FSD3816 Ecosocial Well-being and Inclusion: Resident Interviews 2021
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- Hynynen, Kaisa (Tampere University)
- Wallin, Antti (Tampere University)
- Häikiö, Liisa (Tampere University)
community behaviour, community development, housing, local community facilities, natural environment, neighbourhoods, participation, social networks, sustainability, well-being (society)
Sisällön kuvaus
The data focuses on the inclusion of Peltolammi and Multisilta residents and their experiences of the quality and functionality of the residential areas. The data consists of interviews with residents, focusing on well-being, sustainability and urban development. The data was collected as part of the Ecosocial well-being and inclusion. New dynamics of urban segregation (EKOS). The research was carried out by researchers from the EKOS project in collaboration with researchers from the EmergentCommunity research project. EKOS and EmergentCommunity are part of the TaSSu research community of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Tampere University.
First, the interviewees were asked about their housing information and their attachment to the neighbourhood. They were asked what the area meant to them and what the pros and cons were. They were also asked what makes them stay in the area. Next, interviewees were asked to describe their normal daily routine, the services they use in the neighbourhood and the activities they participate in. Interviewees were also asked about their social networks. In particular, they were asked about interactions with neighbours, such as neighbourly help. This was followed by more detailed questions about the pleasant and unpleasant places in the neighbourhood. Interviewees were also asked for their ideas on how to make their daily life more functional. Finally, interviewees were asked to reflect on what well-being means to them and how they try to promote it in their daily lives.
The next section moved on to the issue of participation in neighbourhood development. Interviewees were asked for their thoughts on sustainable development in general and in the neighbourhood, as well as on climate change and the state of nature. Interviewees were asked how sustainability is reflected in their daily lives. They were also asked whether the communities in the neighbourhood had talked about sustainability or done anything about it. They were then asked about climate change in general, what should be done about it and whether something could be done about it locally. Finally, interviewees were asked what a sustainable Peltolammi or Multisilta would be like and how people would live there.
Background information included the interview date, interviewee's gender, and the interviewer. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.
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