FSD2185 Finnish EU Attitudes 2005

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[kieli] Questionnaire language

[q1] At the moment, how interested are you in issues relating to Finland's EU membership?

[q2] How well informed about such issues do you feel you are?

[q3_1] Being the neighbour of the unstable Russia, Finland is more secure as part of the EU than outside the Union

[q3_2] EU membership fees are far too high compared with the benefits gained by membership

[q3_3] Although the EU has its problems, it is nevertheless the only power that can lead and control Europe's development

[q3_4] EU funding should rather be used to subsidize Finland's remote rural areas than to support new member countries

[q3_5] Taxes should be harmonised in all EU member states

[q3_6] There is enough reliable information available to everybody about matters related to Finland's EU membership

[q3_7] Finland should leave the EU altogether

[q3_8] Nowadays, the EU takes public opinion carefully into account and does not strive to develop policies which have no public support

[q3_9] In all circumstances, Finland has to be capable of taking care of its own security, others cannot help us

[q3_10] EU membership obliges Finns to comply with many norms and regulations which we do not want or need

[q3_11] Actions and policies of the USA in world politics are legitimate and deserve the support of the Finns

[q3_12] EU member states should increase their competitiveness and introduce structural reforms with national measures, not with EU decisions

[q3_13] Finland has been able to influence decision-making in the EU

[q3_14] Islamic Turkey is not suitable to be part of the EU which is based on Christian values

[q3_15] Within the EU, there is a continuous shift in the balance of power towards the large member states

[q3_16] If I did not know Finland is an EU member state, I would not easily notice it in my everyday life

[q3_17] In its present form, the European Parliament is just a debating club which has no real influence on the decisions of the EU

[q3_18] Membership of Turkey would be a good thing because it would help Islamic and Western cultures to understand each other

[q3_19] Even though Russia has its problems, there is nowadays no reason for the Finns to have a negative attitude towards their big neighbour

[q3_20] Finland should join Nato

[q3_21] EU is a selfish organization of affluent European countries; it supervises the interests of its members states and lacks any sense of global responsibility

[q3_22] European Parliament is a key political decision-making body which to a large extent influences our lives as well

[q3_23] Finland's presidency of the EU makes no difference to the Finns because the lives of ordinary citizens are not affected by what the leaders do

[q3_24] I would support Finland's membership in NATO if the Government and the President were in favour of it

[q3_25] Higher level of education and technical advancement in China, India and other developing countries are threatening those sectors of industry in which we still have a competitive edge

[q3_26] International terrorism is no threat to Finland if we do not get involved in conflicts of the world

[q3_27] EU enlargement should be put on hold for a long time because candidate states (e.g. Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey) are not yet suitable to become member states

[q3_28] Public debate on the return of the Finnish Karelia should be brought to an end

[q3_29] Globalisation of international economy will increase global welfare

[q3_30] EU will be able to compete successfully with China and the USA even in the future

[q3_31] In the rapidly changing world, EU member states will become museums of outdated economic and political structures unless they implement radical changes

[q3_32] Globalisation means that Finland will lose an increasing amount of jobs to so-called cheap labour countries

[q3_33] The 2004 enlargement of the EU with 10 new member states has turned out to be a good decision

[q3_34] EU should become a strong counterbalance to the USA in world politics

[q3_35] The rejection of the European Constitutional Treaty in France and the Netherlands was unfortunate because, for all its shortcomings, the consitution would have streamlined the EU and its structures

[q3_36] Further opening up of markets to free world trade would benefit both developing and rich countries

[q3_37] No act of force is too harsh in the fight against terrorism

[q3_38] EU and other rich countries should remove trade barriers against developing countries only when these countries apply Western-style labour and environmental standards

[q3_39] EU member states should be able to influence the policies of the European Central Bank

[q3_40] Along with the EU, Europeans have formed pan-European identity which is increasingly different from US (North American) identity

[q3_41] Globalisation of Finnish enterprises promotes employment in Finland

[q3_42] I am willing to lower my standard of living to help developing countries

[q3_43] To a large extent, countries targeted by terrorists, like the USA, can blame their own arrogant policies

[q3_44] World trade liberalisation is a better way of helping developing countries than direct development aid

[q3_45] International environmental agreements should be stricter than they are now

[q3_46] Terrorists only want to get even and cause terror, not to achieve any rational political objective

[q3_47] Even as part of the EU, Finland should primarily focus on developing good relations with Russia

[q3_48] International environmental agreements and regulations threaten Finland's competitiveness

[q3_49] Even though Finland is part of the EU, Nordic co-operation is still very important to us

[q3_50] Rich countries bear the main resposibility for the state of the environment in the world

[q3_51] Islam is as peaceful a religion as Christianity

[q3_52] Finns feel closer to Estonia than to Sweden

[q3_53] Rapidly growing developing countries, such as China and India, should bear part of the responsibility for managing international environmental problems

[q3_54] It is impossible to integrate muslim immigrants into European society

[q3_55] Ultimately, decisions made by ordinary consumers are decisive for solutions of environmental problems

[q4a_1] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Finland in general and Finnish welfare

[q4a_2] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Material standard of living and economic development

[q4a_3] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Finnish import and foreign trade

[q4a_4] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Business in general

[q4a_5] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Employment

[q4a_6] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Situation of employees

[q4a_7] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Labour market

[q4a_8] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Social security and welfare state

