To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Municipal taxation in Finland is not excessive in relation to the selection and quality of municipal services
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: If it has to be done, it is better to raise the municipal tax rate than to cut down municipal services
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Municipal self-government is a fundamental value for Finns, and it should not be undermined in any circumstances
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Local government could be abolished in municipalities where there is already enough service provision
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: If Finnish municipalities are not streamlined and their economy hard-handedly reorganised soon, the majority of them will end up in a state of bankruptcy before long
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Citizens should have the right to free or almost free municipal basic services regardless of the costs of service provision
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Retrenchments in municipal services and administration are no longer necessary, because the essential cuts have already been carried out and the worst financial crisis passed
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Municipalities should boldly borrow more to boost employment, because they would certainly get their investment back as a result of increasing employment
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Municipalities should perform their tasks as well as they can in terms of finance, and leave the responsibility for employing the inhabitants to the state and companies
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Municipalities should consciously increase their responsibility for employing inhabitants by raising funds e.g. through taxation, and then using them for increasing employment
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: The state should move the tasks and funds of employment offices to municipalities to be used for increasing employment
Strongly agree; Agree; Disagree; Stronly disagree; Can't say
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Maintenance of parks and recreation areas
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Public transport services
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Support of business life
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Support of housing production
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Sports, exercise and outdoor recreation possibilities and services
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Salaries of municipal officials and employees
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: School services
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Child day care
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Minimum income guarantee (formerly social welfare)
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Street maintenance and lighting
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Municipal health centre services
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Library services
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Environmental protection
If municipalities are forced to reduce their expenses, how much would you think the following area could be cut down to generate savings: Culture services, e.g. theatres
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Has plenty of experience of local council work and municipal politics
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Represents people of your age group
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is active in organisational policy
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Has a successful career outside politics
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is a well-known person in your municipality of residence
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Has an elegant appearance and is stylish
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is a good public performer and has a good delivery
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is enthusiastically assertive
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is actively in contact with his/her own voters between various elections
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Belongs to the right political party
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is from the same district or village as you
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Has co-operation and negotiation skills
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is completely independent of political parties
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Does not promise anything at all
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Is determined to promote the interests of people and population groups like you
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say
How pleased would you be to see the following characteristic in your own representative in next Autumn's municipal elections: Has the courage to act against the interests of his/her voters if necessary
Very pleased; Fairly pleased; Not very pleased; Not pleased at all; Can't say