Valitse muuttuja
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[kieli] Questionnaire language
[q1] Respondent's year of birth
[q2] Respondent's gender
[q3] Respondent's marital status
[q4] Respondent's household composition
[q5_1] Total number of household members
[q5_2] Number of children aged 0-6 living in the household
[q5_3] Number of children aged 7-17 living in the household
[q5_4] Number of children aged over 17 living in the household
[q6] Respondent's present municipality of residence
[q7_1] Respondent's highest level of education
[q7_2] Spouse's/partner's highest level of education
[q8_1] Respondent's economic activity at present
[q8_2] Spouse's economic activity at present
[q9_1_1] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): At work full-time
[q9_1_2] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): At work part-time
[q9_1_3] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): At work on a government subsidized contract
[q9_1_4] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Unemployed
[q9_1_5] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Laid-off
[q9_1_6] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): In labour market training for the unemployed
[q9_1_7] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Student or pupil
[q9_1_8] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Homemaker/househusband
[q9_1_9] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Retired
[q9_1_10] Range of respondent's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Something else, what?
[q9_2_1] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): At work full-time
[q9_2_2] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): At work part-time
[q9_2_3] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): At work on a government subsidized contract
[q9_2_4] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Unemployed
[q9_2_5] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Laid-off
[q9_2_6] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): In labour market training for the unemployed
[q9_2_7] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Student or pupil
[q9_2_8] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Homemaker/househusband
[q9_2_9] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Retired
[q9_2_10] Range of spouse's/partner's economic activity during the past 3 years (multi-choice question): Something else, what?
[q10_1] Respondent's occupation (Classification of Statistics Finland 1997) (open-ended)
[q10_1_1] Vastaajan sosioekonominen asema (Avokysymys)
[q10_2] Spouse's/partner's occupation (Classification of Statistics Finland 1997) (open-ended)
[q10_2_2] Puolison sosioekonominen asema (Avokysymys)
[q11_1] Respondent's occupation or job title in present job (if not at work, in last job) (open-ended)
[q11_2] Spouse's/partner's occupation or job title in present job (if not at work, in last job) (open-ended)
[q12_1] For how long is your employment contract valid?
[q12_2] For how long is your spouse's/partner's employment contract valid?
[q13_1] Respondent's employment sector
[q13_2] Spouse's/partner's employment sector
[q14_1] Have you been unemployed or laid off in the past three years?
[q14_2] Has your spouse/partner been unemployed or laid off in the past three years?
[q15_1] How long has your present unemployment/lay-off lasted?
[q15_2] How long has your spouse's/partner's present unemployment/lay-off lasted?
[q16_1] If you are currently unemployed, do you receive...
[q16_2] If your spouse/partner is currently unemployed, does (s)he receive...
[q17_1] How long do you think your current unemployment will last?
[q17_2] How long do you think your spouse's/partner's current unemployment will last?
[q18_1] Are you getting or planning to get further education/training to improve your chances of getting a job?
[q18_2] Have you actively seeked work by sending job applications or by contacting employers once a month or more often?
[q18_3] Have you had to turn down any temporary job because you felt it would be inconvenient or would have made your financial situation worse?
[q18_4] Do you believe you will eventually find a job corresponding to your qualifications?
[q18_5] Is your present unemployment benefit sufficient to secure you a reasonable standard of living?
[q18_6] Has unemployment been entirely a negative experience for you?
[q19_1] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Work full-time?
[q19_2] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Work part-time?
[q19_3] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Do temporary work?
[q19_4] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Work for the public good for a compensation slightly higher than present unemployment benefit (e.g. helping the elderly)?
[q19_5] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Set up your own business
[q19_6] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Acquire additional vocational education or vocational education in a new field?
[q19_7] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Participate in rehabilitation?
[q19_8] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Take unemployment retirement?
[q19_9] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Remain unemployed provided that your income level stays the same?
[q19_10] In your present situation, would you be willing to: Move to another location of residence for a job?
[q20] Which one of the alternatives mentioned in q19 would be the best choice for you?
[q21_1] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: How to arrange various practical matters (e,g. child day care)
[q21_2] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Uncertainty of coping with the job
[q21_3] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Possible decrease in the household's social benefits
[q21_4] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Location of the workplace
[q21_5] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Correspondence between the job and your qualifications
[q21_6] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Achieving your previous salary level
[q21_7] How important are the following to you when accepting a job offer: Increasing your income level
[q22] How would you rate your present state of health?
[q23] Do you have any long-term illness, disability or health problem?
[q24] (IF YES) Does your illness, disability or health problem restrict your daily activities or ability to work?
[q25_1] Have you recently suffered from: Over-stress
[q25_2] Have you recently suffered from: Down-heartedness or depression
[q25_3] Have you recently suffered from: Nervousness or tension
[q25_4] Have you recently suffered from: Exhaustion or tiredness
[q25_5] Have you recently suffered from: Insomnia
[q25_6] Have you recently suffered from: Forgetfulness
[q26] Is there a person with whom you can discusss difficult matters confidentially?
[q27] Do you feel lonely?
[q28] How often does your life feel meaningful and worth living?
