Do you actively pursue your studies in the current semester?
Yes, at a university in Finland; Yes, at a university of applied sciences in Finland; Yes, temporarily at a university abroad; No, I'm currently interrupting my studies; No, I stopped studying; No, I already graduated
What field do you study? (university of applied sciences)
Humanities and education; Culture; Social sciences, business and administration; Natural science; Technology, communications and transport; Natural resources and the environment; Social services, health and sports; Tourism, catering and domestic services
Education; Humanities; Social sciences; Economics, Public Administration; Natural science; Computer science, technology; Agriculture and forestry, veterinary medicine; Healthcare, well-being, medicine; Service industries; Art and design; Law
Are you planning to continue studying after finishing your current study programme(s)?
Yes, within a year after graduating from my current study programme; Yes, but not within a year after graduating from my current study programme; No, I do not plan to continue studying at all; I don't know yet
Bachelor's degree programme at a university of applied sciences in Finland; Bachelor's degree programme at a university in Finland; Bachelor's degree programme at an institution abroad; Master's degree programme at a university of applied sciences in Finland; Master's degree programme at a university in Finland; Master's degree programme at an institution abroad; Licentiate/PhD at a university in Finland; Licentiate/PhD at a university abroad; Other programme outside higher education; I don't know yet
What do you plan to do within a year after finishing your current study programme?
I will continue my current paid employment/job/occupation; I will have or look for a new paid employment; I will set up my own business (self-employed); I will do something else; I don't know yet
To what extent do the following statements correspond to your views: I have good chances of being employed in a field related to my studies within a year of graduation
Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree
To what extent do the following statements correspond to your views: I believe I will get a job corresponding to my level of education within three years of graduation
Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree
To what extent do the following statements correspond to your views: If I cannot get a job I want in Finland upon graduation, I will look for work abroad
Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree
What qualifications, examinations or measures qualified you for entry into higher education: Matriculation examination or general upper secondary qualification?
What qualifications, examinations or measures qualified you for entry into higher education: College-level vocational / post-secondary non-tertiary qualification?
What qualifications, examinations or measures qualified you for entry into higher education: Other qualification accepted by the higher education institution?
If you have studied at a higher education institution before your current study programme, when did you enter higher education for the first time? (year-month)
Did you ever interrupt your education career for at least one year after entering higher education? Yes, I interrupted between entering higher education and graduating from higher education for the first time