FSD3435 PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of People Aged 65 and Over 2017-2018

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PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of People Aged 65 and Over 2017-2018



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  • Rissanen, Sari (University of Eastern Finland. Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies)
  • Kannasoja, Sirpa (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Ristolainen, Hanna (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Tiilikainen, Elisa (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Kivitalo, Mari (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Närhi, Kati (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Mäki-Opas, Tomi (University of Eastern Finland. Department of Social Sciences)
  • Vaarama, Marja (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Forma, Leena (Tampere University)
  • Partanen, Jussi
  • Klavus, Jan (Tampere University)
  • Rissanen, Pekka (Tampere University)

Sisällön kuvaus

The survey charted the social participation, mental and physical well-being, use of social and health services, and satisfaction with life of Finnish people aged over 65. The data were collected as part of the Inclusive Promotion of Health and Wellbeing (PROMEQ 2016-2019) research project, which studied population groups that need special support. The aim of the PROMEQ project was to develop and demonstrate novel models of promotion of health and wellbeing. Survey data from the other target groups of the project as well as combined data from all surveys are also available at FSD (FSD3432-FSD3436).

The respondents were assigned into test and control groups. Three surveys were conducted in total: a baseline survey (Questionnaire A) was conducted at the beginning of the research and two follow-up surveys were collected three (Questionnaire B) and six months (Questionnaire C) after the baseline survey. All three surveys are included in this dataset. The test group received social support, guidance, and counselling services, and participated in different inclusive activities. The control group participants were offered conventional services if they sought help. The services offered to the test group included, for instance, inclusive case management aimed at the elderly living at home and at risk of social exclusion because of loneliness or feelings of unsafety. The case management was organised in the form of five group meetings during a six-month period. 6-8 people aged 65 and over, the case manager for the region, and one of the researchers participated in each meeting.

The surveys included many scales and questions used in other studies. Questions were selected, for instance, from the Finnish Youth Surveys, as well as the Regional Health and Well-being Study (ATH) and Welfare and Services in Finland (HYPA) surveys conducted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Most questions included in the baseline survey were repeated in the follow-up surveys.

First, the surveys charted the respondents' living conditions, income, loans and need for financial aid or food assistance. The respondents' health, well-being and quality of life was examined with questions on, for example, how satisfied the respondents were with their health, how much they had enjoyed life in the past two weeks, how safe and secure they felt in their everyday life, and whether they had enough energy and drive for their daily life. Satisfaction with different spheres of life was also surveyed with questions regarding, for example, quality of sleep, capacity to work, relationships, and support received from friends.

Social relationships and trust were examined next. The respondents were asked whether they often felt lonely and whether they had ever been discriminated based on factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, or financial situation. Questions also focused on the respondents' sociability and feelings of belonging (e.g. whether they felt they were a part of a friend group, had much in common with people around them, and could find company when they wanted to, or whether they felt left out and isolated). The respondents' trust in other people and various institutions, such as public health care, the judicial system, and municipal decision-making, was examined. The respondents' opinions on their own opportunities in life were also surveyed (e.g. whether they thought they had good or bad opportunities to strive for happiness in their life and to act according to their conscience). Barriers to social participation were examined, and the respondents were asked whether there were obstacles that prevented them or made it difficult for them to meet other people outside their home (e.g. memory problems, difficulties moving outside, fear of social situations, or poor self-esteem).

Next, big life changes were surveyed. The respondents were asked whether they had experienced any negative or unpleasant changes (e.g. serious illness, losing their partner, decrease in income) or any positive or interesting changes (e.g. finding a new partner or friend, significant improvement in health) in the past year. Participation and interest in events and activities arranged by various organisers, such as pensioners' organisations, parishes, or sports clubs, was also examined. The respondents' general happiness and satisfaction was investigated with statements concerning, for example, whether they knew how they wanted to live their life, had enough joy in their life, and felt useful.

Finally, the respondents' use of social and health services was surveyed. The respondents were asked whether they had visited a doctor or other health or social services professional or received support services (e.g. cooking, cleaning or transport services) in the past 12 months (3 or 6 months in the follow-up survey). Additionally, the respondents were asked whether they had been treated in various health care facilities or bought medication during the past year. Questions also focused on basic social assistance, the respondents' satisfaction with the availability of various social and public services, and the respondents' participation in group activities promoting health and well-being (e.g. weight management groups, AA, NA). The respondents' lifestyle was also examined with questions on their exercise, eating and drinking habits.

Background variables included, among others, the respondent's gender, year of birth, marital status, highest level of education, household composition, and economic activity and occupational status. Additionally, the background information included whether the respondent belonged to the test or control group.


elderly; health services; health status; lifestyle and health; loneliness; old age; participation; public services; quality of life; social inequality; social networks; social services; trust



Individual datasets


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.


  • University of Jyväskylä


  • Academy of Finland

Ajallinen kattavuus

2017 – 2018

Aineistonkeruun ajankohta

2017-03-21 – 2018-04-11




Finland, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Imatra, Outokumpu, Kuopio, Lappeenranta




People aged 65 and over residing in the regions of the South Karelia Social and Health Care District and the joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services, as well as the Kuopio and Jyväskylä regions

Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus

Longitudinal: Cohort/Event-based


Non-probability: Availability

Non-probability: Purposive

The respondents were found through newspaper advertisements and by promoting the opportunity to participate in the study at, for example, day centres for the elderly, parishes, and pharmacies. The respondents were randomly assigned into the test and control groups. The sample size was determined based on a power calculation.


