Have you participated in or considered other early childhood educations services: other early childhood education, open (free) early childhood education?
What kind of support/help have you received in child caring and with regard to childcare arrangements (support network, early childhood education, society, etc.?) What would you have hoped for?
How is the reconciliation of work and family life relevant to your family? Ask for concrete examples: who picks up the child from daycare when child is sick, who stays at home, etc.?
Do you have specific areas or responsibility in child caring? If yes, what kind, and how have you made these decisions? What would be the ideal way to organize/divide parenting and child caring responsibilities?
Discussions and questions on new policies on early childhood education: Subjective/unconditional entitlement, "pay-as-you-go"-day care, increase of groups sizes, increase of private daycare provision?
Look into the future when you child reaches the age of 4 (or couple of years into the future): what has happened in his/her life; how is your family then?