FSD3595 Eurooppalaiset tieteelliset seurat 2019

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[Q2_1] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Economics

[Q2_2] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Educational sciences

[Q2_3] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Business and management

[Q2_4] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Law

[Q2_5] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Media and communication

[Q2_6] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Psychology

[Q2_7] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Political science

[Q2_8] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Sociology

[Q2_9] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Social and economic geography

[Q2_10] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Social policy

[Q2_11] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Other social sciences

[Q2_12] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Art history

[Q2_13] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Anthropology

[Q2_14] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): History and archaeology

[Q2_15] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Philosophy

[Q2_16] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Languages

[Q2_17] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Literature studies

[Q2_18] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Theatre, dance, music, other performing arts

[Q2_19] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Theology

[Q2_20] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Visual arts and desing

[Q2_21] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): Other humanities

[Q2_22] Field of science represented by the society (select ane to three primary ones): The society represents all disciplines

[Q3_1] In which country the society is located?

[Q4_1] At what level does your society operate? Internationally

[Q4_2] At what level does your society operate? Nationally

[Q4_3] At what level does your society operate? Regionally/locally

[Q5_1] The primary aim of the society is...Please select the options that describe your society best: Promoting science and research in general

[Q5_2] The primary aim of the society is...Please select the options that describe your society best: Promoting a certain field of science or research

[Q5_3] The primary aim of the society is...Please select the options that describe your society best: Fostering the development of a certain group of professionals or a certain profession

[Q5_4] The primary aim of the society is...Please select the options that describe your society best: Fostering the development of a certain group of amateurs/citizens interested in science

[Q5_5] The primary aim of the society is...Please select the options that describe your society best: I don't know

[Q7_1] What was the annual budget of your society in 2019? Please indicate the currency. (Open-ended question)

[Q8_1] Has the budget of your society changed significantly during the past five years?

[Q9_1] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Membership fees

[Q9_2] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Support for publications granted by the umbrella organization of learned society in your country or the government of your country

[Q9_3] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Other support for publications

[Q9_4] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Other goverment support

[Q9_5] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Journal subscription fees

[Q9_6] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Book sales

[Q9_7] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Organising conferences

[Q9_8] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Income from training and education provided by the society

[Q9_9] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Income from sponsors

[Q9_10] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Grants

[Q9_11] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Funding for projects

[Q9_12] Please state the three (3) most important sources of income of your society: Contributions from organisations or individuals

[Q10_1] Is your society organised into sections, departments or working groups?

[Q11_1] Did your society have salaried employees in 2019?

[Q12_1] How many Full-Time-Equivalents (FTE) did your society employ in 2019? An FTE of 1.0 is equivalent to a full-time worker during one year. (Open-ended question)

[Q13_1] Has the number of person-years employed by your society changed during the past five years?

[Q14_1] Did your society pay fees and compensations for work in 2019?

[Q15_1] For how many persons did your society pay fees and compensations in 2019? (Open-ended question)

[Q16_1] Please estimate how large a share of the society's tasks are carried out without a salary, fees or compensation? (%)

[Q17_1] The members of your society consist of

[Q18_1] How many individual person members did the society have in 2019? (Open-ended question)

[Q19_1] How many organization members did the society have in 2019? (Open-ended question)

[Q20_1] Has the number of members of your society changed significantly during the past five years?

[Q21_1] What was the annual membership fee of your society in 2019 without discounts? Please include the currency. (Open-ended question)

[Q22_1] Has the membership fee changed during the past five years?

[Q23_1] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): A discount/exemption from a journal subscription fee

[Q23_2] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): A discount/exemption from accreditation fees of events arranged by the society

[Q23_3] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): A discount/exemption from accreditation fees of events arranged by a partner of the society

[Q23_4] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): An opportunity to participate in the societys events

[Q23_5] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): Opportunities for workspaces

[Q23_6] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): An opportunity to apply for grants

[Q23_7] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): Newsletter for members

[Q23_8] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): Insurance

[Q23_9] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): Professional advocacy

[Q23_10] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): Support in search for employment (e.g. guides, employment advertisements)

[Q23_11] What benefits does your society offer to its members? (please select the suitable options): The society does not offer benefits to its members

[Q24_1] Is your society worried about member loss?

