wrong that the society allows some people to accumulate immense wealth

[q1c_2] I feel angry when I hear or read about very rich people

[q1c_3] Even considerable financial difficulties at the workplace are not a sufficient reason for an employee to have to agree to a wage level below the one set out in the collective agreement

[q1c_4] Although investment in shares or in general involves risks, it is still an excellent way to increase the wealth of national economy and individuals

[q1c_5] In the future, Finland's pension systems will collapse and the payment of even 'already earned' pensions will become impossible

[q1c_6] Finland should change to a pension system that allows everyone to decide for themselves how part of their pension contributions are invested

[q1c_7] It is wrong that in addition to pension contributions, everyone needs to prepare for old age by saving money for themselves

[q1c_8] All Finns should be prepared to use their own money to care for people close to them

[q1c_9] The welfare state should be able to guarantee tax-funded care services to everyone who needs them

[q1c_10] Although the capitalist market economy is unstable, it is in practice the only possible economic system

[q1c_11] The free market economy as we know it has come to the end of its road and should be abolished

[q1c_12] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces

[q1c_13] Nowadays, the market economy functions for the benefit of all Finnish citizens

[q1c_14] If Finns had a more positive attitude to entrepreneurship, it would benefit the whole society

[q1c_15] Being an entrepreneur in Finland entails so high payments and risks that 'only a madman' would want to become an entrepreneur in favour of a steady paid job

[q1c_16] If entrepreneurs get richer, it is a good thing because the standard of living of other people will also improve at the same time

[q1c_17] The success and profits of Finnish companies benefit the whole society

[q1c_18] Finnish society functions to a too large extent on the terms of businesses

[q2_1] What does paid work mean to you personally? Just a way of earning a living

[q2_2] What does paid work mean to you personally? A way of earning money to fund other activities I'm really interested in

[q2_3] What does paid work mean to you personally? Constitutes a duty for every citizen (taxes etc.)

[q2_4] What does paid work mean to you personally? Everyday routine which does not arouse strong feelings

[q2_5] What does paid work mean to you personally? Possibility to be something, to succeed in something

[q2_6] What does paid work mean to you personally? Working is an honour, work has a great value in itself

[q2_7] What does paid work mean to you personally? Place to hide from other demands in life

[q2_8] What does paid work mean to you personally? Opportunity to develop one's potential and knowledge

[q2_9] What does paid work mean to you personally? Purely financial exchange, employer buys my labour and I sell it

[q2_10] What does paid work mean to you personally? Ceaseless drudgery, physical or mental strain

[q2_11] What does paid work mean to you personally? Pleasant activity I would take part in even if I did not need the money

[q2_12] What does paid work mean to you personally? Good social relationships, important friendships

[q2_13] What does paid work mean to you personally? Unfair treatment, unwarranted belittlement

[q2_14] What does paid work mean to you personally? Continuous changes and insecurity caused by the changes

[q2_15] What does paid work mean to you personally? Social position brought on by work, 'social status'

[q3_1] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Wage increases

[q3_2] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Length of the working day

[q3_3] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Length of holidays

[q3_4] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Overtime compensation

[q3_5] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Wage decreases

[q3_6] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Working time arrangements (flexible working time etc.)

[q3_7] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Incentives (bonuses)

[q3_8] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Severance pay and change security schemes for dismissed employees

[q3_9] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Amount of holiday bonus

[q3_10] In your opinion, at what level should the following issues be agreed upon? Length of employee probationary period

[q4_1] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Wages would decrease in my field of work

[q4_2] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Wages would increase in my field of work

[q4_3] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? My earnings would increase

[q4_4] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? My earnings would decrease

[q4_5] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Recessions would be shorter because of a more flexible labour market

[q4_6] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Wages would start to correspond more closely to the performance of employees

[q4_7] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Employers would pressure employees to weaken the terms of employment

[q4_8] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Companies would seek competitive edge by infringing the terms of employment

[q4_9] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Cooperation between companies and employees would strengthen

[q4_10] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Employees would have more choice in the labour market

[q4_11] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Lay-offs and contract terminations would increase

[q4_12] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Terms of employment would start to diverge between industries

[q4_13] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? The power of labour market organisations in society would decrease

[q4_14] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? An abundance of low-wage work would emerge in Finland

[q4_15] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? My employment opportunities would improve

[q4_16] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Collective agreements would become shorter and simpler than at present

[q4_17] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Employment would increase and unemployment decrease

[q4_18] In your opinion, what effects would wide-ranging local agreements have? Employees would apply for jobs that provide better earnings

[q5_1] If funding for the Finnish earnings-related pension system turns out to be insufficient and raising the employment rate fails, how acceptable do you think the following measures are for adjusting the system's finances? Cuts to pensions

[q5_2] If funding for the Finnish earnings-related pension system turns out to be insufficient, how acceptable do you think the following measures are for adjusting the system's finances? Raising pension contributions

