FSD3748 Finnish Values and Everyday Life 2005

Valitse muuttuja


On this page, 12 different people describe their own consumption habits and how they approach buying products and services. Read all the descriptions and tell us how well each of them fits you. Give each description a school grade according to how well it describes you. Give a grade of 4 to a description that has nothing in common with yourself. Correspondingly, give a score of 10 to a description that seems to describe you exactly. Please use all numbers from 4 to 10 in your response, so that the fit between the different descriptions becomes clear.

When I buy products that are important to me, such as clothes or a new mobile phone, I always choose the most fashionable models possible. It's important for me to be up-to-date as a consumer. (Fashionable)


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Can't say 0 12
4 4 393
5 5 266
6 6 233
7 7 171
8 8 161
9 9 43
10 10 14
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 1293
maksimi 10
minimi 0
keskiarvo 5.66
keskihajonta 1.656

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