FSD3692 Satakunta 2050 -kansalaiskeskustelu 2020

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[rs_v1] Are you interested in attending the Citizen Assembly?

[Home_municipality] Home municipality (created by the researcher)

[Place_of_residence] Place of residence (created by the researcher)

[Lang] Native language (categorized by the researcher)

[rs_v2a] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Regional identity isn't that important as many municipalities in the region have an identity and defining characteristics of their own.

[rs_v2b] What do you think about the following statements? The population of Satakunta region will increasingly concentrate on towns and therefore we should mostly invest in development of urban regions.

[rs_v2c] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? All areas and municipalities in the regions should be developed equally regardless of their location.

[rs_v2d] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Digitalization, AI and automation create more jobs than they abolish in the region.

[rs_v2e] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? I intend to live in Satakunta region in the future.

[rs_v2f] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Work related immigration is necessary because without it firms in the regions can't find enough competent workers.

[rs_v2g] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Regional culture, history and traditions are not appreciated enough in Satakunta.

[rs_v2h] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Climate change mitigation won't be solved be Satakunta's efforts and therefore it's not worth it to spend regional resources on it.

[rs_v2i] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Preservation of the environment is the most important factor in the development of bioindustry and foodstuff production.

[rs_v2j] What do you think about the following statements? The large number of elderly people living in Satakunta means that in the future public funds are only enough to provide for the most essential social and health service.

[rs_v2k] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Circular economy will be a significant source of livelihood in Satakunta in the future.

[rs_v2l] What do you think about the following statements regarding the future of Satakunta region? Satakunta is one of the safest place to live in Finland in the future.

[rs_v2m] What do you think about the following statements? The most important thing regarding residential composition and transportation in the region is the construction of a highway between Pori and Rauma.

[rs_v3a] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Development of business and creation and preservation of jobs

[rs_v3b] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Ensuring balanced economies for the region and municipalities

[rs_v3c] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preparing for the climate change and mitigating it

[rs_v3d] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Maintaining and developing good health and social services

[rs_v3e] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Securing natural diversity and clean water reserves

[rs_v3f] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preventing social exclusion and inequality

[rs_v3g] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Developing the whole region equally

[rs_v3h] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Utilizing rapid advances in technology

[rs_v3i] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Developing good transportation and ensuring accessibility

[rs_v3j] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Advancing education and ensuring the competence of workforce

[rs_v3k] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preserving cultural environments with distinct regional characteristics

[rs_v4a] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. The Finnish Parliament Eduskunta?

[rs_v4b] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. The Finnish Government?

[rs_v4c] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Local politicians?

[rs_v4d] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. National government officials?

[rs_v4e] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Local or regional government officials?

[rs_v4f] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. The European Union?

[rs_v4g] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers)?

[rs_v4h] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Social media?

[rs_v5a] What do you think about the following statements? Regular people can affect political decision making through voting.

[rs_v5b] What do you think about the following statements? Politicians are quickly alienating from the problems of ordinary people.

[rs_v5c] What do you think about the following statements? I am capable of affecting some matters in my living environment.

[rs_v5d] What do you think about the following statements? Citizens' opinions are taken into account in decision making through political parties.

[rs_v5e] What do you think about the following statements? I know more about politics than most other people.

[rs_v5f] What do you think about the following statements? I am capable of affecting the future through my own actions.

[rs_v5g] What do you think about the following statements? Sometimes politics seems so complicated that I can't figure out what is going on.

[rs_v5h] What do you think about the following statements? Overall, democracy functions well in Finland.

[rs_v6a] How well do the following statements describe you? I'm often worried about people less fortunate than me.

[rs_v6b] How well do the following statements describe you? Other people´s misfortunes don't really bother me.

[rs_v6c] How well do the following statements describe you? If someone is treated unfairly, I feel sorry for them.

[rs_v6d] How well do the following statements describe you? I would describe myself as a pretty warm hearted person.

[rs_v6e] How well do the following statements describe you? Before I criticize anyone, I try to imagine what it would feel like to be in their position.

