FSD2403 Pregnancy and Childbirth Stories 2001-2007

Aineisto on käytettävissä (C) vain tutkimukseen ja ylempiin opinnäytteisiin (esim. väitöstutkimukseen, pro graduun ja ylemmän AMK-tutkinnon opinnäytetyöhön). Aineistoa ei saa käyttää opetukseen, opiskeluun (esim. harjoitustöihin) tai alempiin opinnäytteisiin.

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Pregnancy and Childbirth Stories 2001-2007



Pysyvät tunnisteet


Aineiston laatu

Kvalitatiivinen aineisto


  • Homanen, Riikka (University of Tampere. Department of Women's Studies)
  • Kaartamo, Anna (University of Tampere. Department of Social Psychology)

Sisällön kuvaus

The data contain material from two separate studies. The first study (study A) was conducted by Riikka Homanen and is about the way women perceive their first pregnancies and births. The second study (study B) is about women who were pregnant and had symptoms of post-natal depression (even self-diagnosed). The data in both studies consist of stories which the participants wrote and sent to the researchers through mail or e-mail. In both studies, there was a strong emphasis on the experiences of the participants.

The dataset is only available in Finnish.


childbirth; infants; mothers; postnatal depression; pregnancy



Individual datasets


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (C) available only for research including master's theses.


  • Homanen, Riikka (University of Tampere. Department of Women's Studies)
  • Kaartamo, Anna (University of Tampere. Department of Social Psychology)

Aineistonkeruun ajankohta

  • 2001 – 2003
  • 2006 – 2007







Media unit: Text


Study A: women who had given birth for the first time in their lives. Study B: women who had experienced post-natal depression after childbirth.

Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus


Havainto/aineistoyksiköiden valinta

Non-probability: Availability

The data for both studies were collected by advertising them in newspapers/magazines and on email lists. Participants were asked to write freely about their experiences of childbirth and postpartum depression (study B). Study A was conducted between 2001 and 2002 as well as in 2003. Study B was conducted at the end of 2006 and early 2007.

Aineistonkeruun tekniikka

Self-administered writings and/or diaries: E-mail

Self-administered writings and/or diaries: Paper

Keruuväline tai –ohje

Data collection guidelines: Self-administered writings guide

Aineiston määrä

There are 23 RTF files in study A, totalling approximately 92 pages. There are 7 RTF files in study B, 29 pages in total.

Datatiedostojen kieli

Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: suomi.

Kvalitatiiviset aineistot ovat saatavilla vain alkuperäiskielellä, niitä ei käännetä.

Datan versio



The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.


Homanen, Riikka (University of Tampere) & Kaartamo, Anna (University of Tampere): Pregnancy and Childbirth Stories 2001-2007 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2022-03-30). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2403

Julkaisusta tiedottaminen

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Julkaisut aineistosta Tooltip

Homanen, Riikka (2005). Ruudun takaa, ruumiin lävitse. Kulttuuriset ruumiit, subjektit ja toimijat ensiraskauden ruumiintarinassa. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiologian pro gradu -tutkielma.

Homanen, Riikka (2007). Yksilösubjektin ruumiillisuus ensiraskaudessa. Sosiologia 44: 4,297-313.

Haavanlammi, Anna (2020). Raskausaikana tapahtuvien kehon muutosten yhteys kehonkuvaan. Pro gradu-tutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto. Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta. Terveystieteet, hoitotiede.

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Creative Commons License
Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.