[Q25_1] Does your society recruit members actively?

[Q27_1] Does your society engage in publishing activity?

[Q28_1] In 2019, how many peer-reviewed journals (titles) the society published? (if there are no publications please insert 0)

[Q29_1] In 2019, how many other journals (titles) the society published? (if there are no publications please insert 0)

[Q30_1] In 2019, how many book series the society published? (if there are no publications please insert 0)

[Q31_1] In 2019, how many monographs the society published? (if there are no publications please insert 0)

[Q32_1] In 2019, how many conference proceedings the society published? (if there are no publications please insert 0)

[Q33_1] In 2019, how many reports and policy briefs the society published? (if there are no publications please insert 0)

[Q34_1] In what languages are your society's publications? Please provide up to four of the most frequent languages: (Open-ended question)

[Q35_1] What is the share of the different languages in the society's publications? Please provide estimation (%) for each language: (Open-ended question)

[Q37_1] ln what form does your society publish the following publication types? Peer-reviewed journals

[Q37_2] ln what form does your society publish the following publication types? Other journals

[Q37_3] ln what form does your society publish the following publication types? Book series

[Q37_4] ln what form does your society publish the following publication types? Monographs

[Q37_5] ln what form does your society publish the following publication types? Reports and policy briefs

[Q37_6] ln what form does your society publish the following publication types? Conference proceedings

[Q38_1] Has your society's scholarly publishing activity changed during the past five years?

[Q39_1] Has your society's publishing activity for a wider audience changed during the past five years?

[Q41_1] Does your society organise scholarly seminars, conferences or other scholarly events?

[Q42_1] How many scholarly seminars the society (co)organized in 2019? (if no events were organized, please insert 0)

[Q43_1] How many scholarly conferences the society (co)organized in 2019? (if no events were organized, please insert 0)

[Q44_1] How many other scholarly events the society (co)organized in 2019? (if no events were organized, please insert 0)

[Q45_1] The scholarly conferences, seminars and other events arranged by the society were mostly (please select the best matches): Regional

[Q45_2] The scholarly conferences, seminars and other events arranged by the society were mostly (please select the best matches): National

[Q45_3] The scholarly conferences, seminars and other events arranged by the society were mostly (please select the best matches): International

[Q46_1] Has the number of scholarly seminars, conferences or other events in which your society is involved changed during the past five years (please select the best matches)?

[Q47_1] Has the number of participants in scholarly seminars, conferences or other events in which your society is involved changed during the past five years (please select the best matches)?

[Q48_1] Does your society engage in research? For example research projects, research premises, research data, research funding, etc.

[Q49_1] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): Applied funding for a research project

[Q49_2] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): Funded research

[Q49_3] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): Collected research data

[Q49_4] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): Offered workplace/equipment for research

[Q49_5] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): Maintained a library/archive for researchers

[Q49_6] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): The society did not engage in research activity in 2019

[Q49_7] In 2019, Your society (please select all options that match): The society engaged in other research activities

[Q51_1] Has your society's research activity changed significantly during the past five years?

[Q52_1] Does your society engage in activities that seek to have an influence on society? Such as education, public events, learning materials, statements, policy recommendations, etc.

[Q53_1] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Organised educational events

[Q53_2] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Organised policy events

[Q53_3] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Organised other public events

[Q53_4] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Popularised research

[Q53_5] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Produced media releases

[Q53_6] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Engaged in other collaboration with the media (such as interviews)

[Q53_7] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Produced content in social media channels

[Q53_8] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Produced learning materials

[Q53_9] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Visited schools/received school visits

[Q53_10] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Arranged recreational activities for children or young people

[Q53_11] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Encouraged citizens to collect or produce research data

[Q53_12] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Issued statements (on scientific policy, etc.)

