FSD3011 Vitality 90+ Survey 2007

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Vitality 90+ Survey 2007



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  • Jylhä, Marja (University of Tampere. Tampere School of Public Health)
  • Hervonen, Antti (University of Tampere. Tampere School of Public Health)

Muut tekijät

  • Other researchers working in the project.

Sisällön kuvaus

The survey studied longevity and the oldest-old by charting the care, everyday life, and physical activity and capability of people aged 90 and over living in Tampere.

The respondents who lived at home were asked who they lived with, whether someone helped them at home, who helped them the most with everyday tasks, whether a housekeeper or home helper visited them regularly, whether they spent most of the day on their feet, sitting down or in bed, and whether they thought it is a good thing for a person to live to be 100 years old.

The rest of the questions were asked from both those respondents who lived at home as well as the ones living in residential care. These questions surveyed when the respondents had last been out of the house/apartment/room, whether they used any mobility aids when moving about outside, how well the respondents were able to move and do everyday activities (e.g. walk 400 metres, use the stairs, dress and undress, and get in and out of bed), what their health status was like, and which illnesses diagnosed by a doctor they had. Finally, the respondents were asked when they had last met their children, when they had last talked on the phone with someone close to them as well as whether they thought old people were respected and whether the circumstances of old people were better or worse than before.

There were two background variables, which charted where the respondent had been at the time of responding (e.g. ordinary home, old people's home, hospital) and who had responded or aided in responding to the survey; the respondent him/herself, a family member, relative or acquaintance, or a home helper.


ageing; care of dependants; care of the elderly; elderly; health; home help; old age; physical mobility; residential care; social interaction



Vitality 90+


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (D) available only by permission from the data depositor/creator.


  • University of Tampere. Tampere School of Public Health

Ajallinen kattavuus


Aineistonkeruun ajankohta

winter 2007 ( 2007 )




Finland, Tampere




Elderly people aged 90 and over in Tampere

Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus

Longitudinal: Cohort/Event-based

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section


Total universe/Complete enumeration

The size of the population was 1,147 people, out of whom 944 participated in the survey.


Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Keruuväline tai –ohje

Structured questionnaire



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Datan versio


Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa

Two separate questionnaires were used in data collection - one for the elderly people living at home and the other for those in residential care. Variables in the data marked with the letter K refer to questions asked only from people living at home while the rest of the questions were asked from both groups.

Due to privacy reasons, case IDs in the variable [koodi] were irreversibly changed at the Archive. The case IDs were randomised so that the same ID was assigned to the same respondent in each collection round he/she participated.


There are no weight variables in the data.


The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.


Jylhä, Marja (University of Tampere) & Hervonen, Antti (University of Tampere): Vitality 90+ Survey 2007 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2015-12-22). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3011

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Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

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Publications related to the data are not specified for each individual dataset. The list of publications covers publications based on all datasets in the Vitality 90+ project.

Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (1999). Functional status and need of help among people aged 90 or over: a mailed survey with a total home-dwelling population. Scand J Public Health 2: 106-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/14034948990270021001

Lumme-Sandt, Kirsi & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (2000). Interpretative repertoires of medication among the oldest-old. Soc Sci Med 50, 1843-1850.

Jolanki,Outi & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen Antti (2000). Old age as a necessity and as a free choice. Age talk in the life story interviews with nonagenarians. J Aging Stud 14, 359-372.

Wang, Xiu-Yun & Hurme, Mikko & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (2001). Lack of association between human longevity and polymorphism of IL-1-cluster, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-alpha genes in Finnish nonagenarians. Mech Ageing Dev 123(1):29-38.

Tolvanen, Eija & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (2001). Alcohol use and health in biographical interviews with people aged 90 or over. In Tester S, Archibald C, Rowlings C and Turner S (eds.) Quality in Later Life: Rights, Rhetoric and Reality, pp. 92-94. Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology, 30th Annual Conference, Stirling.

Niemi, Anna-Kaisa & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Jylhä, Marja & Majamaa, Kari (2003). Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism associated with longevity in a Finnish population. Human Genetics 112:29-33.

Goebeler, Sirkka & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (2003). Medical history, cognitive status and mobility at the age of 90. A population-based study in Tampere, Finland. Aging Clin Exp Res 15(2): 154-161.

