FSD3434 PROMEQ: maahanmuuttajien hyvinvointi ja terveys 2017-2018

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Completed questionnaires (modified in FSD)

[bv2] Baseline phase: intervention/ control group (modified in FSD)

[qbv2] Baseline: collection date

[q1] Gender

[q2] Year of birth

[q3] Marital status

[q5] Which country are you a citizen of?

[q6] What is your native language? (coarsened in FSD)

[q7] How many years have you in total gone to school or studied full-time?

[q8_1] What is your highest completed level of education?

[q9] Which year did you arrive in Finland?

[q10] On which grounds were you granted a residence permit in Finland?

[q11] How many months did it take to receive the positive decision of granted asylum?

[q12] Are you involved in a resettlement plan that is being offered by the municipality?

[q13] Are you a client of a Refugee Unit?

[q14] What was your school language? (coarsened in FSD)

[q15] In your opinion, how well are you able to read your native language or the language taugh to you at school as a child?

[q16] In your opinion, how well are you able to write in your native language or the language taught to you at school as a child?

[q17] Do you understand spoken Finnish?

[q18] Do you speak Finnish?

[q19] Do you read in Finnish?

[q20] Do you write in Finnish?

[q21_1] How do you learn Finnish? Television/radio/internet/reading (self-study)

[q21_2] How do you learn Finnish? By taking courses

[q21_3] How do you learn Finnish? From friends

[q21_4] How do you learn Finnish? Other

[q21a] How do you learn Finnish? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[q22] Are you living currently:

[q23] What kind of area do you live?

[q24_1] How many children and adults belong to your household? Children (TOP-coded in FSD)

[q24_2] How many children and adults belong to your household? Adults (TOP-coded in FSD)

[q25] What is your family situation? Do you live:

[q26] At the moment, are you primarily:

[q27] Have you planned to apply to a Finnish institute of higher education? (University or polytechnic, i.e. university of applied sciences)

[q28_1] If you answered "Yes" (option 1 or 2) to the previous question, please mark the level of educational programme to which you wish to apply

[q28_2] Which field would you like to study?

[q29] Have you been employed before coming to Finland?

[q31] In total, how many years of work experience do you have?

[q32] How would you describe your current work ability?

[q33] In which direction do you believe your ability to work will develop over the next two years? Do you believe your ability to work is likely to:

[q34] Would you like to work full-time or part time?

[q35] Are you confident in your search for work?

[q36_1] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? There are no obstacles

[q36_2] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Limited language skills

[q36_3] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Limited job-seeking skills

[q36_4] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Lack of education/training

[q36_5] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Limitations in identifying competence

[q36_6] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Ethnic background

[q36_7] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Other

[q38] Are you interested in studying for a new profession?

[q39_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Work is an important part of life

[q39_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Life feels more meaningful when one has a regular job

[q39_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Doing paid work gives substance and meaning in one's life

[q40_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Married women are fully entitled to work, no matter what their situation

[q40_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: The man is primarily responsible for the livelihood of the family

[q40_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Women should stay at home and not work outside the home

[q41] How large was the total income of your household last year before taxes? A household means people who are living together in one housing unit

[q42_1] Do you have any debt? I have instant loans

[q42_2] Do you have any debt? I have a mortgage

[q42_3] Do you have any debt? I have other debts

[q42_4] Do you have any debt? No, I do not

[q43] If you are in debt, are the payments of the debts and their interest:

[q44] A household may have different sources of income and more than one of the people living in it may have an income. Considering the total income of your household, how difficult or easy is it to cover your costs?

[q45_1] Over the past 12 months, have you: Found yourself in a situation where there is no money for food?

[q45_2] Over the past 12 months, have you: Sought meal assistance from a breadline or a food bank?

[q45_3] Over the past 12 months, have you: Sought meal assistance from a relative or a friend?

[q45_4] Over the past 12 months, have you: Did not attend a meeting with friends, hobbies or other recreational activities?

[q45_5] Over the past 12 months, have you: Left housing expenses unpaid?

[q46_1] In last two weeks: How would you rate your quality of life?

[q46_2] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your health?

[q47_1] In last two weeks: To what extent do you feel that physical pain prevents you from doing what you need to do?

[q47_2] In last two weeks: How much do you need any medical treatment to function in your daily life?

[q47_3] In last two weeks: How much do you enjoy life?

[q47_4] In last two weeks: To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful?

[q47_5] In last two weeks: How well are you able to concentrate?

[q47_6] In last two weeks: How safe do you feel in your daily life?

[q47_7] In last two weeks: How healthy is your physical environment?

[q48_1] In last two weeks: Do you have enough energy for everyday life?

[q48_2] In last two weeks: Are you able to accept your bodily appearance?

[q48_3] In last two weeks: Have you enough money to meet your needs?

[q48_4] In last two weeks: How available to you is the information that you need in your day-to-day life?

[q48_5] In last two weeks: To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities?

[q48_6] In last two weeks: How well are you able to get around?

[q49_1] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your sleep?

[q49_2] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your ability to perform your daily living activities?

[q49_3] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your capacity for work?

[q49_4] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with yourself?

[q49_5] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?

[q49_6] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your sex life?

[q49_7] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with the support you get from your friends?

[q49_8] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with the conditions of your living place?

[q49_9] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your access to health services?

[q49_10] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your transport?

