FSD3288 Yhteiskunnalliset erot nyky-Venäjällä 2015

Aineistosta ei ole saatavilla muuttujatietoja valitulla kuvailukielellä.

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[fsd_no] Aineistonumero (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_vr] Aineistoversio (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_id] Havaintotunnus (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[q1] Talking about the past. In which settlement did you live most of your time before you turned 16?

[q2_1] Please, recall your childhood, the period of your life when you under 16. Who in that period played the role of a breadwinner in your family, who brought to the family the biggest part of its income?

[q2_2] Please, recall your childhood, the period of your life when you under 16. Who in thatperiod played the role of a breadwinner in your family, who brought to the family the biggest part of its income?

[q3] Choose the first of these people. Let it be someone who brought the bigger part of income into your family. Who was that?

[q4] What was this person's occupation most of his or her working time?

[q5] What was his or her occupation's branch of economy/industry?

[q6] And now, name the second breadwinner of your family.

[q7] What was his or her occupation's branch of economy?

[q8] Was any of your family members a member of the CPSU?

[q9_1] Which member of your family, including you, was a CPSU member in Soviet times?

[q9_2] Which member of your family, including you, was a CPSU member in Soviet times?

[q9_3] Which member of your family, including you, was a CPSU member in Soviet times?

[q9_4] Which member of your family, including you, was a CPSU member in Soviet times?

[q10] What is your educational level?

[q11_1] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Secondary school

[q11_2] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Vocational school

[q11_3] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Art school, ballet, music school

[q11_4] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Technicum

[q11_5] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Worker's faculty, rabfak

[q11_6] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Pre-university preparation course

[q11_7] How many years did you study at the following institutions? University

[q11_8] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Master's course

[q11_9] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Post-graduate, doctoral studies

[q11_10] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Refreshing course

[q11_11] How many years did you study at the following institutions? Training course

[q12] What was/is your father's educational level?

[q13] What was/is your mothers' educational level?

[q14] What was your first permanent job? What was your occupation and position on your workplace?

[q15] How many years were you then?

[q16] Where did you live then?

[q17] In what branch of industry did you work then?

[q18_1] How did you find your first job?

[q18_2] How did you find your first job?

[q19] Are you employed at present?

[q20] Why are you not employed now?

[q21] What is your way of employment? Do you work in an organization or are you self-employed?

[q22_1] Why are you working independently/self-employed?

[q22_2] Why are you working independently/self-employed?

[q23] What is your main occupation at present?

[q24] What is your branch of economy?

[q25] What are your relations with the employer?

[q26_1] How did you get this job?

[q26_2] How did you get this job?

[q27] How many years have you been working at this work place?

[q28] What is this organization?

[q29] How many people work there?

[q30] Did you change your job in the last 10 years?

[q31] Do you have a second job?

[q32] What is the work?

[q33] What is the branch of economy of your second job?

[q34] Does your work allow you to decide yourself how and what to do, and fulfil your own ideas?

[q35] To what extent does your work allow you to determine the nature of the product or service produced by you?

[q36] To what extent can you determine how to work, at what pace, at what time?

[q37] To what extent does your work require new ideas and non-standard solutions from you?

[q38] To what extent do you have the opportunity to plan your work?

[q39] To what extend does your work allow you to use your skills/qualifications and knowledge?

[q40] To what extent does your work correspond to the specialty that you received in educational institution?

[q41] At your workplace, how much do you think is the propotion of those who, working in the same position as you, will receive a promotion in the next five years?

[q42] How many hours per week do you work at your main work place?

[q43] In this work place, how often do you get physically tired?

[q44] In this work place, how often do you get mentally tired?

[q45] In this work place, how often do you have to accelerate your work pace?

[q46_1] In this work place, who generally makes decisions on the following issues? When to come to work

[q46_2] In this work place, who generally makes decisions on the following issues? When to leave work

[q46_3] In this work place, who generally makes decisions on the following issues? When to take a one day paid leave

[q46_4] In this work place, who generally makes decisions on the following issues? Which tasks to accomplish

[q46_5] In this work place, who generally makes decisions on the following issues? When to slow the pace of work

[q46_6] In this work place, who generally makes decisions on the following issues? When to go on vacation

[q47] To which of the following categories do you belong?