Saarela, Marika S. & Lehtimaki, Terho & Rinne, Juha O. & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja & Röytta, Matias & Ahonen, Jukka-Pekka & Mattila, Kari M. (2004). Interaction between matrix metalloproteinase 3 and the 4 allele of apolipoprotein E increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in Finns.Neurosci Lett. 9;367(3):336-9.

Goebeler, Sirkka & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (2004). Use of hospitals at age 90. A population-based study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 39(1):93-102.

Hurme, Mikko & Lehtimäki, Terho & Jylhä, Marja & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Hervonen, Antti (2005). Interleukin-6-17G/C polymorphism and longevity: a follow-up study. Mech Ageing Dev 126:417-418.

Lehtimäki, Terho, Ojala Petri, Rontu Riikka, Goebeler, Sirkka, Karhunen, Pekka J. & Jylhä, Marja & Mattila, Kari & Metso, Saara & Jokela, Hannu & Nikkilä, Matti & Wuolijoki, Erkki & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme Mikko (2005). Interleukin-6 modulates plasma cholesterol and C-reactive protein concentrations in nonagenarians. J Am Geriatr Soc. 53:1552-1558.

Tolvanen, Eija & Jylhä, Marja (2005). Alcohol in life story interviews with people aged 90 or over in Finland: Stories of gendered morality. J Aging Stud 19:419-435.

Rontu, Riikka & Ojala, Petri & Hervonen, Antti & Goebeler, Sirkka & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Nikkilä, Matti & Kunnas, Tarja & Jylhä, Marja & Eklund, Carita & Hurme, Mikko & Lehtimäki, Terho (2006). Apolipoprotein E genotype is related to plasma levels of C-reactive protein and lipids and to longevity in nonagenarians. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf.) 64(3); 265-270.

Pertovaara, Marja & Raitala, Annika & Lehtimaki, Terho & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Oja, Simo S. & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2006). Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity in nonagenarians is markedly increased and predicts mortality. Mech Ageing Dev 127 (5): 497-499.

Jylhä Marja & Luukkaala, Tiina (2006). Social determinants of mortality in the oldest-old. In: The Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and the Growth of the Oldest-old Population. pp. 271-295. Eds. J-M Robine, EM Crimmins, S Horiuchi, Z Yi. Springer.

Lehtimaki, Terho & Hervonen, Antti & Rontu, Riikka & Karhunen, Pekka & Jylhä, Marja & Hurme, Mikko (2007). Survival related to plasma C-reactive protein in nonagenarians in modified by apolipropotein E genotype. Clin Chem 53(2): 365-7.

Goebeler, Sirkka & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti (2007). Self-reported medical history and self-rated health at age 90. Agreement with medical records. Aging Clinical Exp Res 19:213-219.

Jylhä, Marja & Paavilainen, Paula & Lehtimäki ,Terho & Goebeler, Sirkka & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2007). Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein as predictors of mortality in nonagenarians: The Vitality 90+ Study. J Gerontol Med Sci 62A(9): 1016-1021.

Hurme, Mikko & Korkki, S. & Lehtimäki, Terho & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Pertovaara, Marja (2007). Autoimmunity and longevity: Presence of antinuclear antibodies is not associated with the rate of inflammation or mortality in nonagenarians. Mech Ageing Dev 128:407-408.

Hurme, Mikko & Kivimäki, Mika & Pertovaara, Marja & Lehtimäki, Terho & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Eklund, C (2007). CRP gene is involved in the regulation of human longevity: a follow-up study in Finnish nonagenarians. Mech Ageing Dev. 2007 Oct;128(10):574-6.

Jylhävä, Juulia & Eklund, Carita & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Lehtimäki, Terho & Karhunen, Pekka & Hurme, Mikko (2008). Complement factor H 402His variant confers an increased mortality risk in Finnish nonagenarians: The Vitality 90+ study. Exp Gerontol. 44(4):297-292, 2009. Epub 26Oct.

Tiainen, Kristina & Hurme, Mikko & Hervonen, Antti & Luukkaala, Tiina & Jylhä, Marja (2010). Inflammatory markers and physical performance among nonagenarians. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 65(6):658-63.

Jylhävä, Juulia & Eklund, Carita & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2010). Expression profiling of immune-associated genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells reveal baseline differences in co-stimulatory signalling between nonagenarians and younger controls: Vitality 90+ Study. Biogerontology 11 (6): 671-677.