[q50] In last two weeks: How often do you have negative feelings, such as blue mood, despair, anxiety, depression?

[q51] Do you feel lonely?

[q52_1] I feel part of a group of friends.

[q52_2] I have a lot in common with people around me.

[q52_3] There are people I feel close to.

[q52_4] I feel left out.

[q52_5] My social relationships are superficial.

[q52_6] No one really knows me well.

[q52_7] I feel isolated from others.

[q52_8] I am no longer close to anyone.

[q52_9] I can find companionship when I want it.

[q52_10] There are people who really understand me.

[q52_11] I am unhappy being so withdrawn.

[q52_12] There are people I can talk to.

[q53_1] I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.

[q53_2] I feel that I have a number of good qualities.

[q53_3] All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.

[q53_4] I am able to do things as well as other people.

[q53_5] I feel I do not have much to be proud of.

[q53_6] I take a positive attitude toward myself.

[q53_7] On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

[q53_8] I wish I could have more respect for myself.

[q53_9] I certainly feel useless at times.

[q53_10] At times I think I am no good at all.

[q54] Do you participate in the activities of any club, organization, association, hobby group or community (e.g. sports club, residents' activities, political party, choir or congregation)?

[q55_1] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Sports club

[q55_2] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Spiritual community

[q55_3] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Association related to your home country or cultural group

[q55_4] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Some other association or club

[q56] How many close friends do you have?

[q56_2] How many close friends do you have? Unclear answers from q56 (Open-ended question)

[q57] How many of these close friends are Finnish?

[q57_2] How many of these close friends are Finnish? Unclear answers from q57 (Open-ended question)

[q58] Please mark the number of Finnish friends or acquaintances whom you meet or with whom you talk over the phone on a monthly basis.

[q59] Do you wish you had more Finnish acquaintances?

[q60] How easy is it for you to get acquainted with Finnish people?

[q61_1] How often do you have contact with: Your relatives living in Finland

[q61_2] How often do you have contact with: Your relatives, friends and acquaintances living abroad

[q61_3] How often do you have contact with: Other immigrants in Finland

[q61_4] How often do you have contact with: Your native Finnish friends in Finland

[q62_1] How do you manage in following actions: Explaining things to strangers with your native language

[q62_2] How do you manage in following actions: Explaining things to strangers in Finnish

[q62_3] How do you manage in following actions: Using the services of a bank, bureau or similar

[q62_4] How do you manage in following actions: Travelling by train or bus

[q62_5] How do you manage in following actions: Contacting the emergency services, doctor, police, etc.

[q62_6] How do you manage in following actions: Managing your grocery shopping on your own

[q63_1] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? In our society, people can trust one another

[q63_2] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Our government and public authority can be trusted

[q63_3] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Public healthcare can be trusted

[q63_4] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Public social care can be trusted

[q63_5] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? The court of law can be trusted

[q63_6] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? The police can be trusted

[q63_7] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Municipal decision making can be trusted

[q63_8] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? It is best to not trust anyone

[q63_9] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? I don't feel the value of what I do is recognized by others

[q63_10] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Some people look down on me because of my job situation or income

[q64_1] I feel the scope to seek happiness in my life is

[q64_2] I feel the scope to achieve things in my life is

[q64_3] I feel the scope to live a healthy life, for my age, is

[q64_4] I feel the scope for intellectual stimulation in my life is

[q64_5] I feel the scope to form satisfying social relations in my life is

[q64_6] I feel the scope for being in pleasant environments (taking home, work and leisure together) in my life is

[q64_7] I feel the scope to act with personal integrity in my life is

[q64_8] I feel the scope taking all this together, I think my options are

[q65_1] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Age

[q65_2] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Sex

[q65_3] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Ethnic background

[q65_4] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Financial situation

[q65_5] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Disability

[q65_6] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Sexual orientation

[q66_1a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are not treated as well as other people

[q66_1b] You are not treated as well as other people: Does this occur:

[q66_1_c1] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[q66_1_c2] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[q66_1_c3] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[q66_1_c4] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[q66_1_c5] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[q66_1_c6] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[q66_1_c7] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[q66_1_ca] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[q66_2a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are not treated with as much respect as other people

[q66_2b] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: Does this occur:

[q66_2_c1] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[q66_2_c2] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[q66_2_c3] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[q66_2_c4] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[q66_2_c5] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[q66_2_c6] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[q66_2_c7] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[q66_2_ca] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[q66_3a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are called names or verbally insulted

[q66_3b] You are called names or verbally insulted: Does this occur:

[q66_3_c1] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[q66_3_c2] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[q66_3_c3] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[q66_3_c4] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[q66_3_c5] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[q66_3_c6] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[q66_3_c7] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[q66_3_ca] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[q66_4a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are threatened or harassed

[q66_4b] You are threatened or harassed: Does this occur:

[q66_4_c1] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[q66_4_c2] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[q66_4_c3] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[q66_4_c4] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[q66_4_c5] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[q66_4_c6] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[q66_4_c7] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[q66_4_ca] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[q67_1] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Police station

[q67_2] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Immigration office

[q67_3] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Healthcare services

[q67_4] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? School/educational institution

[q67_5] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? KELA

[q67_6] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Social welfare office

[q67_7] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Shop

[q67_8] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Street

[q67_9] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Other

[q68] Do you avoid some places because you have a foreign background?

