FSD3399 YouGamble 2017: Finnish Data

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id


[randomid] NB: IDs for the test group (Group C, RANDOMID 1 and 2) and control group (RANDOMID 3 and 4), hidden from respondents

[age] Respondent's age

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv5] Do you live in Finland at present?

[bv6a] (If BV5 = yes) Type of neighbourhood

[bv6b] (If BV6a = 2) Do you live...

[bv3] Respondent's country of birth (categorised at FSD)

[bv4] Was your mother or father born abroad?

[bv7] Respondent's household composition

[bv8] Respondent's housing tenure

[bv9] What is the highest level of education or training that you have successfully completed?

[bv10] What is your economic activity and occupational status?

[bv11] (If BV10 = 1) Where are you studying at present?

[bv12a] How much is your average monthly disposable income (after housing costs and other obligatory expenses)?

[bv12b] (If BV7 = other than 5) How significant a part of your average monthly income consists of financial assistance from your parents or other relatives?

[bv13] Have you ever been subjected to debt recovery measures?

[bv14] (If BV13 = yes) You responded you have been subjected to debt recovery measures. Which of the following best describes your situation?

[bv15] Have you ever taken instant loans, fast credit, or consumer credit?

[some1a] How often do you use the following social media services? Facebook

[some1b] How often do you use the following social media services? YouTube

[some1c] How often do you use the following social media services? Twitter

[some1d] How often do you use the following social media services? Periscope

[some1e] How often do you use the following social media services? Instagram

[some1f] How often do you use the following social media services? Dating services (e.g. Tinder)

[some1g] How often do you use the following social media services? Instant messaging services (e.g. WhatsApp, Snapchat, Kik, IRC)

[some1h] How often do you use the following social media services? Streaming services for movies and TV series (e.g. Yle Areena, Katsomo, Netflix)

[some1i] How often do you use the following social media services? News sites

[some1j] How often do you use the following social media services? General discussion forums (e.g. Ylilauta, Reddit, Suomi24)

[some1k] How often do you use the following social media services? Game sites and communities on the Internet (e.g. Steam, Pelikone)

[some1l] How often do you use the following social media services? Anonymous networks (e.g. Tor, Freenet, I2P)

[some1m] How often do you use the following social media services? Websites of betting agencies and/or online casinos (e.g. Veikkaus, NettiCasino or other equivalent sites)

[some1n] How often do you use the following social media services? Gambling-related discussion forums or other communities

[some2a] What topics are usually discussed on the gambling-related websites you use? You can choose more than one option. Gambling guidance or tips

[some2b] What topics are usually discussed on the gambling-related websites you use? You can choose more than one option. Personal gambling experiences of the website's users

[some2c] What topics are usually discussed on the gambling-related websites you use? You can choose more than one option. Gambling problems and recovering from them

[some2d] What topics are usually discussed on the gambling-related websites you use? You can choose more than one option. Gambling in general

[some2e] What topics are usually discussed on the gambling-related websites you use? You can choose more than one option. Other topics

[vign1a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 1]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (7), dislike (48), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=1)

[vign1b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 1]. Reactions of other respondents: like (7), dislike (48), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=3)

[vign11a] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign11b] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign11c] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign11d] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign11e] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign11f] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev1] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign2a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 2]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (10), dislike (65), no reaction (3). How would you react to the message? (RANDOMID=1)

[vign2b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 2]. Reactions of other respondents: like (10), dislike (65), no reaction (3). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=3)

[vign22a] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign22b] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign22c] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign22d] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign22e] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign22f] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev2] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign3a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 3]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (58), dislike (9), no reaction (2). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=1)

[vign3b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 3]. Reactions of other respondents: like (58), dislike (9), no reaction (2). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=3)

[vign33a] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign33b] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign33c] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign33d] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign33e] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign33f] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev3] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign4a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 4]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (62), dislike (9), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=1)

[vign4b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 4]. Reactions of other respondents: like (62), dislike (9), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=3)

