FSD1004 Finnish Voter Barometer 1977
Valitse muuttuja
(IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE IN THE FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) The most important reason for not voting
selite/vastausvaihtoehto | arvo | n |
Election outcome known beforehand | 1 | 103 |
Voting makes no difference | 2 | 17 |
State of health | 3 | 26 |
Difficult to choose a candidate | 4 | 25 |
Difficult to choose a party | 5 | 9 |
Difficult or long journey to the polling station | 6 | 13 |
Other reason | 7 | 38 |
Can't say | 8 | 1041 |
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia |
kelvollisten havaintojen lkm | 1272 |
maksimi | 8 |
minimi | 1 |
keskiarvo | 7.10 |
keskihajonta | 2.146 |
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