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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[fsd_li] FSD license CC BY 4.0
[ID] Running ID number
[Period] Period of the treatment
[Group] Group number within a session
[Date] Date of the experimental session (YYMMDD_hhmm)
[Session] Experiment number (experimental session number)
[Subject] Participant ID number in the experiment
[Profit] Earnings from a given round of the experiment
[RndType] A random number between 0 and 1 drawn by a computer that determines each subject's role in the experiment. A computer program performs a random number draw, based on which subjects are assigned to different roles (1, 2 and 3).
[RndGroup] A random number between 0 and 1 drawn by a computer that determines each subject's group in the experiment. A computer program performs a random number draw, based on which subjects are assigned to groups.
[Rank] A subject's role within the experiment
[give] Amount of points sent in the first stage of the game
[TimeJatkaProposerStageOK] Time elapsed (in seconds) before the allocation decision (= the remainder of 30 secs allotted for this stage)
[receive1] Amount points allocated by the sender 1
[receive2] Amount points allocated by the sender 2
[sent1] amount points received by the recipient from the sender 1, multiplied by 3
[sent2] Amount points received by the recipient from the sender 2, multiplied by 3
[senttotal] Total amount received
[totalA] Total amount of points recipient has available for sharing between the 3 players in the group (=senttotal+12)
[return1] Points returned to sender 1 by the recipient
[return2] Points returned to sender 2 by the recipient
[TimeJatkaReceiverStageOK] Time elapsed (in seconds) before the decision to return points (= the remainder of 30 secs allotted for this stage)
[give_o] Points given by the other sender in the group
[returned1] Points returned to sender 1 of the group by the recipient
[returned2] Points returned to sender 2 of the group by the recipient
[returned] Points received by the sender
[returned_other] Points received by the other sender of the group
[earningsA] Earnings of the sender A in a given round (as reported to the recipient)
[earningsB] Earnings of the sender B in a given round (as reported to the recipient)
[earningsC] Earnings of the recipient in a given round (as reported to the senders)
[profit_o] Profit of the other sender in the group
[TimeJatkaEarningsOK] Time elapsed (in seconds) while reading earnings report a given round
[rec_rec] The total number of points after multiplication received by the recipient
[TimeOKEndOK] Time elapsed (in seconds) while reading end report a given round
[punish] punishment decision 1...3
[punish1] Penalty points sent by sender 1
[punish2] Penalty points sent by sender 2
[punish_o] punishment decision 1...3 of the other sender in the group
[punishment1] Penalty points sent by sender1 multiplied by 3
[punishment2] Penalty points sent by sender2 multiplied by 3
[punishment_total] penalty points sent by sender1 + penalty points sent by sender2
[rec_min] Punishment_total
[TimeJatkaEarningsfinalOK] Time elapsed (in seconds) while reading final report of the experiment
[justific_class] Justification classication in the treatment cells 3 and 4
[equ] Dummy variable for equality behavior (Variable created by researcher)
[Place] The number of the computer cubicle in a given session
[Q1GSSTrust] Opinion about trust. Can most people be trusted
[Q2GSSFair] Opinion about others' fairness towards you
[Q3GSSHelpful] Opinion about others' helpfulness towards each other
[Q4IT1President] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards the President
[Q4ITParty] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Political parties
[Q4ITParliament] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards the Parliament
[Q4ITGovernmenr] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards the Government
[Q4ITPoliticans] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Politicians (MPs)
[Q4ITEu] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards the EU
[Q4ITJudSystem] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Judicial system
[Q4ITCivServants] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Civil servants
[Q4ITEvLutChurch] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Evangelical Lutheran Church
[Q4ITPolice] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards the Police
[Q4ITUnions] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Trade/Labor Unions
[Q4ITMedia] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Media
[Q4ITBanks] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Banks
[Q4ITCorporations] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards Corporations
[Q4ITUniversities] How much do you personally trust the institutions listed below: Trust towards University/Research Institutes
[Q5M1aPartSport] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Sports club, outdoor club, including hunting and fishing clubs
[Q5M1bDonSport] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to Sports club, outdoor club, including hunting and fishing clubs
[Q5M2aPartCult] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? A cultural or hobby organization
[Q5M2bDonCult] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to cult. or hobby org.