[q68a] Do you avoid some places because you have a foreign background? Yes, which places? (Open-ended question)

[q69_1] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you had direct combat experience in war?

[q69_2] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been involved in a fire, flood, or natural disaster?

[q69_3] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you witnessed someone being badly injured or killed?

[q69_4] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you experienced sexual violence?

[q69_5] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been seriously physically attacked or assaulted?

[q69_6] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been kidnapped or held captive?

[q69_7] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you ever been tortured?

[q69_8] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you experienced some other violence?

[q69_9] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been a political prisoner?

[q70_1] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Disturbing thoughts or memories of an event that come to mind against your will

[q70_2] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Disturbing dreams of an event

[q70_3] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Acting or feeling as if the traumatic experience is happening again

[q70_4] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Feeling of shock caused by factors reminding you of the event

[q70_5] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Bodily reactions (e.g. rapid pulse, stomach cramps, sweating, dizziness) when something reminds you of the event

[q70_6] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

[q70_7] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Irritability or bursts of anger

[q70_8] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Difficulty concentrating

[q70_9] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Increased awareness of potential dangers to yourself or others

[q70_10] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Nervousness or being easily startled by something unexpected

[q71_1a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physician in health center

[q71_1b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physician in health center: If yes, how many times?

[q71_1c] Unclear cases from q71_1b (Open-ended question)

[q71_2a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physician in hospital outpatient clinic

[q71_2b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physician in hospital outpatient clinic: If yes, how many times?

[q71_2c] Unclear cases from q71_2b (Open-ended question)

[q71_3a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physician in private clinic

[q71_3b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physician in private clinic: If yes, how many times?

[q71_3c] Unclear cases from q71_3b (Open-ended question)

[q71_4a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Dentist

[q71_4b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Dentist: If yes, how many times?

[q71_4c] Unclear cases from q71_4b (Open-ended question)

[q71_5a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Nurse

[q71_5b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Nurse: If yes, how many times?

[q71_5c] Unclear cases from q71_5b (Open-ended question)

[q71_6a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Dental nurse

[q71_6b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Dental nurse: If yes, how many times?

[q71_6c] Unclear cases from q71_6b (Open-ended question)

[q71_7a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physiotherapist or occupational therapist

[q71_7b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Physiotherapist or occupational therapist: If yes, how many times?

[q71_7c] Unclear cases from q71_7b (Open-ended question)

[q71_8a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Psychologist

[q71_8b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Psychologist: If yes, how many times?

[q71_9a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Social worker

[q71_9b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Social worker: If yes, how many times?

[q71_9c] Unclear cases from q71_9b (Open-ended question)

[q71_10a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Social Insurance Institution (KELA)

[q71_10b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Social Insurance Institution (KELA): If yes, how many times?

[q71_10c] Unclear cases from q71_10b (Open-ended question)

[q71_11a] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Police station

[q71_11b] Did you visit during the last 12 months: Police station: If yes, how many times?

[q71_12a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Nurse

[q71_12b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Nurse: If yes, how many times?

[q71_12c] Unclear cases from q71_12b (Open-ended question)

[q71_13a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Home aid

[q71_13b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Home aid: If yes, how many times?

[q71_13c] Unclear cases from q71_13b (Open-ended question)

[q71_14a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Physician

[q71_14b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Physician: If yes, how many times?

[q71_14c] Unclear cases from q71_14b (Open-ended question)

[q71_15a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Social worker

[q71_15b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Social worker: If yes, how many times?

[q71_15c] Unclear cases from q71_15b (Open-ended question)

[q71_16a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Other health and social care professional

[q71_16b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 12 months: Other health and social care professional: If yes, how many times?

[q71_16c] Unclear cases from q71_16b (Open-ended question)

[q71_17a] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Translation services

[q71_17b] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Translation services: If yes, how many times?

[q71_17c] Unclear cases from q71_17b (Open-ended question)

[q71_18a] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Juridical advice

[q71_18b] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Juridical advice: If yes, how many times?

[q71_18c] Unclear cases from q71_18b (Open-ended question)

[q71_19a] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Employment services

[q71_19b] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Employment services: If yes, how many times?

[q71_19c] Unclear cases from q71_19b (Open-ended question)

[q71_20a] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Day care for children

[q71_20b] Did you receive these services during the last 12 months: Day care for children: If yes, how many days?

[q71_20c] Unclear cases from q71_20b (Open-ended question)

[q71_21a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Language course

[q71_21b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Language course: If yes, how many days?

[q71_22a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Vocational course

[q71_22b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Vocational course: If yes, how many days?

[q71_23a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Educational course

[q71_23b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Educational course: If yes, how many days?

[q71_24a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Integration/orientation course

[q71_24b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Integration/orientation course: If yes, how many days?

[q71_25a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Job placement/practical training

[q71_25b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 12 months: Job placement/practical training: If yes, how many days?

[q71_25c] Unclear cases from q71_25b (Open-ended question)

[q71_26a] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 12 months: Primary care hospital

[q71_26b] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 12 months: Primary care hospital: If yes, how many days?

[q71_26c] Unclear cases from q71_26b (Open-ended question)

[q71_27a] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 12 months: Secondary care hospital

[q71_27b] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 12 months: Secondary care hospital: If yes, how many days?

