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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[IV] Treatment group
[DemGender] Please select your gender.
[DemAge] Please write your age.
[DemBorn] What country or region where you born in?
[DemResidence] What is your current area of residence?
[DemEdu] What is your level of education? (choose the highest level attained)
[KnowPre1] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. There is no link between climate change and infectious disease outbreaks.
[KnowPre2] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Regular people can only act on climate change by consuming differently in areas such as food and energy use.
[KnowPre3] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Most human diseases begin when a person's DNA gets corrupted and develops a new virus, which is then transmitted to other people.
[KnowPre4] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Despite climate change, mosquitoes that carry diseases will stay exclusively in tropical areas.
[KnowPre5] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Climate change can cause animals to become stressed, sick, displaced, and extinct.
[KnowPre6] Knowledge before stimulus. The global sea level is expected to rise at the same rate over the 21st century as it did during the 20th century, but climate change mitigation can slow it down before 2050.
[KnowPre7] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Since mosquitoes prefer warmer temperatures, storms and floods severely destroy their habitats.
[KnowPre8] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Droughts, or an extended lack of rain, have become more common everywhere in the world due to climate change.
[KnowPre9] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Life under water is protected from climate change, which only affects the atmosphere.
[KnowPre10] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Climate change is increased by human activities emitting greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere.
[KnowPre11] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Human technology is the only way to take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere once they have been released.
[KnowPre12] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Some forms of energy generation do not involve directly burning fossil fuels.
[KnowPre13] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Air conditioning helps us survive climate change, but it also releases greenhouse gases that make it worse.
[KnowPre14] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases before stimulus. Most cereals grown in the world are for direct human consumption.
[KnowPost1] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. There is no link between climate change and infectious disease outbreaks.
[KnowPost2] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Regular people can only act on climate change by consuming differently in areas such as food and energy use.
[KnowPost3] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Most human diseases begin when a person's DNA gets corrupted and develops a new virus, which is then transmitted to other people.
[KnowPost4] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Despite climate change, mosquitoes that carry diseases will stay exclusively in tropical areas.
[KnowPost5] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Climate change can cause animals to become stressed, sick, displaced, and extinct.
[KnowPost6] Knowledge after stimulus. The global sea level is expected to rise at the same rate over the 21st century as it did during the 20th century, but climate change mitigation can slow it down before 2050.
[KnowPost7] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Since mosquitoes prefer warmer temperatures, storms and floods severely destroy their habitats.
[KnowPost8] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Droughts, or an extended lack of rain, have become more common everywhere in the world due to climate change.
[KnowPost9] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Life under water is protected from climate change, which only affects the atmosphere.
[KnowPost10] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Climate change is increased by human activities emitting greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere.
[KnowPost11] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Human technology is the only way to take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere once they have been released.
[KnowPost12] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Some forms of energy generation do not involve directly burning fossil fuels.
[KnowPost13] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Air conditioning helps us survive climate change, but it also releases greenhouse gases that make it worse.
[KnowPost14] Knowledge of climate change and infectious diseases after stimulus. Most cereals grown in the world are for direct human consumption.
[PostVR] Did you experience virtual reality content using a VR headset?
[PostVRFirstExp] Was this your first interactive experience in virtual reality (VR)?
[PostVRSicknessDIZZ] Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. While doing the activity... I felt dizzy
[PostVRSicknessNAUS] Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. While doing the activity... I felt nauseous
[PostVRSicknessHEAD] Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. While doing the activity... I felt I had a headache
[PostVRSicknessEYES] Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. While doing the activity... I had eyestrain
[PostGamefulquestAC1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me feel that I needed to complete things
[PostGamefulquestAC2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me feel like I had clear goals
[PostGamefulquestAC3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me strive to take myself to the next level
[PostGamefulquestCH1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me push my limits
[PostGamefulquestCH2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Challenged me
[PostGamefulquestCH3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements. Overall, the activity... Motivated me to do things that felt highly demanding
[PostGamefulquestCO1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me want to be in first place
[PostGamefulquestCO2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Felt like participating in a competition
[PostGamefulquestCO3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made victory feel important
[PostGamefulquestGU1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me a sense of being directed
[PostGamefulquestGU2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me the feeling that I had an instructor
[PostGamefulquestGU3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me useful feedback so I could adapt
[PostGamefulquestGU4] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me feel guided
[PostGamefulquestGU5] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements. Overall, the activity... Made me feel like someone was keeping me on track
[PostGamefulquestIM1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Grabbed all of my attention
[PostGamefulquestIM2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Caused me to stop noticing when I got tired
[PostGamefulquestIM3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me lose myself in what I was doing
[PostGamefulquestIM4] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me the feeling that time passed quickly
[PostGamefulquestIM5] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Got me fully emotionally involved
[PostGamefulquestPL1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me an overall playful experience
[PostGamefulquestPL2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me the feeling that I explored things
[PostGamefulquestPL3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements. Overall, the activity... Gave me a feeling that I wanted to know what came next
[PostGamefulquestPL4] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Made me feel like I discovered new things
[PostGamefulquestPL5] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Appealed to my curiosity
[PostGamefulquestSO1] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me a sense of social support
[PostGamefulquestSO2] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me the feeling that I was not on my own
[PostGamefulquestSO3] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements, regarding your feelings while doing the activity you just completed. Overall, the activity... Gave me a feeling of being connected to others
[PostEnjoymentENJ1] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: I enjoyed doing this activity very much.