[Q5M3aNeighAs] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Village or district association
[Q5M3bNeighAs] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to village or district association
[Q5M4aTradeUn] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Trade union or association
[Q5M4bTradeUn] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations.Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to unions
[Q5M5aHumanitarian] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Organization related to humanitarian aid, human rights, minorities or migrants
[Q5M5bHumanitarian] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to humanitarian aid etc.
[Q5M6aEnvironment] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? An environmental org., a peace organization, or an animal rights organization
[Q5M6bEnvironment] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to environmental/peace/animal rights etc. Org
[Q5M7aReligious] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Religious organization
[Q5M7bReligious] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to religious org.
[Q5M8aPolitical] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Political party
[Q5M8bPolitical] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to political parties
[Q5M9aStudent] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Student Association
[Q5M9bStudent] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to student associations
[Q5M10aOther] Are you involved in any way in the following types of organizations? Some other voluntary organization that has not been mentioned.
[Q5M10bOther] Also indicate if you have donated money to the activities of the organizations. Ordinary membership fees do not count as donations. Donations to other organizations
[Q6MeetingFreq] How often do you meet friends, relatives or co-workers in your spare time?
[Q7VolunteeringFreq] How often in the last twelve months have you participated in a voluntary or charitable organization?
[Q8AP1Voting] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. By voting, ordinary people can influence political decision-making.
[Q8AP2Alienation] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Deputies (MPs) are rapidly moving away from the problems of ordinary people.
[Q8AP3Opinion] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Politicians do not care about the opinions of ordinary people.
[Q8AP4Say] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. I have no say in what the country's government and parliament decide.
[Q8AP5Party] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Through parties, the opinions of citizens are taken into account in decision-making.
[Q8AP6Interest] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Parties are interested only in the voices of the people, not in their opinions.
[Q8AP7Complicate] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Sometimes politics seems so complicated that I don't really understand what's going on.
[Q8AP8Insignificant] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. It does not matter which parties are in the government, the policy pursued will not change.
[Q8AP9Campaign] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. In the context of their election campaign, parties should clearly state with which other parties they would like to form a government.
[Q8AP10MP] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Finnish MPs are qualified in their work.
[Q8AP11CitView] Give your opinion to the following statements. Scale from 1 to 5. Political decision-makers take the views of citizens into account when making decisions.
[Q9LendingFreq] How often do you lend money to your friends?
[Q10PropLendingFreq] How often do you lend your personal belongings/property to your friends?
[Q11StrangGene] Have you ever unexpectedly benefited from the generosity of an unknown person?
[Q12E1FrEmo] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. My friend's feelings don't affect me much.
[Q12E2Sorr] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. After being with a friend who feels sad, I usually feel sad too.
[Q12E3Happ] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I understand my friend's happiness when he has done well somewhere.
[Q12E4Fear] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I feel fear watching a good thriller.
[Q12E5Emphatize] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I can easily empathize with other people's feelings.
[Q12E6Difficult] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. It's hard for me to deduce when my friends are scared.
[Q12E7Cry] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I don't get sad when I see other people crying.
[Q12E8Feelings] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. Other people's feelings don't affect me at all.
[Q12E9Down] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. If someone is down, it's usually easy for me to understand how he feels.
[Q12E10Scared] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I can usually deduce when my friends are scared.
[Q12E11TV] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I often get sad when I see sad things on TV or in the movies.
[Q12E12Before] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I often understand how people feel even before they tell me.
[Q12E13Angry] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. Seeing an angry person does not affect my feelings.
[Q12E14Cheerful] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I can usually tell if people are in a good mood.
[Q12E15Scared] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I am usually scared if I am in the company of scared friends.
[Q12E16AngryFriend] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I usually quickly realize when my friend is angry.
[Q12E17EmoFriend] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I often throw myself into my friend's feelings.
[Q12E18Unhappiness] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. My friend's unhappiness doesn't affect my feelings.
[Q12E19FeelingsFriend] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. I'm not usually aware of my friend's feelings.
[Q12E20Trouble] The statements about the person him/herself. Scale from 1 to 5. It's hard for me to deduce when my friends are happy.