[q71_27c] Unclear cases from q71_27b (Open-ended question)

[q71_28a] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 12 months: Rehabilitation

[q71_28b] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 12 months: Rehabilitation: If yes, how many days?

[q71_28c] Unclear cases from q71_28b (Open-ended question)

[q71_29a] Have you purchased medicines during the last 12 months: Prescribed medicines

[q71_29b] Have you purchased medicines during the last 12 months: Prescribed medicines: If yes, how many euros did they cost?

[q71_29c] Unclear cases from q71_29b (Open-ended question)

[q71_30a] Have you purchased medicines during the last 12 months: Self-care medicine

[q71_30b] Have you purchased medicines during the last 12 months: Self-care medicine: If yes, how many euros did they cost?

[q71_30c] Unclear cases from q71_30b (Open-ended question)

[q71_31a] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks: From family or friends

[q71_31b] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks: From family or friends: If yes, how many hours?

[q71_31c] Unclear cases from q71_31b (Open-ended question)

[q71_32a] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks: From church or 3. sector organizations

[q71_32b] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks: From church or 3. sector organizations: If yes, how many hours?

[q71_32c] Unclear cases from q71_32b (Open-ended question)

[q71_33a] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks: On phone

[q71_33b] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks: On phone: If yes, how many times?

[q71_33c] Unclear cases from q71_33b (Open-ended question)

[q71_34a] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks: Via Internet

[q71_34b] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks: Via Internet: If yes, how many times?

[q71_34c] Unclear cases from q71_34b (Open-ended question)

[q72] In your opinion, have you received sufficient treatment for illnesses over the past 12 months?

[q73] If you have applied in the last 12 months your own municipality's social services, like youth services or guidance from social worker, have you received enough services from your own opinion?

[q74] Have you applied for income support within the last 12 months?

[q75] Was the income support you received:

[q76_1] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Dieting or weight control group or course, or other group aiming at changes in dietary and exercise habits

[q76_2] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Neck or back exercise group

[q76_3] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Group or course for quitting smoking

[q76_4] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Group for quitting the use of alcohol (e.g. AA)

[q76_5] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Group for quitting the use of some other intoxicant (e.g. NA)

[q76_6] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Gambling addiction group

[q76_7] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Patient self-help group (e.g. group of cardiac patients, diabetics or mental health patients)

[q76_8] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Mental well-being group (e.g. bereavement therapy, separation therapy or other discussion group)

[q76_9] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Groups alleviating loneliness, e.g. friendship circles

[q76_10] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 12 months? Other

[q77_1] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Library services

[q77_2] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Indoor sports services (e.g. swimming pools, gym)

[q77_3] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Outdoor sports services (e.g. sports fields, walking or jogging routes)

[q77_4] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Cultural services

[q77_5] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Adulta education centres and workers' institutes

[q77_6] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Youth services, youth facilities

[q77_7] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Children's playgrounds or parks

[q77_8] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Language course

[q77_9] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Translation services

[q77_10] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 12 months? Employment services

[q78] How much physical exercise and exertion do you have during your free time?

[q79] How many hours do you spend sitting on an average weekday? If you never sit, please enter 0

[q80] In a normal week, on how many days do you engage in physical exercise that maintains or improves muscle tone? For instance, gym training, fitness training at home, group exercise.

[q81] In a normal week, on how many days do you engage in physical exercise that maintains or improves aerobic fitness? E.g. walking, jogging, running or cycling.

[q82] If you do not currently have a hobby that engages you in physical exercise, would you like to start one?

[q83] How many hours a day do you usually sleep within 24 hours?

[q84_1] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Red meat

[q84_2] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Fish

[q84_3] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Vegetables

[q84_4] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Fruits or berries

[q84_5] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Hamburgers, pizza, savoury pies

[q84_6] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Chocolate, sweets or sweet pastries

[q84_7] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Sugared juices or soft drinks

[q84_8] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Coffee or tea

[q84_9] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Energy drinks or bars

[q84_10] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Dark bread (rye bread, crispbread, etc.)

[q84_11] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Butter or mixture of butter and vegetable oil

[q84_12] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Skimmed milk or sour milk

[q85] Do you use tobacco products?

[q85_1] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: factory-made cigarettes

[q85_2] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: cigarettes that I roll myself

[q85_3] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: cigars

[q85_4] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: pipe

[q85_5] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: snuff

[q85_6] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: electronic cigarette

[q85_7] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: waterpipe

[q86] How often do you drink beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages?

[q87] How often have you had six or more drinks on one occasion?

[q88] How much do you currently weigh? kg (an estimate is sufficient)

[q89] How tall are you? cm (an estimate is sufficient)

[bbv2] Follow-up: Collection date

[bbv4] Follow-up phase: intervention/ control group

[b1] Gender

[b2] Year of birth

[b3] Marital status

[b5] Which country are you a citizen of?

[b6] What is your native language? (coarsened in FSD)

[b7] How many years have you in total gone to school or studied full-time?

[b8_1] What is your highest completed level of education?

[b9] Which year did you arrive in Finland?

[b10] On which grounds were you granted a residence permit in Finland?

[b11] How many months did it take to receive the positive decision of granted asylum?

[b12] Are you involved in a resettlement plan that is being offered by the municipality?

[b13] Are you a client of a Refugee Unit?