[PostEnjoymentENJ2] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: I thought this activity was quite enjoyable.
[PostEnjoymentENJ3] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: This activity was fun to do.
[PostEnjoymentENJ4] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: I would describe this activity as very interesting.
[PostEnjoymentENJ5] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: While I was doing this activity, I was thinking about how much I enjoyed it.
[PostEnjoymentENJ6R] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: This activity did not hold my attention at all.
[PostEnjoymentENJ7R] For each of the following statements, please indicate how true it is for you, using the following scale: I thought this was a boring activity.
[PostScale] The issue of climate change and its effects were framed...
[PostLocation] The information presented referred to...
[EnvIdEID1] Please indicate the extent to which each of the statements describes you. I like to spend time outdoors in natural settings (such as woods, mountains, rivers, fields, local parks, lake or beach, or a leafy yard or garden)
[EnvIdEID2] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. I think of myself as a part of nature, not separate from it.
[EnvIdEID3] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you. If I had enough resources such as time or money, I would spend some of them to protect the natural environment.
[EnvIdEID4] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you. When I am upset or stressed, I can feel better by spending some time outdoors surrounded by nature.
[EnvIdEID5] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. I feel that I have a lot in common with wild animals.
[EnvIdEID6] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you. Behaving responsibly toward nature -- living a sustainable lifestyle -- is important to who I am.
[EnvIdEID7] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. Learning about the natural world should be part of everyone's upbringing.
[EnvIdEID8] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you. If I could choose, I would prefer to live where I can have a view of the natural environment, such as trees or fields.
[EnvIdEID9] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you. An important part of my life would be missing if I was not able to get outside and enjoy nature from time to time.
[EnvIdEID10] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. I think elements of the natural world are more beautiful than any work of art.
[EnvIdEID11] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. I feel refreshed when I spend time in nature.
[EnvIdEID12] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. I consider myself a steward of our natural resources.
[EnvIdEID13] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you by using the appropriate number from the scale below. I feel comfortable out in nature.
[EnvIdEID14] Please indicate the extent to which each of the following statements describes you. I enjoy encountering elements of nature, like trees or grass, even when I am in a city setting.
[SdtArcPreAUT1] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That my choices are based on my true interests and values.
[SdtArcPreAUT2] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... Free to do things my own way.
[SdtArcPreAUT3] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That my choices express my true self.
[SdtArcPreCOM1] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That I am successfully completing difficult tasks and projects.
[SdtArcPreCOM2] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That I am taking on and mastering hard challenges.
[SdtArcPreCOM3] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... Very capable in what I do.
[SdtArcPreREL1] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... A sense of contact with people who care for me, and whom I care for.
[SdtArcPreREL2] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... Close and connected with other people who are important to me.
[SdtArcPreREL3] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence before stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... A strong sense of intimacy with the people I spend time with.
[SdtArcPostAUT1] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That my choices are based on my true interests and values.
[SdtArcPostAUT2] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... Free to do things my own way.
[SdtArcPostAUT3] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That my choices express my true self.
[SdtArcPostCOM1] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That I am successfully completing difficult tasks and projects.
[SdtArcPostCOM2] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... That I am taking on and mastering hard challenges.
[SdtArcPostCOM3] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... Very capable in what I do.
[SdtArcPostREL1] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... A sense of contact with people who care for me, and whom I care for.
[SdtArcPostREL2] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... Close and connected with other people who are important to me.
