If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group's candidate would you vote for?
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP); Centre Party of Finland (KESK); National Coalition Party (KOK); Left Alliance (VAS); Green League (VIHR); Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP); Christian Democrats in Finland (KD); True Finns (PS); Some other party; Some other group; I wouldn't vote; Can't say
Which party or group did you vote for in the municipal elections in October 2000?
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP); Centre Party of Finland (KESK); National Coalition Party (KOK); Left Alliance (VAS); Green League (VIHR); Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP); Christian League of Finland (SKL); True Finns (PS); Some other party; Some other group; I didn't vote; I didn't have the right to vote; Can't say; Don't want to say
Which party or group did you vote for in the parlimentary elections in March 1999?
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP); Centre Party of Finland (KESK); National Coalition Party (KOK); Left Alliance (VAS); Green League (VIHR); Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP); Christian League of Finland (SKL); Progressive Finnish Party (NUSU); True Finns (PS); Some other party; Some other group; I didn't vote; I didn't have the right to vote; Can't say; Don't want to say
In political matters, people often talk of 'the left' and 'the right'. Below is one type of a left-right axis. How would you position yourself on that scale?
Left; Somewhat to the left; Somewhat to the right; Right; Can't say
Let's get back to the MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS of 2000. In those elections, many citizens decided not to vote, for one reason or another. Did you vote in the municipal elections in October 2000?
Yes; No; I didn't have the right to vote at the time; Don't want to say
Which party or group's candidate did you vote for in the 2000 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS?
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP); Centre Party of Finland (KESK); National Coalition Party (KOK); Left Alliance (VAS); Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP); Green League (VIHR); Christian League of Finland (SKL); True Finns (PS); Some other party or group; Don't want to say
Which of the following statements about the parliamentary elections are true for you: You followed the news and current affairs programmes on the elections on television
Which of the following statements about the parliamentary elections are true for you: You followed an entertainment programme with parliamentary candidates on television
Which of the following statements about the parliamentary elections are true for you: You used the candidate selector of a media company (e.g. YLE, MTV3) or some other organisation in order to find a suitable candidate
Which of the following statements about the parliamentary elections are true for you: You participated in an election campaign rally organised by a party or candidate
Which party or group did you vote for in the recent PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS?
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP); Centre Party of Finland (KESK); National Coalition Party (KOK); Left Alliance (VAS); Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP); Green League (VIHR); Christian Democrats in Finland (KD); True Finns (PS); Some other party or group; Don't want to say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The party promotes the interests of the professional/social group to which I belong
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The performance of the party or group's candidates on television
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The party/group has competent people for making nation-wide decisions
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The ideology of the party/group is close to mine
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The actions of the party/group during the previous election period
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The policies of the party in the parliament or in the government
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: I chose a competent person from the list of candidates and did not pay any attention to the party
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The party/group was the least bad choice among bad alternatives
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: The party promotes good cooperation with labour market organisations
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: Custom/habit; most of the time I have voted for the same party
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: A willingness to change the government coalition
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: A willingness to support the current government
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: A willingness to secure the party's participation in the next government
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say
How much did the following factors affect your choice of party or group in the PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS: A willingness to influence the choice of prime minister
Affected decisively; Affected quite a lot; Affected somewhat; Didn't affect; Can't say