[b14] What was your school language? (coarsened in FSD)

[b15] In your opinion, how well are you able to read your native language or the language taught to you at school as a child?

[b16] In your opinion, how well are you able to write in your native language or the language taught to you at school as a child?

[b17] Do you understand spoken Finnish?

[b18] Do you speak Finnish?

[b19] Do you read in Finnish?

[b20] Do you write in Finnish?

[b21_1] How do you learn Finnish? Television/radio/internet/reading (self-study)

[b21_2] How do you learn Finnish? By taking courses

[b21_3] How do you learn Finnish? From friends

[b21_4] How do you learn Finnish? Other

[b21a] How do you learn Finnish? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[b22] Are you living currently:

[b23] What kind of area do you live?

[b24_1] How many children and adults belong to your household? Children (TOP-coded in FSD)

[b24_2] How many children and adults belong to your household? Adults (TOP-coded in FSD)

[b25] What is your family situation? Do you live:

[b26] At the moment, are you primarily:

[b27] Have you planned to apply to a Finnish institute of higher education? (University or polytechnic, i.e. university of applied sciences)

[b28_1] If you answered "Yes" (option 1 or 2) to the previous question, please mark the level of educational programme to which you wish to apply?

[b28_2] Which field would you like to study?

[b29] Have you been employed before coming to Finland?

[b31] In total, how many years of work experience do you have?

[b32] How would you describe your current work ability?

[b33] In which direction do you believe your ability to work will develop over the next two years? Do you believe your ability to work is likely to:

[b34] Would you like to work full-time or part time?

[b35] Are you confident in your search for work?

[b36_1] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? There are no obstacles

[b36_2] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Limited language skills

[b36_3] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Limited job-seeking skills

[b36_4] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Lack of education/training

[b36_5] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Limitations in identifying competence

[b36_6] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Ethnic background

[b36_7] In your opinion, what are the greatest obstacles that may prevent you from finding work? Other

[b38] Are you interested in studying for a new profession?

[b39_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Work is an important part of life

[b39_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Life feels more meaningful when one has a regular job

[b39_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Doing paid work gives substance and meaning in one's life

[b40_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Married women are fully entitled to work, no matter what their situation

[b40_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: The man is primarily responsible for the livelihood of the family

[b40_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree regarding the following statements: Women should stay at home and not work outside the home

[b41] How large was the total income of your household last year before taxes? A household means people who are living together in one housing unit.

[b42_1] Do you have any debt? I have instant loans

[b42_2] Do you have any debt? I have a mortgage

[b42_3] Do you have any debt? I have other debts

[b42_4] Do you have any debt? No, I do not

[b43] If you are in debt, are the payments of the debts and their interest:

[b44] A household may have different sources of income and more than one of the people living in it may have an income. Considering the total income of your household, how difficult or easy is it to cover your costs?

[b45_1] Over the past 12 months, have you: Found yourself in a situation where there is no money for food?

[b45_2] Over the past 12 months, have you: Sought meal assistance from a breadline or a food bank?

[b45_3] Over the past 12 months, have you: Sought meal assistance from a relative or a friend?

[b45_4] Over the past 12 months, have you: Did not attend a meeting with friends, hobbies or other recreational activities?

[b45_5] Over the past 12 months, have you: Left housing expenses unpaid?

[b46_1] In last two weeks: How would you rate your quality of life?

[b46_2] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your health?

[b47_1] In last two weeks: To what extent do you feel that physical pain prevents you from doing what you need to do?

[b47_2] In last two weeks: How much do you need any medical treatment to function in your daily life?

[b47_3] In last two weeks: How much do you enjoy life?

[b47_4] In last two weeks: To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful?

[b47_5] In last two weeks: How well are you able to concentrate?

[b47_6] In last two weeks: How safe do you feel in your daily life?

[b47_7] In last two weeks: How healthy is your physical environment?

[b48_1] In last two weeks: Do you have enough energy for everyday life?

[b48_2] In last two weeks: Are you able to accept your bodily appearance?

[b48_3] In last two weeks: Have you enough money to meet your needs?

[b48_4] In last two weeks: How available to you is the information that you need in your day-to-day life?

[b48_5] In last two weeks: To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities?

[b48_6] In last two weeks: How well are you able to get around?

[b49_1] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your sleep?

[b49_2] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your ability to perform your daily living activities?

[b49_3] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your capacity for work?

[b49_4] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with yourself?

[b49_5] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?

[b49_6] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your sex life?

[b49_7] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with the support you get from your friends?

[b49_8] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with the conditions of your living place?

[b49_9] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your access to health services?

[b49_10] In last two weeks: How satisfied are you with your transport?

[b50] In last two weeks: How often do you have negative feelings, such as blue mood, despair, anxiety, depression?

[b51] Do you feel lonely?

[b52_1] I feel part of a group of friends.

[b52_2] I have a lot in common with people around me.

[b52_3] There are people I feel close to.

[b52_4] I feel left out.

[b52_5] My social relationships are superficial.

[b52_6] No one really knows me well.

[b52_7] I feel isolated from others.

[b52_8] I am no longer close to anyone.

[b52_9] I can find companionship when I want it.

[b52_10] There are people who really understand me.

[b52_11] I am unhappy being so withdrawn.

[b52_12] There are people I can talk to.

[b53_1] I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.

[b53_2] I feel that I have a number of good qualities.

