FSD3575 Political Participation of Finnish Expatriates 2019

Valitse muuttuja


Do you vote in Finland's elections more frequently or less frequently than you did while you still lived in Finland?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
When I lived in Finland, I voted more often than I do nowadays 1 612
When I lived in Finland, I voted as often as I do nowadays 2 746
When I lived in Finland, I voted less often than nowadays 3 93
I never voted when I lived in Finland, and I do not vote nowadays, either 4 60
When I lived in Finland, I was not entitled to vote 5 243
I have never lived in Finland 6 113
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 1867
maksimi 6
minimi 1
keskiarvo 2.42
keskihajonta 1.572

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