[SdtArcPostREL3] Perceived autonomy, relatedness and competence after stimulus. When I am engaging in behavior that lowers my environmental impact I feel... A strong sense of intimacy with the people I spend time with.
[SdtMotPreIDR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? A way I've chosen to contribute
[SdtMotPreEXR4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? To avoid being criticized
[SdtMotPreINT1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Pleasure in mastering new ways to help
[SdtMotPreEXR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Because my friends insist that I do
[SdtMotPreINT3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? I like the feeling when doing things for the environment
[SdtMotPreIJR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? I'd regret not doing something
[SdtMotPreINR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? An integral part of my life
[SdtMotPreAMO1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? I wonder why; the situation isn't improving
[SdtMotPreAMO4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Don't know; can't see what I'm getting out of it
[SdtMotPreINR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Has become a fundamental part of who I am
[SdtMotPreIDR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Is a sensible thing to do
[SdtMotPreINT2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Pleasure in improving quality of environment
[SdtMotPreAMO2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Don't know; have impression I'm wasting time
[SdtMotPreIJR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Would feel guilty if I didn't
[SdtMotPreIJR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Would feel bad if I didn't do anything
[SdtMotPreINR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Seems that taking care of myself and environment are inseparable
[SdtMotPreEXR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? For the recognition I get from others
[SdtMotPreAMO3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Don't know, can't see how my efforts are helping
[SdtMotPreIDR4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? A good idea to do something about environment
[SdtMotPreIDR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Is a reasonable thing to do
[SdtMotPreINT4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Pleasure in contributing to environment
[SdtMotPreEXR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Other people will be upset if I don't
[SdtMotPreINR4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior before stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Part of the way I've chosen to live my life
[SdtMotPostINT1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Pleasure in mastering new ways to help
[SdtMotPostEXR4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? To avoid being criticized
[SdtMotPostIDR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? A way I've chosen to contribute
[SdtMotPostEXR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Because my friends insist that I do
[SdtMotPostINT3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? I like the feeling when doing things for the environment
[SdtMotPostIJR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? I'd regret not doing something
[SdtMotPostIDR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Is a sensible thing to do
[SdtMotPostAMO4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Don't know; can't see what I'm getting out of it
[SdtMotPostINR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? An integral part of my life
[SdtMotPostINR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Has become a fundamental part of who I am
[SdtMotPostAMO1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? I wonder why; the situation isn't improving
[SdtMotPostINT2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Pleasure in improving quality of environment
[SdtMotPostINT4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Pleasure in contributing to environment
[SdtMotPostIJR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Would feel guilty if I didn't
[SdtMotPostAMO2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Don't know; have impression I'm wasting time
[SdtMotPostINR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Seems that taking care of myself and environment are inseparable
[SdtMotPostEXR2] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? For the recognition I get from others
[SdtMotPostAMO3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Don't know, can't see how my efforts are helping
[SdtMotPostINR4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Part of the way I've chosen to live my life
[SdtMotPostIDR4] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? A good idea to do something about environment
[SdtMotPostIJR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Would feel bad if I didn't do anything
[SdtMotPostEXR1] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Other people will be upset if I don't
[SdtMotPostIDR3] Self-determination of motivation for pro-environmental behavior after stimulus. Why are you lowering your environmental impact? Is a reasonable thing to do
[DistPreGEO1] Psychological distance to climate change before stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. My local area is likely to be affected by climate change.
[DistPreGEO2] Psychological distance to climate change before stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Climate change will mostly affect areas that are far away from here.
[DistPreSOC1] Psychological distance to climate change before stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Climate change will mostly affect developing countries.
[DistPreSOC2] Psychological distance to climate change before stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Climate change is likely to have a big impact on people like me.
[DistPostGEO1] Psychological distance to climate change after stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. My local area is likely to be affected by climate change.
[DistPostGEO2] Psychological distance to climate change after stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Climate change will mostly affect areas that are far away from here.
[DistPostSOC1] Psychological distance to climate change after stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Climate change will mostly affect developing countries.
[DistPostSOC2] Psychological distance to climate change after stimulus. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Climate change is likely to have a big impact on people like me.
