FSD3875 Finnish National Election Study 2023
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Finnish National Election Study 2023
Aineiston rinnakkainen nimi
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Aineiston laatu
Kvantitatiivinen aineisto
- von Schoulz, Åsa (University of Helsinki. Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Strandberg, Kim (Åbo Akademi University. Social Science Research Institute (Samforsk))
Muut tekijät
- The following members of the election study consortium participated in questionnaire design (in addition to Kim Strandberg): Aino Tiihonen (Tampere University), Josefina Sipinen (Tampere University), Janette Huttunen (Åbo Akademi University), Veikko Isotalo (University of Helsinki) and Theodora Helimäki (University of Helsinki).
- Current (1.4.2021-31.3.2025) members of the board of the election study consortium are: Åsa von Schoultz (chair, University of Helsinki), Hanna Wass (University of Helsinki), Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen (Tampere University), Aino Tiihonen (Tampere University), Josefina Sipinen (Tampere University), Lauri Rapeli (Åbo Akademi University) ja Peter Söderlund (Åbo Akademi University)
Sisällön kuvaus
This survey focused on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Finland. Main themes included political participation, political attitudes, party allegiance, candidate and party choice, and voting behaviour. Further topics included citizens' initiative, different ways of having a say in matters, and future prospects of Finland. Swedish-speaking population is over-represented in the data. The data were collected after the elections through three questionnaires, with each respondent answering only one of them. Although the questionnaires focus on different themes, there is also overlap between them. Certain issues - such as voting in the 2023 parliamentary elections, party choice and trust - were asked in each questionnaire. The first questionnaire (quF3875_1) contains Finland's contribution to the international CSES study (module 6). Data collection was funded by the Ministry of Justice.
The first questionnaire covered the respondents' interest in politics, attention paid to media coverage of the elections (including social media), satisfaction with the political system, economic situation, party preferences, political value orientations, discussions about politics with others, party identification and whether the respondents felt close to any party. The respondents' opinions on voting, democracy, decision-making and parties were surveyed. Satisfaction with the political system was charted by asking how much the respondent trusts various institutions, such as the president, political parties, parliament, government, the judiciary and the media. They were also asked about the successes of the cabinet led by prime minister Sanna Marin. The respondents' perceptions of their own financial situation and the Finnish economy were also charted. Further questions were asked about voting in the parliamentary elections. The respondents were asked about their opinions on Finnish parties and their chairs. They were also asked to place the parties on the left-right axis. In addition, the respondents placed themselves on the left-right axis and on the liberal-conservative scale. The respondents were asked about the functioning of democracy in Finland and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on, for example, Finland's unity.
The second questionnaire charted the respondents' interest in politics, attention paid to media coverage of the elections (including social media), social and political participation, trust, candidate and party choice, political knowledge, and political values and attitudes. The sources from which the respondents got relevant information for their voting choice were examined (e.g. family or friends, newspapers, TV, social media). The respondent's views on issues such as participation in politics and civic competence were surveyed. The respondents specified the forms of their social participation, such as whether they signed any citizens' initiatives or participated in political party or other civic organization activities. They were also asked whether people could be trusted. Non-voters were asked why they had not voted. Those who voted in the elections were asked in more detail which party and which candidate the respondent voted for. Finland's future direction was charted with attitudinal statements concerning, for example, multiculturalism, Christian values, climate change, state regulation and taxation.
The third questionnaire covered the respondents' interest in politics, trust, political knowledge, value orientations, political values and attitudes and whether the respondents felt close to any party. The respondents listed the three most important social problems that politicians should address. The respondents' opinions on current political issues such as the security threat from Russia, local agreement on terms and conditions of employment, cuts in public services and forest fellings were surveyd.
Background variables included, among others, the respondent's year of birth, gender, education, marital status, trade union membership, political party membership, economic activity and occupational status, employer type, religiosity and religious attendance, mother tongue, type of municipality of residence, gross annual household income, number of people in the household, number of children, country of birth, parents' country of birth (categorised), and electoral district.