[rs_v6f] How well do the following statements describe you? Sometimes it is hard for me to see things from other persons' view.

[rs_v6g] How well do the following statements describe you? In disagreement I try to look at the situation from every persons' point of view before making a decision.

[rs_v6h] How well do the following statements describe you? I believe that there would be less conflict if people had a more positive attitude towards other communities.

[rs_v7a] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Decision-makers must already now try to solve problems that lie decades away in the future.

[rs_v7b] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? In today's politics too much time is spend correcting mistakes of the past generation.

[rs_v7c] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Decisions should be based on the will expressed voters in an election, not in expert reports and hearings regarding the future

[rs_v7d] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Today's voters must be prepared to reduce their standard of living if it is necessary for the wellbeing of future generations

[rs_v7e] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? The world changes so fast that it does not pay to make political decisions that reach far into the future.

[rs_v7f] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Voters' demands are binding for decision-makers even when they might threaten the wellbeing of those who come after us

[rs_v7g] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? In making decisions, politicians must primarily rely on expert information regarding the future.

[rs_v7h] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Future living conditions must be taken carefully into account already in decisions made today.

[rs_v7i] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? In politics, decisions must be made quickly even when there is not enough time to properly investigate long-term consequences.

[rs_v7j] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Time will solve future problems, even without political decisions made today.

[rs_v8a] How well do the following statements describe you? I could pay higher taxes if that would help improve the well-being of future generations.

[rs_v8b] How well do the following statements describe you? I think a lot about what kind of world we are leaving to future generations.

[rs_v8c] How well do the following statements describe you? When I read or see a tale set on the future, I imagine myself as if the events are happening to me.

[rs_v8d] How well do the following statements describe you? Future generations' problems don't really bother me that much

[rs_v8e] How well do the following statements describe you? I sometimes find it hard to see things form future generations' perspective.

[rs_v8f] How well do the following statements describe you? When making decisions, I think about the effects they have on future generations.

[rs_v8g] How well do the following statements describe you? I am grateful for my parents' generation for the efforts they took for our society.

[rs_v8h] How well do the following statements describe you? I sometimes try to envision the future better by imagining what things would look like from future generations' perspective.

[rs_v9] Imagine that the Regional Council of Satakunta is pondering over three alternatives, that all are developed to prevent severe damages caused by floods in the region. Which alternative would you choose?

[rs_v10] What is the highest educational level that you have completed?

[rs_v11] Which of the following best describes your life situation? Are you..?

[rs_v12] What is your gender? (categorized by the researcher)

[age_group] Age group (age in 2020) (categorized by the researcher)

[rs_v14a] Do you have children?

[rs_v14b] Do you have grandchildren?

[rs_v15] By your estimation, what is the annual income of your household? (Euros)

[rs_v16] Overall, what is the condition of your health?

[rs_v17] In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on this scale, where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?

[rs_v18] What party would you vote for if the parliamentary elections would be held today?

[rs_v19] How interested are you about politics overall?

[Treatment] Treatment

[pre_v3d] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Maintaining and developing good health and social services

[pre_v3f] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preventing social exclusion and inequality

[pre_v3b] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Ensuring balanced economies for the region and municipalities.

[pre_v3j] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Advancing education and ensuring the competence of workforce.

[pre_v3h] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Utilizing rapid advances in technology.

[pre_v3a] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Development of business and creation and preservation of jobs.

[pre_v3e] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Securing natural diversity and clean water reserves.

[pre_v3c] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preparing for the climate change and mitigating it.

[pre_v3i] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Developing good transportation and ensuring accessibility.

[pre_v3g] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Developing the whole region equally.

[pre_v3k] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preserving cultural environments with distinct regional characteristics.

[pre_v20] When you thought about the most important objectives for the development of the region, how much did the current Covid-19 pandemic affect your choices?

[pre_v9] Imagine that the Regional Council of Satakunta is pondering over three alternatives, that all are developed to prevent severe damages caused by floods in the region. Which alternative would you choose?

[pre_v5a] What do you think about the following statements? Regular people can affect political decision making through voting.