Self-administered questionnaire

Field/Intervention experiment

Keruuväline tai –ohje

Structured questionnaire

Datatiedostojen kieli

Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.

Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: suomi.

Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.

Datan versio


Katso myös

FSD3242 Vocational School Student Survey 2017

FSD3432 PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of Young People not in Employment or Education 2017-2018

FSD3433 PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of the Long-term Unemployed 2016-2018

FSD3434 PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of Immigrants 2017-2018

FSD3436 PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of Vulnerable Groups in Society 2016-2018: Combined Data

Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa

The baseline and follow-up surveys are named in the data matrix as follows: baseline survey variables are marked with the initial a, three-month follow-up survey variables with the initial b and six-month follow-up survey variables with the initial c. The questionnaires are named correspondingly as Questionnaire A, B or C. The respondents may have needed help when completing the questionnaire.

To prevent identification of participants, the data were anonymised as follows: variables a2 and c1 denoting the respondent's age were bottom-coded, and all open-ended responses of the type "other, please specify", with the exception of b25_9a, were removed from the data. Additionally, general feedback on the survey was removed from the open-ended responses (variables a57 and b34a). Variable b7a denoting the respondent's health status and open-ended variables b31a, c40a, b32a and b28a concerning the respondent's contact with health and social services professionals and the assistance they had received were removed from the data as well. If necessary, the open-ended responses left in the data were anonymised. Changes made at FSD were marked with [square brackets].


There are no weight variables in the data.


The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.


Rissanen, Sari (University of Eastern Finland) & Kannasoja, Sirpa (University of Jyväskylä) & Ristolainen, Hanna (University of Eastern Finland) & Tiilikainen, Elisa (University of Jyväskylä) & Kivitalo, Mari (University of Eastern Finland) & Närhi, Kati (University of Jyväskylä) & Mäki-Opas, Tomi (University of Eastern Finland) & Vaarama, Marja (University of Eastern Finland) & Forma, Leena (Tampere University) & Partanen, Jussi & Klavus, Jan (Tampere University) & Rissanen, Pekka (Tampere University): PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of People Aged 65 and Over 2017-2018 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2021-01-12). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3435

Julkaisusta tiedottaminen

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

Käytön ja kuvailun oheismateriaalit

More information on the scales used in the surveys is available in Finnish in the questionnaire for dataset FSD3436 PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of Vulnerable Groups in Society 2016-2018: Combined Data.

Julkaisut aineistosta Tooltip

Närhi, Kati & Rissanen, Sari & Tiilikainen, Elisa & Kannasoja, Sirpa & Ristolainen, Hanna (2019). Ikäihmisten yksinäisyyttä voi vähentää. Palveluohjauksen käytäntöjä uudistettava [verkkodokumentti]. PROMEQ politiikkasuositus 2 http://www.uef.fi/documents/1529015/2331003/julkaistavaksi+PROMEQ_POLICY_BRIEF_WP6.pdf/90581a5e-399f-44eb-b033-e7c2ad27adf3 [viitattu 27.3.2020]

Mäki-Opas, Tomi & Vaarama, Marja & Valkonen, Tarmo & Leinonen, Jaana & Syväjärvi, Antti (2019). Työkalupakki vaikuttavaan hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämiseen. Sosiaalinen laatu, elämänlaatu, vaikuttavuusindikaattorit, hyvät käytännöt, osallistavat työmenetelmät ja kypsyysanalyysi [verkkodokumentti]. PROMEQ politiikkasuositus 10. https://www.uef.fi/documents/1529015/2331003/PROMEQ_Tyokalupakki_FINAL.pdf/8eeb01ef-112e-41bc-9c7f-be2baf1c3250 [viitattu 31.3.3020].

Rissanen, Pekka & Klavus, Jan & Forma, Leena (2019). Haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien väestöryhmien hyvinvoinnin kohentamiseen on kustannus-vaikuttavia keinoja [verkkodokumentti]. PROMEQ politiikkasuositus 7. http://www.uef.fi/documents/1529015/2331003/Haavoittuvassa+asemassa+olevien+v%C3%A4est%C3%B6ryhmien+hyvinvoinnin+kohentamiseen+on+kustannusvaikuttavia+keinoja.pdf/b32ba53d-a2ca-430b-b84c-db1af98deaff [viitattu 31.3.3020].

Mäki-Opas, T., Carter Anand J., Veszteg C. & Vaarama M. (2020) Co-production of social experiments to promote health and wellbeing among disadvantaged groups together with key stakeholders. In: Knox, K., Kubacki, K. & Rundle-Thiele, S. Stakeholder involvement in social marketing. Routledge Studies in Marketing. New York: Routledge.

Vaarama M. & Mäki-Opas T. (2020). Systeemisellä ja osallistavalla otteella parempaan yhteiskunnan sosiaaliseen laatuun ja yksilöiden elämänlaatuun. Focus Localis.

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Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.