[vign44a] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign44b] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign44c] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign44d] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign44e] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign44f] (RANDOMID=1 or 3) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev4] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign5a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 5]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (7), dislike (48), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=2)

[vign5b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 5]. Reactions of other respondents: like (7), dislike (48), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=4)

[vign55a] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign55b] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign55c] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign55d] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign55e] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign55f] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev5] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign6a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 6]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (10), dislike (65), no reaction (3). How would you react to the message? (RANDOMID=2)

[vign6b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 6]. Reactions of other respondents: like (10), dislike (65), no reaction (3). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=4)

[vign66a] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign66b] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign66c] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign66d] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign66e] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign66f] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev6] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign7a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 7]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (58), dislike (9), no reaction (2). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=2)

[vign7b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 7]. Reactions of other respondents: like (58), dislike (9), no reaction (2). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=4)

[vign77a] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign77b] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign77c] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign77d] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign77e] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign77f] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev7] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[vign8a] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 8]. Reactions of other members of your group: like (62), dislike (9), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=2)

[vign8b] You come across the following message shared by another user on social media: [Message 8]. Reactions of other respondents: like (62), dislike (9), no reaction (1). How would you personally react to the message? (RANDOMID=4)

[vign88a] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you find the message interesting?

[vign88b] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you follow the link given in the message?

[vign88c] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you share the link on social media?

[vign88d] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you seek out similar content in the future?

[vign88e] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would you recommend the link given in the message to your friends?

[vign88f] (RANDOMID=2 or 4) How likely would your friends on social media be interested in the linked website?

[timev8] Variables TIMEV1-8 denote the order in which the respondents completed the scenarios. A larger value always denotes a later point in time.

[ibr1] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I can be myself

[ibr2] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I belong to a community or communities that are an important part of my identity

[ibr3] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I belong to a community or communities that I'm proud of

[ibr4] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I prefer interacting only with people who are like me

[ibr5] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I prefer interacting only with people who share similar interests with me

[ibr6] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, many issues are presented differently from the way I see them

[ibr7] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I trust the information that is shared with me

[ibr8] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I mostly interact with people I have a lot in common with

[ibr9] Respond to the following statements concerning social media. In social media, I feel that people think like me

[some3a] Respond to the following questions. How often have you received gambling-related online advertisements or notifications (e.g. ad messages or pop-up windows for an online casino)?

[some3b] Respond to the following questions. How often do you change your most important social media passwords?

[some3c] Respond to the following questions. How often do you share content on social media?

[some3d] Respond to the following questions. How often do you upload pictures of yourself on social media?

[some3e] Respond to the following questions. How often do you send messages on social media that are offensive or threatening to other users?

[some4] In your opinion, have you ever been subjected to harassment on the Internet, such as private or false information about you being spread or pictures of you being shared without your permission?

[some5] Have you been a victim of a crime on the Internet in the past three years?

[some6a] (If SOME5 = yes) Which crime or crimes? Choose all suitable options. Defamation

[some6b] (If SOME5 = yes) Which crime or crimes? Choose all suitable options. Illegal threat

[some6c] (If SOME5 = yes) Which crime or crimes? Choose all suitable options. Identity theft

[some6d] (If SOME5 = yes) Which crime or crimes? Choose all suitable options. Fraud

[some6e] (If SOME5 = yes) Which crime or crimes? Choose all suitable options. Sexual harassment

[some6oth] (If SOME5 = yes) Which crime or crimes? Choose all suitable options. Other, please specify

[atgs1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? People should have the right to gamble whenever they want

[atgs2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? There are too many opportunities to gamble these days

[atgs3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? Gambling should be discouraged

[atgs4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? Most people who gamble do so sensibly

[atgs5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? Gambling is dangerous for family life

[atgs6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? On the whole, gambling is good for society

[atgs7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? Gambling brightens people's lives

[atgs8] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following gambling-related statements? It would be better if gambling was banned altogether