[pre_v5b] What do you think about the following statements? Politicians are quickly alienating from the problems of ordinary people.

[pre_v5c] What do you think about the following statements? I am capable of affecting some matters in my living environment.

[pre_v5d] What do you think about the following statements? Citizens' opinions are taken into account in decision making through political parties.

[pre_v5e] What do you think about the following statements? I know more about politics than most other people.

[pre_v5f] What do you think about the following statements? I am capable of affecting the future through my own actions.

[pre_v5g] What do you think about the following statements? Sometimes politics seems so complicated that I can't figure out what is going on

[pre_v5h] What do you think about the following statements? Overall, democracy functions well in Finland.

[pre_v21a] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Decision-makers should already today try to solve problems that lie decades away in the future.

[pre_v21b] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Today's politics is too much about correcting mistakes of the past generations.

[pre_v21c] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Decisions should be based on the will expressed by voters in elections, not in expert reports and hearings regarding the future.

[pre_v21d] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Today's voters should be prepared to reduce their standard of living if it is necessary for the wellbeing of future generations.

[pre_v21e] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? The world changes so fast that it is not worth it to make political decisions that reach far into the future.

[pre_v21f] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Voters' demands should bind decision-makers even when they might threaten the wellbeing of those who come after us.

[pre_v21g] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? When making decisions, politicians should primarily rely on expert information regarding the future.

[pre_v21h] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Future living conditions should be taken carefully into account when maiking political decisions today.

[pre_v21i] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? In politics, decisions should be made quickly even when there is not enough time to properly investigate their long-term consequences

[pre_v21j] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Time will solve future problems even without political decisions made today.

[pre_v8a] How well do the following statements describe you? I could pay higher taxes if that would help improve the well-being of future generations.

[pre_v8b] How well do the following statements describe you? I think a lot about what kind of world we are leaving to future generations.

[pre_v8c] How well do the following statements describe you? When I read or see a tale set on the future, I imagine myself as if the events are happening to me.

[pre_v8d] How well do the following statements describe you? Future generations' problems don't really bother me that much.

[pre_v8e] How well do the following statements describe you? I sometimes find it hard to see things form future generations' perspective.

[pre_v8f] How well do the following statements describe you? When making decisions, I think about the effects they have on future generations.

[pre_v8g] How well do the following statements describe you? I am grateful for my parents' generation for the efforts they took for our society.

[pre_v8h] How well do the following statements describe you? I sometimes try to envision the future better by imagining what things would look like from future generations' perspective.

[pre_v22] From whose perspective should the future of Satakunta region be planned primarily? Use the scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means people currently living in Satakunta, and 10 means people who will live in Satakunta in the future.

[pre_v23a] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Worried

[pre_v23b] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Compassionate

[pre_v23c] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Scared

[pre_v23d] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Sympathetic

[pre_v23e] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Confused

[pre_v23f] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Anxious

[pre_v23g] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Hopeful

[pre_v19] How interested are you about politics overall?

[pre_v4b] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. The Finnish Government?

[pre_v4a] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. The Finnish Parliament Eduskunta?

[pre_v4c] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Local politicians?

[pre_v4d] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. National government officials?

[pre_v4e] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Local or regional government officials?

[pre_v4f] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. The European Union?

[pre_v4g] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you don't trust at all and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers)?

[pre_v4h] To what extent do you trust the following actors? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that you do not trust the actor at all, and 10 means that you fully trust the actor. Social media?

[pre_v24] Did changing the discussion to an online format affect your readiness to take part in the discussion?

[pre_v25] What kind of expectations and worries do you have regarding the online discussion? (Open question)

[post_v3d] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Maintaining and developing good health and social services

[post_v3f] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preventing social exclusion and inequality

[post_v3b] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Ensuring balanced economies for the region and municipalities.

[post_v3j] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Advancing education and ensuring the competence of workforce.

[post_v3h] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Utilizing rapid advances in technology.

[post_v3a] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Development of business and creation and preservation of jobs.

[post_v3e] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Securing natural diversity and clean water reserves.