[q48] How many people work under your direct supervision?

[q49] Imagine a ladder of six steps. At the highest step is the director of the enterprise, at the lowest an ordinary worker. Which step are you on?

[q50] Does your official duty at the main place of work include managing subordinates or appointing other people for any type of work?

[q51_1] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Hiring employees

[q51_2] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Dismissing employees

[q51_3] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Determining tasks to perform

[q51_4] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Selecting materials

[q51_5] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Determining the volume of work

[q51_6] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Distributing the enterprise budget

[q51_7] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Setting the pay level

[q51_8] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Imposing sanctions

[q51_9] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Buying equipment

[q51_10] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Determining the variety of goods and services

[q51_11] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Deciding to take credit

[q51_12] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Deciding partners of the enterprise

[q51_13] To what extent do you participate in the following issues regarding employees in your unit or the enterprise as a whole? Work results evaluation

[q52_1] Are the following tasks included in your primary job obligations? Determining work tasks for employees, assigning them to any type of work

[q52_2] Are the following tasks included in your primary job obligations? Selecting instruments or materials to be used by other workers

[q52_3] Are the following tasks included in your primary job obligations? Determining the pace of work for others

[q52_4] Are the following tasks included in your primary job obligations? Determing the duration of work for others

[q52_5] Are the following tasks included in your primary job obligations? Determining the volume of work for others

[q52_6] Are the following tasks included in your primary job obligations? Evaluation of quality of work accomplished

[q53_1] Can you influence the solution of the following questions? Promoting and raising salary for other workers

[q53_2] Can you influence the solution of the following questions? Blocking salary raise for other worker

[q53_3] Can you influence the solution of the following questions? Dismissing other workers

[q53_4] Can you influence the solution of the following questions? Reprimanding other workers

[q53_5] Can you influence the solution of the following questions? Other types of incentives or punishments

[q53_6] Can you influence the solution of the following questions? Evaluation of work performed

[q54_1] How have the following characteristics of your workplace changed over the past five years? Possibility to use your own skills, qualification, knowledge

[q54_2] How have the following characteristics of your workplace changed over the past five years? Salary level

[q54_3] How have the following characteristics of your workplace changed over the past five years? Relations between managers and workers

[q54_4] How have the following characteristics of your workplace changed over the past five years? Social benefits

[q54_5] How have the following characteristics of your workplace changed over the past five years? A possibility to get a raise

[q54_6] How have the following characteristics of your workplace changed over the past five years? Technical provision

[q55] Is there a trade union at your enterprise?

[q56_1] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Hiring new employees

[q56_2] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Dismissing employees

[q56_3] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Fines, penalties, sanctions

[q56_4] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Salary, guarantees and compensation

[q56_5] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Workplace security

[q56_6] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Working conditions

[q56_7] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Getting benefits stipulated by the labor contract

[q56_8] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Fullfilling worker dismissal guarantees

[q56_9] Determine the degree of influence of the trade union on the solution of the following questions. Working hours and leisure

[q57] Is the respondent a trade union member?

[q58] Have you been unemployed since 2008?

[q59] Has the respondent been dismissed since 2008?

[q60_1] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Received compensation from employers since 2008?

[q60_2] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent been in petty trade since 2008?

[q60_3] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent received any benefits from federal or local authorities?

[q60_4] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent done any menial jobs since 2008?

[q60_5] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent sold any of his things since 2008?

[q60_6] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent lived on his savings since 2008?

[q60_7] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent got a bank credit since 2008?

[q60_8] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent got any material support from relatives since 2008?

[q60_9] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent got any material assistance from their friends since 2008?

[q60_10] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent lived off his landplot or farmland since 2008?

[q60_11] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Has the respondent got a new job immediately?

