FSD3538 Interviews on Nonreligion with Young Adults in the Capital Region 2018
Aineisto on käytettävissä (C) vain tutkimukseen ja ylempiin opinnäytteisiin (esim. väitöstutkimukseen, pro graduun ja ylemmän AMK-tutkinnon opinnäytetyöhön). Aineistoa ei saa käyttää opetukseen, opiskeluun (esim. harjoitustöihin) tai alempiin opinnäytteisiin.
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Aineistoon liittyvät tiedostot
Aineiston nimi
Interviews on Nonreligion with Young Adults in the Capital Region 2018
Pysyvät tunnisteet
Aineiston laatu
Kvalitatiivinen aineisto
- Parkkinen, Tiina (University of Helsinki)
Sisällön kuvaus
The dataset consists of interviews with young adults born in the 1980s or 1990s who live in the Finnish capital region and identify themselves as nonreligious. During the interview, the interviewees were asked to fill out the Gallup Ecclesiastica 2015 survey collected by the Church Research Institute and comment on the questions out loud. The interviewer also presented the participants with additional questions on the themes of the interview.
The questions in the Gallup Ecclesiastica survey covered topics such as church affiliation, resigning from the church, attending church services, religious practice, and attitudes towards religion in general. The Gallup Ecclesiastica also contained questions on how the interviewees would feel if a meeting space for a religious community was located in their own neighbourhood, as well as their attitudes towards religion lessons at school and expressing religious identity through clothing. Additionally, the interviewees were asked to describe what role religion had played in their childhood homes.
Background information included the date on which the interview was held, the interviewee's gender, occupation, age, and the pseudonym assigned to the interviewee. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.
The dataset is available only in Finnish.
Evangelical Lutheran Church; agnosticism; atheism; church; defection from the church; irreligiousness; non-church members; religion; religiosity; religious affiliation
- Social sciences (OKM:n tieteenalaluokitus)
- Religion and values (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
- Social change (CESSDAn aihepiiriluokitus)
Individual datasetsJakelija
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (C) available only for research including master's theses.
- Parkkinen, Tiina (University of Helsinki)
Aineistonkeruun ajankohta
2018-10-30 – 2018-12-14
Individuals born in the 1980s or 1990s who live in the Finnish capital region and identify as nonreligious
Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus
Havainto/aineistoyksiköiden valinta
Non-probability: Availability
The invitation to participate in the study was shared on social media.
Aineistonkeruun tekniikka
Face-to-face interview
Keruuväline tai –ohje
Interview scheme and/or themes
Participant tasks
Aineiston määrä
9 files in ODT format. Additionally, the data were organised into an easy to use HTML version and a CSV version.
Datatiedostojen kieli
Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: suomi.
Kvalitatiiviset aineistot ovat saatavilla vain alkuperäiskielellä, niitä ei käännetä.
Datan versio
Katso myös
FSD3211 Gallup Ecclesiastica 2015
Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa
To prevent identification of participants, the data were anonymised by the research and at FSD. The researcher anonymised data and removed the following identifiers: the names of small associations on whose board the participants are were changed to a mention of the region in which the association is located and are indicated by [square brackets], the names of workplaces were coarsened to industry of employment, e.g. [government ministry], references to the neighbourhoods the participants lived in were coarsened, e.g. [North-East Helsinki], references to the participants' fields of study were changed to the faculty level (especially when participants indicated that they could be easily identified based on their educational background), references to the names of the participants or the names of third parties were removed and are indicated by [square brackets], references to the participants' municipalities of birth were coarsened to region of birth, e.g. [municipality in Uusimaa], and exact dates of birth were changed to an approximate time window, e.g. "within a few weeks". Similarly, conversations about birthdays were removed from the data and are marked with square brackets, e.g. [discussing birthday].
The data were anonymised at FSD by, for example, coarsening identifiers related to places of residence and fields of study. Changes made at FSD are marked with [[double brackets]].
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Parkkinen, Tiina (University of Helsinki): Interviews on Nonreligion with Young Adults in the Capital Region 2018 [dataset]. Version 1.0 (2021-10-29). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3538
Julkaisusta tiedottaminen
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Julkaisut aineistosta
Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa
Aineiston kuvailu on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssin mukaisesti.