[post_v3c] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preparing for the climate change and mitigating it.

[post_v3i] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Developing good transportation and ensuring accessibility.

[post_v3g] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Developing the whole region equally.

[post_v3k] Below we have listed objectives that all are important for the development of the region. Which three do you think are the most important ones? Preserving cultural environments with distinct regional characteristics.

[post_v9] Imagine that the Regional Council of Satakunta is pondering over three alternatives, that all are developed to prevent severe damages caused by floods in the region. Which alternative would you choose?

[post_v21a] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Decision-makers should already today try to solve problems that lie decades away in the future.

[post_v21b] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Today's politics is too much about correcting mistakes of the past generations.

[post_v21c] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Decisions should be based on the will expressed by voters in elections, not in expert reports and hearings regarding the future.

[post_v21d] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Today's voters should be prepared to reduce their standard of living if it is necessary for the wellbeing of future generations.

[post_v21e] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? The world changes so fast that it is not worth it to make political decisions that reach far into the future.

[post_v21f] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Voters' demands should bind decision-makers even when they might threaten the wellbeing of those who come after us.

[post_v21g] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? When making decisions, politicians should primarily rely on expert information regarding the future.

[post_v21h] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Future living conditions should be taken carefully into account when maiking political decisions today.

[post_v21i] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? In politics, decisions should be made quickly even when there is not enough time to properly investigate their long-term consequences

[post_v21j] What do you think about the following statements regarding decision-making and the future? Time will solve future problems even without political decisions made today.

[post_v8a] How well do the following statements describe you? I could pay higher taxes if that would help improve the well-being of future generations.

[post_v8b] How well do the following statements describe you? I think a lot about what kind of world we are leaving to future generations.

[post_v8c] How well do the following statements describe you? When I read or see a tale set on the future, I imagine myself as if the events are happening to me.

[post_v8d] How well do the following statements describe you? Future generations' problems don't really bother me that much.

[post_v8e] How well do the following statements describe you? I sometimes find it hard to see things form future generations' perspective.

[post_v8f] How well do the following statements describe you? When making decisions, I think about the effects they have on future generations.

[post_v8g] How well do the following statements describe you? I am grateful for my parents' generation for the efforts they took for our society.

[post_v8h] How well do the following statements describe you? I sometimes try to envision the future better by imagining what things would look like from future generations' perspective.

[post_v26] At the start of the discussions, you heard a visualization exercise concerning the future of the region. Into which year did you time travel in the exercise?

[post_v27] Were you instructed to imagine yourself at some specific age during the visualization exercise?

[post_v28] As you took part in the discussions, to what extent did you think about things from the viewpoint of the future you pictured during the visualization exercise?

[post_v29] What kind of perceptions, thoughts and feelings you recorded during the visualization exercise? (Open question)

[DiscussionTheme] Theme of future visions discussed after break

[end_v30a] The future visions I discussed were... Agreeable

[end_v30b] The future visions I discussed were... Realistic

[end_v30c] The future visions I discussed were... Easy to understand and clear

[end_v30d] The future visions I discussed were... Concerning things that are important to me

[end_v34a] What do you think about the following statements? It was hard for me to bring up my opinions in the discussion, if other people disagreed with me.

[end_v34b] What do you think about the following statements? As a result of the discussion my opinions concerning the future of Satakunta changed.

[end_v34c] What do you think about the following statements? I asked questions from other participants if I didn't understand their viewpoints.

[end_v34d] What do you think about the following statements? Some participants dominated the discussion.

[end_v34e] What do you think about the following statements? I contemplated many viewpoints when I made the choice on the most important objectives to develop the region.

[end_v34f] What do you think about the following statements? Other participants respected my views regardless of their own opinion.

[end_v34g] What do you think about the following statements? I had enough opportunities to express my views during the discussion.

[end_v34h] What do you think about the following statements? In my group discussion was mostly based on the present moment and not the future.

[end_v34i] What do you think about the following statements? I gained enough information to make a well-thought choice on the most important objectives to develop the region.