[sogs1a] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Slot machines (e.g. poker, fruit machine)

[sogs1b] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Online casino (e.g. fruit machines)

[sogs1c] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Online poker

[sogs1d] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Table games in a gambling venue (e.g. poker, roulette, black jack)

[sogs1e] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Betting (e.g. Vakioveikkaus/sports bets or Toto/horse racing bets)

[sogs1f] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Lotto (National Lottery) and other lottery draws

[sogs1g] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Bingo

[sogs1h] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Scratch tickets

[sogs1i] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Private betting with a money wager (e.g. card games)

[sogs1j] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Playing games of skill for money (e.g. shot pool, bowling)

[sogs1k] Which of the following types of gambling have you done in the past 12 months? Investing (e.g. stock options)

[sogs2] What is the biggest sum you have spent on gambling in any one day?

[sogs3a] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. Father

[sogs3b] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. Mother

[sogs3c] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. Brother or sister

[sogs3d] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. Grandparents

[sogs3e] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. Spouse/partner

[sogs3f] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. Your child(ren)

[sogs3g] Have any of the following people in your life had a gambling problem? If you don't know or they have not had any gambling problems, do not respond to this question. A friend important to you

[sogs4] When you gamble, do you often go back another day to win back money you lost?

[sogs5] Have you ever claimed to be winning money gambling when you weren't really?

[sogs6] Have you ever gambled more than you originally intended to?

[sogs7] Have people criticised your gambling or told you that you had a gambling problem, regardless of whether or not you thought it was true?

[sogs8] Have you ever felt guilty when you gamble?

[sogs9] Have you ever felt that you would like to stop betting or gambling but didn't feel you could?

[sogs10] Have you ever hidden your gambling from your family or other people close to you?

[sogs11] Have you ever argued with someone close to you over how you handle money?

[sogs12] (If SOGS11 = yes) Have the arguments over money ever centered on your gambling?

[sogs13] Have you ever borrowed money from someone for gambling and not paid them back as a result of your gambling?

[sogs14] Have your ever lost time from work or study due to gambling?

[sogs15a] Have you borrowed or acquired money to gamble or to pay gambling debts?

[sog15b1] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From household money

[sog15b2] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From your spouse or other family member

[sog15b3] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From your relatives or other acquaintances

[sog15b4] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From a bank or other credit institution

[sog15b5] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From credit cards

[sog15b6] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From private persons giving loans

[sog15b7] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. By cashing in shares or other stock

[sog15b8] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. By selling personal or family property

[sog15b9] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. From a pawn shop

[sog15b10] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. With instant loans, fast credit or consumer credit

[sog15b11] (If SOGS15a = yes) From where or how? Respond to the following options. By stealing

[sogs16] Do you think you have a problem with the extent of your gambling or have you ever had such a problem?

[cius1] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you find it difficult to stop using the Internet when you are online?

[cius2] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you continue to use the Internet despite your intention to stop?

[cius3] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do others (e.g. friends and family members) say you should use the Internet less?

[cius4] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on mobile devices. How often do you prefer to use the Internet instead of spending time with others in person?

[cius5] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often are you short of sleep because of the Internet?

[cius6] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you think about the Internet, even when not online?

[cius7] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you look forward to your next Internet session?

[cius8] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you think you should use the Internet less often?

[cius9] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often have you unsuccessfully tried to spend less time on the Internet?

[cius10] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you rush through your (home) work in order to go on the Internet?

[cius11] The next questions concern your Internet use (including browsing the Internet on mobile devices). How often do you neglect your daily obligations (in work, school, or family life) because you prefer to go on the Internet?

[cius12] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you go on the Internet when you are feeling down?

[cius13] The next questions concern your Internet use (including browsing the Internet on mobile devices). How often do you use the Internet to escape from your sorrows or get relief from negative feelings?

[cius14] The next questions concern your Internet use. Note that Internet use includes browsing the Internet on a smartphone or other mobile devices. How often do you feel restless, frustrated, or irritated when you cannot use the Internet?