[ClimAttPre1] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I believe our climate is changing
[ClimAttPre2] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I am concerned about global climate change
[ClimAttPre3] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I believe there is evidence of global climate change
[ClimAttPre4] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Global climate change will impact our environment in the next 10 years
[ClimAttPre5] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Global climate change will impact future generations
[ClimAttPre6] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. The actions of individuals can make a positive difference in global climate change
[ClimAttPre7] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Human activities cause global climate change
[ClimAttPre8] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Climate change has a negative effect on our lives
[ClimAttPre9] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. We cannot do anything to stop global climate change
[ClimAttPre10] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I can do my part to make the world a better place for future generations
[ClimAttPre11] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Knowing about environmental problems and issues is important to me
[ClimAttPre12] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I think most of the concerns about environmental problems have been exaggerated
[ClimAttPre13] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Things I do have no effect on the quality of the environment
[ClimAttPre14] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. It is a waste of time to work to solve environmental problems
[ClimAttPre15] Climate change attitudes before stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. There is not much I can do that will help solve environmental problems
[ClimAttPost1] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I believe our climate is changing.
[ClimAttPost2] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I am concerned about global climate change.
[ClimAttPost3] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I believe there is evidence of global climate change.
[ClimAttPost4] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Global climate change will impact our environment in the next 10 years.
[ClimAttPost5] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Global climate change will impact future generations.
[ClimAttPost6] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. The actions of individuals can make a positive difference in global climate change.
[ClimAttPost7] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Human activities cause global climate change.
[ClimAttPost8] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Climate change has a negative effect on our lives.
[ClimAttPost9] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. We cannot do anything to stop global climate change.
[ClimAttPost10] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I can do my part to make the world a better place for future generations.
[ClimAttPost11] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Knowing about environmental problems and issues is important to me.
[ClimAttPost12] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. I think most of the concerns about environmental problems have been exaggerated.
[ClimAttPost13] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. Things I do have no effect on the quality of the environment.
[ClimAttPost14] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. It is a waste of time to work to solve environmental problems.
[ClimAttPost15] Climate change attitudes after stimulus. Rate the following sentences according to how much they describe you. There is not much I can do that will help solve environmental problems.
[IssInvPre1IMP] Issue involvement with climate change before stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Unimportant-Important
[IssInvPre2CONC] Issue involvement with climate change before stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Not concerning-Of concern
[IssInvPre3RELEV] Issue involvement with climate change before stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Irrelevant-Relevant
[IssInvPre4MEAN] Issue involvement with climate change before stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Meaningless-Meaningful
[IssInvPre5MATT] Issue involvement with climate change before stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Not of matter-Of matter
[IssInvPre6INVOL] Issue involvement with climate change before stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Not involving-Involving
[IssInvPost1IMP] Issue involvement with climate change after stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Unimportant-Important
[IssInvPost2CONC] Issue involvement with climate change after stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Not concerning-Of concern
[IssInvPost3RELEV] Issue involvement with climate change after stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Irrelevant-Relevant
[IssInvPost4MEAN] Issue involvement with climate change after stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Meaningless-Meaningful
[IssInvPost5MATT] Issue involvement with climate change after stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Not of matter-Of matter
[IssInvPost6INVOL] Issue involvement with climate change after stimulus. Please rate the extent to which these adjectives describe the issue of climate change according to your position. Not involving-Involving
[EnvEffPreEFF1] Environmental self-efficacy before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can help mitigate environmental problems in my community, if they arise
[EnvEffPreEFF2] Before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can find several ways to be part of the solution when I am introduced to an environmental problem
[EnvEffPreEFF3] Before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can reduce the environmental problems that the next generation will need to face in the future
[EnvEffPreEFF4] Environmental self-efficacy before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can have a significant positive impact on the environment
[EnvEffPreEFF5] Environmental self-efficacy before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can reduce the negative impact I have on the planet
[EnvEffPreEFF6] Environmental self-efficacy before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can support environmental policy through political activism
[EnvEffPreEFF7] Environmental self-efficacy before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can do my part in solving the world's environmental problems
[EnvEffPreEFF8] Before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can be environmentally friendly even when the people with whom I have close relationships are not
[EnvEffPreEFF9] Before stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can set an example of environmentally friendly behavior, for others to follow
[EnvEffPreEFF10] Before stimulus. How certain you are that you can do the following actions. I can continue to take steps towards solving large environmental problems, even when others are overwhelmed by the scale of these problems
[EnvEffPostEFF1] After stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can help mitigate environmental problems in my community, if they arise
