FSD3182 Employment Survey of Tampere University Graduates 2015
Aineisto on käytettävissä (B) tutkimukseen, opetukseen ja opiskeluun.
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Muunkieliset kuvailuversiot
Aineistoon liittyvät tiedostot
- Berg, Leena (University of Tampere. School of Information Sciences. Statistics)
- Kurlin, Ari (University of Tampere. Career Services)
- Markkola, Mikko (University of Tampere. Study Services)
- Ollikainen, Jyrki (University of Tampere. School of Information Sciences. Statistics)
appointment to job, career development, educational certificates, employment opportunities, graduates, higher education institutions, labour and employment, labour force, tertiary education (first stage)
Sisällön kuvaus
The survey charted the employment situation and job placement of persons who had graduated with either a Master's degree or a Licentiate of Medicine degree from the University of Tampere in 2015. The survey was divided into four different parts; current employment status and employment history, factors affecting employment, happiness with the employment situation and the degree programs and happiness with the alumni activity in the University of Tampere.
The first part of the survey charted the current employment and the employment history of the participants. This included questions about the type and length of current employment and the type of employment the participants had during their studies. The second part of the survey charted which factors had been the most important in obtaining their current job and which factors may have hindered or prevented them from finding a job. The participants were also asked about the channels they used when looking for work
In the third part of the survey the participants were asked about their happiness with their current employment situation and their view on how their job corresponded with their education. The participants were also asked about their satisfaction with the degree programs at the University of Tampere. Their survey also investigated their views on whether their education had provided them with useful skills and abilities (e.g. information seeking skills, social skills, language skills, problem solving skills, skills related to participant's field of study) that were relevant in their current job. Finally the participants were asked about their future plans for studying and their satisfaction with the Alumni activity at the University of Tampere.
Background variables included the respondent's gender, region, and information on the degree (degree programme, faculty, field of study, possible previous degree and the year the studies began).
Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa
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