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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[q1a_1] No political party promotes issues that are important to me
[q1a_2] Economic growth is the only way to ensure continuous well-being of citizens
[q1a_3] At present Finland is living too much on debt and, as a consequence, will face great problems later on
[q1a_4] The information conveyed to citizens by the authorities is reliable
[q1a_5] Finland should join NATO
[q1a_6] I would be willing to accept any type of work if unemployment was the alternative
[q1a_7] Publicly funded primary health care should adopt a model based on freedom of choice where citizens can choose either a public or private health care unit as their place of treatment
[q1a_8] I am interested in politics and follow it actively
[q1a_9] It is fair that top professionals are significantly better paid than others, even if it increases income disparity
[q1a_10] I am willing to compromise my own standard of living and interests to help overcome the difficult economic situation caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic
[q1a_11] Income disparity between different population groups has grown too large in our country
[q1a_12] It is in Finland's interests to participate in the EU recovery package that allocates grants and loans to member countries
[q1a_13] It has become increasingly usual in politics to oversimplify and misrepresent issues and to downright lie about them
[q1a_14] It is unreasonable that employment measures are also applied to people who would rather do something else than paid work
[q1a_15] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence
[q1a_16] Even if taxation in Finland were to increase somewhat from its current level, it would not cause significant harm to the economy and investments
[q1a_17] Employees and employers should always have the right to agree on terms of employment locally without the involvement of trade unions
[q1a_18] Earnings-related unemployment benefit should be extended to also cover employees who are not members of an unemployment insurance fund
[q1b_1] The information provided by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and other health care authorities is reliable
[q1b_2] Everyone would benefit if local agreements on wages and other terms of employment could be used more flexibly in workplaces than can be done at present
[q1b_3] To fund the welfare state, all people residing in Finland have the responsibility to work and pay taxes
[q1b_4] In Finland, the intrests of employees and employers are largely convergent
[q1b_5] Despite its problems, the USA is an essential defender of Western values in the world and an important ally to Finland
[q1b_6] Finland has to take quick measures to reduce its rapidly growing national debt, whatever cuts in benefits and welfare it may require
[q1b_7] Income disparity in Finland is low by international standards
[q1b_8] If employees could influence and take more part in corporate decision-making, it would benefit the whole society
[q1b_9] Finland should look out for its own national interests in the EU much more attentively
[q1b_10] If local agreements become more common in workplaces, it should always be done under the control of trade unions
[q1b_11] Employment and welfare in Finland are crucially dependent on the competitiveness of our export industry
[q1b_12] The information conveyed to citizens by politicians is reliable
[q1b_13] Instead of constantly raising taxes, the efficiency of the public sector should be improved
[q1b_14] It is not possible to trust the future with an easy mind in today's society, because one can lose one's job and livelihood all of a sudden
[q1b_15] Income disparity is dangerous, because someone's gain is always, in one way or another, someone else's loss
[q1b_16] In five years, many things will be better in Finland than they are now
[q1b_17] It does not matter that Finland's public debt continues to grow because the interest level will remain low for a long time to come
[q1b_18] The success of an individual is determined mainly by his/her own actions and choices, not by society or circumstances
[q1c_1] Even though good social security and public services are costly, Finnish welfare state is always good value for money
[q1c_2] Alcohol problems are glossed over and downplayed at Finnish workplaces and generally in society
[q1c_3] Companies have the responsibility to retain their employees also in difficult times
[q1c_4] I hope that the coronavirus epidemic marks the beginning of development towards a permanently decreased level of consumption and travel
[q1c_5] My own alcohol consumption/the alcohol consumption of people close to me has increased during the COVID-19 epidemic
[q1c_6] I am concerned about my own alcohol/substance use or the alcohol/substance use of people close to me
[q1c_7] Discussion on alcohol is too focused on problems while forgetting that it also provides enjoyment and well-being
[q1c_8] What is essential in public services is their availability to all citizens, not who provides them
[q1c_9] Personally, I would be glad to pay more taxes than I do at the moment
[q1c_10] It is important that public social and health care services are produced mainly by the public sector itself
[q1c_11] The actions and policies of the United States in international politics are legitimate and deserve the support of Finns
[q1c_12] Even though Russia has its own problems, Finns have no reason to take a negative attitude to this big neighbour
[q1c_13] Political parties are drifting further and further away from the problems of ordinary citizens
[q1c_14] People used to be happier than they are now
[q1c_15] It is right that unemployed persons need to be active in finding employment or their unemployment benefits will be decreased
[q1c_16] Economic and social inequality between different population groups has grown too large in our country
[q1c_17] Even though the measures adopted by the government to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic have been exceptionally severe, I give them my full support
[q1c_18] Finland has been able to influence decision-making in the EU
[q1c_19] Talk about rising inequality in society is often fomented in todays Finland, which creates unneeded tensions and polarisation in society
[q2_1] A: The rapidly growing public debt is not a big concern as future generations will be able to take care of the debt - B: The rapidly growing public debt is a big concern as future gen. will be left to deal with an unreasonable bill
[q2_2] A: If funding the Finnish pension system becomes more difficult in the next few years, it's better to raise pension contributions than to cut pension benefits -'s better to cut pension benefits than to raise pension contributions
[q2_3] A: If the central and local government revenue proves insufficient to cover expenditure, it is better to raise taxes than to cut services and income transfers - B: is better to cut services and income transfers than to raise taxes
[q2_4] A: There isn't much room for further improving the efficiency of central and local government functions in Finland - B: There is still room for further improving the efficiency of central and local government functions in Finland
[q2_5] A: The current range of public services and functions is too limited rather than too extensive and should be expanded - B: too extensive rather than too limited and should be reduced
[q2_6] A: In general, there is still room for raising taxes in Finland - B: In general, there is no room left for raising taxes in Finland
[q3_1] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Increasing the working week (number of weekly working hours)
[q3_2] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Making it more difficult to take early retirement
[q3_3] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Raising old-age pension age to make people work longer
[q3_4] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Reducing the time young people spend in full-time studies, making them graduate sooner, thus lengthening their working lives from the beginning
[q3_5] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Providing new financial incentives for older people willing to work longer
