FSD3852 Children's views on prestige and dominance in Colombia, Finland and the United States 2021-2022

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[Group] Country in which the experiment was conducted

[Gender] Self-reported gender

[Age_Years] Age of participant in years

[Age] Age of participant (continuous) [Calculated on the day of the experiment]

[Older_Dimo_Dom] One of these is older than the other. Which one is older? (Dimo and the dominant character)

[Older_Dimo_Pres] One of these is older than the other. Which one is older? (Dimo and the prestigious character)

[Approach] Dimo wants to sit down. Which one will Dimo sit next to?

[Dimo_Pref] Which one does Dimo like more?

[Fear] Which one is Dimo more afraid of?

[Novel1] This one [pointing at character] calls this a [novel name1], and this one [pointing at other character] calls this a [novel name1]. What do you think this is called?

[Novel2] This one [pointing at character] calls this a [novel name2], and this one [pointing at other character] calls this a [novel name2]. What do you think this is called?

[Novel3] This one [pointing at character] calls this a [novel name3], and this one [pointing at other character] calls this a [novel name3]. What do you think this is called?

[Hat_Choice] Look at the hat this one [pointing] is wearing and look at the hat this one [pointing] is wearing. Dimo is going to choose a hat to wear. Which hat will Dimo wear?

[Candy] Each person has one candy. But look! There's one more candy left. Dimo can't decide who should get it so one of these two should decide. Which one should decide? This one [pointing] or this one [pointing]?

[Video_phone] They are arguing because each person wants to watch something different. Someone has to solve the argument. Which one do you think would be better at solving the argument? This one or this one?

[Child_Pref] Which one do you like more?

[Control_Bear] One of them likes bears. Which one likes bears?

[Control_Door] One of them lives in a house with a grey door. Which one lives in a house with a grey door?

[Control_Oranges] One of them likes oranges. Which one likes oranges?

[Self_Id_Choice] Now, you know what? Let's imagine you are in this picture and that you are one of these two kids. Can you show me which one would be you?

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