[b53_3] All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.

[b53_4] I am able to do things as well as other people.

[b53_5] I feel I do not have much to be proud of.

[b53_6] I take a positive attitude toward myself.

[b53_7] On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

[b53_8] I wish I could have more respect for myself.

[b53_9] I certainly feel useless at times.

[b53_10] At times, I think I am no good at all.

[b54] Do you participate in the activities of any club, organization, association, hobby group or community (e.g. sports club, residents' activities, political party, choir or congregation)?

[b55_1] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Sports club

[b55_2] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Spiritual community

[b55_3] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Association related to your home country or cultural group

[b55_4] How many times have you participated to the activities of the following associations, clubs, etc. over the past 12 months? Some other association or club

[b56] How many close friends do you have?

[b56_2] Unclear answers from b56 (Open-ended question)

[b57] How many of these close friends are Finnish?

[b57_2] How many of these close friends are Finnish? Unclear answers from b57 (Open-ended question)

[b58] Please mark the number of Finnish friends or acquaintances whom you meet or with whom you talk over the phone on a monthly basis.

[b59] Do you wish you had more Finnish acquaintances?

[b60] How easy is it for you to get acquainted with Finnish people?

[b61_1] How often do you have contact with: Your relatives living in Finland

[b61_2] How often do you have contact with: Your relatives, friends and acquaintances living abroad

[b61_3] How often do you have contact with: Other immigrants in Finland

[b61_4] How often do you have contact with: Your native Finnish friends in Finland

[b62_1] How do you manage in following actions: Explaining things to strangers with your native language

[b62_2] How do you manage in following actions: Explaining things to strangers in Finnish

[b62_3] How do you manage in following actions: Using the services of a bank, bureau or similar

[b62_4] How do you manage in following actions: Travelling by train or bus

[b62_5] How do you manage in following actions: Contacting the emergency services, doctor, police, etc.

[b62_6] How do you manage in following actions: Managing your grocery shopping on your own

[b63_1] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? In our society, people can trust one another

[b63_2] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Our government and public authority can be trusted

[b63_3] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Public healthcare can be trusted

[b63_4] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Public social care can be trusted

[b63_5] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? The court of law can be trusted

[b63_6] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? The police can be trusted

[b63_7] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Municipal decision making can be trusted

[b63_8] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? It is best to not trust anyone

[b63_9] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? I don't feel the value of what I do is recognized by others

[b63_10] What is your opinion on the following statements related to trust and respect in Finland? Some people look down on me because of my job situation or income

[b64_1] I feel the scope to seek happiness in my life is

[b64_2] I feel the scope to achieve things in my life is

[b64_3] I feel the scope to live a healthy life, for my age, is

[b64_4] I feel the scope for intellectual stimulation in my life is

[b64_5] I feel the scope to form satisfying social relations in my life is

[b64_6] I feel the scope for being in pleasant environments (taking home, work and leisure together) in my life is

[b64_7] I feel the scope to act with personal integrity in my life is

[b64_8] I feel the scope taking all this together, I think my options are

[b65_1] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Age

[b65_2] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Sex

[b65_3] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Ethnic background

[b65_4] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Financial situation

[b65_5] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Disability

[b65_6] Have you experienced discrimination due to the following factors: Sexual orientation

[b66_1_a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are not treated as well as other people

[b66_1_b] You are not treated as well as other people: Does this occur:

[b66_1_c1] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[b66_1_c2] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[b66_1_c3] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[b66_1_c4] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[b66_1_c5] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[b66_1_c6] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[b66_1_c7] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[b66_1_ca] You are not treated as well as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[b66_2_a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are not treated with as much respect as other people

[b66_2_b] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: Does this occur:

[b66_2_c1] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[b66_2_c2] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[b66_2_c3] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[b66_2_c4] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[b66_2_c5] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[b66_2_c6] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[b66_2_c7] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[b66_2_ca] You are not treated with as much respect as other people: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other, please specify (Open-ended question)

[b66_3_a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are called names or verbally insulted

[b66_3_b] You are called names or verbally insulted: Does this occur:

[b66_3_c1] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[b66_3_c2] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[b66_3_c3] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[b66_3_c4] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[b66_3_c5] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[b66_3_c6] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[b66_3_c7] You are called names or verbally insulted: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[b66_4_a] In your everyday life in Finland, have you experienced any of the following: You are threatened or harassed

[b66_4_b] You are threatened or harassed: Does this occur:

[b66_4_c1] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your immigrant background

[b66_4_c2] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The colour of your skin

[b66_4_c3] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? The way you dress

[b66_4_c4] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your age

[b66_4_c5] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your height and weight

[b66_4_c6] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Your lack of fluency in Finnish/Swedish

[b66_4_c7] You are threatened or harassed: What do you think is the main factor behind this? Other

[b67_1] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Police station

[b67_2] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Immigration office

[b67_3] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Healthcare services

[b67_4] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? School/educational institution

[b67_5] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? KELA

[b67_6] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Social welfare office

[b67_7] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Shop

[b67_8] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Street

[b67_9] Have you experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in any of the following places in Finland? Other

[b68] Do you avoid some places because you have a foreign background?

[b68a] Do you avoid some places because you have a foreign background? Yes, which places? (Open-ended question)

[b69_1] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you had direct combat experience in war?

[b69_2] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been involved in a fire, flood, or natural disaster?

