FSD1016 Finnish Voter Barometer 1990

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Finnish Voter Barometer 1990



Pysyvät tunnisteet


Aineiston laatu

Kvantitatiivinen aineisto


  • Gallup Finland

Sisällön kuvaus

The variables describe, among other things, the respondents' current concerns, interest in politics, position on the left-right scale, voting intentions in the next parliamentary elections and voting in the 1988 municipal elections. The respondents were asked about the influence of the party leader on party support, attitude towards political parties and satisfaction in the government. The characteristics of politicians, parties and opinion leaders were examined. The survey also studied the respondents' political activity, participation in nature conservation, their opinions on shoreline protection programme and electricity protection increase. Views on tax reform and Finland's potential EU membership were also probed. One topic focused on media use: how interested the respondents were in television, how often they watched television, read a newspaper or listened to the radio, how many newspapers they read, and how willingly they used the media.

Background variables included the respondents' trade union membership, socio-economic status, education, household income, age, gender, electoral district, and type of neighbourhood.


elections; municipal elections; parliamentary elections; political attitudes; political behaviour; voting



Finnish Voter Barometers


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.


  • Gallup Finland


  • Gallup Finland

Ajallinen kattavuus


Aineistonkeruun ajankohta

1990-09-17 – 1990-09-30








Finnish population aged 18 or over (poislukien the Åland Islands)

Tutkimuksen aikaulottuvuus

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section


Probability: Multistage

The target population was stratified according to the number of inhabitants aged 18 or over in each province and in the second stage, by municipality group within each province. Municipalities were classified into five groups: big and small cities (according to population size) and three rural municipality groups (according to their industrial structure). The sample municipalities were selected representatively. The sample households were selected using the starting point method. The first interview was conducted in the randomly selected starting point, after which the interviewer proceeded to the next five households. From each household the person who corresponded to the sex and age criteria defined in the selection card was chosen for the interview.


Face-to-face interview

Keruuväline tai –ohje

Structured questionnaire

Datatiedostojen kieli

Aineistopaketti voi sisältää samoja tiedostoja eri kielisinä.

Aineisto sisältää datatiedostoja seuraavilla kielillä: englanti ja suomi.

Tietoarkisto kääntää kvantitatiivisia datatiedostoja englanniksi. Lisätietoja käännöspyynnön jättämisestä.

Havaintojen ja muuttujien lukumäärä

699 muuttujaa ja 1008 havaintoa.

Datan versio


Aineiston käytössä huomioitavaa

The variable identifying municipality has been removed from the data set.


There are no weight variables in the data.


The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.


Gallup Finland: Finnish Voter Barometer 1990 [dataset]. Version 6.0 (2018-07-13). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1016

Julkaisusta tiedottaminen

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

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Grönlund, Kimmo & Paloheimo, Heikki & Sundberg, Jan & Sänkiaho, Risto & Wass, Hanna (2005). Kiinnittyminen politiikkaan. Teoksessa: Vaalit ja demokratia Suomessa (toim. Heikki Paloheimo), 88-118. Helsinki: WSOY.

Borg, Sami & Ruostetsaari, Ilkka (2002). Suuret ikäluokat ja valta. Hyvinvointikatsaus 1/2002, 51-58.

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