[q4a_9] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Environmental protection

[q4a_10] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Democracy and public political influence

[q4a_11] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Happiness and spiritual well-being of the Finns

[q4a_12] Impact of globalisation in Finland: Culture

[q4b_1] Impact of globalisation in the world: The world as a whole and welfare in the world

[q4b_2] Impact of globalisation in the world: Material standard of living and economic development

[q4b_3] Impact of globalisation in the world: Situation/economic development of developing countries

[q4b_4] Impact of globalisation in the world: For rich/developed countries (and their affluence)

[q4b_5] Impact of globalisation in the world: World peace and prevention of international conflicts

[q4b_6] Impact of globalisation in the world: Democracy and promotion of human rights

[q4b_7] Impact of globalisation in the world: Working conditions and employee rights

[q4b_8] Impact of globalisation in the world: Rapprochement between different cultures and religious denominations

[q4b_9] Impact of globalisation in the world: Preservation of national cultures

[q4b_10] Impact of globalisation in the world: Environmental protection (and fight against climate change)

[q4b_11] Impact of globalisation in the world: People's happiness and spiritual well-being

[q4b_12] Impact of globalisation in the world: Success of international large-scale enterprises

[q5_1] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Weak leadership, lack of leadership

[q5_2] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Bureaucracy of the Union

[q5_3] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: National selfishness of member states, willingness to influence decisions in favour of national interests

[q5_4] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Large member states having too much power

[q5_5] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Sheer size of the Union, too many member states

[q5_6] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Diversity, member states too different (in different stages of development)

[q5_7] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Integration gone too far, encompasses too many matters

[q5_8] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: EU too far away from its citizens (mainly the playground of the elite)

[q5_9] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Citizens have little possibility to infuence decision-making, 'democracy deficit'

[q5_10] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Too much influence given to citizens (referendums etc.)

[q5_11] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Decision-making system complicated/inefficient/confusing

[q5_12] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Non-functioning institutions

[q5_13] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Economic problems of member countries, weak economic growth

[q5_14] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Unwillingness for real co-operation (no understanding of the common good)

[q5_15] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: EU's tendency to interfere too much in all kinds of details

[q5_16] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Citizens resist changes and oppose much-needed reforms

[q5_17] Thinking of the EU, how much of a barrier to its development do you consider: Failure from day one; Utopian/impossible union

[q6_1] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Focus mainly on promoting national interests

[q6_2] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Focus mainly on issues concerning the whole Union

[q6_3] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Improve the effectiveness of common environmental policy

[q6_4] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Slow down projects which are of minor importance to Finland

[q6_5] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote good relations between Russia and the EU

[q6_6] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote gender equality in the Union

[q6_7] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote common (military) security guarantees within the EU

[q6_8] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote common employment policy in the EU

[q6_9] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Preserve and increase the vitality of national cultures

[q6_10] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Improve the efficiency of international crime prevention

[q6_11] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Bring EU's common social policy closer to Nordic ideas

[q6_12] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote common development co-operation policy in the EU

[q6_13] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Attract foreign enterprises to Finland

[q6_14] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Protect the viability of Finnish agriculture

[q6_15] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Enhance EU enlargement

[q6_16] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Reduce bureaucracy and complexity of administration in the EU

[q6_17] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote transparency in the EU

[q6_18] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Bring citizens closer to the EU, increase trust in the Union

[q6_19] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Make the EU concentrate on the big picture, not on all sorts of technicalities

[q6_20] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Seek to revive the controversial EU constitution

[q6_21] During its EU Presidency Finland and Finns should: Promote EU's development into a federation

[q7_1] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Good neighbour and cooperation partner

[q7_2] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Major military threat

[q7_3] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Culturally rich

[q7_4] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Superpower wishing to expand

[q7_5] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Developing democracy

[q7_6] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Dictatorship with a strong central control

[q7_7] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Unstable and unpredictable

[q7_8] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Important business partner

[q7_9] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Major investment target for Finnish companies

[q7_10] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: In the future, 'another Nokia' for Finnish economy

[q7_11] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Unreliable contracting party

[q7_12] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Russian citizens pleasant people

[q7_13] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Developing well and becoming rapidly more affluent

[q7_14] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Stagnant backwater

[q7_15] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Rather a guarantee for peace than a threat to it

[q7_16] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Controversial, diverse, difficult to understand

[q7_17] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Unequal, wide income and welfare disparity

[q7_18] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Part of European cultural sphere

[q7_19] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: More Asian than European

[q7_20] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Suffering from huge environmental problems

[q7_21] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Radically reformed after the fall of the Soviet Union

[q7_22] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Even today represents some kind of (hidden) communism

[q7_23] Does this characterisation of Russia coincide with your own views of the country: Target of unnecessary prejudice and fear

[q8_a] What is your current attitude to Finland's membership in the EU?

[q8_b] The Euro replaced the Finnish currency at the beginning of 2002. What is your attitude to this?

[q8_c] How do you view the 2004 EU enlargement to Eastern and Central Europe and the Baltic states?

[bv1] Respondent's sex

[bv2] Respondent's age group

[bv3] Size of the respondent's municipality of residence

[bv4] Region of residence (NUTS3)

[bv5] Respondent's basic education

[bv6] Respondent's vocational education

[bv7] Respondent's economic activity

[bv8] Respondent's trade union membership

[bv9] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the candidate of which political party would you vote for?

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