[q5_3] If funding for the Finnish earnings-related pension system turns out to be insufficient, how acceptable do you think the following measures are for adjusting the system's finances? Extending working hours

[q5_4] If funding for the earnings-related pension system turns out to be insufficient, how acceptable do you think the following measures are for adjusting the system's finances? Raising the minimum age of eligibility for old-age pensions

[q6_1] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Grocery stores

[q6_2] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Energy sector (electricity and fuels)

[q6_3] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Pharmacies and medications

[q6_4] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Car sales

[q6_5] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Construction and renovation

[q6_6] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Banks and insurance companies

[q6_7] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Private health care and occupational health

[q6_8] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Transport and logistics services

[q6_9] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Rail transport

[q6_10] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Alcohol trade

[q6_11] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Car inspection

[q6_12] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Care services for the elderly

[q6_13] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Cleaning and housekeeping services

[q6_14] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Hardware stores

[q6_15] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Bus transport

[q6_16] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Taxi services

[q6_17] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Agriculture

[q6_18] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Child day care centres

[q6_19] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Clothing stores

[q6_20] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Car repair shops

[q6_21] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Telecommunications

[q6_22] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Hotels and restaurants

[q6_23] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Labour market

[q6_24] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Gambling games and betting

[q6_25] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? The media

[q6_26] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Mail/postal delivery

[q6_27] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Public procurement

[q6_28] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Waste management and recycling

[q6_29] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Basic education

[q6_30] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Public health care

[q6_31] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Higher education

[q6_32] In your opinion, is there currently too little, an appropriate amount or too much competition in the following areas of economy and society in Finland? Upper secondary and vocational education

[q7_1] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Market economy

[q7_2] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Planned economy

[q7_3] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Socialism

[q7_4] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Capitalism

[q7_5] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Cooperatives

[q7_6] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Liberalism

[q7_7] In the following, different types of economic systems and ideologies are listed. What is your present attitude towards them? Conservatism

[q8a_1] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Increasing the profitability and profit of business

[q8a_2] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Increasing share price/shareholder value

[q8a_3] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Producing as good quality products/services as possible

[q8a_4] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Providing sufficient income for employees

[q8a_5] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Conscientious paying of taxes

[q8a_6] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Research and development to develop new products/services

[q8a_7] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Promoting social pluralism and equality

[q8a_8] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Developing the knowledge and competence of employees

[q8a_9] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Employment

[q8a_10] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Taking care of the local community where the business is located

[q8a_11] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Internationalisation, seeking growth abroad

[q8a_12] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Improving cost-effectiveness

[q8a_13] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Investments and otherwise growing the business

[q8a_14] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Increasing market share

[q8a_15] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Supporting science, art, culture and sport

[q8a_16] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? Mitigating climate change and other environmental protection

[q8a_17] How important do you think the following should be as goals for large corporations? To make society wealthier in the long term

[q8b_1] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Increasing the profitability and profit of business

[q8b_2] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Increasing share price/shareholder value

[q8b_3] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Producing as good quality products/services as possible

[q8b_4] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Providing sufficient income for employees

[q8b_5] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Conscientious paying of taxes

[q8b_6] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Research and development to develop new products/services

[q8b_7] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Promoting social pluralism and equality

[q8b_8] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Developing the knowledge and competence of employees

[q8b_9] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Employment

[q8b_10] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Taking care of the local community where the business is located

[q8b_11] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Internationalisation, seeking growth abroad

[q8b_12] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Improving cost-effectiveness

[q8b_13] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Investments and otherwise growing the business

[q8b_14] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Increasing market share

[q8b_15] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Supporting science, art, culture and sport

[q8b_16] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? Mitigating climate change and other environmental protection

[q8b_17] And in your opinion, are the following goals currently emphasised too much, an appropriate amount or too little in the activity of large corporations? To make society wealthier in the long term

[q9a] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership nowadays?

[q9b] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?

[q9c] Do you think that the euro and the EMU membership are an advantage or disadvantage to Finland in the current economic situation?

[q9d] If a referendum on Finland's EU membership was held now, would you be in favour of the membership or against it?

[q9e] And how did you vote in the 1994 referendum on Finland's EU membership: Were you in favour of the membership or against it?

[t1] Respondent's gender

[t2] Respondent's age group

[t3] Population in respondent's municipality of residence

[t4] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)

[t5] Type of respondent's employer (current or latest)

[t6] Respondent's working hours

[t7] Respondent's work contract

[t8] Respondent's basic education

[t9] Respodent's vocational/professional education

[t10] Respondent's occupational group

[t11] Respondent's current or latest industry of employment

[t12] Are you a member of a federation of trade unions/professional organisations?

[t12b] Which federation of trade unions/professional organisations are you a member of?

[t13] If parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?

[t14] Which social class would you say you belong to?

[t15] The total gross annual income of the respondent's household

[paino] Weight variable

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