FSD3611 Well-being Work and Personnel Well-being in Schools in Central Finland 2020

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  • Sainio, Miia (University of Jyväskylä. Faculty of Education and Psychology)
  • Hämeenaho, Pilvi (University of Jyväskylä. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)


personnel, school-student relationship, schoolchildren, schools, schoolteachers, social interaction, supervisors, well-being (health), working conditions, workplace relations

Sisällön kuvaus

The survey examined the perceptions of well-being, well-being work, the atmosphere of the work community, and the school culture in comprehensive schools in Central Finland. The survey was conducted as part of the Yhteistyöllä hyvinvointia kouluyhteisöön project, which is part of the Central Finland Health and Wellbeing Ecosystem (KeHO) network. The dataset also contains the open-ended responses.

First, satisfaction with the promotion of pupil well-being and school well-being work was charted. The respondents also assessed barriers to the school well-being work, various concerns related to the school, pupils and staff, and their own need for professional support. In addition, they listed the school's various collaborators, as well as the well-being surveys (e.g. the School Health Promotion Study and Move!), policies (e.g. to tackle bullying and reduce loneliness) and programmes (e.g. KiVa School and Schools on the move) used in the school.

The school's culture and the interaction of the work community were surveyed with several questions. Questions were also asked about the job satisfaction, basic psychological needs, interpersonal relationships in the work community and servant leadership. The scales and inventories used in the data include e.g. the BBI-9 (Bergen Burnout Inventory) and the UWES-3 (Ultra-Short Measure for Work Engagement). For more information on the construction of the questionnaire, see the section Related Materials.

Background variables included the respondent's gender, education, work role, work experience, type of employment, grade level taught, and membership in the school welfare group, as well as the type and size of the school.

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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