[q29_1] How satisfied are you with the following: Control over your own life
[q29_2] How satisfied are you with the following: Respect shown by other people towards you
[q29_3] How satisfied are you with the following: Possibility to participate in meaningful leisure activities
[q29_4] How satisfied are you with the following: Ability to influence social issues
[q30] Income support for one-adult (single person) household is currently 2000 Marks/month after rent. In your opinion, is this:
[q31] In your opinion, how much money does a one-adult household need per month, after taxes and excluding rent? (marks)
[q32] In your opinion, if your househould had to manage on social security benefits only, what net income would secure a reasonable standard of living (excluding housing costs) (marks/month)
[q33_1] Which form of income and how much do household members receive (Finnish Marks/month): Net wages (also spouse's/partner's)
[q33_2] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Net entrepreneurial income
[q33_3] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Basic state pension
[q33_4] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Earnings-related pension
[q33_5] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Private pension
[q33_6] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Some other pension
[q33_7] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Basic unemployment benefit
[q33_8] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Labour market benefit
[q33_9] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Earnings-related unemployment benefit
[q33_10] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Sick pay
[q33_11] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Income support
[q33_12] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Student grant
[q33_13] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Housing benefit or student housing allowance
[q33_14] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Child benefits
[q33_15] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Child home care allowance
[q33_16] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Maintenance allowance
[q33_17] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Parental pay (maternity/paternity pay)
[q33_18] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Interest and rental income
[q33_19] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Assistance from parent or relative
[q33_20_1] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Other income, what? (e.g. scholarship, informal care allowance, conscript's allowance)
[q33_20_2] Type and amount of income household members receive per month (in Finnish marks): Other income, what? (e.g. scholarship, informal care allowance, conscript's allowance)
[q34_1] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Housing benefit or student housing allowance
[q34_2] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Basic state pension
[q34_3] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Student grant
[q34_4] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Sick pay
[q34_5] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Labour market benefit
[q34_6] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Basic unemployment benefit
[q34_7] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Child benefit
[q34_8] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Child home care allowance
[q34_9] Sufficiency/insufficiency of benefits in terms of basic security: Parental pay (maternity/paternity pay)
[q35_1] Household's total expenses (Finnish Marks/month): Loan payments (interests + payments)
[q35_2] Household's total expenses (Finnish Marks/month): Housing costs excluding loan payments (e.g. rent, service charges, water)
[q35_3] Household's total expenses (Finnish Marks/month): Children's day care costs
[q35_4] Household's total expenses (Finnish Marks/month): Medicine expenses
[q35_5] Household's total expenses (Finnish Marks/month): Commuting expenses
[q36] Household's disposable income after above-mentioned expenses (q35)
[q37] How sufficient is that disposable income (q36)?
[q38] How satisfied are you with your household's present standard of living and opportunities to consume?
[q39] How easy/difficult is it for your household to manage on its current income?
[q40_1] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Owner-occupied or right-of-occupancy housing
[q40_2] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Holiday residence (summer cottage or timeshare)
[q40_3] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Private pension
[q40_4] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Investments (shares, stocks, etc.)
[q40_5] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Car, motorbike or other vehicle
[q40_6] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Holiday trip
[q40_7] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Hobby-related expenses
[q40_8] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Shopping goods (e.g. household appliances)
[q40_9] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future for: Other, please specify
[q40_10] Have you thought about taking a loan or consumer credit in the near future: No
[q41] What do you estimate your household's income level will be five years from now, compared to present situation?
[q43_1] Considering your present situation, do you feel you live in poverty?
[q43_2] Considering your income and loan payments, do you feel you are over-indebted?
[q44_1] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Irregular monthly income
[q44_2] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Payments of benefits funded by the Social Insurance Institution were delayed
[q44_3] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Had to cut leisure expenses
[q44_4] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Payments of rent or housing costs were delayed due to financial difficulties
[q44_5] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Payments of other bills were delayed or skipped due to financial difficulties
[q44_6] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Could not make bank loan or interest payments
[q44_7] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Property or income were foreclosed
[q44_8] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Prescribed medication was not purchased because of high price
[q44_9] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Had to go without some other medical care due to lack of money
[q44_10] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Had to go hungry due to lack of money
[q44_11] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Worn clothing could not be replaced by new clothes purchases
[q44_12] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Your family had to put off having children due to financial difficulties
[q44_13_1] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Other financial difficulties, please specify
[q44_13_2] Has your household faced any of the following situations in the past year: Other financial difficulties, please specify
[q45_1] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Rescheduling of debts
[q45_2] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Borrowing money from friends or relatives
[q45_3] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Taking a bank loan to cope with daily expenses
[q45_4] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Buying food on credit
[q45_5] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Spending own savings
[q45_6] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Selling property
[q45_7] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Applying for income support
[q45_8] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Getting free food (e.g. from Salvation Army)
[q45_9] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Changing location of residence
[q45_10] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Acquiring extra income (working overtime, taking a second job, etc.)
[q45_11] How have you tried to solve above-mentioned financial difficulties: Other solution, please specify?
[q46] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party would you vote for?
[q47_1] Tax rates should be lowered in Finland, even if it led to cuts in social security
[q47_2] Income disparities between citizens are too large in Finland
[q47_3] Social security and social services have made people passive and reduced their ability to use their initiative
[q47_4] Cooperation between authorities should be increased to prevent misuse of social security benefits
[q47_5] Those who have received financial support from society should pay back part of it when it becomes financially possible
[q47_6] It is good that health care and educational services remain mainly in the domain of the public sector
[q47_7] Nowadays, social security does not respond to people's needs
[q47_8] The number of socially excluded people is growing in Finland
[q47_9] Success in society depends mostly on the individual
[q47_10] Finnish society supports refugees and immigrants too much
[q47_11] Society must offer financial help to people who are not able to provide a decent standard of living for themselves
[q47_12] People receiving unemployment benefit should be willing to work for the public good in exchange
[q47_13] In modern society, people do not have much control over their own success
[q47_14] Since jobs are scarce, everyone willing to opt out of working life should be guaranteed a minimum income funded by the society