[auditc1] How often do you consume beer, wine or other alcoholic drinks? Please also include the times when you have consumed only small amounts, for instance, a bottle of lager (0.33 litres) or a drop of wine.

[auditc2] How many drinks did you normally consume on the days you drank alcohol? One unit = 33 cl bottle/can of medium strength beer or cider; 12 cl wine; 4 cl spirits

[auditc3] How often have you had six or more drinks at a time?

[drug1] Have you ever tried or used any other substances than alcohol for intoxication purposes? (cigarettes and snuff not included)

[drug2a] (If DRUG1 = 1) Which of the following did you try/use for intoxication purposes? Cannabis (Hash, marijuana)

[drug2b] (If DRUG1 = 1) Which of the following did you try/use for intoxication purposes? LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, or other hallucinogens

[drug2c] (If DRUG1 = 1) Which of the following did you try/use for intoxication purposes? Amphetamine, ecstacy, cocaine, or other stimulants

[drug2d] (If DRUG1 = 1) Which of the following did you try/use for intoxication purposes? Opioids, opiates, GHB, GBL, or other sedatives

[drug2e] (If DRUG1 = 1) Which of the following did you try/use for intoxication purposes? Medicinal products (e.g. benzodiazepine)

[swb1a] Respond to the following question using a scale from 1 to 10. How happy are you in general?

[swb2a] Respond to the following question using a scale from 1 to 10. How satisfied are you with your current financial situation?

[swb2b] Respond to the following question using a scale from 1 to 10. How satisfied are you with your life at present?

[sise1] How well do you think the following statements describe you? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. I have good self-esteem

[risk1] How well do you think the following statements describe you? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. I enjoy taking risks

[lone1] How often do you feel lonely?

[lone2] How often do you feel left out?

[lone3] How often do you feel isolated from other people?

[support] Do you feel that you receive support from people close to you when you need it?

[belong1] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your family

[belong2] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your circle of friends

[belong3] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your school/work community

[belong4] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your residential community (e.g. neighbourhood)

[belong5] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. An Internet community

[belong6] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your district/part of town or village

[belong7] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your parish or religious community

[belong8] How closely do you feel you belong to the following? Respond using a scale from 1 to 10. Your hobby community or leisure activity association

[ghq1] Have you recently been able to concentrate on your work or whatever you are doing?

[ghq2] Have you recently lost much sleep over worry?

[ghq3] Have you recently felt that the part you are playing in things has been:

[ghq4] Have you recently felt that you have been able to decide things:

[ghq5] Have you recently felt constantly under strain?

[ghq6] Have you recently felt you couldn't overcome your difficulties?

[ghq7] Have you recently been able to enjoy your normal day to day activities?

[ghq8] Have you recently been able to face up to your difficulties:

[ghq9] Have you recently been feeling unhappy and depressed?

[ghq10] Have you recently lost confidence in yourself?

[ghq11] Have you recently been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?

[ghq12] Have you recently been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered?

[mastery1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I have little control over the things that happen to me

[mastery2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have

[mastery3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? There is little I can do to change things in my life

[mastery4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of life

[mastery5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Sometimes I feel that I'm being pushed around in life

[mastery6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me

[mastery7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I can do just about anything I really set my mind to

[eis1] Respond to the following questions. Think about how you act in most situations. Do you generally do and say things without stopping to think?

[eis2] Respond to the following questions. Think about how you act in most situations. Do you often get into a jam because you do things without thinking?

[eis3] Respond to the following questions. Think about how you act in most situations. Are you an impulsive person?

[eis4] Respond to the following questions. Think about how you act in most situations. Do you usually think carefully before doing anything?

[eis5] Respond to the following questions. Think about how you act in most situations. Do you mostly speak before thinking things out?

[gratif1] Next, you will be asked to choose from different sums of money. Would you rather get:

[gratif2] Next, you will be asked to choose from different sums of money. Would you rather get:

[gratif3] Next, you will be asked to choose from different sums of money. Would you rather get:


Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.