Internet; constituencies; democracy; election campaigns; elections; electoral candidates; mass media; members of parliament; parliamentary elections; political allegiance; political attitudes; political participation; trust; values; voting; voting advice applications
- Social sciences (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
- Elections (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
Finnish National Election StudiesJakelija
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
- Taloustutkimus
- Election Study Consortium
- Ministry of Justice
Ajallinen kattavuus
Aineistonkeruun ajankohta
2023-04-12 – 2023-06-06
People aged 18-80 living in Finland and entitled to vote in the Finnish parliamentary elections 2023
Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus
Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section
Probability: Stratified
The sample is stratified by mother tongue. Separate samples of 15,000 native speakers of Swedish and 18,000 native speakers of Finnish (including other minority languages) were drawn from the Finnish population register. The sample was stratified for each of the three questionnaires, so that 5,000 Swedish-speaking and 6,000 Finnish-speaking respondents were selected for each questionnaire, i.e. 11,000 persons per questionnaire. The total sample size of the data was 33,000.
Taloustutkimus approached respondents by letter. In the letter, each respondent was given a unique identifier for the online response or could choose to complete a paper form. Two reminders were sent to respondents, either on paper or by SMS. A total of 8,636 responses were received, of which 3,482 were online and 5,154 on paper. The date of response for the paper form is recorded in the data as the date of return of the form after postage. After data collection, the responses were combined into a single dataset. Weight factors were calculated at the same time.
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Keruuväline tai –ohje
Structured questionnaire
Datatiedostojen kieli
Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.
Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: suomi ja englanti.
Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.
Havaintojen ja muuttujien lukumäärä
269 muuttujaa ja 8636 havaintoa.
Datan versio
Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa
To prevent identification of respondents, the research group has removed several variables from the data (e.g. the respondent's municipality of residence and spouse's occupation) and categorised the open-ended responses related to the respondent's occupation (ISCO-08 classification).
To prevent identification of respondents, variables household annual income (HH_INCOME) and household size (HH_SIZE_TOTAL) were top-coded at FSD. For household children's age variables (HH_SIZE_TEEN, HH_SIZE_CHILD), the responses were recorded as missing data for those households with a size of ten or more. Additionally, gender variables obtained from the registry were removed.
The data contain several post-stratification weight variables which weight the sample to match the age and gender (combined), mother tongue, education and electoral district distributions in the population as well as the actual vote share of parties in the election. According to the researchers, the use of weights is mandatory, as the oversampling of Swedish-speaking respondents in particular skews the responses. In addition, there are relatively few non-voters in the data.
The weights have been calculated using the same technique as in the previous update of weights for the 2003-2019 Finnish National Election Study datasets.
The weight to be used should be selected depending on which questionnaire the variables are based on. If you are analysing variables that appear on more than one questionnaire (e.g. 1 and 3), you should select the weight that is intended for the combination of these forms.
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
von Schoulz, Åsa (University of Helsinki) & Strandberg, Kim (Åbo Akademi University): Finnish National Election Study 2023 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2024-11-01). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3875
Julkaisusta tiedottaminen
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Julkaisut aineistosta
Ylisalo, Juha (2023). Suhtautuminen puolueiden vaalilupauksiin 2019 ja 2023. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:14. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/suhtautuminen-puolueiden-vaalilupauksiin-2019-ja-2023/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
Isotalo, Veikko & Helimäki, Theodora & von Schoultz, Åsa & Söderlund, Peter (2023). Suomalainen äänestäjä 2003-2023. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:13. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/suomalainen-aanestaja-2003-2023/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
Wass, Hanna & Tiihonen, Aino (2023). Ääni demokratialle? Puolueiden äänestäjien demokratiakiinnittyminen. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:12. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/aani-demokratialle-puolueiden-aanestajien-demokratiakiinnittyminen/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
Isotalo, Veikko (2023). Hallituspuolueiden ideologinen kongruenssi. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:11. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/hallituspuolueiden-ideologinen-kongruenssi/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
Kestilä-Kekkonen, Elina & Sipinen, Josefina (2023). Taktinen äänestäminen. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:10. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/taktinen-aanestaminen/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
Rapeli, Lauri (2023). Puoluevalinta eri demografisissa ryhmissä. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:9. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/puoluevalinta-eri-demografisissa-ryhmissa/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
von Schoultz, Åsa (2023). Marinilmiö. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:8. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/marinilmio/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
Söderlund, Peter (2023). Äänestäjien liikkuvuus vuosien 2019 ja 2023 eduskuntavaalien välillä. FNES: Vaalivälähdykset, 2023:7. https://www.vaalitutkimus.fi/aanestajien-liikkuvuus-vuosien-2019-ja-2023-eduskuntavaalien-valilla/ [viitattu 12.6.2024]
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