Jylhävä, Juulia & Kotipelto, Tapio & Raitala, Annika & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2011). Ageing is associated with quantitative and qualitative changes in circulating cell-free DNA: The Vitality 90+ Study. Mech Ageing Dev 132:20-26, 2011, epub ahead of printing. doi:10.1016/j.mad.2010.11.001.

Sarkeala, Tytti & Nummi, Tapio & Vuorisalmi, Merja & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2011). Disability trends among nonagenarians in 2001-2007: Vitality 90 study. Eur J Ageing 8 (2) : 87-94. DOI 10.1007/s10433-011-0188-2.

Marttila, Saara & Jylhävä, Juulia & Eklund, Carita & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja & Hurme, Mikko (2011). Aging-associated increase in indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) activity appears to be unrelated to the transcription of the IDO1 or IDO2 genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Immun Ageing. 2011 Oct 11;8:9. PMID: 21989355. PMCID: PMC3198939.

Marttila, Saara & Jylhävä, Juulia & Pesu, Marko & Hämäläinen, Sanna & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2011). IL-7 concentration is increased in nonagenarians but is not associated with markers of T cell immunosenescence. Exp Gerontol. 2011 Dec;46(12):1000-2. Epub 2011 Sep 22. PMID: 21964236.

Lisko, Inna & Tiainen, Kristiina & Stenholm, Sari & Luukkaala, Tiina & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2011). Body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio as predictors of mortality in nonagenarians: the Vitality 90+ Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011 Nov;66 (11):1244-50. Epub 2011 Aug 22. PMID: 21860016.

Vuorisalmi, Merja & Sarkeala, Tytti & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2012). Among nonagenarians congruence between self-rated health and proxy-rated health was low but both predicted mortality. J Clin Epidemiol 65:553-559. doi: 10 1016/jclinepi.2011.11001.

Jylhävä, Juulia & Jylhä, Marja & Lehtimäki, Terho & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2012). Circulating cell-free DNA is associated with mortality and inflammatory markers in nonagenarians. Exp Gerontol 47(5);372-8,Epub 2012 Mar 3. PMID:22406558.

Nosraty, Lily & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2012). Is there successful aging for nonagenarians? Vitality 90+ study. Journal of Aging Research, 2012;2012:868797. Epub 2012 Oct 16. PMID: 23125931. doi:10.1155/2012/868797.

Lisko, Inna & Tiainen, Kristiina & Stenholm, Sari & Luukkaala, Tiina & Hurme, Mikko & Lehtimäki, Terho & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2013). Are body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio associated with leptin in 90-year-old people? Eur J Clin Nutr. 67(4);420-422, 2013 Feb 27. PMID: 23443829. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2013.39.

Kuparinen, Taru & Marttila, Saara & Jylhävä, Juulia & Tserel, Liina & Peterson, Pärt & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko (2013). Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-dependent and -independent changes in the aging of the human immune system: A transcriptomic analysis. Exp Gerontol. 2013 Jan 2;48(3):305-312. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2012.12.010. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23291591.

Tiainen, Kristiina & Luukkaala, Tiina & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2013). Predictors of mortality in men and women aged 90 years and older: nine-year follow-up. Age & Ageing 42:468-475. doi:10.1093/ageing/aft030t PubMed.

Enroth, Linda & Raitanen, Jani & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2013). Do socioeconomic health differences persist in nonagenarians. J Gerontol Psych Sci Soc Sci. 68(5):837-847. doi: 10.1093/geronh/gbt067.

Galenkamp, Henrike & Deeg, Dorly, J.H. & Huisman, Martjin & Hervonen, Antti & Braam, Arjan & Jylhä, Marja (2013). Is self-rated health still sensitive for changes in disease and functioning among nonagenarians? J Gerontol Psych Sci Soc Sci 68(5):848-858. doi: 10.1093/geronh/gbt066.

Marttila, Saara & Jylhävä, Juulia & Nevalainen, Tapio & Nykter, Matti & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Tserel, Liina & Peterson, Pärt & Hurme, Mikko (2013). Transcriptional Analysis Reveals Gender-Specific Changes in the Aging of the Human Immune System. PLos One 2013, Jun 11;8(6). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066229.

Kämppä, Niko & Mäkelä, Kari-Matti & Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka & Peltonen, Nina & Hautamäki, Jussi & Seppälä, Ilkka & Mononen, Nina & Goebeler, Sirkka & Karhunen, Pekka J. & Hervonen, Antti & Hurme, Mikko & Jylhä, Marja & Lehtimäki, Terho (2013). Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, soluble FAS and hepatocyte growth factor as predictors of mortality in nonagenarians: The Vitality 90+ Study. Experimental Gerontology 48:1167-1177.