[q60_12] How did you manage to survive in this situation? How did you provide yourself and your family financially? Other

[q61] What is your family status?

[q62] Where does your spouse work?

[q63] Do you have children?

[q64] How many children?

[q65] How many of them are underage?

[q66] How many of them are in school age?

[q67] Who primarily takes care of them in the daytime?

[q68] How many members of your family, including you, live under the same roof?

[q69_1] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_2] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_3] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_4] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_5] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_6] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_7] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_8] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q69_9] Which members of your family live with you under the same roof?

[q70] Do you have to take care of elderly members of your family - your parents or the spouse's parents?

[q71_1] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to a concert or theater

[q71_2] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to libraries

[q71_3] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Visiting local leisure centres

[q71_4] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to cafes, bars, pubs

[q71_5] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Visiting friends, relatives

[q71_6] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Receiving friends, relatives

[q71_7] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to the cinema

[q71_8] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going to a restaurant

[q71_9] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Taking up sports, training

[q71_10] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Drinking in the company of friends

[q71_11] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Going outdoors

[q71_12] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Visiting social networks

[q71_13] How often do you spend time on the following pastimes? Playing computer games

[q72_1] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Main job salary

[q72_2] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Second job salary

[q72_3] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Relatives' assistance

[q72_4] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Selling landplot yields

[q72_5] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Selling nature products

[q72_6] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Small scale trade

[q72_7] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Pensions, social benefits

[q72_8] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Renting out an apartment

[q72_9] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Interest on bank deposits

[q72_10] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Savings

[q72_11] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Investment in bonds and shares

[q72_12] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Occasional work

[q72_13] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Charity

[q72_14] How important to your family are the following sources of income? Other

[q73] If you work, how is your work paid at your main work place?

[q74] What is your total monthly income, including all sources? (rubles)

[q75] What is the total monthly income of your family, including all sources? (rubles)

[q76_1] Which state benefits do you receive? Unemployment benefit

[q76_2] Which state benefits do you receive? Child benefit

[q76_3] Which state benefits do you receive? Allowance for adopted children

[q76_4] Which state benefits do you receive? Housing benefits

[q76_5] Which state benefits do you receive? Allowance for the handicapped

[q76_6] Which state benefits do you receive? Pensions

[q76_7] Which state benefits do you receive? Medicine purchase benefit

[q76_8] Which state benefits do you receive? Other

[q77] Have you received maternity capital in the last 5 years?

[q78_1] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Faster access to housing

[q78_2] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Kindergarten

[q78_3] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged access to rest homes or sanatoria

[q78_4] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged food pricing in a cafeteria

[q78_5] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Work clothes

[q78_6] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Coverage of travel to workplace and back

[q78_7] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged access to food products

[q78_8] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Privileged access to consumer goods

[q78_9] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Holiday payment

[q78_10] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Sick leave payment

[q78_11] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Medical insurance

[q78_12] Which of the following social benefits do you get at your workplace now? Covering education costs

[q79] What are your living conditions?

[q80] What is the total area of the house or apartment in which you live? (square metres)

[q81] I will read to you characteristics of several groups. Which one do you relate to?

[q82] How has your financial situation changed since 2010?

[q83] Has your marital status changed since 2010?

[q84_1] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Medical drugs

[q84_2] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Food

[q84_3] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Hobbies, leisure

[q84_4] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Travel

[q84_5] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Big buys (a car)

[q84_6] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Small buys (clothes)

[q84_7] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Children education

[q84_8] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Communal payments

[q84_9] How have the following expenses of your family changed this year, compared to 2010? Tax payments

[q85] What do you expect from the future? How do you assume your financial situation will change in the next three years?

