Have you considered leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church?
Couldn't consider leaving the church under any circumstances; Have never considered leaving, nor will consider it now; Have sometimes considered leaving but out of the question; Have frequently considered leaving but not sure; It it likely that I will leave the church at some point; Can't say
Some people believe that people will be judged after death on the way they have lived their lives while other people do not believe so. What do you think?
People will be judged; People will not be judged; Can't say
Which of the following comes closest to describing your beliefs about what happens after death?
There is no life after death, death marks end of existence; All raised from dead, some for eternal life, some damnation; Only some will be saved, others will be damned; All will be saved eventually; I believe in reincarnation; Other beliefs; Can't say
How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility for myself, my children or other family members to attend parish clubs and other parish events
Very important; Fairly important; Fairly unimportant; Very unimportant; Can't say
How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church teaches the right values to children and young people
Very important; Fairly important; Fairly unimportant; Very unimportant; Can't say
How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains churches and churchyards which are part of our cultural history
Very important; Fairly important; Fairly unimportant; Very unimportant; Can't say
How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church offers pastoral spiritual guidance to those who want it
Very important; Fairly important; Fairly unimportant; Very unimportant; Can't say
How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains the Christian tradition of church holidays (Christmas, Easter etc.)
Very important; Fairly important; Fairly unimportant; Very unimportant; Can't say
During the past year, have you been subjected to 'spiritual violence' with which people have tried to crush your way and view of life or opinions through religious threats, demands or sanctions?