[EnvEffPostEFF2] After stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can find several ways to be part of the solution when I am introduced to an environmental problem
[EnvEffPostEFF3] After stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can reduce the environmental problems that the next generation will need to face in the future
[EnvEffPostEFF4] Environmental self-efficacy after stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can have a significant positive impact on the environment
[EnvEffPostEFF5] Environmental self-efficacy after stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can reduce the negative impact I have on the planet
[EnvEffPostEFF6] Environmental self-efficacy after stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can support environmental policy through political activism
[EnvEffPostEFF7] After stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can do my part in solving the world's environmental problems
[EnvEffPostEFF8] After stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following actions on a regular basis. I can be environmentally friendly even when the people with whom I have close relationships are not
[EnvEffPostEFF9] After stimulus. Please rate how certain you are that you can do each of the following environmental actions on a regular basis. I can set an example of environmentally friendly behavior, for others to follow
[EnvEffPostEFF10] After stimulus. How certain you are that you can do the following actions. I can continue to take steps towards solving large environmental problems, even when others are overwhelmed by the scale of these problems
[PlacAttPOS1] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I know this place very well
[PlacAttPOS2] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I defend it when somebody criticizes it
[PlacAttPOS3] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I miss it when I am not here
[PlacAttNEG1] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I don't like this place
[PlacAttPOS4] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I feel secure in this place
[PlacAttPOS5] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I am proud of this place
[PlacAttPOS6] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. It is a part of myself
[PlacAttNEG2] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I have no influence on its affairs
[PlacAttPOS7] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I want to be involved in what is going on here
[PlacAttNEG3] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I leave this place with pleasure
[PlacAttPOS8] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I would not like to move out from here
[PlacAttPOS9] Rate the following sentences according to how you feel about Tampere. I am rooted here
[CultIndivIINTRSTS] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Governments interfere far too much in our everyday lives.
[CultIndivCHARM] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Sometimes governments need to make laws that keep people from hurting themselves.
[CultIndivIPROTECT] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? It's not governments' business to try to protect people from themselves.
[CultIndivIPRIVACY] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Governments should stop telling people how to live their lives.
[CultIndivCPROTECT] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Governments should do more to advance society's goals, even if that means limiting the freedom and choices of individuals.
[CultIndivCLIMCHOI] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Governments should put limits on the choices individuals can make so they don't get in the way of what's good for society.
[CultHierarchyHEQUAL] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? We have gone too far in pushing equal rights.
[CultHierarchyEWEALTH] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Society would be better off if the distribution of wealth was more equal.
[CultHierarchyERADEQ] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? We need to dramatically reduce inequalities between the rich and the poor, whites and people of color, and men and women.
[CultHierarchyEDISCRIM] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Discrimination against minorities is still a very serious problem in society.
[CultHierarchyHREVDIS2] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? It seems like blacks, women, homosexuals and other groups don't want equal rights, they want special rights just for them.
[CultHierarchyHFEMININ] How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Society as a whole has become too soft and feminine.
[SocDesSD1] Below you will find a list of statements. Please read each statement carefully and decide if that statement describes you or not. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I sometimes litter.
[SocDesSD2] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I always admit my mistakes openly and face the potential negative consequences.
[SocDesSD3] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. In traffic I am always polite and considerate of others.
[SocDesSD4] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I have tried illegal drugs (for example, marijuana, cocaine, etc.).
[SocDesSD5] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I always accept others' opinions, even when they don't agree with my own.
[SocDesSD6] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I take out my bad moods on others now and then.
[SocDesSD7] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. There has been an occasion when I took advantage of someone else.
[SocDesSD8] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. In conversations I always listen attentively and let others finish their sentences.
[SocDesSD9] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I never hesitate to help someone in case of emergency.
[SocDesSD10] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. When I have made a promise, I keep it--no ifs, ands or buts.
[SocDesSD11] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I occasionally speak badly of others behind their back.
[SocDesSD12] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I would never live off other people.
[SocDesSD13] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I always stay friendly and courteous with other people, even when I am stressed out.
[SocDesSD14] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. During arguments I always stay objective and matter-of-fact.
[SocDesSD15] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. There has been at least one occasion when I failed to return an item that I borrowed.
[SocDesSD16] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. I always eat a healthy diet.
[SocDesSD17] Below you will find a list of statements. If it describes you, check the word true; if not, check the word false. Sometimes I only help because I expect something in return.
[ActIntention] Type of intended action as signaled at the end of the game or after reading. Please choose an area of action:
[FinalAct] Degree of completion of action 10 days after participating in the experiment. Please select the option that is closer to the truth.
[FinalInspired] Has this experiment inspired you to engage in climate action beyond the one you chose?