FSD1225 Finnish Youth Survey 2001
Valitse muuttuja
Why would you vote in the elections?
selite/vastausvaihtoehto | arvo | n |
I am interested in politics | 1 | 50 |
I can influence important matters by voting | 2 | 813 |
I am a member of political party - obligation | 3 | 6 |
There are candidates that I know personally | 4 | 117 |
Voting is a civic duty | 5 | 647 |
Other reason | 6 | 42 |
Don't vote on principle | 7 | 79 |
Can't say | 8 | 46 |
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia |
kelvollisten havaintojen lkm | 1800 |
maksimi | 8 |
minimi | 1 |
keskiarvo | 3.65 |
keskihajonta | 1.788 |
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