Jylhä, Marja & Enroth, Linda & Luukkaala, Tiina (2013). Trends of functioning and health in nonagenarians-the Vitality 90+ Study. In Robine JM, Jagger C, Crimmins E. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, vol 33. "Healthy Longevity". Springer Publishing Company, pp-313-332. https://doi.org/10.1891/0198-8794.33.313

Marttila, Saara & Jylhävä, Juulia & Kananen, Laura & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja & Hurme, Mikko (2014). Molecular mechanisms associetd with the strength of the anti-CMV response in nonagenarians. Immunity & Ageing 11;2. doi 10.1186/1742-4933-11-2.

Enroth, Linda & Raitanen, Jani & Hervonen, Antti & Nostraty, Lily & Jylhä, Marja (2014). Is socioeconomic status a predictor of mortality in nonagenarians? The Vitality 90+ study. Age and Ageing 44(1):123-9. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afu092.

Jylhävä, Juulia & Raitanen, Jani & Marttila, Saara & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja & Hurme, Mikko (2014). Identification of a prognostic signature for old-age mortality by integrating genome-wide transcriptomic data with the conventional predictors: the Vitality 90+ Study. BMC Medical Genomics 11;7:54. doi: 10.1186/1755-8794-7-54.

Lisko, Inna & Stenholm, Sari & Raitanen, Jani & Hurme, Mikko & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja & Tiainen, Kristiina (2014). Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference With Physical Functioning: The Vitality 90+ Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014 Nov 13. pii: glu202. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25394617.

Nosraty, Lily & Enroth, Linda & Raitanen, Jani & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2015). Do successful agers live longer? The Vitality 90+ Study. J Ageing Health 27;1: 35-53. doi: 10:1177/0898264314535804.

Nosraty, Lily & Jylhä, Marja & Raittila, Taina & Lumme-Sandt, Kirsi (2015). Perceptions by the oldest old of successful aging, Vitality 90+ Study. J Aging Stud. 2015 Jan; 32:50-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaging.2015.01.002. PMID: 25661856.

Marttila, Saara & Nevalainen, Tapio & Kananen, Laura & Jylhävä, Juulia & Jylhä, Marja & Hervonen, Antti & Ilonen, Jorma & Hurme, Mikko (2015). Number of sons contributes to ageing-associated inflammation. Sci Rep. 2015 Feb 27;5:8631. doi: 10.1038/srep08631. PMID: 25721217. PMCID: PMC4342565.

Pirhonen, Jari & Ojala, Hanna & Lumme-Sandt, Kirsi & Pietilä, Ilkka (2015). "Old but not that old": Finnish community dwelling people aged 90+ negotiating their autonomy. Ageing and Society. Published online: 03 June 2015. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X15000525.

Jylhä, Marja & Pirttiniemi, Eija & Hervonen, Antti (1997). Vanhoista vanhimmat - tutkimuksen uusi haaste. Tervaskanto 90+ tutkimuksen peruskartoitus. Gerontologia 11(1): 43-52.

Juurinen, Päivi & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (1998). Kapina lapsen silmin. Kansalaissota vanhoista vanhimpien elämäkerroissa. Gerontologia 12(3): 119-125.

Junttila, Merja & Lintonen, Tomi & Jylhä, Marja (2002). Hyvin vanhojen vertailevat terveysarviot ja niiden selittäjät. Sos.lääket.Aikak.l. 39:42-50.

Jylhä, Marja & Vuorisalmi, Merja & Luukkaala, Tiina & Sarkeala, Tytti & Hervonen, Antti (2009). Elinikä pitenee nopeammin kuin toimintakyky paranee. 90-vuotiaiden ja sitä vanhempien toimintakyvyn muutokset vuosina 1996-2007. Suom Lääkäril. 64(25):2285-2290.

Helminen, Sanna & Sarkeala, Tytti & Enroth, Linda & Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja (2012). Vanhoista vanhimpien terveys ja elämätilanne. Tuloksia vuoden 2010 Tervaskannot 90+- tutkimuksesta. Gerontologia 26(3):162-171. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:uta-201702131130

Tervaskannot: Kuinka selviytyä hengissä ensimmäiset 90 vuotta? (1996). Toim. Hervonen, Antti & Jylhä, Marja & Oinonen, Tuuli. Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä.

