FSD1201 City Service Survey 1985

Valitse muuttuja


If the city develops home care for the elderly, how important would you consider developing the following thing (mentioned first)?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Providing a telephone for the elderly if needed 1 2348
Installing alarm equipment at their home for requesting help 2 2415
Increasing municipal household management services 3 2412
Developing catering services 4 534
Increasing transport services for the elderly 5 213
Increasing time spent together with other people 6 502
Increasing culture and leisure activities for the elderly 7 78
Increasing home nursing 8 282
Paying home care subsidy 9 113
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 8897
maksimi 9
minimi 1
keskiarvo 2.75
keskihajonta 1.821

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