FSD3852 Children's views on prestige and dominance in Colombia, Finland and the United States 2021-2022
Valitse muuttuja
[Group] Country in which the experiment was conducted
[Age_Years] Age of participant in years
[Age] Age of participant (continuous) [Calculated on the day of the experiment]
[Approach] Dimo wants to sit down. Which one will Dimo sit next to?
[Dimo_Pref] Which one does Dimo like more?
[Fear] Which one is Dimo more afraid of?
[Child_Pref] Which one do you like more?
[Control_Bear] One of them likes bears. Which one likes bears?
[Control_Oranges] One of them likes oranges. Which one likes oranges?
Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa
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