[Q53_13] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Offered consulting

[Q53_14] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Participated in science development projects

[Q53_15] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? Engaged in professional advocacy

[Q53_16] How did your society interact with society in 2019? (please select all suitable options)? The society did not engage in activities that sought to interact with the society in 2018

[Q54_1] How does your society address societal needs (please select all options that match)? We discuss issues we think that are important for society and we want to address

[Q54_2] How does your society address societal needs (please select all options that match)? We pick up important topics from the public and social media

[Q54_3] How does your society address societal needs (please select all options that match)? We are in exchange with stakeholders who suggest topics (e.g. NGOs, politicians, businesses, citizens)

[Q54_4] How does your society address societal needs (please select all options that match)? We do not address societal needs

[Q55_1] Have your societies' activities for interacting with the public changed significantly during the past five years?

[Q57_1] Does your society participate in research evaluation? (please select all suitable options): Yes, society participates on research evaluation activities

[Q57_2] Does your society participate in research evaluation? (please select all suitable options): Yes, society participates on discussion about research evaluation

[Q57_3] Does your society participate in research evaluation? (please select all suitable options): No

[Q57_4] Does your society participate in research evaluation? (please select all suitable options): I don't know

[Q58_1] Does your society promote apen science and if so, in which of the following ways? This promotion does not have to apply to all activities of your society. The society publishes an open access journal or journals

[Q58_2] Does your society promote apen science and if so, in which of the following ways? This promotion does not have to apply to all activities of your society. The society publishes open access monographs

[Q58_3] Does your society promote apen science and if so, in which of the following ways? This promotion does not have to apply to all activities of your society. The society allows self-archiving (green open access) of its publications

[Q58_4] Does your society promote apen science and if so, in which of the following ways? This promotion does not have to apply to all activities of your society. The society encourages open access to research data

[Q58_5] Does your society promote apen science and if so, in which of the following ways? This promotion does not have to apply to all activities of your society. The society uses open peer review

[Q60_1] How did your society collaborate or keep in contact with other learned societies located in the same country in 2019? (please select all that apply): Joint projects or other activities

[Q60_2] How did your society collaborate or keep in contact with other learned societies located in the same country in 2019? (please select all that apply): Joint publications

[Q60_3] How did your society collaborate or keep in contact with other learned societies located in the same country in 2019? (please select all that apply): Sharing member benefits

[Q60_4] How did your society collaborate or keep in contact with other learned societies located in the same country in 2019? (please select all that apply): Free-form or unofficial contacts

[Q60_5] How did your society collaborate or keep in contact with other learned societies located in the same country in 2019? (please select all that apply): Our society did not collaborate with other societies in 2019

[Q60_7] Did your society collaborate or keep in contact with foreign or international learned societies in 2019? (please select all that apply): Free-form or unofficial contacts

[Q61_1] Did your society collaborate or keep in contact with foreign or international learned societies in 2019? (please select all that apply): Our society is a member of an international learned society

[Q61_2] Did your society collaborate or keep in contact with foreign or international learned societies in 2019? (please select all that apply): Our society acts as the national branch of an international learned society

[Q61_3] Did your society collaborate or keep in contact with foreign or international learned societies in 2019? (please select all that apply): Joint projects or other activities

[Q61_4] Did your society collaborate or keep in contact with foreign or international learned societies in 2019? (please select all that apply): Joint publications

[Q61_5] Did your society collaborate or keep in contact with foreign or international learned societies in 2019? (please select all that apply): Our society did not keep in touch with other societies in 2019

[Q62_1] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Primary schools

[Q62_2] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Upper secondary schools

[Q62_3] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Universities and higher education institutions

[Q62_4] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Research institutions

[Q62_5] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Government administration/ministries

[Q62_6] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Civil society organizations

[Q62_7] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Non governmental organizations

[Q62_8] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Private companies

[Q62_9] Does your society collaborate with the following types of organisations? (please select all that apply): Our society does not collaborate with other parties

[Q63_1] Has your society's collaboration with other organisations changed significantly during the past five years?

[Q65_1] Does your society intend to launch new forms of operating (new publications, events etc.)?

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