Valitse muuttuja
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] Case ID, ID2 (name changed at FSD)
[Year] Year of data collection
[V01] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: EQUALITY UN (equal opportunities to all)
[V02] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: INNER HARMONY UN/SP (peace with myself)
[V03] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL POWER PO (control of others, position of power)
[V04] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: PLEASURE HE (satisfying cravings)
[V05] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: FREEDOM SD (freedom of action and thought)
[V06] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: A SPIRITUAL LIFE BE/SP (emphasis on spiritual or mental, not material things)
[V07] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: BELONGING SE (feeling that others care about me)
[V08] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL ORDER SE (stability of society)
[V09] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: EXCITING LIFE ST (uplifting experiences)
[V10] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: MEANING IN LIFE BE/SP (a purpose in life)
[V11] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: POLITENESS CO (benevolence, good manners)
[V12] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WEALTH PO (material assets, money)
[V13] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: NATIONAL SECURITY SE (protecting my own people from enemies)
[V14] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SELF-RESPECT SD/AC (belief in your own worth)
[V15] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: RESIPROCATION OF FAVOURS SE (avoiding debts of gratitude)
[V16] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: CREATIVITY SE (originality, imagination)
[V17] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WORLD PEACE UN (no wars or conflicts)
[V18] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: RESPECT FOR TRADITION TR (preserving time defied habits)
[V19] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: MATURE LOVE BE (deep emotional and spiritual intimacy)
[V20] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SELF-DISCIPLINE CO (self-control, resisting temptation)
[V22] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: FAMILY SECURITY SE (safety of loved ones)
[V23] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL RECOGNITION PO (respect, approval of others)
[V24] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: UNITY WITH NATURE UN (adaptation to nature)
[V25] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: A VARIED LIFE ST (full of challenges, new things and change)
[V26] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WISDOM UN (mature understanding of life)
[V27] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: AUTHORITY PO (the right to lead and command)
[V28] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: TRUE FRIENDSHIP BE (close, supportive friends)
[V29] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: WORLD OF BEAUTY UN (beauty of nature and art)
[V30] Value list 1: Principles that guide life. How important is this value to you: SOCIAL JUSTICE UN (correcting injustice, caring for the weak)
[V31] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: INDEPENDENT SD (self-confident, self-reliant)
[V32] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: MODERATE TR (avoiding extremes of action and emotion)
[V33] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: LOYAL BE (loyal to friends, to group)
[V34] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: AMBITIOUS AC (hard-working, striven to proceed)
[V35] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: BROADMINDED UN (tolerant of different ideas and beliefs)
[V36] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HUMBLE TR (modest, self-effacing)
[V37] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: DARING ST (adventurous, takes risks)
[V38] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT UN (protecting the nature)
[V39] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: INFLUENTIAL AC (influencing people and events)
[V40] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HONOURING PARENTS AND ELDERS CO (show respect)
[V41] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CHOOSING OWN GOALS SD (selecting one's own aspirations)
[V42] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HEALTHY SE (not to be physically or mentally ill)
[V43] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CAPABLE AC (competent, efficient, productive)
[V44] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: ACCEPTING MY PORTION IN LIFE TR (submitting to life's circumstances)
[V45] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HONEST BE (genuine, sincere)
[V46] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: PRESERVING MY PUBLIC IMAGE PO (protecting one's 'face' / reputation)
[V47] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: OBEDIENT CO (responsible, dutiful)
[V48] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: INTELLLIGENT AC (consistent, thoughtful)
[V49] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: HELPFUL BE (working towards the well-being of others)
[V50] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: ENJOYING LIFE HE (enjoying food, sexuality, free time, etc.)
[V51] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: DEVOUT TR (pious, godly)
[V52] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: RESPONSIBLE BE (reliable)
[V53] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CURIOUS SD (interested in everything, investigative)
[V54] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: FORGIVING BE (willing to forgive others)
[V55] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: SUCCESFUL AC (reaching the goals)
[V56] Value list 2: Modes of action. How important is this value to you: CLEAN SE (tidy)
[t_sex] The respondent's gender
[t_age] The respondent's age
[t_sivsaaty] The respondent's marital status
[t_talouden_koko] Number of persons in the household (including the respondent)
[t_alle_2v_laps] Number of children in the household: Under 2 years old
[t_2_5v_laps] Number of children in the household: 2-5 years old
[t_6_8v_laps] Number of children in the household: 6-8 years old
[t_9_14v_laps] Number of children in the household: 9-14 years old
[t_15_20v_laps] Number of children in the household: 15-20 years old
[t_yli_20v_laps] Number of children in the household: Over 20 years old
[t_omat_laps] Do you have any children?
[t_tyossa] The respondent's working hours
[t_tyossa_p] The main earner's working hours
[t_tyossa2_v] (If the respondent is in employment) The respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[t_tyossa2_p] (If the respondent is in employment) The main earner's economic activity and occupational status
[t_ei_ansiotyo] (If the respondent is not in employment) The respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[t_ei_ansiotyo_p] (If the respondent is not in employment) The main earner's economic activity and occupational status
[t_amm_status] The respondent's occupational group (categorized)
[t_edu8] The respondent's education
[t_koul8_p] The main earner's education
[t_paaas] Are you the main earner of the family?
[t_ammatti_p] The main earner's occupational group (categorized)
[t_tulot5] Monthly net income of the family (incomes of all family members summed up after taxes)
[t_asuinpaikka] The respondent's municipality of residence
[t_laani] Province of residence
[t_age12] Age group (categorized: 12)
[t_edu3] The respondent's education 2 (categorized: 3)
[WeightSAE] Weight variable (based on sex, age and education)