[b69_3] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you witnessed someone being badly injured or killed?

[b69_4] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you experienced sexual violence?

[b69_5] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been seriously physically attacked or assaulted?

[b69_6] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been kidnapped or held captive?

[b69_7] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you ever been tortured?

[b69_8] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you experienced some other violence?

[b69_9] Have you experienced any of the following unpleasant events in your previous home country? Have you been a political prisoner?

[b70_1] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Disturbing thoughts or memories of an event that come to mind against your will

[b70_2] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Disturbing dreams of an event

[b70_3] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Acting or feeling as if the traumatic experience is happening again

[b70_4] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Feeling of shock caused by factors reminding you of the event

[b70_5] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Bodily reactions (e.g. rapid pulse, stomach cramps, sweating, dizziness) when something reminds you of the event

[b70_6] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

[b70_7] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Irritability or bursts of anger

[b70_8] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Difficulty concentrating

[b70_9] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Increased awareness of potential dangers to yourself or others

[b70_10] Have you experienced any of the following at least twice over the past week? Nervousness or being easily startled by something unexpected

[b71_1a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physician in health center

[b71_1b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physician in health center. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_1c] Unclear answers from b71_1b (Open-ended question)

[b71_2a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physician in hospital outpatient clinic

[b71_2b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physician in hospital outpatient clinic. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_2c] Unclear answers from b71_2b (Open-ended question)

[b71_3a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physician in private clinic

[b71_3b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physician in private clinic. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_3c] Unclear answers from b71_3b (Open-ended question)

[b71_4a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Dentist

[b71_4b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Dentist. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_5a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Nurse

[b71_5b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Nurse. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_5c] Unclear answers from b71_5b (Open-ended question)

[b71_6a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Dental nurse

[b71_6b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Dental nurse. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_6c] Unclear answers from b71_6b (Open-ended question)

[b71_7a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physiotherapist or occupational therapist

[b71_7b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Physiotherapist or occupational therapist. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_8a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Psychologist

[b71_8b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Psychologist. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_9a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Social worker

[b71_9b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Social worker. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_10a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Social Insurance Institution (KELA)

[b71_10b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Social Insurance Institution (KELA). If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_10c] Unclear answers from b71_10b (Open-ended question)

[b71_11a] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Police station

[b71_11b] Did you visit during the last 6 months: Police station. If yes: How many times? Number:

[b71_11c] Unclear answers from b71_11b (Open-ended question)

[b71_12a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Nurse

[b71_12b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Nurse. If yes: How many times?

[b71_12c] Unclear answers from b71_12b (Open-ended question)

[b71_13a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Home aid

[b71_13b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Home aid. If yes: How many times?

[b71_13c] Unclear answers from b71_13b (Open-ended question)

[b71_14a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Physician

[b71_14b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Physician. If yes: How many times?

[b71_15a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Social worker

[b71_15b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Social worker. If yes: How many times?

[b71_15c] Unclear answers from b71_15b (Open-ended question)

[b71_16a] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Other health and social care professional

[b71_16b] Did these workers visit you at your home or camp during the last 6 months: Other health and social care professional. If yes: How many times?

[b71_17a] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Translation services

[b71_17b] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Translation services. If yes: How many times?

[b71_17c] Unclear answers from b71_17b (Open-ended question)

[b71_18a] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Juridical advice

[b71_18b] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Juridical advice. If yes: How many times?

[b71_19a] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Employment services

[b71_19b] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Employment services. If yes: How many times?

[b71_19c] Unclear answers from b71_19b (Open-ended question)

[b71_20a] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Day care for children

[b71_20b] Did you receive these services during the last 6 months: Day care for children. If yes: How many days?

[b71_21a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Language course

[b71_21b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Language course. If yes: How many days?

[b71_21c] Unclear answers from b71_21b (Open-ended question)

[b71_22a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Vocational course

[b71_22b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Vocational course. If yes: How many days?

[b71_22c] Unclear answers from b71_22b (Open-ended question)

[b71_23a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Educational course

[b71_23b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Educational course. If yes: How many days?

[b71_23c] Unclear answers from b71_23b (Open-ended question)

[b71_24a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Integration/orientation course

[b71_24b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Integration/orientation course. If yes: How many days?

[b71_25a] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Job placement/practical training

[b71_25b] Did you attend courses or training during the last 6 months: Job placement/practical training. If yes: How many days?

[b71_25c] Unclear answers from b71_25b (Open-ended question)

[b71_26a] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 6 months? Primary care hospital

[b71_26b] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 6 months? Primary care hospital. If yes: How many days?

[b71_26c] Unclear answers from b71_26b (Open-ended question)

[b71_27a] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 6 months? Secondary care hospital

[b71_27b] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 6 months? Secondary care hospital. If yes: How many days?

[b71_27c] Unclear answers from b71_27b (Open-ended question)

[b71_28a] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 6 months? Rehabilitation

[b71_28b] Have you been in inpatient care during the last 6 months? Rehabilitation. If yes: How many days?

[b71_29a] Have you purchased medicines during the last 6 months? Prescribed medicines

[b71_29b] Have you purchased medicines during the last 6 months? Prescribed medicines. If yes: How many euros did they cost?

[b71_30a] Have you purchased medicines during the last 6 months? Self-care medicine

[b71_30b] Have you purchased medicines during the last 6 months? Self-care medicine. If yes: How many euros did they cost?

