FSD1218 Gender, Education and Career Choice: Follow-up Study 1994

Valitse muuttuja


Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your career, which specific factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Unemployment and getting a job 1 155
Not getting a job corresponding to education 2 37
Work/training experiences 3 20
I like working/my work 4 1
Internal charasteristics of the job (interesting/autonomy/challenging/colleagues) 5 45
External characteristics of the job (secure, wage etc.) 6 73
Work as part of a lifestyle (in relation to other spheres of life; family, hobbies) 7 6
Career, advancement in career 8 22
Education (insufficient, delayed, prolonged education) 9 56
Social relationships (relationships, support from family) 10 18
Self (own activity, enthusiasm, health etc.) 11 53
Stressful work 12 27
Fixed-term work 13 47
Women's position in working life 14 25
Mental health 15 3
Children 16 11
Poor status of the work 17 9
Change in municipality of residence 18 17
Work does not correspond to wishes 19 16
Some other factor not mentioned 20 43
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


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keskihajonta 6.008

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