[end_v34j] What do you think about the following statements? During the discussion I felt pressured to agree with others about something I wasn't completely sure of.

[end_v34k] What do you think about the following statements? I often had a hard time following and understanding the discussion.

[end_v34l] What do you think about the following statements? The discussion showed that opinions different to mine can also be justifiable.

[end_v34m] What do you think about the following statements? Future generations' perspective was taken into account in the discussion.

[end_v34n] What do you think about the following statements? The discussion's moderator was unbiased.

[end_v34o] What do you think about the following statements? I read the information package that I received before the discussion.

[end_v34p] What do you think about the following statements? The information package that was provided to me was unbiased.

[end_v34q] What do you think about the following statements? Discussion in an online environment went well.

[end_v35] How easy was it for you to imagine how life would be like in Satakunta in 2050? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means very hard, and 10 means very easy

[end_v36] How easy was it for you to take the future generations' perspective? Use the following scale between 0 and 10, where 0 means that it was very hard to take the future generations' perspective, and 10 means that it was very easy.

[end_v22] From whose perspective should the future of Satakunta region be planned primarily? Use the following scale where 0 means people currently living in Satakunta, and 10 means people who will live in Satakunta in the future.

[end_v23a] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Worried

[end_v23b] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Compassionate

[end_v23c] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Scared

[end_v23d] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Sympathetic

[end_v23e] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Confused

[end_v23f] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Anxious

[end_v23g] When you think about the future of Satakunta in the year 2050, what kind of emotions do you experience? How strongly are you...? Hopeful

[end_v37a] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. I took part because the theme interested me.

[end_v37b] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. I took part because it was financially compensated

[end_v37c] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. I took part because I wanted to support scientific research

[end_v37d] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. I took part because I wanted to influence the future of Satakunta

[end_v37e] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. I took part because I wanted to have something to do

[end_v37f] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. I took part because the method interested me.

[end_v37g] What made you take part in the discussion? You may choose all the options that describe your situation. Other, what?

[end_v5a] What do you think about the following statements? Regular people can affect political decision making through voting.

[end_v5b] What do you think about the following statements? Politicians are quickly alienating from the problems of ordinary people.

[end_v5c] What do you think about the following statements? I am capable of affecting some matters in my living environment.

[end_v5d] What do you think about the following statements? Citizens' opinions are taken into account in decision making through political parties.

[end_v5e] What do you think about the following statements? I know more about politics than most other people.

[end_v5f] What do you think about the following statements? I am capable of affecting the future through my own actions.

[end_v5g] What do you think about the following statements? Sometimes politics seems so complicated that I can't figure out what is going on

[end_v5h] What do you think about the following statements? Overall, democracy functions well in Finland.

[end_v38a] What do you think about the following statements? Climate change is the greatest environmental threat of our time, and we should quickly take effective measures to prevent it.

[end_v38b] What do you think about the following statements? Most Finns are ready to cut back on their life standards to reduce environmental harm and to restrain climate change.

[end_v38c] What do you think about the following statements? My actions don't play a significant role in climate change prevention.

[end_v38d] What do you think about the following statements? The effects of climate change and the extent of environmental problems are generally exaggerated.

[end_v38e] What do you think about the following statements? I would be ready to take actions to prevent climate change, if I could be sure that other Finns also do so.

[end_v38f] What do you think about the following statements? Preparing for climate change and protecting the environment enhance economic growth instead of hindering it

[end_v39] Had you used Zoom or other corresponding applications (Skype, Teams etc.) before taking part in the discussion?

[end_v40] Did you experience technical problems during the discussion?

[end_v41] If you did experience technical problems, please describe these problems shortly. (Open question)

[end_v42] Compared to a face-to-face discussion, how well did the discussion go via Zoom?

[end_v43] If you have comments regarding the online discussion, you can give them here. (Open question)

[end_v44] If a similar kind of online discussion would be organized again, how likely would you participate?

[end_v45] Would you be willing to answer a few questions regarding your participation in the discussion? Answers may be used for research purposes and for a press release concerning the discussion and the regional plan.

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.