[b71_31a] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks? From family or friends

[b71_31b] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks? From family or friends. If yes: How many hours?

[b71_31c] Unclear answers from b71_31b (Open-ended question)

[b71_32a] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks? From church or 3. sector organizations

[b71_32b] Have you received informal care or help during the last 4 weeks? From church or 3. sector organizations

[b71_32c] Unclear answers from b71_32b (Open-ended question)

[b71_33a] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks? On phone

[b71_33b] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks? On phone. If yes: How many times?

[b71_33c] Unclear answers from b71_33b (Open-ended question)

[b71_34a] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks? Via Internet

[b71_34b] Were you in contact with health and social care professionals or other professionals representing the before mentioned services during the last 4 weeks? Via Internet. If yes: How many times?

[b71_34c] Unclear answers from b71_34b (Open-ended question)

[b72] In your opinion, have you received sufficient treatment for illnesses over the past 6 months?

[b73] If you have applied in the last 6 months your own municipality´s social services, like home youth services or guidance from social worker, have you received enough services from your own opinion?

[b74] Have you applied for income support within the last 6 months?

[b75] Was the income support you received:

[b76_1] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Dieting or weight control group or course, or other group aiming at changes in dietary and exercise habits

[b76_2] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Neck or back exercise group

[b76_3] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Group or course for quitting smoking

[b76_4] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Group for quitting the use of alcohol (e.g. AA)

[b76_5] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Group for quitting the use of some other intoxicant (e.g. NA)

[b76_6] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Gambling addiction group

[b76_7] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Patient self-help group (e.g. group of cardiac patients, diabetics or mental health patients)

[b76_8] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Mental well-being group (e.g. bereavement therapy, separation therapy or other discussion group)

[b76_9] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Groups alleviating loneliness, e.g. friendship circles

[b76_10] Have you regularly participated in a group for promoting your health and wellbeing over the past 6 months? Other

[b77_1] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Library services

[b77_2] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Indoor sports services (e.g. swimming pools, gym)

[b77_3] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Outdoor sports services (e.g. sports fields, walking or jogging routes)

[b77_4] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Cultural services

[b77_5] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Adult education centres and workers' institutes

[b77_6] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Youth services, youth facilities

[b77_7] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Children's playgrounds or parks

[b77_8] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Language course

[b77_9] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Translation services

[b77_10] Do you feel you have adequately provided with the following services in your home municipality over the past 6 months? Employment services

[b78] How much physical exercise and exertion do you have during your free time?

[b79] How many hours do you spend sitting on an average weekday? If you never sit, please enter 0.

[b80] In a normal week, on how many days do you engage in physical exercise that maintains or improves muscle tone? For instance, gym training, fitness training at home, group exercise.

[b81] In a normal week, on how many days do you engage in physical exercise that maintains or improves aerobic fitness? E.g. walking, jogging, running or cycling.

[b82] If you do not currently have a hobby that engages you in physical exercise, would you like to start one?

[b83] How many hours a day do you usually sleep within 24 hours? An average of

[b84_1] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Red meat

[b84_2] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Fish

[b84_3] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Vegetables

[b84_4] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Fruits or berries

[b84_5] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Hamburgers, pizza, savoury pies

[b84_6] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Chocolate, sweets or sweet pastries

[b84_7] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Sugared juices or soft drinks

[b84_8] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Coffee or tea

[b84_9] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Energy drinks or bars

[b84_10] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Dark bread (rye bread, crispbread, etc.)

[b84_11] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Butter or mixture of butter and vegetable oil

[b84_12] How often have you consumed the following foods and drinks over the past 7 days: Skimmed milk or sour milk

[b85] Do you use tobacco products?

[b85_1] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: factory-made cigarettes

[b85_2] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: cigarettes that I roll myself

[b85_3] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: cigars

[b85_4] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: pipe

[b85_5] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: snuff

[b85_6] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: electronic cigarette

[b85_7] Do you use tobacco products? Yes, I smoke daily: water pipe

[b86] How often do you drink beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages?

[b87] How often have you had six or more drinks on one occasion?

[b88] How much do you currently weigh? kg (an estimate is sufficient)

[b89] How tall are you? cm (an estimate is sufficient)

[b90] How much is your total available income in a month? Please include the total amount that you receive to your bank account or in cash.

[b90a] How much is your total available income in a month? Please include the total amount that you receive to your bank account or in cash. Euros (amount)

[b91] After each month’s compulsory outgoings (housing, paying the bills, food, etc.), how much money have you got left (nearest in 10€)?

[b91a] After each month’s compulsory outgoings (housing, paying the bills, food, etc.), how much money have you got left (nearest in 10€)? Euros (amount)

[b92_1] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Earning from employment or self-employment (salary)

[b92_2] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Pension

[b92_3] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Child benefit

[b92_4] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Parental allowance

[b92_5] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Child care allowance

[b92_6] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Labour market subsidy

[b92_7] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Unemployment benefit

[b92_8] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Income support

[b92_9] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Housing allowance

[b92_10] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Other regular allowance outside household (e.g. student's grants)

[b92_11] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? Interest from savings and investments (e.g. stocks & shares)

[b92_12] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? No source of income

[b92_13] Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner/family member) receives? I do not know

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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