[Q13Mach1Incent] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. It never makes sense to tell the real motives for your actions unless it's helpful.
[Q13Mach2Handl] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. The best way to deal with people is to tell them what they want to hear.
[Q13Mach3Moral] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. A person should act only when his actions are certainly morally correct.
[Q13Mach4Kind] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. Most people are basically good and kind.
[Q13Mach5Vicious] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. It is safest to assume that all people have bad intentions that come up when the opportunity arises.
[Q13Mach6Honesty] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. Honesty is the best way to act in all situations.
[Q13Mach7Lying] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. There is no excuse for lying.
[Q13Mach8Cutting] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. It's hard to move forward in life without making bends every now and then.
[Q13Mach9Humble] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. All in all, it is better to be modest and honest than significant and dishonest.
[Q13Mach10RealReas] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. When you ask someone for a service, it is better to tell the real reason for the request than the reason that would surely make the person do it.
[Q13Mach11Clean] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. Most people who succeed in life live an honest, moral life.
[Q13Mach12Trust] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. Anyone who blindly trusts someone else begs for trouble.
[Q13Mach13Criminal] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. The biggest difference between criminals and other people is that criminals are stupid enough to get caught.
[Q13Mach14Brave] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. Most people are brave.
[Q13Mach15Flatter] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. It makes sense to flatter important people.
[Q13Mach16Good] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. It is possible that a person is thoroughly good.
[Q13Mach17Sucker] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. It is completely wrong to say that every minute a new bona fide fool is born.
[Q13Mach18Forced] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. In general, people will not work effectively unless they are forced to do so.
[Q13Mach19Painless] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. People with an incurable disease should be able to die painlessly.
[Q13Mach20Father] Opinion about the statements concerning people in general. Scale from 1 to 7. Most people more easily forget the death of their father than the loss of their property.
[Q14Religion] How religious do you consider yourself?
[Q15RelMem] Do you belong to any denomination or religious community?
[Q16Voting] Did you vote in the last parliamentary election in April 2015?
[Q17Party] If your answer was yes in the previous question, which party did you vote for?
[Q18PartyAss] Do you consider to be closer to some party compared to other parties
[Q19PartyAss1] Dummy variable for the Center party (Keskusta) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss2] Dummy variable for the National Coalition party (Kokoomus) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss3] Dummy variable for the Finns party (Perussuomalaiset) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss4] Dummy variable for the Social Democratic party (SDP) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss5] Dummy variable for the Green party (Vihreät) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss6] Dummy variable for the Left Alliance (Vasemmistoliitto) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss7] Dummy variable for the Swedish people's party (RKP) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss8] Dummy variable for party the Christian democrats (Kristillinen puolue) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q19PartyAss9] Dummy variable for party other (other small party) (Variable created by researcher)
[Q20LRScale] Left-Right political orientation
[Q21Year] Year of birth
[Q22Gender] Gender (Variable categorized by researcher)
[Q23ResType] Type of the residence
[Q25StartYear] When did you start your studies in higher education, starting year?
[Q26Satisfied1] Satisfaction for the 1st round result
[Q26Satisfied2] Satisfaction for the 2nd round result
[Q26Satisfied3] Satisfaction for the 3rd round result
[Q26Satisfied4] Satisfaction for the 4th round result
[Q26Satisfied5] Satisfaction for the 5th round result
[Q26Satisfied6] Satisfaction for the 6th round result
[Q27Just1] Justification level for the 1st round result
[Q27Just2] Justification level for the 2nd round result
[Q27Just3] Justification level the 3rd round result
[Q27Just4] Justification level the 4th round result
[Q27Just5] Justification level the 5th round result
[Q27Just6] Justification level the 6th round result
[reciproc] Dummy variable for reciprocal justification (Variable created by researcher)
[equality] Dummy variable for equality justification (Variable created by researcher)
[selfishness] Dummy variable for selfishness motivated justification (Variable created by researcher)
[fairness] Dummy variable for fairness motivated justification (Variable created by researcher)
[util] Dummy variable for utiliatarian justification (Variable created by researcher)
[other] Dummy variable for other type of justification (Variable created by researcher)