[q3_6] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Increasing annual working hours by shortening annual leave entitlement
[q3_7] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Increasing the working age population by promoting immigration to Finland
[q3_8] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Removing additional days of unemployment allowance (unemployment path to retirement) for the unemployed elderly
[q3_9] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Reducing the length of child home care allowance
[q3_10] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Reducing the length of conscription
[q3_11] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Staggering earnings-related unemployment benefit
[q3_12] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Making it more difficult to get unemployment benefits
[q3_13] How good or bad a way do you consider the following to be to make Finns work more/longer: Lowering earned income tax rate
[q4] How happy do you perceive your life to be at present? Do you think you are
[q5] And how would you describe your household's income / present financial situation?
[q6_1] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following at present? Your income level/financial situation
[q6_2] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you at present with the following? Your romantic relationship situation
[q6_3] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you at present with the following? Your other social relationships (family, friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.)
[q6_4] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following at present? Your work (if you are in paid employment; contents of the work, work community, etc.)
[q6_5] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following at present? Your possibilities to influence decisions in your society
[q6_6] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following at present? Your life in general/as a whole
[q6_7] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following at present? The services of your municipality (amount and quality)
[q6_8] Everyday well-being stems from many factors. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following at present? Functioning of the economy in everyday life (freedom of choice, price level, quality)
[q7_1] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Family life, good relationships in family life
[q7_2] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Good friendships and social relationships in general
[q7_3] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Experiences of love, to love and feel loved
[q7_4] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Secure basic income
[q7_5] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Good income, wealth, high standard of living
[q7_6] In the following, possible constituents for a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Good health
[q7_7] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Interesting work, job you like
[q7_8] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Permanent and secure employment contract
[q7_9] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Learning and experiencing new things, self-improvement
[q7_10] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Free time, interesting hobbies
[q7_11] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Good status, social respect
[q7_12] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Social participation, possibility to influence
[q7_13] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Spirituality, relationship to God
[q7_14] In the following, possible constituents of a happy life are listed. How important do you think they are for leading a happy life? Relationship to nature, enjoying nature
[q8_1] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Income distribution and financial situation
[q8_2] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Health (likelihood of falling ill, possibilities to receive treatment, etc.)
[q8_3] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Educational possibilities
[q8_4] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? General possibilities to advance in life and career
[q8_5] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Equality between the sexes
[q8_6] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following at present? When compared between generations and age groups (e.g. the post-World War II baby boomers vs. others)
[q8_7] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? When compared between municipalities of residence (e.g. cities vs. rural areas)
[q8_8] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? When compared between regions (e.g. the south and the north)
[q8_9] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? When compared between occupational groups (wage level, appreciation)
[q8_10] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Taxation (taxation of different types of income, tax progression)
[q8_11] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Justice (equality before the law)
[q8_12] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Politics (political rights and possibilities to influence)
[q8_13] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Freedom of speech (possibilities to express opinions)
[q8_14] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Ethnicity and origin (e.g. original population vs. immigrants)
[q8_15] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Gender and sexual minorities
[q8_16] Inequality has recently been a much discussed topic. How equal or unequal do you think Finns are in terms of the following issues at present? Welfare of different Finnish population groups in general
[q9_1] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Unemployment
[q9_2] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? The low level of benefits aimed at families with children / at children's parents and guardians
[q9_3] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Difficulty in finding a suitable partner
[q9_4] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? The aim to slow down population growth and prevent an ecological catastrophe
[q9_5] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? The cost of being a parent
[q9_6] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Uncertainty about and concern for own livelihood in the future
[q9_7] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Expensive housing
[q9_8] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Postponing having children to a later age than before
[q9_9] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Excessive planning in terms of having children, less 'unintended pregnancies'
[q9_10] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Decrease in sexual activity
[q9_11] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Wanting to advance in one's career
[q9_12] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? General uncertainty about the future
[q9_13] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Wanting to be freely able to do other interesting things
[q9_14] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? Increase in infertility
[q9_15] To what extent do you think the following factors contribute to the low birth rate in Finland? The image portrayed in public of the challenges of everyday life for families with children
[q10_1] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Flexible working hours for parents of small children
[q10_2] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Increasing the availability of home care assistance for parents of small children
[q10_3] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Lowering earned income tax rate for people who have dependent children
[q10_4] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? A significant increase in child benefit
[q10_5] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? A significant increase in child home care allowance
[q10_6] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? A family leave reform that would balance care responsibilities between the father and mother
