FSD3652 Pakkomuuttajien kokemuksia perheenyhdistämisestä 2018-2020

Katso täydellinen teemarunko tai kirjoitusohjeet aineistokuvailun liitteistä.

Valitse kysymys

Please tell me a little bit about yourself: who are you, where are you from, what age are you? How long have you been in Finland?

Did you go to school or work in your home country? What is your field?

Please tell me a little bit about your family: who belongs to your family? Where are they? Do you have family/relatives in Finland? Who?

Do you remember when you arrived in Finland: what kinds of experiences do you remember from that time?

How did you end up coming to Finland? Did you make your decision to move alone or e.g. with your family or friends?

How was the experience of getting the residence permit for you?

Did you feel secure? In what ways? How about your family at the time?

Could we talk about your family? Are you trying or have you tried in the past to bring family members to Finland? If not, why? If you no longer try, why is this the case?

Have you received enough information about family reunification policies?

How has the process been for you? Have you experienced surprises, challenges, or difficulties? What kind?

Is the income limit applicable to you? How has it affected you? How are you trying to meet the income limit?

Do you keep in touch with your family? (Why not?) With whom? How do you keep in touch and how often?

Do you send money to your family? To whom? How often and how much approximately? (If applicable) Have you been able to save money? How?

When did you last see your family members (outside Finland)?

How does it feel to be apart from your family? How do you get by without them? Does the separation affect your everyday life? How?

Who do you miss the most? In what kinds of situations would you need your family's support? Have the separation affected your family relations?

Have you found people in Finland who are like family members and whom you can trust? Who?

Do you feel secure? Does your family feel secure? (Did your family feel secure during the process? Did you?)

Where in Finland do you live/have you lived previously? What kind of an apartment do you live in?

How would your day look like if your family was in Finland?

How is it now? Describe your "normal day" in Finland? What do you do? Who do you meet?

What kinds of hobbies do you have? Do you participate in activities of some organizations, church, mosque, etc.?

Who do you feel closest to in Finland? How did you meet them?

Do you feel that you can talk about your life openly to someone in Finland? Who do you trust here?

Do you work or study? How do you manage financially in Finland? Can you spare any money after mandatory expenses (e.g. rent)?

(If a tight financial situation) What have you done to manage here financially?

What kinds of experiences do you have in searching for jobs in Finland?

What kinds of plans do you have for the future? Please describe how you see your life 10 years from now.

Would you like to tell me something else? Would you like to ask me something?

How did you experience this interview? How did it feel for you to tell me about these things?

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