Nowadays some children also have a second home if, for example, their parents have separated/divorced. Do you have a second home where you live some of the time?
What is your father's occupation? (Categorised open-ended responses, Statistics Finland's classification)
Armed forces; Legislators, senior officials and managers; Professionals; Technicians and associate professionals; Clerks; Service and care workers, and shop and market sales workers; Skilled agricultural and fishery workers; Construction, craft and related trades workers; Plant and machine operators and assemblers; Elementary occupations
He is unemployed / laid off; He is on disability pension / on sick leave / in hospital; He is otherwise retired/pensioner; He is a stay-at-home father; He is studying; He has passed away; Don't know; Other
What is your mother's occupation? (Categorised open-ended, Statistics Finland's classification)
Armed forces; Legislators, senior officials and managers; Professionals; Technicians and associate professionals; Clerks; Service and care workers, and shop and market sales workers; Skilled agricultural and fishery workers; Construction, craft and related trades workers; Plant and machine operators and assemblers; Elementary occupations