[q86_1] How do you and your family receive medical services? We go to a local polyclinic or hospital

[q86_2] How do you and your family receive medical services? We use medical services provided by workplace

[q86_3] How do you and your family receive medical services? We go to private clinics and specialists

[q86_4] How do you and your family receive medical services? We get referral to the clinics of Moscow and other cities

[q86_5] How do you and your family receive medical services? We use services of healers and psychics

[q86_6] How do you and your family receive medical services? We go abroad for treatment

[q86_7] How do you and your family receive medical services? We independently search for medicines and methods of treatment on the internet

[q86_8] How do you and your family receive medical services? Other

[q87] Do you always receive fully the medical care that you need?

[q88_1] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? Doctors services too expensive

[q88_2] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? Staying in a hospital too expensive

[q88_3] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? No specialists of the needed profile

[q88_4] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? Clinics are too far from my place of residence

[q88_5] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? No necessary equipment

[q88_6] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? Hard to get a permission for examination

[q88_7] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? No medical insurance

[q88_8] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? Specialists' low skills

[q88_9] How often the following reasons make it difficult for you to get medical care? My insurance works only in my region

[q89] Do you use the internet?

[q90_1] Where do you usually get access to internet?

[q90_2] Where do you usually get access to internet?

[q90_3] Where do you usually get access to internet?

[q90_4] Where do you usually get access to internet?

[q91_1] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Payment of communal and other payments

[q91_2] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Buying food products

[q91_3] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Communication with authority

[q91_4] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Entertainment and games

[q91_5] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Reading newspapers and magazines

[q91_6] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Reading news sites

[q91_7] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Receiving and sending email

[q91_8] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Communicating by Skype, video calls to relatives and friends

[q91_9] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Spending time on Facebook network

[q91_10] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Spending time on Vkontakte network

[q91_11] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Spending time on Twitter

[q91_12] How often do you use the internet for the following purposes? Spending time on Livejournal

[q92_1] Which of the following did you have to do in the last seven days? Read newspaper that wasn't distributed for free

[q92_2] Which of the following did you have to do in the last seven days? Read a journal

[q92_3] Which of the following did you have to do in the last seven days? Listened to the radio

[q92_4] Which of the following did you have to do in the last seven days? Watched TV

[q93_1] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Signed a petition

[q93_2] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Participated in public organization congresses or conferences

[q93_3] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Participated in a strike

[q93_4] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Participated in a demonstration or protest march

[q93_5] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Participated in festive events and festivities on the Victory day

[q93_6] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Participated in a rally

[q93_7] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Wrote a letter to a newspaper

[q93_8] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Participated in the election team of one of the candidates

[q93_9] In which of the following events did you take part in 2013-2014? Voted in local elections

[q94_1] Which organisations do you participate in? Charity organizations

[q94_2] Which organisations do you participate in? Religious organizations, church parishes

[q94_3] Which organisations do you participate in? Cultural and art organizations and groups

[q94_4] Which organisations do you participate in? Trade unions

[q94_5] Which organisations do you participate in? Political parties

[q94_6] Which organisations do you participate in? Minority protection organizations

[q94_7] Which organisations do you participate in? Environmental organizations

[q94_8] Which organisations do you participate in? Veteran organizations

[q94_9] Which organisations do you participate in? Organizations for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities

[q94_10] Which organisations do you participate in? Youth organizations (clubs)

[q94_11] Which organisations do you participate in? Women's organizations

[q94_12] Which organisations do you participate in? Sports clubs and unions

[q94_13] Which organisations do you participate in? Consumer organizations

[q94_14] Which organisations do you participate in? Formal or informal gatherings or tenants or courtyard meetings

[q94_15] Which organisations do you participate in? Intererest groups (fishermen, hunters etc.)

[q94_16] Which organisations do you participate in? Volunteer organizations

[q94_17] Which organisations do you participate in? National movements and organizations

[q94_18] Which organisations do you participate in? Other clubs or organizations

[q95_1] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Council of the Federation

[q95_2] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? State Duma

[q95_3] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? President of Russia

[q95_4] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Government of Russia

[q95_5] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Regional administration

[q95_6] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Municipal, village administration

[q95_7] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Russian orthodox church

[q95_8] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Army

[q95_9] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Courts

[q95_10] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Police

[q95_11] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Trade unions

[q95_12] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Non-governmental, non-commercial organizations

[q95_13] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Television

[q95_14] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Newspapers

[q95_15] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Banks

[q95_16] To what extent do you trust the following authorities, public organizations or groups? Entrepreneurs

[q96] In general, would you say that you can trust others in your country?