[q10_7] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Better possibilities for child day care
[q10_8] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Lower cost of child day care
[q10_9] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? A grant paid when a child is born
[q10_10] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Offering more affordable housing for families with children
[q10_11] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Reducing unemployment/raising the employment rate
[q10_12] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Raising educational level
[q10_13] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Increasing immigration
[q10_14] To what extent do you think the following policy options would contribute to increasing the birth rate? Credible measures taken to mitigate climate change
[q11_1_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Anxiety and/or depression - personally
[q11_1_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Anxiety and/or depression - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_1_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Anxiety and/or depression - in your circle of friends
[q11_1_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Anxiety and/or depression - in your work community
[q11_1_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Anxiety and/or depression - can't/don't want to say
[q11_2_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Bullying/abuse - personally
[q11_2_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Bullying/abuse - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_2_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Bullying/abuse - in your circle of friends
[q11_2_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Bullying/abuse - in your work community
[q11_2_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Bullying/abuse - can't/don't want to say
[q11_3_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Drug and/or medicine addiction - personally
[q11_3_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Drug and/or medicine addiction - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_3_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Drug and/or medicine addiction - in your circle of friends
[q11_3_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Drug and/or medicine addiction - in your work community
[q11_3_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Drug and/or medicine addiction - can't/don't want to say
[q11_4_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Alcohol abuse - personally
[q11_4_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Alcohol abuse - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_4_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Alcohol abuse - in your circle of friends
[q11_4_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Alcohol abuse - in your work community
[q11_4_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Alcohol abuse - can't/don't want to say
[q11_5_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Chronic illnesses - personally
[q11_5_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Chronic illnesses - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_5_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Chronic illnesses - in your circle of friends
[q11_5_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Chronic illnesses - in your work community
[q11_5_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Chronic illnesses - can't/don't want to say
[q11_6_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Gambling addiction - personally
[q11_6_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Gambling addiction - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_6_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Gambling addiction - in your circle of friends
[q11_6_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Gambling addiction - in your work community
[q11_6_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Gambling addiction - can't/don't want to say
[q11_7_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Homelessness - personally
[q11_7_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Homelessness - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_7_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Homelessness - in your circle of friends
[q11_7_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Homelessness - in your work community
[q11_7_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Homelessness - can't/don't want to say
[q11_8_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Poverty - personally
[q11_8_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Poverty - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_8_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Poverty - in your circle of friends
[q11_8_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Poverty - in your work community
[q11_8_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Poverty - can't/don't want to say
[q11_9_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Social exclusion - personally
[q11_9_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Social exclusion - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_9_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Social exclusion - in your circle of friends
[q11_9_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Social exclusion - in your work community
[q11_9_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Social exclusion - can't/don't want to say
[q11_10_1] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Violence - personally
[q11_10_2] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Violence - in your family/couple relationship
[q11_10_4] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Violence - in your circle of friends
[q11_10_5] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Violence - in your work community
[q11_10_6] To what extent have you personally experienced or otherwise closely witnessed the following phenomena in the past few years? Have you experienced/witnessed: Violence - can't/don't want to say
[q12_1] How would you describe the impact of President Trump and his administration on the following issues in the past few years? The impact on the following has been: The economy of the United States
[q12_2] How would you describe the impact of President Trump and his administration on the following issues in the past few years? The impact on the following has been: Peace and conflicts around the world
[q12_3] How would you describe the impact of President Trump and his administration on the following issues in the past few years? The impact on the following has been: Free trade and globalisation
[q12_4] How would you describe the impact of President Trump and his administration on the following issues in the past few years? The impact on the following has been: Finland's position between Russia and NATO
[q12_5] How would you describe the impact of President Trump and his administration on the following issues in the past few years? The impact on the following has been: The global status of and respect for the United States
[q13a] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership nowadays?
[q13b] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?
[t1] Respondent's gender
[t2] Respondent's age group
[t3] Population in respondent's municipality of residence
[t4] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)
[t5] Type of respondent's employer (current or latest)
[t6] Respondent's working hours
[t7] Respondent's work contract
[t8] What is your basic education?
[t9] Respodents vocational/professional education
[t10] Occupational group that best describes your status
[t11] Respondent's current or latest industry of employment
[t12] Are you a member of a federation of trade unions/professional organisations?
[t12b] Which federation of trade unions/professional organisations are you a member of?
[t13] If parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?
[t14] Which social class would you say you belong to?
[bv1] The total gross annual income of the respondent's household
[bv2] Year of birth
[kunta] Municipality of residence
[paino] Weighting coefficient