FSD1218 Gender, Education and Career Choice: Follow-up Study 1994

Valitse muuttuja


Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your education, which specific factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
Education in general 1 5
Getting accepted as a student to an education programme 2 47
Graduating/completing studies 3 7
Length of the education 4 11
Contents of the education and whether they were interesting 5 57
Training professionals/teachers/career counsellors 6 36
Location of school/educational institution 7 26
Changing the field of education 8 2
Studying abroad 9 2
Social support (family/spouse) 10 20
Own motivation (willingness to study, interesting field etc.) 11 60
Own skills (including educational success) 12 28
Financial matters 13 107
Mental health 14 16
Education too little demanding or stressful, time use during studies 15 25
Possibility of getting a job after completing education 16 78
Wrong field/level of education 17 40
Some other factor not mentioned 18 43
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 610
maksimi 18
minimi 1
keskiarvo 11.10
keskihajonta 4.996

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