[q97_1] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? The state of health care

[q97_2] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? The state of educational system

[q97_3] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? The work of local administration

[q97_4] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? The work of local social services

[q97_5] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? The work of regional administrations

[q97_6] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? Activities of the State Duma

[q97_7] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? Activities of the government

[q97_8] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? Activities of the President of Russia

[q97_9] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? Activities of opposition parties

[q97_10] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? Police work

[q97_11] In general, how satisfied are you with the work of the following organizations and individuals? Courts

[q98_1] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Income differences are too large in this country

[q98_2] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? The government should provide decent standard of living for the unemployed

[q98_3] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? The government should spend less on benefits for the poor

[q98_4] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? People should take care of themselves, not relying on the government

[q98_5] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? People like me cannot influence on the government decisions

[q98_6] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Entrepreneurs should have more influence on the life of the country

[q98_7] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? A job must be interesting, money is less important

[q98_8] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? A country can develop only if it has honest police, courts and power

[q98_9] To what extent do you agree with the following statements? A few strong patriotic leaders can do more for the country than all laws taken together

[q99_1] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? Because they have been unlucky

[q99_2] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? Because of laziness and lack of will

[q99_3] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? Because our society is unjustly arranged

[q99_4] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? It is inevitable in the modern world

[q99_5] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? They lack talent and abilities

[q99_6] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? It has always been like this in our country

[q99_7] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? Those who have appropriated natural resources are to blame

[q99_8] In your opinion, what are the main reasons why some of our citizens live in poverty? Our government acts in the interests of the rich

[q100_1] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Taking care of children

[q100_2] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Taking care of the elderly

[q100_3] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Taking care of people with disabilities

[q100_4] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Taking care of orphans

[q100_5] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Housing

[q100_6] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Leisure institutions

[q100_7] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Medical care

[q100_8] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Schools

[q100_9] In your opinion, who should provide the following services? Universities

[q101_1] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Rich parents

[q101_2] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Relatives in managerial positions

[q101_3] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Good education

[q101_4] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Useful connections

[q101_5] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Hard work

[q101_6] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Persistence in achieving goals

[q101_7] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Ability to take risks

[q101_8] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Ambition, ability to set high goals

[q101_9] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Inborn intellect

[q101_10] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Living in a capital

[q101_11] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Connections abroad

[q101_12] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Charm, communicative skills

[q101_13] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Correct political views

[q101_14] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Right ethnic backround

[q101_15] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Honesty

[q101_16] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Law abidance

[q101_17] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Independence

[q101_18] How important do you think that the following qualities are for advancing the Russian society? Luck

[q102_1] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between rich and poor

[q102_2] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between young people and the older generation

[q102_3] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between oligarchs and ordinary workers

[q102_4] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between prosperous and disadvantaged families

[q102_5] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between men and women

[q102_6] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? National differences

[q102_7] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Religious differences

[q102_8] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between urban and rural life

[q102_9] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between people with various political views

[q102_10] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between patriots and westernizers

[q102_11] In your opinion, which of the following are threats to your country? Differences between Muscovites and provincial residents

[q103] In your opinion, do you have enough will to drastically change your life if needed?

[q104] How would you like to see Russia in the future?

[q105] Which nationality do you belong to?

[q106] Which language do you consider to be your native language?

[q107] If Russian language is not your native language, how would you rate your Russian skills?

[q108] To what extent do you speak English?

[q109] Are you a believer?

[q110] Which religion do you belong to?

[q111] Which year were you born in?

[bv1] Respondent's sex

[bv2] Type of settlement

[bv3] Age

[bv3_1] Age (classified)

[bv4] Region

[bv5] Wright Class Typology

[bv6] Occupational groups

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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