Enroth L, Fors S 2021. Trends in the social class inequalities in disability and self-rated health: Repeated cross-sectional surveys from Finland and Sweden 2001-2018. International Journal of Public Health, (66), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2021.645513

Enroth L, Pulkki J 2021. Aistivaikeudet, arki ja toimintakyky 90 vuotta täyttäneillä. Gerontologia 35(2), 121-137. https://doi.org/10.23989/gerontologia.96102 (Sensory difficulties, everyday life and functional ability among people aged 90+)

Enroth L, Raitanen J, Halonen P, Tiainen K, Jylhä M 2021. Trends of Physical Functioning, Morbidity, and Disability-Free Life Expectancy Among the Oldest Old: Six Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys Between 2001 and 2018 in the Vitality 90+ Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 76(7), 1227-1233. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glaa144

Raitanen J, Stenholm S, Tiainen K, Jylhä M, Nevalainen J 2020. Longitudinal change in physical functioning and dropout due to death among the oldest old: a comparison of three methods of analysis. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 207-216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-019-00533-x

Enroth L, Veenstra M, Aartsen M, Kjaer AA, Juul Nilsson C, Fors S 2019. Are there educational disparities in health among the oldest old? Evidence from the Nordic countries. European Journal of Ageing, 16, 415-424. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-019-00517-x

Halonen P, Raitanen J, Enroth L, Jämsen E, Jylhä M 2019. Chronic conditions and multimorbidity in population aged 90 years and over: associations with mortality and long-term care admission. Age and Ageing, 48(4), 564-570. https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afz019

Hoogendijk EO, van der Noordt M, Onwuteaka-Philipsen Bregje D, Deeg Dorly JH, Huisman M, Enroth L, Jylhä M 2019. Sex differences in healthy life expectancy among nonagenarians: A multistate survival model using data from Vitality 90+ study. Experimental Gerontology, 116, 80-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exger.2018.12.015

Jylhä M, Enroth L, Halonen P 2019. Vanhoista vanhimpien terveys ja toimintakyky. Duodecim, 135(11), 1085-1091. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:tuni-201911125883

Enroth L, Aaltonen M, Raitanen J, Nosraty L, Jylhä M 2018. Does use of long-term care differ between occupational classes among the oldest old? Vitality 90+ Study. European Journal of Ageing, 15, 143-153. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-017-0445-0

Halonen, P, Enroth, L, Jylhä, M, Tiainen K 2017. Pitkäaikaissairaudet ja monisairastavuus hyvin vanhoilla sekä niiden yhteys toimintakykyyn ja itse arvioituun terveyteen-Tervaskannot 90+ -tutkimus. Gerontologia 31(4), 269-281. https://doi.org/10.23989/gerontologia.65943

Kauppi M, Raitanen J, Stenholm S, Aaltonen M, Enroth L, Jylhä M 2017. Predictors of long-term care among nonagenarians: the Vitality 90 + Study with linked data of the care registers. Aging clinical and experimental research, 30(8), 913-919. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-017-0869-6

Lisko, I, Tiainen, K, Raitanen, J, Jylhävä, J, Hurme, M, Hervonen, A, Stenholm, S 2017. Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference as Predictors of Disability in Nonagenarians: The Vitality 90+ Study. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 72(11), 1569-1574. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glx032

Nosraty L, Pulkki J, Raitanen J, Enroth L, Jylhä M 2017. Successful Aging as a Predictor of Long-Term Care Among Oldest Old: The Vitality 90+ Study. Journal of applied gerontology: the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 38(4), 553-571. https://doi.org/10.1177/0733464817716968

Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A, Nosraty L, Jylhä M 2015. Is Socioeconomic Status a Predictor of Mortality in Nonagenarians? The Vitality 90+ Study. Age and Ageing, 44(1), 123-129. https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afu092

Lisko I, Stenholm S, Raitanen J, Hurme M, Hervonen A, Jylhä M, Tiainen K 2015. Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference With Physical Functioning: The Vitality 90+ Study. Journal of Gerontology A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 70(7), 885-891. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glu202

Tiainen K, Raitanen J, Vaara E, Hervonen A, Jylhä M 2015. Longitudinal changes in mobility among nonagenarians: the Vitality 90+ Study. Bmc Geriatrics, 15(124), [124]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-015-0116-y

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