Which of the following best describes your situation before and after completing a doctoral degree? Six months before completing the degree
In permanent full-time employment; In fixed-term full-time employment; In permanent part-time employment; In fixed-term part-time employment; Entrepreneur/self-employed/own-account worker/freelancer; Grant researcher or artist; Government subsidized contract or internship; Unemployed job seeker; Vocational labour market training or equivalent; Studying full-time (studies that lead to a degree or grade); On family leave (from a job); On family leave (no job contract); Other, please specify
Which of the following best describes your situation before and after completing a doctoral degree? Six months after completing the degree
In permanent full-time employment; In fixed-term full-time employment; In permanent part-time employment; In fixed-term part-time employment; Entrepreneur/self-employed/own-account worker/freelancer; Grant researcher or artist; Government subsidized contract or internship; Unemployed job seeker; Vocational labour market training or equivalent; Studying full-time (studies that lead to a degree or grade); On family leave (from a job); On family leave (no job contract); Other, please specify
Which of the following best describes your situation before and after completing a doctoral degree? At present
In permanent full-time employment; In fixed-term full-time employment; In permanent part-time employment; In fixed-term part-time employment; Entrepreneur/self-employed/own-account worker/freelancer; Grant researcher or artist; Government subsidized contract or internship; Unemployed job seeker; Vocational labour market training or equivalent; Studying full-time (studies that lead to a degree or grade); On family leave (from a job); On family leave (no job contract); Other, please specify
What is the type of your main employer? Choose only one option.
Private or state-owned company, 1-249 employees; Private or state-owned company, over 250 employees; State, unincorporated state enterprise; University; Municipality, federation of municipalities, municipal enterprise; Polytechnic/university of applied sciences; Organisation, foundation, parish or equivalent, independent body or community governed by public law; Own company (or self-employed or freelancer); Other, please specify
Was a completed doctoral degree a requirement for your current job?
Yes, a formal qualification requirement; Yes, a requirement, but not a formal qualification requirement; No, but the degree and the competence gained from it are essential in my work; No, and my degree or the competence gained from it are not very useful in my work; Can't say
Evaluate the degree you completed in 2017 and your current job based on the following statements: I can utilise the knowledge and skills I obtained during my doctoral education well in my current job
Strongly disagree; Disagree; Disagree to some extent; Agree to some extent; Agree; Strongly agree
Evaluate the degree you completed in 2017 and your current job based on the following statements: The demands of my work correspond well to my doctoral education
Strongly disagree; Disagree; Disagree to some extent; Agree to some extent; Agree; Strongly agree
What is your average monthly income or salary before taxes in euros (including regular subsidies, taxable value of fringe benefits, and overtime compensation)? (euros/month) (top-coded at FSD)
2,500 or less; 2,501 - 3,000; 3,001 - 3,500; 3,501 - 4,000; 4,001 - 4,500; 4,501 - 5,000; 5,001 - 6,000; 6,001 - 7,000; 7,001 - 8,000; 8,001 or more
Evaluate the significance of a doctoral degree in working life based on the following statements. Because of my doctoral degree I have obtained: A higher wage
Evaluate the significance of a doctoral degree in working life based on the following statements. Because of my doctoral degree I have obtained: More demanding work tasks
Evaluate the significance of a doctoral degree in working life based on the following statements. Because of my doctoral degree I have obtained: More meaningful work tasks
Evaluate the significance of a doctoral degree in working life based on the following statements. Because of my doctoral degree I have obtained: A better status in my workplace
Evaluate the significance of a doctoral degree in working life based on the following statements. Because of my doctoral degree I have obtained: A job with a new employer
Evaluate the significance of a doctoral degree in working life based on the following statements. Because of my doctoral degree I have obtained: A better status in the labour market